Good Food!!

Good Food!!

About Me

I am a retired VA employee who lives in Texas. I consider the characters of the Bible "family" as much as any I know or have known on earth. To be one of the Lord's beloved is the greatest thing I know. What good company!

Monday, November 21, 2011

Bibledoorajar Watches As Haman Pursues His Beliefs

"IT'S A LIE THAT WOULD NOT DIE; believed to be true by
Adolph Hitler, Henry Ford, and the late Osama bin Laden. It
was introduced by the Russian secret police in an attempt
to bolster the reign of Tzar Nicholas II. It erroneously 
exposed his enemies as co-conspirators with the Jews in
a plot to take over the world. This fabricated document
was embraced by a religious fanatic, Sergei Nilus, and
published in 1905 in Russia. He published three separate
versions of the book, and the last in 1917 indicated that 
Theodor Herzl was the writer of the mythical conspiracy
theory. The book birthed the pogroms in Russia, and
was used by Hitler as an excuse to exterminate six million
Jews in Europe. Many Muslim leaders worldwide keep it within 
reach as the most revered book, after the Quran.

Quoted from backflap of The Protocols

Haman has been successful in convincing the king that the Jews are a danger worthy of annihilation. His argument erupted from a steady diet of antisemitic thought within his family. The thoughts became beliefs that led to action. Now the king is ecstatic with Haman's proposed rescue of his kingdom and they have sat down to have a drink and be merry.

When the news of the pogrom to exterminate the Jews was found out by the Gentile peoples of Shushan, they were perplexed and when the news found the Jews they were extremely fearful. Their people had been at this very place before many times. This thought of exterminating them would just not go away. Every time they became productive in a society, antisemitic elements arose to do them harm. 
The pogrom date established through the occult was now eleven months away. That's the time Mordecai had to defeat Haman in this tense clash of values. Soon, if action was not taken, it would be more than a clash of values, people would be suffering and dying. Nothing could help his people unless someone responded to the issue at hand. Fortunately Mordecai could. And, more importantly, his God WOULD.

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