Good Food!!

Good Food!!

About Me

I am a retired VA employee who lives in Texas. I consider the characters of the Bible "family" as much as any I know or have known on earth. To be one of the Lord's beloved is the greatest thing I know. What good company!

Monday, December 19, 2011

Bibledoorajar applauds Esther's increased understanding

     Esther now has news from Mordecai and it is serious. She has gone from not understanding why her beloved uncle was so upset to realizing she and all her people are in serious danger. Mordecai has appealed to her to use her influence with the king on their behalf. This is a troubling request as the king has not sent for her in some time. Unless the king extends his scepter, an uncalled for appearance could mean premature trouble for her.

     At this time of year, it is a good thing for all of us to realize that the child whose birth we celebrate is now THE KING OF KINGS. He extends his scepter to all who wish to come. No appearance is uncalled for. For those of us who have chosen allegiance to this King, He beckons us, the church, to join Him in saving others who are in serious danger of eternal losses.

    Mary, did you know that your baby boy
would one day walk on water?
Mary, did you know that your baby boy
would save your sons and daughters?
Did you know that your baby boy
has come to make you new?
This child that you delivered will soon deliver you.

Mary Did You Know by Mary Lowry

Monday, December 12, 2011

Bibledoorajar praises God for the gift of Christ's Obedience

     "And it is impossible to please God without faith. Anyone
who wants to come to him must believe that God exists and
that he rewards those who sincerely seek him."

     Mordecai humbled himself, taking on the position of an outcast from the earthly powers in order to seek his God to save his people. From this lowly position he cries out. From heaven, his God hears his cries. God brings the cries and the lowly outcast position to the attention of Esther who sits in the powerful palace. Mordecai has gone to the gate of the palace, for no one could enter the palace in mourning clothes. Now the news of the king's degree has reached the Jews in the provinces. Understanding the implications, they, too, "fasted, wept, and wailed, and many people lay in burlap and ashes."

Esther is deeply distressed when her maids tell her the news of her uncle and her people. She remembers his sweet counsel over the years of her life. In the painting above by Aert de Gelder this wise counsel is noted. Esther wants to comfort Mordecai, but must know more about why he is so troubled. She appoints her attendant, Hathach, to go and find out why her uncle is so distraught. Mordecai was prepared. He gave Hathach, the exact amount of money that Haman would pay into the treasury for the destruction of the Jews and he also gave him a copy of the decree that was issued in Susa exacting the death of the Jews. He asked Hathach to return to Esther with the following: 1)full explanation of the crisis, 2) appeal to her to go to the king and beg for mercy and plead for her people.

"He came into the very world he created, but the world
didn't recognize him, they rejected him. But to all who believed
him and accepted him, he gave the right to become children of God. They are reborn--
not with a physical birth resulting from human passion or plan, but a birth
that comes from God."
John 1:10-13

My dear children, I am writing this to you so that you will not sin. But if
anyone does sin, we have an advocate who pleads our case before the Father. 
He is Jesus Christ, the one who is truly righteous. He himself is the
sacrifice that atones for our sins--and not only our sins but the sins of all the world."
1John 2: 1-2

"Joy to the World, the Lord has come. Let earth receive her King. Let every heart prepare Him room."

Monday, December 5, 2011

Bibledoorajar is impressed with how Mordecai takes victory over Haman in prayer

     "Beloved, do not think it strange concerning the fiery
trials which is to try you, as though some strange
thing happened to you; but rejoice to the extent that you
partake of Christ's sufferings, that when His glory
is revealed, you may also be glad with exceeding joy.
If you are reproached for the name of Christ; blessed
are you, for the Spirit of God rests upon you."
                                                                                   1 Pet. 4:12-14

     Mordecai has chosen his method for overcoming Haman. He will go to God about the disorder and tribulation that Haman wishes to bring forth. As he sits humbly in sackcloth and ashes, Mordecai can remember the past, the present and the future. He can remember and remind God of His faithfulness to His children in the past; "God, you are a good God, ever protecting your people". He can describe the present tribulation and impending disorder to God. Not that God does not already know, but Mordecai can give his perspective on how terrible this reproach would be on the glory of His Name and His people. Lastly, he can place his hope for future rescue squarely upon God and His mighty power. His appeal will be that, somehow, someway, God will disrupt Haman's plans before the eleventh month arrives. Perhaps the rescue may not come until the eleventh hour of the eleventh month. Will Mordecai persevere? Will he "cave" and bow to man? 
     The scripture says that Mordecai did not cave. He rent his clothes and cried out to God because His people were suffering due to God and His values. Such persecution seems to come in this world system for those who proclaim their allegiance to the kingdom of God. Christ actually tells us to be of good cheer under these circumstances:
"In the world you will have tribulation;
but be of good cheer, I have overcome
the world."
John 16:33

By faith, we are to believe that however, and whenever, Christ will overcome. This challenge is to believe this even though our overcoming may take our earthly lives. The goal is to learn to share in the battle against evil at this level.

"Dear Maria, I think that we're going to have an
exceptionally good Christmas...I used to be fond of 
thinking up and giving presents, but now that we
have nothing to give, the gift that God gave us in the
birth of Christ will seem all the more glorious: the emptier
our hands, the better we understand...The poorer our quarters,
the more clearly we perceive that our work should be
Christs' here on earth."
Dietrich Bonhoeffer to his fiance' in
Love Letters From Cell 92.

Bibledoorajar prays that whatever your circumstances this Christmas season, you may rejoice with exceeding joy. "Oh come all ye faithful, joyful and triumphant. Oh, come ye, oh, come ye to Bethlehem. Come, and behold Him, born the King of angels. Oh, come let us adore Him. Oh, come let us adore Him. Oh, come let us adore Him, Christ the Lord."

Monday, November 28, 2011

Bibledoorajar Looks at the Depth of Mordecai's Humiliation

  "...yet You have made him a little lower than God and
You crown him with glory and majesty."
Psalm 8:5

"You have made him to be a little lower than the
angels, You crowned him with glory and honor."
Hebrews 2:7

      Mordecai held a public office in the kingdom; some say he sat on the Superior Court. The Bible records that he sat at the king's gate indicating his role was one of public closeness to the king. The time came when he had to make a choice. He determined that he could not bow to Haman as the king directed. He felt compelled to take some action. The action would be for the people, whom though  ignorant of their impending plight, stood in need of salvation. Mordecai was compelled to action, but he knew that the magnitude of what needed to be accomplished would take God. So Mordecai took action to make himself acceptable to God and His Holiness by sitting by the gate in sackcloth and ashes. This descendant of the first king of Israel humbled himself and took on a lowly state in a very public way to demonstrate his faith that God alone could do the mighty work necessary to save his people from certain death. He loved God and his people more than he loved his own lofty position. There he sat wailing to God for his people.
..."and going a little farther He fell on His face
and prayed,  My Father, if it be possible, let
the cup pass from me; nevertheless, not as I will,
but as you will."
Jesus in Matthew 26:39
"I'm giving you my heart and all that is within,
I lay it down for the sake of you, my king
I'm giving you my dreams,
I'm laying down my rights,
I'm giving my pride for the promise of new life."
Song by Seventh Day Slumber

Hope each and everyone had a grateful time of Thanksgiving and now it's on to the next celebration!

Monday, November 21, 2011

Bibledoorajar Watches As Haman Pursues His Beliefs

"IT'S A LIE THAT WOULD NOT DIE; believed to be true by
Adolph Hitler, Henry Ford, and the late Osama bin Laden. It
was introduced by the Russian secret police in an attempt
to bolster the reign of Tzar Nicholas II. It erroneously 
exposed his enemies as co-conspirators with the Jews in
a plot to take over the world. This fabricated document
was embraced by a religious fanatic, Sergei Nilus, and
published in 1905 in Russia. He published three separate
versions of the book, and the last in 1917 indicated that 
Theodor Herzl was the writer of the mythical conspiracy
theory. The book birthed the pogroms in Russia, and
was used by Hitler as an excuse to exterminate six million
Jews in Europe. Many Muslim leaders worldwide keep it within 
reach as the most revered book, after the Quran.

Quoted from backflap of The Protocols

Haman has been successful in convincing the king that the Jews are a danger worthy of annihilation. His argument erupted from a steady diet of antisemitic thought within his family. The thoughts became beliefs that led to action. Now the king is ecstatic with Haman's proposed rescue of his kingdom and they have sat down to have a drink and be merry.

When the news of the pogrom to exterminate the Jews was found out by the Gentile peoples of Shushan, they were perplexed and when the news found the Jews they were extremely fearful. Their people had been at this very place before many times. This thought of exterminating them would just not go away. Every time they became productive in a society, antisemitic elements arose to do them harm. 
The pogrom date established through the occult was now eleven months away. That's the time Mordecai had to defeat Haman in this tense clash of values. Soon, if action was not taken, it would be more than a clash of values, people would be suffering and dying. Nothing could help his people unless someone responded to the issue at hand. Fortunately Mordecai could. And, more importantly, his God WOULD.

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Bibledoorajar continues to look at hatred of the Jews

The Jew has always been
a people with definite
racial characteristics and
never a religion.

Adolph Hitler, Mein Kampf

Haman's hatred of the Jews had mushroomed to the point that armed with the date received via occultism, he was ready to approach the king. He started out benignly: "There is a people." But then he moved on. These people: "Their laws are different from the rest of us." And on: "They do not keep the king's laws." And sire: "It is not good for the King to tolerate them." And then the bribe: "I'll give 10,000 talents of silver to the treasury if you decree their death."
It is interesting to consider evil and it's role in the world and even in God's church. Consider those leaders who believe dictatorial edicts against selected peoples is within their rights as leaders. Hitler's negative thoughts against the Jews escalated over time. When he became Chancellor of Germany, he took the title, Der Fuhrer. This title (one that had been long debated in Germany even prior to Hitler's rise to power) held within its meaning the ability to be a dictatorial guide. This evil title coupled with Hitler's growing antisemitic thought, lead the Germans (even the church) to seek to annihilate the Jews.

Haman had the king's ear. He was the king's trusted servant. So far the king was not privy to Haman's undercover plans. And so, the king fearing problems within his kingdom, decreed the death of a selected people. Destruction was to supersede life. Haman, a doorkeeper in the kingdom, was far from a righteous one. 

King David said he would rather be a doorkeeper in the house of God than dwell in the tents of the wicked. Our king in our story has been outwitted and it is as if he has chosen the tents of the wicked. I am sure in his heart he desired to be a good king, but in this instance, evil counsel has lead him astray and justice will not be served in his kingdom.

Christ has given us His Spirit to help the church live justly so that all peoples might be able to seek the Lord. It is a terrible thing when church leadership takes on  "Der Fuhrer"  characteristics because many can be left out and unable to partake of the fruits of the kingdom. "Riffraff" are not wanted. Different viewpoints are not tolerated. Decisions are made in secret and evil counsel is considered. 

"Holy Spirit, search our hearts and deliver us from such evil ways. Particularly, help our leaders be broken before you, seeking the best for all who wish to be a part of your kingdom. Amen."

Monday, November 7, 2011

Bibledoorajar abhors Haman's hatred

"Even if you were to knock my head off, 
God would still exist."
Dietrich Bonhoeffer

"Unless your faith is firm,
I cannot make you stand firm".
God in Isaiah 7:9

     We have been looking at the difference between Haman and Mordecai. We have seen that both men have obsessions of great magnitude. Haman lives and dreams of eradicating God's people, the Jews. Mordecai lives and dreams of God's people prospering. Haman trusts in himself and the occult and Mordecai trusts in Jehovah God. In Mordecai we see the human spirit uplifted and magnified. In Haman, the human spirit is shrunken by flaring hatred. Old wounds have festered for generations in his preoccupied family. 
     As a counselor, I was often called upon to try to help people who were nursing long held anger. We have all been angry and often for good reason. But long held anger usually manifest in all other types of problems and often does more damage to the one holding it than they realize. Like the comedian, Jim Labriola has said:
    "I thought I was giving the poison to them,
but all of a sudden I was drinking it!"

Haman's long held anger is spilling over everywhere. He is burdening his wife with it. She doesn't help him deal with the root of his anger which is his obsession that Mordecai refuses to bow down to him.  Instead, she suggests ways that he can channel his anger against Mordecai and still promote himself with the king. Her husband is screaming and yelling and apparently she feels the penalty would be too great if she challenged his anger at the root. They are both caught in the anger trap. Instead of helping her husband deal with his anger within himself, she explores ways he can express his anger externally with harm as its' goal. No insight there.
      This is the same anger our great enemy, Satan, has for Jesus. He simply cannot stand Him and goes to great lengths to recruit others to assist in harming Jesus or those that love Him. Fortunately, many  Christians have learned to recognize his ways and have learned helpful ways to stop him in his tracks.
And that's a good thing. Let's all be dedicated to helping each other find healthier ways to handle our anger. Like Bonhoeffer said, God is not going anywhere and if we have faith, He can help us stand firm for the right.

Monday, October 31, 2011

Bibledoorajar remembers godly heritage in the face of danger

     I recently had a conversation with a young woman who told me that her ex-husband sent her and her son a letter from the prison where he is incarcerated. He signed the letter with a common skinhead closure which included lightning bolts around his signature. The son was infuriated that he would send a letter to them that reflected such hate for certain peoples. Though young, her son confronted his father. I find this a brave act, but a sad one, that a son would have need to correct his father. The mother and I spoke about how good it was that the son recognized racism at such a young age and
about how sad it was to know this about one's father. I silently prayed that the son would be safe in his father's presence and that as he grew he would continue to condemn his racist behavior.
     When we think of Mordecai being so hated by Haman, it is good to remember his godly heritage. Moses had prophesied over his tribe's (Benjamin) future:
       The BELOVED of the Lord shall dwell in
SAFETY by HIM, and the LORD shall
cover him all day long, and he shall
stand between HIS SHOULDERS.

     This is a wonderful heritage because Mordecai and his people are indeed standing in need of covering. Haman is trying everything he knows to do to kill God's people. He consulted the occult (PUR) about a successful date on which the Jews could be killed. The occult spoke: "In the month of Adar on the 13th day, you can successfully annihilate God's people". Haman's confidence soared.

     Another son of Benjamin covers us. We are his beloved because we love Him. We can dwell safely in Him and He will cover us all day long.

Monday, October 17, 2011

Bibledoorajar Looks at Discerning God's Will About People

     For Christians, each of us has to decide which people (kingdoms) to honor. When Saul was leading the Jews in the battle for God's will among people, he was called upon to distinguish among the peoples. Amidst the battle against the Amalekites (Agagites), Saul paused to make sure he and the Jews did no harm to the Kenites who were descendants of Jethro who so aided Moses as he led the children of Israel from Egypt. This was a noble and absolutely right thing to do. However, Saul did not show the same wisdom when he captured Agag. God's will was that he be completely annihilated because of the degree of his evil toward the purposes of God. I think Saul's problem was that he did not know his God intimately enough to absolutely do his will on all occasions. "Know the king intimately and enjoy Him forever---Ps. 16:11." Saul knew his God but did not always want to pursue mutual enjoyment with Him. Consequently, he made a terrible mistake that not only interrupted his relationship with God, but placed God's people in continuing peril.
     Just as Esther was seeking the king with all her heart, with all her mind and with all her soul knowing that he was sovereign and in control, so Mordecai was pursuing God. Mordecai incensed Haman because he refused to worship anyone or thing above God. We must realize that there are just some  people like Haman who are going to be incensed about our devotion to the will of God. It is of more interest to them that we worship differently. But, faith in God often calls for sacrifice. Honor of some peoples and their ways simply cannot take place. Christians are called to give honor to whom honor is due. This is a key component to victory.
     So evil were the Amalekites, that God had sworn perpetual war with them. Now, everyone was bowing down to Haman except Mordecai. This infuriated Haman. When "friends" encouraged Mordecai to follow through and bow down, Mordecai proclaimed that he was a Jew and as a Jew he could not dishonor his God in that way. Be careful what you tell so called "friends" because, as we will see in our story, the "friends" went straight to Haman with the news that Mordecai was a Jew. Everyone was watching to see who would be victorious in the battle, Mordecai or Haman. But here's some of the difference.

Mordecai                                        Haman

resolved and brave                    prideful and evil

Our heavenly Mordecai was resolved and brave that day that Satan came to Him and tempted Him. He withstood the prideful evil Satan by proclaiming the truth of God's word. God help us to be so resolved and brave when our enemies tempt us.

Monday, October 10, 2011

Bibledoorajar Admires Esther's Calm Spirit

     After the purification process, Esther was pleasant to be with and was not a silly young girl. The king realized how special she was and set the royal crown on her head making her his queen. He gave a great feast in her honor throughout His kingdom. Then, just when it seemed that things were going so well for Esther, intrigue entered her life. It seems that Mordecai overheard two of the king's doorkeepers planning a plot to assassinate the king. Mordecai advised Esther and she was able to tell the king what her uncle Mordecai had overheard. The plot was exposed and the plotters were hanged. The failed event and the name of the man who had exposed it were recorded in the king's chronicles. At about this same time, the king elevated a man named Haman who was an Agagite (Amalekite) to be his prime minister. He was the king's number 1 person and he could act in the king's absence. The fact that Haman was even on this scene was due to Israel's unwillingness to obey God to the letter. Amalek was a grandson of Esau. His clan attacked the children of Israel as they came out of Egypt on the way to the mountain of God. They became eternal enemies of Israel. Agag (the ancestor of Haman) descended from this clan. King Saul was told by God to kill Agag after he was captured but Saul did not. Before the prophet Samuel could catch up to Agag and kill him,  Agag had had opportunities to sire more children. Now Haman, his descendent, was poised against Mordecai, Saul's descendent.

Saul Vs. Agag                                 Mordecai Vs Haman

Partial Victory                           Full Victory over Agag's seed

     How will the victory be won?

Monday, October 3, 2011

Bibledoorajar sees Esther getting stronger through humility

     "What can wash away my sin?...."

     Esther had been thoroughly washed and anointed. She was ready to approach the King as he sat on his throne. She had waited until she was ready and had not gone before the king prematurely and unprepared. She had met Hegai's every requirement to become fully prepared. She had also met regularly in the courtyard with her uncle Mordecai during those days of preparation. He had reinforced two things in her mind which might have seemed strange to Esther. However, she took his wishes to heart: 1) do not tell the King you are a Jewess; 2) do not tell the king you are related to me.

     Many women came before the king but still he waited for that special someone. 

"Waiting, I keep waiting, still anticipating love,
Never hesitating to become the fated ones,
Turning every turn to some secret place to hide,
Watching in slow motion as you turn to me and say, my love

Take my breath away..."
Moroder and Whitlock

     Scripture says that when with Esther, the king loved her more than any of the other women and he gave her grace and favor.

"Let us therefore come boldly unto the throne of grace,
that we may obtain mercy and find grace to help in time of need."
Hebrews 4:6

Monday, September 26, 2011

Bibledoorajar wishes to drip with purity too

     Esther has been dripping daily as needed. Old has fallen off as a healing balm to increase beauty has been applied. During the last six months of her purification rite, she will be exposed to sweet spices and soon she will take on the aroma of them. Esther  is to be admired for her great willingness to take on this sweet aroma rather than the natural scent of her human flesh. This specialized and lengthy treatment went beyond any she had ever experienced and required a great deal of cooperation on her part. But, when done, Esther would be completely fit to be a queen.
     God gave Esther special favor with Hegai. He SPEEDILY gave her the things she needed for purification. He gave her seven maids out of the king's house to assist her. She and her maids were given preference and they were placed in the best quarters. Esther was ready to approach the king whom she had known but was yet to see. Now, she was ready to accept his power, his authority and to relate to him with the right attitude and traits. She was ready to relinquish her will to his. She was ready to be a queen, but would he like her?
     God has given us special favor with the Holy Spirit. He speedily and accurately gives us what we need to stand pure before our King. We are on a journey to take on sweet heavenly aromas. Anything we have to throw off as healing balms are applied will be well worth it. The Lord loves a contrite heart and a beautiful spirit and the good news is the Holy Spirit will help us accomplish just that if we trust and obey. It's a wonderful plan and He is delighted that we want to be with him for always. Sometimes, the Holy Spirit doesn't get His due. But like Hegai, he delights in bringing glory and honor to the King. We are so blessed to have Him in our lives encouraging us and helping us go forward with our task. We will be ready to approach our king whom we know but have not seen. Praise God!

Monday, September 19, 2011

Bibledoorajar wants to know how Esther is doing

"Every day Mordecai would walk around in 
the front of the courtyard of the harem's
house in order to know how Esther was doing
and what was happening to her."

Esther 2: 11

Esther has undertaken a full year of preparations as a part of the king's harem. Six months is to be spent in a treatment of oil with myrhh and another six months with perfumes and other cosmetics. The  harem is preparing to progress from the harem's house to that of the king. Each one from the harem will have one night with the king UNLESS he is especially taken by the girl and then he could summon her again by name. During all of this time of preparation, Mordecai has undertaken his own mission. Everyday he walks around in front of the courtyard of the harem's house in order to determine if his shapely and good looking niece is faring well. He loves her so much as demonstrated by his adoption of her after her parent's death. Mordecai's mission tells us how much he cared for Esther. But behind Mordecai's love is yet a greater love. God is watching over his hidden asset too. Mordecai may have had to say goodbye to Esther with no assurance of ever seeing her again, but his God understands the anxiety of his goodbye. He understands the longing for Esther's best because He has the same regard. His people may be in a foreign land, and may have strayed from His ways, but He has not forgotten them. He has not stopped caring.
     Where are you today? Are you in a place of preparation that the world does not understand? Have you had to say goodbye to some things or people who did not enhance your preparations? Do you love to "marinate" in the thoughts of glory and the palace of the king more than these? Do you know you have a heavenly Mordecai longingly watching to see how you are doing? It is His foremost desire to see you arrive in the halls of glory. Don't stop your preparations now. Honor Him today with them. There is a cheering squad made up of those who have arrived. Listen. They too, are cheering you on. We can do this. We must do this.

"Does Jesus care when.....
Is it ought to Him? Does He see?
O, yes, He cares, I know He cares...."
                                                              Does Jesus Care by Frank E. Graeff

Monday, September 12, 2011

Bibledoorajar reflects on spa treatments

"Where can I go to meet with God?
My soul is weak,
My body tired.
Can it be here, 
Can it be now?
I need to find that place again."
I Will Offer Up My Life by Matt Redman

"You have purified yourselves by obeying the truth--1 Peter 1:22

        I have only been to a spa once. When my sick friend arose from her sick bed, she took us (her two friends/caregivers) to a spa in grateful appreciation. We arrived early for our appointment and were ushered into a disrobing room. There we were given lush robes to put on. We stepped into heavenly hot tubs. There, we relaxed and meditated on how wonderful the process and our luxurious surrounding were. I really wasn't in touch with how our bodies were benefiting; I was just basking in the luxury. We ended with a pedicure and beautiful toenail polish. Snacks and drinks were provided in a meditation room to complete our relaxation process. We left declaring that we had found "the place of places"; I said, "How do you keep them down on the farm, after they've found Paris?" While my budget won't allow a full spa treatment, I have often wondered what it would be like to go for the full treatment--massage, facial, salt glows, body wraps, etc. It sounds like an indulgence, and I guess in some ways it is, but the benefits would be wonderful.
      Today, we follow Esther into the spa area. People learned to dip themselves in hot springs thousands of years ago and pursued other treatments. Hegai, the keeper of the women, determined that the candidates destined to come before the king needed such purification. Esther, though a natural beauty, still needed additional beauty treatments. After all, if selected as Queen, she would need to spend sustained time with the king. The queens' would not be a brief relationship where mars might not be noticed. Esther's spa treatment included 6 months of myrrh treatment. Myrrh is a mixture of lavender and frankincense and is usually mixed with oils. Not only is it a wonderful perfume, but it has many external and internal healing properties. After all, no one should come before the king with a "condition." These problems have to be purified.
"Purer yet and purer...
Calmer yet and calmer...
Higher yet and higher, Out of clouds and night;
Nearer yet and nearer, Rising to the light;
Oft these earnest longings swell within my breast;
Yet they inner meaning Ne'er can be expressed."

Purer Yet and Purer from Goethe

Monday, September 5, 2011

Bibledoorajar says what's in a name?

     We are following the story of a young woman from the tribe of Benjamin named Hadassah. Her name means myrtle as in an evergreen tree which bears fragrant leaves. But now that she has been summoned to the palace, her Uncle Mordecai has cautioned her to not use her real name. We know of no reason that Mordecai would have had to tell her this at this point in the story. Perhaps this cautionary step came to Mordecai from his God without Mordecai really understanding its importance. The Babylonian name of Esther was selected. It means "as beautiful as the moon", "light". Esther is a derivation of the name of the false goddess Ashtar and is in no way a holy name. Why was Hadassah's God not offended by this name selection?  Perhaps it was because he knew it would be a perfect "cover" for the woman that He planned to use so mightily in the fullness of time. If there was a "tare" sown in the wheat at the palace, then God would insure that the converse would also be true. Wheat would be secretly sown among the tares. Hiding wheat among the tares is not a new thing with God. Remember Moses?` Taken to the palace of the one who was trying to kill him, he was given an Egyptian identity. His true identity was not revealed until the fullness of time.
     So God's hidden "seed" is planted in the palace because she has been obedient to her adoptive father. From henceforth it is her intention to not present herself as she really is. No one in the palace questions her. She fits in. Now she is in the women's chamber being prepared to meet the king. She has found it is a place to bathe (wash) and to remove old clothes.  She chooses simplicity but elegance and will not be weighted down with excess as are some of the others.  Next we will see her seeking a spa treatment. It will be long by our standards and very beneficial. Perhaps beyond anything she has ever experienced. This purification treatment is a treatment every believer should long for. Do you?

Sunday, August 28, 2011

Bibledoorajar watches Esther's pursuit of preparation

      The excellent storytelling of Esther's journey with the king goes on and we continue to be drawn in. But where is our story headed? What will be the end of Esther's journey? And what of her pursuit of the king? What compels her to do what she does? I say it is the Spirit of God. And I say she was propelled to have faith in her God, the God of her people, the Jews. But I also say she had to answer some serious questions along the way. How can a woman be just before her God? Can she trust Him to mediate for her? If she prepares herself, will He be pleased with her preparation and use her for His will? Will He, in the end, redeem His endangered people? The book never records any answers from God to these questions yet the past history of her people spoke volumes to her faith. Esther carried on.

     Years later, a man was struck blind on his way. He then encountered a period of preparation living alone with the Spirit of God. He too had to answer the same questions that confronted Esther. Finally, his name was changed from Saul to Paul and he was propelled into a ministry sharing what he called "my gospel". His gospel was an illumination of what the prophet Habakkuk had said, "the just shall live by faith". Paul did great things for God and in the face of the unknown had this to say:

"And now I am bound by the Spirit to go to Jerusalem.
I don't know what awaits me, except that the Holy Spirit
tells me in city after city that jail and suffering lie ahead.
But my life is worth nothing to me unless I use it for finishing
the work assigned me by the Lord Jesus--the work of telling
others the Good News about the wonderful grace of God".
Acts 20:22-24

Can we be just as sure as Esther and Paul that all our preparations will be worth it? That even though we might, like Esther, not hear the voice of God we can be like King David and say: "My God, by day I call to you, but you don't answer; likewise at night, but I get no relief. Nevertheless, you are holy, enthroned on the praises of Israel. In you our ancestors put their trust; they trusted, and you rescued them. They cried to you and escaped; they trusted in you and were not disappointed". I think that is where Esther came to rest. She came to see her life would be worth nothing without the foundation: "the just shall live by faith". How about you? Do you agree?

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Bibledoorajar wonders about Esther's situation

"Try not.  Do or do not. There is no try."
Yoda, Star Wars

     Esther was brought into the king's palace and placed in the hands of Hegai ("meditation"), the keeper of the women. She was aware of the grooming process, but did she know that the mission was going to become bigger than she? She was naturally beautiful, but she was yet to learn what else Hegai needed to instill in the women before he delivered the best candidates to spend a night with the king. Here in the meditation chamber, Esther was instructed about the king. She learned of his position and of hers. She would realize the difference between the two and would come to understand palace protocols. Here in the chamber she would find a place to be washed. Her old clothes would be removed and she would examine and choose what to wear before the king. Esther observed some of the other maidens. They were choosing to excess and weighing themselves down with glitter. Esther turned to Hegai and placed her confidence in his wisdom and knowledge of the king. She chose only what Hegai said she would need to go before the king. Esther had decided to do, not try and she was going to faithfully do as Hegai taught her to do.

     The writer of Hebrews ( I believe the apostle Paul) wrote:

"Let us STRIP OFF and THROW ASIDE every
encumbrance (unnecessary weight) and that
sin which so readily (cleverly) besets us."
Hebrews 12:1

     We must come to the Holy Spirit and into the meditation room with a determination to do, not just try. Laying ourselves bare, we accept the help that we need to become a worthy candidate to spend time with the king. We reject excesses in our lives in favor of the truth, pure and undefiled.  We are enlightened. We understand that we are being groomed for a mission bigger than we are. We must be made ready. It is that important.

Monday, August 15, 2011

Bibledoorajar Watches God begin to work

     We are about to embark on some amazing events. God is going to elevate Esther to Queen, reward Mordecai for his wisdom and loyalty to Him, providentially rescue His people and undo and reverse the works of evil. This story is amazing. No wonder it is such an encouragement to Jewish people. I just wish more people could see that God is still performing this kind of unbelievable actions through the works of Jesus Christ and His Spirit.
     The story continues with the virgin candidates being taken forcefully to the palace. It was done with force, but they were not in chains. They were not prisoners. They were brought to Hegai whose name means "meditation". He was the keeper of the women and his job was to provide a quiet place for the women to reflect, to realize they might be queen one day. Our heroine was among them. Esther was her Babylonian name and it means "beautiful as the moon" or "light". She was from the tribe of Benjamin. Years before this, Moses had prophesied over the tribe of Benjamin: "The BELOVED of the Lord shall dwell in SAFETY by Him, and the Lord shall cover him all day long, and he shall stand between His shoulders." This Benjamite girl had been born in exile in the city of Shushan in Persia. Shushan means "lily city". Now just how is God going to consider the lily, Shushan? What beauty would he bring there? Esther was orphaned at an early age and was adopted by her cousin, Mordecai who was a descendant of King Saul. Mordecai had been taken captive from Jerusalem during the Babylonian captivity led by King Nebuchanazzar. Mordecai was a righteous Jew and he loved Esther and guided her in God's ways.
     Jesus told his followers that His kingdom would be taken by force. He did not mean that we would be brought to him in chains as prisoners. He meant that through the power of His Spirit we would be brought to Him, into the light. He, our great "Mordecai", guides us into our adoptive Father's kingdom with great wisdom and loyalty. Praise Him!

Monday, August 8, 2011

Bibledoorajar says Ahaseurus 1 Vashti 0

     But we all, with unveiled face beholding as in a mirror
the glory of the Lord, are being transformed into 
the same image from glory to glory.
2 Corinthians 3:18

     I don't understand why Vashti "the best" did as she did. It makes me want to suppose. Suppose she was having a bad day. Suppose she wasn't thinking clearly. Suppose she was crazy. Why did she refuse to leave her own party for a better one? Why did she choose to dishonor the king? Why did she not cooperate with the king or be submissive to him? Why was she so unwilling to be called upon for duty. Whatever the answers to these questions, a greater one faced King Ahaseurus. What was he to do with the disobedient Vashti? Her life was now in his hands. 
     The king decided to seek the counsel of his seven chamberlains and his seven wise men. These men knew the king face to face. They knew all about the kingdom, its provinces and its laws and judgement. They were sworn to loyalty and were obligated to satisfy the king with right thinking which would end all strife. They had great influence on the king. The council agreed that the rebellious queen must be divorced and she must be banished from the kingdom. She must be put away for willful disobedience to a court order as dictated by Persian law. And further a new queen must be found. They even came up with a way to make this process more interesting for the king and to keep him from getting further depressed. The counselors proposed having virgins taken from all across the kingdom  to become candidates for the queen. To resist the summons would mean death. 
     This recommendation was accepted by the king and thus there was an opening for God to work on a hidden problem. You see, not all of the king's counselors had the best in mind for certain of the king's people. This proposed a problem for God for these people were His people. They were Jews whom God called His anointed and whom He had counseled should not be harmed.
     Vashti was positioned in the best quarters of the palace, but she was unwilling to relinquish her will and come to the king joyfully. Now, we will see if a young virgin has the character to determine not only her destiny but the destiny of her people. Will she be able to fulfill the requirements of the king? The answer is yes, for God will enable her to spend sustained time with the king and will help her accept his rule and reign in her life.
    The Spirit is enabling us to spend sustained time with our King and to accept His rule and reign in our hearts. He intercedes for us. He is changing our character so that we might fulfill our destiny to rule and reign with Him. Thank you Holy Spirit! Help me be more open to such a great destiny. Amen.

Sunday, July 31, 2011

Bibledoorajar looks at Persian Royalty

     The kingdom of Persia was great at the time of the story of Esther. We learned in the book of Daniel that Persia ruled over 120 provinces at that time. King Nebuchadnezzar of Babylon had previously invaded Jerusalem and taken many Jews captive to Babylon. When Persia defeated Babylon about seventy years later, Persia allowed the Jews to return home to rebuild Jerusalem and God's temple. However, only a remnant of Jews went home. By the time of Esther the remnant was in Israel and royalty in Persia ruled over 127 provinces. These stretched from India to Ethiopia. The kingdom and the kingship was in the hands of Ahasuerus. Ahasuerus was a title rather than a personal name and meant mighty or venerable king. The king's queen was Vashti who was a descendant of the Babylonian king, Nebuchadnezzar. Ahasuerus planned to improve his worldly posture even more by invading Greece. He planned and plotted for a long time about this. He consulted military and political resources who served the king across the vast empire.
      As the story of Esther opens, Persia's mighty king has decided to hold two feasts or banquets. The first would be for the nobles and princes and the second would be for the people of the land both great and small. The rooms of the palace in Shushan the capital would be filled for 180 days and the palace was filled with the dazzling wealth and splendor of the kingdom. The palace and all its' trappings were very elegant. The stewards were told to serve each man what he wanted from the royal abundance of food and wine.
     Vashti, the queen whose name means "the best", also gave a banquet for the women in the royal apartment. While the Queen was involved with her banquet, the king being in high spirits from wine, sends the seven officers who attended him to bring the Queen with her crown in to his banquet. He was anxious to show her off for the record states that she was a beautiful woman. But Vashti refused to come at the order of the king  given by the seven officers. The king was livid. Why did Vashti fail to keep the king's summons? The scriptures do not say. It could be that her ancestry dictated a lack of loyalty to the king and she wanted to embarrass the king. Whatever her motive, her actions backfired on her. 
Vashti reminds us of Israel. God, through seven major prophets, summoned "the best" to return to Him, but she refused. The councils of heaven instituted plans for the church. The temple and its glory passed away and Israel's peoples were scattered. There is a lesson for us here. May it never be said of the church that when God summons us we do not come to him so that He might show forth our beauty. Do you agree?

Sunday, July 24, 2011

Bibledoorajar examines power in secular events

     King David proclaimed in Psalms 22...

...future generations will be told about the Lord.
They proclaim his righteousness, 
declaring to a people yet unborn:
 vs. 29-31

        This same sentiment about God echoes in the book of Esther even though His name is never mentioned. The writer of Esther is not named but many attribute the book to Ezra or Mordecai himself. I personally favor Mordecai because whoever wrote the book had a great deal of knowledge about life in the kingdom of Persia. Who better to write the book than an eyewitness to the events presented? And, who better to speak of an absent God doing something in the context of the fabric of a foreign nation in which he lived than a loyal Jew? Some don't believe that God intervenes in secular events, but David also said in Psalms 22 that "the royal power belongs to the Lord and He rules the nations (vs. 28)." Therefore, I believe God orchestrated the events in the kingdom of Persia to achieve an objective...freedom of His people. A pretext to enable a godly objective. Esther and Mordecai were caught up in events not of their own resolution or planned purposes. Nowhere in the story is there a report of their personal strength and resolve but rather the story presents two people who are emboldened in the events by the experiences they have had of God over time.
     The writer of the book spoke assuredly about the events that took place. He said in the opening of the book--"this is what happened" and said in chapter 10 of the book that the events "are written about in the annals of the kings of Media and Persia." To me, it is as if the writer is saying, this is what was going on in Persia when God worked in the secular events of Persia to save His people. HE DID IT! How do you see it?

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Bibledoorajar begins our visit with Hadassah or Esther

      After the Nuremberg trials, ten of Hitler's henchmen were hanged for war crimes against the Jews. As Julius Streicher, Hitler's minister of propaganda approached the gallows, he was heard to say, "Purim 1946! Purim, 1946!" Apparently, somewhere along the way someone had taught Streicher about the lesson of Purim circa 583 B.C. (as recorded in the book of Esther). Streicher had apparently learned it well enough to apply it to the events leading to his death. And indeed, from the book of Esther and from the war crimes against the Jews, one learns that anti-semitism will not go unaddressed by the God of the heavens even if it is made the law of the land. God did not intend for the historic events of this book to be forgotten by Jews or their enemies. The festival of Purim is celebrated annually among the Jews to remember the defeat of a plot to exterminate them and the Esther scroll is read. The Holy Spirit has seen that the story is a permanent part of the Holy Scriptures. Enemies of the Jews, read and beware! Purim is the Persian term for "casting of lots." Men may see casting lots as chance involved with random events, but the book of Esther reveals a sovereign God behind the scenes controlling outcomes. Because of so great an assurance, Jews celebrate Purim with unbridled joy and they don't mind mocking their enemy Haman, the villain of the book! They drown out his name with noisemakers and loud shouts when it is mentioned in the retelling of the story.
     There is much to be learned about the historic events that led to this festival. For me, it warns me against believing that the Jews are forever cursed and are no longer regarded by God. For me, righteous Gentiles will love Israel and pray for their salvation even as we pray for all other men under heaven.  There are two main plots in the book of Esther. The first involves how a series of events leads to Esther becoming queen. The second involves how circumstantial happenings places Mordecai, Esther's uncle, in a place to receive the generosity of the king and to avoid death. So next week, we will begin our look at this story humbling beseeching God to deliver us from any deceits or biases of tradition that would hinder our reaping the most from this teaching and its purpose for our lives.

"Beware, lest any man spoil you through philosophy and vain deceit,
after the tradition of men, after the rudiments of the world, and not
after Christ. For in him dwelleth all the fulness of the Godhead bodily."

     Colossians 2:8-9

Monday, July 11, 2011

Bibledoorajar concludes our visit with the King and His beloved

"You who dwell in the gardens, The companions listen for your voice,
Cause me to hear it. Make haste, my beloved, And be you like a roe
deer or a young hart, On the mountain of spices."

Song of Solomon 8: 13-14

     When we started our discussion of the country girl's relationship with the shepherd she expressed awareness that the virgins loved him and ran after him. But early on, she asked him to draw HER in such a way that she alone hears him. Now in the last passage that we will consider from the Song, our girl addresses the King as his wife. She reminds him that she offers herself to be his completely. She is aware of all the activities of his sphere--his garden--his dwelling place. She is aware of all the companions of the court who attend him and constantly are listening to his voice. But she asks, "cause ME to hear it." The courtiers are ever alert to the King, but she says he must have a unique bidding for her, for after all, she is his wife. She would rather not have to wait for him. She wants him to be so attracted to her that he comes quickly to the place they share together. Let their relationship be full of joy and happiness. Let him "leave the guys" and swiftly come to her, his one and only. In the garden, among the spices, a beautiful aroma ascends from such dedicated love.
     Israel was supposed to have such a dedicated love to God. From the temple mount in Jerusalem, incenses from the spices were to ascend to their Holy Husband. Traveling to the Temple Mount to find Him was meant to be consumed by mutual love. He was there, if only they would respond in truth. Those who were "caused to hear" would journey from afar to be in that Holy place with Him.
     As modern "country girls" turned Bride of Christ," our challenge is to ask Him to "cause us to hear" so that we might spend time alone with Him. Just where will we be together? The Bible says that we may be seated with Him in heavenly places (Ephesians 2)--the heavenly Jerusalem--the mountain of spices. Here we may talk and share together as we await the time when we will be with Him continuously and forever.
     As we close this lesson, I wish to give special honor to the Holy Spirit. Praise Him for the bond of our union with Christ. Surely, He will accomplish the complete work of this bonding. If He raised our Christ, then we the bride will surely follow as a body following its' head. This will happen through the power of the Spirit of Holiness. Thus our journey from a nondescript country life will have been completed and our conformation to His glory will be manifested. All the Way with Jesus--thank you Holy Spirit for the process of bringing us from death to eternal, glorious life. Even so, CAUSE US TO HEAR!  Help us to remain faithful. Amen.
     Next week, join us as we begin lessons from the book of Esther. See you then.                 

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Bibledoorajar is drawn to thoughts of purity

     Yesterday was a wonderful day of fellowship and celebration of our nation's freedom. Late at night, as I watched a fireworks display from a dear family's boat on the waters of Lake Martin, I was reminded of our pledge of allegiance. As I recited it again in my mind, declaring my devotion to my country, I thought of those who wish to take out the phrase "under God" from the pledge.  The challenge to keep this aspect of one's devotion is ever the same. God called to Israel to be His and His alone, maintaining a spiritual purity. But alas, the prophets let us know that they dropped "under God" from their vocabulary and actively pursued false gods. In doing so they became unappealing to Him for they had dropped the most precious privilege--to be taught by God and to have a relationship with Him.
   As our story of the country girl and the king is drawing to a close, we find her protesting that she will not drop her allegiance to the king. The light and love that He has imparted has reached her heart. Unlike her country as a whole, she is willing to "board up" her heart with boards of cedar(Song of Solomon 8). This is surely a test for all of us--has all of the knowledge we have been taught of divine things reached our hearts and affected its' loyalty? The apostle Paul writes in 2 Cor. 4:6: "For God, who commanded the light to shine out of darkness, hath shined in our hearts to give light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ." Our beginning vineyard was not kept very well, but now we are like the country girl. We are so affected that we seek to prune and clean our vineyard for Him. The Spirit has elevated us to a higher plane and we are now better able to evaluate much of the silliness and vanity of the world. We place "cedar planks" around our heart to protect it from "this present world" and behold the glory of God in the face of Jesus so that we may be "changed into the same image, from glory to glory as by the Spirit of God." So here is our challenge, as we ponder our independence from the world, are we allowing spiritual fireworks to illumine our lives and to regulate our lives? Oh, Holy One keep shining in our hearts!

Monday, June 27, 2011

Bibledoorajar thinks of the passages of life with the King

     The King has brought our country girl a very long way. In the beginning he never told her what she must attain to, but conditions can be seen all along in their relationship. He first sought to bring her into union with him, totally accepting her just as she was. He spent hours admiring her and complimenting her. As she matured, she dropped certain unacceptable behaviors and began to accept traits of the king in her life. At the end of this process, and with marriage accomplished, she began to bear fruit. In this instance it was a concern for her younger sister. The king had not demanded this particular fruit, but was pleased to discuss the matter with her. He spoke of how important it is to do all possible to save the sister for the greatest of all graces---love. This made the country girl realize more fully that she herself had matured and was walking in this great grace. So she said to Solomon, "Then was I in his eyes as one who found peace." She had found peace through her relationship with Solomon because she had learned the importance of love. She assured Solomon that she had been true to him and wanted to settle any doubt in his heart. He could trust her to the utmost.
     In Galatians 5, the apostle Paul enumerates the graces of the Spirit. These are heavenly characteristics that come first to our mind as we abide with Him and then move into the operation of our personal conduct. These attributes become the basis for our social and practical behavior. The Bible calls them fruits because they issue forth from the life we spend with Christ. They are a welcome addition to life because they smell so sweet. All those around, including the owner of the fruit, feel the advantage of the fruit. During the recent tragedies of tornado, floods, etc., these graces are what victims speak as characterizing those who came to help. It gave them an advantage; it gave them hope that there could be love and concern in the midst of chaos.
     Some say that all the graces are just aspects of the greatest--love. I think this is true, but the Bible does seem to say that some may walk in greatness of a particular grace. For instance, I am thinking of Moses. The Bible says he was the meekest of men. He would have had to be to contend with the foibles of God people, Israel! And the King knew that and patiently weaved the trait into his life.  God is good. Together, with all our various graces, the body of Christ is indeed a sweet smelling savor in the world. Praise God!

Monday, June 20, 2011

Bibledoorajar joins the bride in concen for others

"God forgave my sin in Jesus' name,
I've been born again in Jesus' name.
And in Jesus' name I come to you
To share His love as He told me to.

All power is giv'n in Jesus' name,
In earth and heav'n in Jesus' name.
And in Jesus' name I come to you
To share His pow'r as He told me to.

He said, Freely, freely, you have received, Freely, freely give. Go in my Name, and because you believe, Others will know that I live."

Carol Owens, Freely, Freely

The bride is so secure and happy in her committed relationship with the king, that her thoughts now turn to others who have yet to experience such true love. She particularly thinks of her younger sister. She wants her to mature and for her love to be preserved for the one who will have a right to it. She wants her sister to experience total purity and reliability in marriage just as she has. The bride can speak this way, not out of anything she has done, but from the place of exaltation the king has given her. So she asks her lover, "what must we do about my sister?" The king speaks: She must be protected at all costs. Place her under lock and key if necessary! The husband is saying that her family must do all they can do to preserve her for a peaceful future. 

When Christians come to know their secure place with their king and experience the wonders of being His, it is only natural that we think of those we know who have yet to experience such love. We must do everything we can to preserve them for their future relationship with the king. We have been given great power to share the good news with them. The news that He lives and that we have so much to tell them about Him. John wrote in 3 John 1:4 that nothing gave him more joy than to realize that his "children" were living according to the truth. That's our great task. To make sure others are exposed to just how wonderful He is and to what heights He can exalt us. He has freely given us the power to do it. Press On!

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Bibledoorajar Sees the Country Girl Pursue Covenant with the King

      Our country girl has capitalized on a great promise. The promise was that she could live a much different life than the one she received when she was birthed by her mother. Her birth mother gave her life, but the king gave her a rebirth as it were and became the source for much greater blessings. From him, she received strength and life to assist her in her future. She asked for a seal on this love and speaks of how so great a love should not be quenched. This love flashes as the "very flame of Yah." The country girl speaks of "Yah" which is God's covenant name. It is as if she knows in her heart that the love she shares with the King has divine significance. Like God's love, it has come like lightening and is something that cannot be bought even if a man "would give all the substance of his house" for it. The country girl seems to be reminding the king that God "engraved Israel upon the palm of his hand" to help the nation know that she was not forsaken or forgotten. This is the kind of assurance the country girl has asked of the king. This assurance has a "forever" quality to it. Indeed, Paul writes in Eph. 1:13 that God has set His seal on us by giving us the Holy Spirit and the result of this covenant seal is security. "The beloved is mine and I am his." We are possessed by His Holy Spirit. Oh, how great is the love of God that pursues us and comes upon us like lightening and such great power as to be irresistible. To be marked with a mark has always been important to God. Jews leaving Egypt marked their doorposts and lintel with blood. On seeing the blood God would redeem them and as he said to them in Ezekiel 16:8 he "swore an oath to you and entered into covenant with you, and you became Mine..." The first five books of the Bible are details of the terms of this covenant. We know that the Jews were not faithful to God, were scattered among other nations and missed their Messiah who shed His blood for them in a New Covenant. I praise God that He went on to make this great love available to us. Let's pursue His Spirit and walk in Him, gladly showing the mark that says we are the Bride of Christ. Jesus will help us and answer our requests because He wants to glorify the God of covenant. Use His name, it gets the Father's attention! The country girl was right. Being sealed in Him is the most secure place that we can be. No one can hinder us unless we let go of the covenant and let them.

Monday, June 6, 2011

Bibledoorajar settles the question

     Someone who faithfully reads this lesson commented that the lesson last week was shorter than usual. I had not even noticed the length. I was so caught up in the perfectness of the "seal moment" that I guess I did not want to take away from the greatness of it. Just think, virgins and daughters of Jerusalem and companions of all stripes and service had all been keeping company with the king but this one, this beloved, was the one who wanted the king to seal their love in its pristine and perfect state. How she longed to establish once and for all that her love for the king was complete. Would he not believe her, now as her love had matured, and seal her heart and hand? She tells him that her love for him is as strong as death from which we know there is no turning back. Her passion for him flashes like flashes of fire; no amount of water can quench her love, not even torrents of rain can drown it. He is her "darling" exuding a freshness and an exuberance for the life they will share together. Leaning on him, she is so safe, so secure that she knows she will no longer be looked down upon.
     I have heard it taught that the Jews sang a song called the "LEKHA DODI" which means Come, My Beloved. With this song they would welcome the Sabbath. One verse goes, "Remember and observe, in one utterance announce to us the One and only God, God is One and God's name is One. This same phenomenon has happened to our country girl. Her shepherd and the king are one. His name is Solomon. She knows that now with all her heart, thus the request for the seal. As the Jews were to remember the Sabbath day and keep it holy, so we Christians remember the first day of the week and keep it holy. There we remember that our gentle shepherd is also our king who loves us and like our Jewish antecedents we say:
One thing God has spoken;
two things have I heard:
that might belongs to God.  (Psalms 62:12)

The country girl's beloved had many voices but he was one. So it is with our king. He is our One, our beloved and we list to his many voices. Hear him? He's calling.

Monday, May 30, 2011

Bibledoorajar has sought the "seal"

     I have not been to a church wedding in a while, but it is easy to recall the exchange of rings. This outward sign of a vow to seal the couples love for each other and only for each other is often emphasized by the minister as like unto that of the relationship the church has with its' Christ. Indeed, Paul writes in 2 Corinthians 1 21-22 that it is God Himself who sets believers in firm union with the Christ, putting his seal on us in our hearts as a guarantee of our future.
     In our story the country girl has been under a strong period of instruction with the king. Now it is time to return to Jerusalem. One is struck by the harmony the couple now shows. Our country girl asks the king to seal the relationship on her heart and hand. She desires his pledge to be confirmed and that all the treasures that they have come to share will be protected and secure. She returns still leaning on the king but from a much greater position of trust in his approval of her.
     The church must all work together," O daughters of Jerusalem", to do all things possible to see that our individual positions with our king remain firm. This will assure a happiness of divine proportions. For as Paul said, "however many promises God has made, they all find their 'yes' in connection with Him ( 2 Cor. 1 20). We are returning to the heavenly Jerusalem with a sealed secret relationship that the world cannot understand. Jesus was right. Our treasure is laid up in heaven. Hallelujah!

Monday, May 23, 2011

Bibledoorajar Accepts Two Relationships

"Oh that you were as my brother,...."
Song 8:3

     It is unusual at first thought to think that our bride would desire that her husband be as a brother to her. But she is desperately looking for ways to increase her declarations of love to him and for opportunities to learn more from him. She could do in public with a brother whom she would have come to know so freely over the years what she could not do with a king who demands a certain decorum.  She could give a brother a hug in public and take him home whereas people would wonder what the king was doing in her mother's home. Thus, the bride could explore him as a brother in a freer and more full way, sharing wisdom and pomegranate wine with him.
     In grammar school I greatly admired one older brother in particular. He was so caring and observant of his little sister. I longed for my brother to watch out for me and care for me in the same way. I needed someone who would teach me and show me the right way to go.  Then I would know better how to maneuver in school.
      In Hebrews 2 Jesus is depicted as our elder brother. He is more than willing to be our leader. He set Himself apart to God so that we might be helped to do the same. He became human so that he would not be ashamed to be a brother to us. He knows our nature and knows what we need to know pertaining to God. His maturity is a treasure trove for us. Paul said in the book of Colossians that "in Him are hid all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge." So, yes, Jesus, my brother, come along side of me and help me in any way you can. If I am being "stupid" and "making a fool of myself" love me enough to point it out. I do not want to embarrass the King! Such kindly feedback as we sip our wine will be intoxicating. Thanks bro for all You do.

Monday, May 16, 2011

Bibledoorajar loves the country girl's adoration of the King

     Our country girl is beginning to see her true destiny and to be able to walk more fully in it. She sees the special fruits that have been laid up at "our doors" probably by her countrymen for her husband and his bride. She wants to give him of her best in the place where the mandrakes (see Gen. 20:14-16) give off a wonderful fragrance. Therefore, it is easy to say she is planning this time of great romance--a time to enter more deeply into what she now so admires in her husband. He is so wise and she wants to show him off again to her mother, but more so, she wants to lie in his arms and be instructed by him.

     Jesus promised that if we loved Him, that we would certainly come to know Him and that He would come and abide in our lives (John 14:23). But He did not say that this would be a "you have arrived" time. No, He made it clear that it would be a tender time of instruction and change, a time to learn how to live together. His abiding in our lives gives us great revelations about how wonderful the Godhead is and just how great is their preparations for the Bride who is mysteriously in Christ. Think about this, we have within us, glory that cab come only from God. We live in a different place where the mandrake fragrances are intense and we cannot help but feel the peace and protection from all that would harm. We are whispering directly into His ear and He into ours. Daily the Spirit shares with us the power found in the name of the King if only we believe. Today, I think I will relax with Him and reread some of His love letters, 1, 2 and 3 John. Have a great week and feel the love.

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Bibledoorajar Desires the Stature of a Palm-Tree

The King likens the returning bride's stature to a palm-tree. This is a good thing because in the Bible the palm tree is always associated with spiritual good and with the delight that comes from good. The palm tree is stable, growing deep in desert soil. One might say the bride was a statuesque lady greatly to be admired. The King was ready to climb up and partake of her fruits.

Today, in our Bible class we were attempting to get our students to understand that we cannot work or earn our way to heaven but that our King loves it when we bear fruit. Our good works have a wonderful aroma to Him and fruit that we produce because we are truly His and want to serve Him is the best fruit of all. Its' fragrance cannot be surpassed as far as our King is concerned. And just think, how varied and interesting the fruits are to Him as they come from His bride in whom He is so well pleased!

I'll choose to be a palm tree this week, how about you?

Monday, May 2, 2011

Bibledoorajar exults in the King's praise of the Country girl's returned

     Most people rejoice when estranged marrieds can work things out and "get back together". But only those very close to them know if the return brought great joy to the hearts of the couple. I have heard of some who renew their vows, others take a second honeymoon, etc. When they go among old friends, many who may have taken sides during the "split", may make one or the other feel a bit of discomfort. And so it was with the country girl. Happy together, she and the king returned to some of their favorite places to see the garden of nuts, the budding vines and things in flower. When they meet old friends or the king's subjects, they call out to her to come closer in order that they may observe the king's bride more closely. She feels a bit uncomfortable, like she was just a popular dance of the times. Or, maybe they wanted to dance joyfully with her at her return. I think they, as we Christians should when one is restored, just wanted to experience the joy of once again having her among them---a beloved of the king.

     At any rate, even if she wasn't completely comfortable around the king's subjects, she did rejoice that she was fullly restored to her king. And, my oh my, how he rejoiced in her! As he describes her,
(Song 7:1 ff), there is no doubt that he feels she is perfect in every way. Someone said that beauty is in the eye of the beholder and the king is completely gripped by the country girl's beauty.

     Surely when Israel, God's chosen people, heard this story they could not help but be impressed with the way God presented His love for them. Their very Creator was Israel's husband! And in the Church age what a beautiful picture of how Christ sees us, his beloved bride. We may behold each other and smell stinky armpits, but Christ beholds the beauty of every member. If we are feet, then the word declares that the feet of those who bring the gospel are beautiful. Whatever our part in the body, He finds us altogether lovely and is able to enjoy and use us to reflect His glory. All the blemishes we  see in each other, He sees as covered with the flowers and budding vines of His righteousness. We are cautioned that every "body part" is pleasant to the Lord and all are to be esteemed as they work together to be the productive bride the King desires. Have a blessed week!

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Bibledoorajar applauds the country girl who abandoned pride and sought the King

     Our country girl has returned to her shepherd-king and has successfully dealt with her pride. How easy it would have been for her to agree with the daughters of Jerusalem that she was made for the pomp and circumstance and that she had achieved the right to turn her husband away. But instead, she truthfully acknowledged her position and fled to the one whom she knew alone could meet her great need.
     This is a choice for all of us. We must abandon the cause of our human condition and all the worldly advisers. We must admit we need Him more than all others. After all, "the one who says he abides in Him ought himself to walk in the same manner as He walked" (1 John 2:5-6). And if it is the Shepherd we seek, we must first "learn of Me; for I am meek and lowly in heart" (Matt. 11:29) and realize that the Shepherd resists the proud, but gives grace to the humble.
     Now our country girl is seeking him for himself and is declaring her need to abide in him. She is seeking that which is more valuable--the things of her Shepherd. Now, for her beloved:
"Who is she whose glance is an appearance of the morning, Fair as
the moon, Clear as the sun, Terrible as an army with banners? (Song 6:10)

     Isn't it wonderful that she is fully restored as though never having turned him away? And what about the splendor he sees in her? A vision of clarity, she moves with power and majesty. Holy Spirit, help us to remain close to our Shepherd, thinking more of holiness and his kingdom than the lure of the world.

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Bibledoorajar realizes the country girl is the King's prized possession

     The country girl is back with the king tending his sheep. He is so glad to have her back; he is so glad that he says she is more important than his most prized possession--Jerusalem. She is beautiful and has a great effect on him, slaying him with her eyes. Gone from her neck is the thousand bucklers and shields mentioned earlier and now the king sees sixty queens and eighty concubines and virgins without number. Wow she is growing into quite the woman and this allures him much more than the ornaments of gold he previously placed upon her neck. How pleasing it is to him that she has blossomed into a beautiful lover--a repentant girl returning much more assuredly to the one she loves.

     I learned the song below as a child in Vacation Bible School. How much more it means to my repentant heart now than it did then. To be welcomed again after mistakes, after maturation, and after restoration is a wonderfully valuable thing.

In God's green pastures feeding, 
by His cool waters lie.
Soft in the evening walk my Lord and I;
all the sheep of His pasture
fare so wondrously fine,
His sheep and I.
Waters cool, pastures green
In the evening walk my Lord and I.

Orien Johnson 1956

Monday, April 11, 2011

Bibledoorajar goes with the Country Girl to Find the Beloved

     Last year I divided some of the lilies in my yard because when overcrowded they tend to not bloom as much. Now the garden is a source of great joy for me. The lilies, white, yellow, purple and bronze, are bigger and taller and more beautiful to behold. The task of dividing them was worth it.

Our country girl knows exactly where HER beloved has gone. Her mind goes back to the time when he first sought her out as he was watching over his sheep among the lilies of Israel. He will be out there laboring and if she wants to restore her relationship with him she must go to him there---the place to shepherd sheep. Back to the place when she was fair--a lily of the valley. She knows he still longs for her; she simply must go to him. And, so she does. And she goes with new commitment. Early on she had said, "my beloved is mine and I am his," but now she says, "I am my beloved's and my beloved is mine."

In my own personal walk, I remember putting this commitment this way: I know that I know that I know that I am His and He is mine! There is no turning away now! The country girl and I have chosen to stay with Him among the sheep and share the work. Yesterday He and I (among others)  cooked for and served the family of a sister gone home to eternity and we applauded the decision for Christ as two young men were baptized. Then we laid the body of His beloved sheep to rest. I wouldn't have chosen to be anywhere else!

Monday, April 4, 2011

Bibledoorajar discusses Savior and Lord

     Thank God that our country girl's nightmare has ended on a positive note. In the end, she realized the love of her life was both her savior AND Lord. When she told her friends that he was altogether lovely, her realizations were full of descriptions of his wonderful complex personality and physical attributes. He was altogether lovely. Her words, however ancient, describe someone who is full of beauty and splendor. He is matchless according to  her testimony and she convinces the daughters of Jerusalem that she had been wrong in rejecting his coming ("Oh, all you who hear"). The daughters respond, "Where has he gone, your lover, so that we may seek him with you?" And once again, they elevate the bride by calling her the "fairest among women." She is seeing clearly now!

     We can all rejoice when our testimony to our Lord is such that those around us are caused to declare their desire to seek Him. And those declarations call for a response from us too. From the beginning God the Father wanted the value of Christ to be known. When reading in the book of Leviticus about the Great Offerings God required of His people, one sees that God started by explaining the Burnt Offering. The offering made (by Christ) and its value was directly related to the Father ("God gave His only..."). Next the Meal offering and the Peace Offering and lastly the Sin and Trespass Offering---all ministering to the spiritual needs of God's people.  But when the people of Israel responded they did so in reverse by approaching first with the sin offering. This revealed understanding of their basic human need. God says His Son is altogether lovely, full of compassion even when He must whisper words of rebuke and never must we lose His value to the Father. The Father demands He become Savior and Lord.

     The ladies of Jerusalem are told that she knows where her shepherd--king will be. He has gone to his garden--to happy surroundings. She knows she must look for him there. Next week we will  see if they find him there.

     Just as the Father established four great offering to set forth the aspects of what Christ has done for us, so He ordained four distinct gospels to describe this savior and king in His earthly life. Reading them is a great way to get to know the Son of Man (the earth) , Son of God (the heavens). Enjoy!


Bibledoorajar discusses Savior and Lord

     Thank God that our country girl's nightmare has ended on a positive note. In the end, she realized the love of her life was both her savior AND Lord. When she told her friends that he was altogether lovely, her realizations were full of descriptions of his wonderful complex personality and physical attributes. He was altogether lovely. Her words, however ancient, describe someone who is full of beauty and splendor. He is matchless according to  her testimony and she convinces the daughters of Jerusalem that she had been wrong in rejecting his coming ("Oh, all you who hear"). The daughters respond, "Where has he gone, your lover, so that we may seek him with you?" And once again, they elevate the bride by calling her the "fairest among women." She is seeing clearly now!

     We can all rejoice when our testimony to our Lord is such that those around us are caused to declare their desire to seek Him. And those declarations call for a response from us too. From the beginning God the Father wanted the value of Christ to be known. When reading in the book of Leviticus about the Great Offerings God required of His people, one sees that God started by explaining the Burnt Offering. The offering made (by Christ) and its value was directly related to the Father ("God gave His only..."). Next the Meal offering and the Peace Offering and lastly the Sin and Trespass Offering---all ministering to the spiritual needs of God's people.  But when the people of Israel responded they did so in reverse by approaching first with the sin offering. This revealed understanding of their basic human need. God says His Son is altogether lovely, full of compassion even when He must whisper words of rebuke and never must we lose His value to the Father. The Father demands He become Savior and Lord.

     The ladies of Jerusalem are told that she knows where her shepherd--king will be. He has gone to his garden--to happy surroundings. She knows she must look for him there. Next week we will  see if they find him there.

     Just as the Father established four great offering to set forth the aspects of what Christ has done for us, so He ordained four distinct gospels to describe this savior and king in His earthly life. Reading them is a great way to get to know the Son of Man (the earth) , Son of God (the heavens). Enjoy!


Monday, March 28, 2011

Bibledoorajar explores the "nightmare"

"I am the vine; you are the branches. If you remain in me and I in you,
you will bear much fruit; APART FROM ME you can do nothing."

     In her nightmare, the country girl is not helped by the city watchmen to find her lover as she was in her first dream. Now the ladies of the court who once wanted to meet her every need have demanded that she give a good reason why they should help her. She was the one who by behaving so lightly had joined them in their more distant position from the king. Apparently, by treating the king so lightly, our country girl had infected others to treat him lightly too. She is no longer viewed by them as having exalted status. She had become like any other.

     In is a very sad thing to watch a Christian fall into and remain trapped in a public sin. One's attitude, if not careful, can be as the watchmen and the ladies of the court. But even if we struggle to pray and be compassionate toward that person, we still have the realization that they are missing eternal moments by placing sin at a higher place in their heart. But when they repent, our hearts are filled with joy because holy status has been reclaimed through the grace of God and eternal treasures have been reclaimed. 

Our country girl came to her senses too. She tells the others about the greatness of her husband. He is not only a shepherd with hair filled with dew from caring for the sheep, but he is also a richly adorned king. "He is the fairest of ten thousand and altogether lovely," she says. He is not only her beloved; he is her friend. This is the greatest of revelations and very romantic!

Today, may we all realize the goal: "In Him we live and move and have our being."--Acts 17:28. Have a blessed week.

Monday, March 21, 2011

Bibledoorajar looks at His inconvenient visit

     Yes, our country girl was indeed living in the palace married to the King. Her rooms and personal comforts were the best she had eve known. She loved them and enjoyed the luxury of them. She enjoyed the king too, but sometimes he had a way of showing up in her rooms at a most inconvenient time. Our story tells of one time when he came to her, calling out for his love, after she had already retired for the evening. It was a most inconvenient time and besides he came in from being with his sheep and did not clean up first. How in the world did he expect her to share her luxurious bed and her other comforts with a man who had been with all those smelly sheep? And so, though her heart leaped at the sound of her lover, she did not open to him. Surely he could come at a more convenient time. Did he not realize how thoughtless he was being? Did he really expect that she too must smell like sheep after having been delivered to such a luxurious place? Wasn't she, now the queen, above all that?

 Fortunately, for the Queen it appears she was having a terrible nightmare from which she was able to awake. Whew! I have been told by many spiritual people, and indeed I too have experienced it, that the Lord will come to you in the night asking you to pray and to share the inconveniences of the night watch. I can sadly say that I, being dulled by sleep, have turned Him away at times, asking Him to come when I am more rested and it is more convenient. But, PTL, there have been times, like this early morning, when I have known I could not leave him "outside" for I know He desires for me to open the door with the same love I had for Him when He first saved me. After all, the luxury of the sweet smelling spices and the comfort of safety that I enjoy have all come from Him. And so, I declare anew, I want to be with you, help me to do so. Help me to not disappoint and insult you, O, Lord with any lukewarmness. Please don't be angry with me as you were with Israel of old when they spurned you. but if you must chasten (Hebrews 12: 5-6) help me to mature and willing to help You establish your ways in the earth.

The church must awake and realize it may take 24/7 for us to accomplish all the Lord desires for the earth:

  "And I tell you that you are Peter, and on this rock I will build My church,
and the gates of hades will not overcome it. I will give you the keys of
the Kingdom of Heaven; whatever you bind on earth will be bound in Heaven,
and whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in Heaven."
Matthew 16: 18-19

Lord, we want to be a victorious Bride believing that the principalities and powers of heaven must cave as we participate with you in establishing your ways in the earth. Your kingdom can and must come through your church using all that You, O God, have. Faith is the victory!

Lord, it is a very serious prayer this morning. We know how you hate lukewarmness and the spurning of your Son by His love. Help us wield the keys of heaven with great authority. Amen.