Good Food!!

Good Food!!

About Me

I am a retired VA employee who lives in Texas. I consider the characters of the Bible "family" as much as any I know or have known on earth. To be one of the Lord's beloved is the greatest thing I know. What good company!

Monday, October 10, 2011

Bibledoorajar Admires Esther's Calm Spirit

     After the purification process, Esther was pleasant to be with and was not a silly young girl. The king realized how special she was and set the royal crown on her head making her his queen. He gave a great feast in her honor throughout His kingdom. Then, just when it seemed that things were going so well for Esther, intrigue entered her life. It seems that Mordecai overheard two of the king's doorkeepers planning a plot to assassinate the king. Mordecai advised Esther and she was able to tell the king what her uncle Mordecai had overheard. The plot was exposed and the plotters were hanged. The failed event and the name of the man who had exposed it were recorded in the king's chronicles. At about this same time, the king elevated a man named Haman who was an Agagite (Amalekite) to be his prime minister. He was the king's number 1 person and he could act in the king's absence. The fact that Haman was even on this scene was due to Israel's unwillingness to obey God to the letter. Amalek was a grandson of Esau. His clan attacked the children of Israel as they came out of Egypt on the way to the mountain of God. They became eternal enemies of Israel. Agag (the ancestor of Haman) descended from this clan. King Saul was told by God to kill Agag after he was captured but Saul did not. Before the prophet Samuel could catch up to Agag and kill him,  Agag had had opportunities to sire more children. Now Haman, his descendent, was poised against Mordecai, Saul's descendent.

Saul Vs. Agag                                 Mordecai Vs Haman

Partial Victory                           Full Victory over Agag's seed

     How will the victory be won?

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