Fortunately, for the Queen it appears she was having a terrible nightmare from which she was able to awake. Whew! I have been told by many spiritual people, and indeed I too have experienced it, that the Lord will come to you in the night asking you to pray and to share the inconveniences of the night watch. I can sadly say that I, being dulled by sleep, have turned Him away at times, asking Him to come when I am more rested and it is more convenient. But, PTL, there have been times, like this early morning, when I have known I could not leave him "outside" for I know He desires for me to open the door with the same love I had for Him when He first saved me. After all, the luxury of the sweet smelling spices and the comfort of safety that I enjoy have all come from Him. And so, I declare anew, I want to be with you, help me to do so. Help me to not disappoint and insult you, O, Lord with any lukewarmness. Please don't be angry with me as you were with Israel of old when they spurned you. but if you must chasten (Hebrews 12: 5-6) help me to mature and willing to help You establish your ways in the earth.
The church must awake and realize it may take 24/7 for us to accomplish all the Lord desires for the earth:
"And I tell you that you are Peter, and on this rock I will build My church,
and the gates of hades will not overcome it. I will give you the keys of
the Kingdom of Heaven; whatever you bind on earth will be bound in Heaven,
and whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in Heaven."
Matthew 16: 18-19
Lord, we want to be a victorious Bride believing that the principalities and powers of heaven must cave as we participate with you in establishing your ways in the earth. Your kingdom can and must come through your church using all that You, O God, have. Faith is the victory!
Lord, it is a very serious prayer this morning. We know how you hate lukewarmness and the spurning of your Son by His love. Help us wield the keys of heaven with great authority. Amen.
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