Good Food!!

Good Food!!

About Me

I am a retired VA employee who lives in Texas. I consider the characters of the Bible "family" as much as any I know or have known on earth. To be one of the Lord's beloved is the greatest thing I know. What good company!

Monday, May 2, 2011

Bibledoorajar exults in the King's praise of the Country girl's returned

     Most people rejoice when estranged marrieds can work things out and "get back together". But only those very close to them know if the return brought great joy to the hearts of the couple. I have heard of some who renew their vows, others take a second honeymoon, etc. When they go among old friends, many who may have taken sides during the "split", may make one or the other feel a bit of discomfort. And so it was with the country girl. Happy together, she and the king returned to some of their favorite places to see the garden of nuts, the budding vines and things in flower. When they meet old friends or the king's subjects, they call out to her to come closer in order that they may observe the king's bride more closely. She feels a bit uncomfortable, like she was just a popular dance of the times. Or, maybe they wanted to dance joyfully with her at her return. I think they, as we Christians should when one is restored, just wanted to experience the joy of once again having her among them---a beloved of the king.

     At any rate, even if she wasn't completely comfortable around the king's subjects, she did rejoice that she was fullly restored to her king. And, my oh my, how he rejoiced in her! As he describes her,
(Song 7:1 ff), there is no doubt that he feels she is perfect in every way. Someone said that beauty is in the eye of the beholder and the king is completely gripped by the country girl's beauty.

     Surely when Israel, God's chosen people, heard this story they could not help but be impressed with the way God presented His love for them. Their very Creator was Israel's husband! And in the Church age what a beautiful picture of how Christ sees us, his beloved bride. We may behold each other and smell stinky armpits, but Christ beholds the beauty of every member. If we are feet, then the word declares that the feet of those who bring the gospel are beautiful. Whatever our part in the body, He finds us altogether lovely and is able to enjoy and use us to reflect His glory. All the blemishes we  see in each other, He sees as covered with the flowers and budding vines of His righteousness. We are cautioned that every "body part" is pleasant to the Lord and all are to be esteemed as they work together to be the productive bride the King desires. Have a blessed week!

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