Someone who faithfully reads this lesson commented that the lesson last week was shorter than usual. I had not even noticed the length. I was so caught up in the perfectness of the "seal moment" that I guess I did not want to take away from the greatness of it. Just think, virgins and daughters of Jerusalem and companions of all stripes and service had all been keeping company with the king but this one, this beloved, was the one who wanted the king to seal their love in its pristine and perfect state. How she longed to establish once and for all that her love for the king was complete. Would he not believe her, now as her love had matured, and seal her heart and hand? She tells him that her love for him is as strong as death from which we know there is no turning back. Her passion for him flashes like flashes of fire; no amount of water can quench her love, not even torrents of rain can drown it. He is her "darling" exuding a freshness and an exuberance for the life they will share together. Leaning on him, she is so safe, so secure that she knows she will no longer be looked down upon.
I have heard it taught that the Jews sang a song called the "LEKHA DODI" which means Come, My Beloved. With this song they would welcome the Sabbath. One verse goes, "Remember and observe, in one utterance announce to us the One and only God, God is One and God's name is One. This same phenomenon has happened to our country girl. Her shepherd and the king are one. His name is Solomon. She knows that now with all her heart, thus the request for the seal. As the Jews were to remember the Sabbath day and keep it holy, so we Christians remember the first day of the week and keep it holy. There we remember that our gentle shepherd is also our king who loves us and like our Jewish antecedents we say:
One thing God has spoken;
two things have I heard:
that might belongs to God. (Psalms 62:12)
The country girl's beloved had many voices but he was one. So it is with our king. He is our One, our beloved and we list to his many voices. Hear him? He's calling.
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