Good Food!!

Good Food!!

About Me

I am a retired VA employee who lives in Texas. I consider the characters of the Bible "family" as much as any I know or have known on earth. To be one of the Lord's beloved is the greatest thing I know. What good company!

Sunday, December 31, 2017

Building in 2018

During this month of December, we beheld Him born in Bethlehem Judah and perhaps we believed either anew or once again. Now,  the New Year is coming in and some of us are resolving as to how we will live in the year of our Lord 2018. This, I think, is a good thing, for this passage comes to mind:

"For every house is built by someone, but the builder of all things is God."
                                                             Hebrews 3

As we set out to build in 2018, I pray that we will all remember that the Great Builder is God. We need His help to sustain our faith to build all the way to the end. Remember that God's children, the Israelites, had faith to be set free, had faith to participate in the miraculous exodus from bondage, but when it came to allowing God to assist them in building the correct path to final freedom and rest their faith waned. Their trust in God evaporated. They tied God's hands with their unbelief and suffered tremendously.

 I don't know about you but I want to keep building toward that place of rest. I am placing my confidence and trust anew in the One who is the Master Builder. In 2018, Lord help me know You and speak of Life to any and all who will listen. Forgive my offenses and fill me again with your Spirit that the one who is me will be fulfilled rightly. May your Name be praised with great understanding by all Your people in  2018.

"Go, let it be for you as you have TRUSTED." Jesus to Centurion, Matthew 8:13

"For it is we who have TRUSTED that enter the rest." Hebrews 4:3

Happy New Year to all and especially to those who wish to explore Truth in 2018!

Saturday, December 23, 2017

Bibledoorajar: He Who Shall Achieve it

"To whom will you compare Me? Or, who is My equal? says the Holy One." Isaiah 40

So Boaz took Ruth and she became his wife. Then he went to her, and the Lord enabled her to conceive, and she gave birth to a son....And they named him Obed. He was the father of Jesse, the father of David. Ruth 4

A certain man of Zorah, named Manoah....had a wife who was sterile and remained childless. The angel of the Lord appeared to her and said, 'You are sterile and childless, but you are going to conceive and have a son...the boy is to be a Nazarite and apart to God from birth; and he will begin the deliverance of Israel from the hands of Philistines. . Judges 13

"Here is My servant, whom I uphold, My chosen one in whom I delight; I will put my Spirit on Him and He will bring justice to the nations...In His law the islands will put their hope." The Creator speaking in  Isaiah 42

"And now the Lord says----He who formed Me in the womb to be His restore the tribes of Jacob and bring back those of Israel I have kept. I will also make You a light for the Gentiles, that You may bring my salvation to the ends of the earth." The Savior in Isaiah 49

"My soul glorifies the Lord and my spirit rejoices in God my Savior, for He has been mindful of the humble state of His servant." Mary in Luke 1

"....And wild and sweet, the WORDS REPEAT of peace on earth. good-will to men."  Longfellow.


Saturday, December 9, 2017

Bibledoorajar: And the Generations Shall Be Blessed

"That the generation to come might know, even the children yet to be born. That they may arise and tell them to their children." Psalm 78

"For David after he had served the purposes of God in his own generation, fell asleep..." Acts 13

"You, O Lord, rule forever.  Your throne is from generation to generation." Lamentations 5

"How great are His signs and how mighty are His wonders! His kingdom is an everlasting kingdom and His dominion is from generation to generation."Daniel 4

"His mercy extends to those who fear Him, from generation to generation,,,,,So they hurried off and found Mary and Joseph, and the baby, who was lying in the manger. When they had seen him, they spread the word concerning what had been told them about this child, and all who heard it were amazed at what the shepherd said to them. But Mary treasured up all these things and pondered them in her heart." Luke 1 and 2

"Now to Him who is able to far more abundantly beyond all that we ask or think, according to the power that works within us, to Him be the glory in the church and in Christ Jesus to all generations forever and ever. Amen"

Pondering the Greatest Gift of all this week. Hope you are treasuring them up in your heart too.!

Bibledoorajar: What's Your Name?

But Jacob replied, "I will not let you go unless you bless me." The man asked him, "What is your name?" "Jacob," he answered. Then the man said, "Your name will no longer be Jacob, but Israel." because you have struggled with God and with men and have overcome." Jacob said, "Please tell me Your Name."  Genesis 32

"And all day long My Name is constantly blasphemed. Therefore My people will know My Name; therefore in that day they will know that it is I who foretold it. Yes, it is I." Isaiah 52

But you, Bethlehem, in the land of Judah, are by no means least among the rulers of Judah; for out of you will come a Ruler. Suddenly a great company of the heavenly host appeared with the angel, praising God and saying;
        "Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace to men on whom His favor rests." Luke 2

"For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given....and His name shall be called Wonderful.." Isaiah 9

"Which of you fathers, if your son asks for a fish, will give him a snake instead? Or if he asks for an egg, will give him a scorpion? If you then, though you are evil, know how to give good gifts to your children......Luke 11

"...remembering the words the LORD JESUS HIMSELF said:  'It is more blessed to give than to receive." Acts 20

"Maybe Christmas, the Grinch thought, doesn't come from a store. Maybe Christmas perhaps means a little bit more."  The Grinch in How the Grinch stole Christmas.

Sunday, December 3, 2017

Bibledoorajar: Occasions To Remember

     Today's church service was a spiritual occasion to remember. It seemed that the songs were perfectly chosen as if to know that those in attendance would really want to sing out those particular praises to the Godhead. For our little group, we really "raised the roof!" Then, the preacher spoke on occasions to remember, a subject it just so happened the Holy Spirit had led me to blog on today. It was an occasion where it all just came together and was topped off by a fellowship luncheon afterward. So, as I write this blog, how inspired do you think I am???? It was good to be in the household of God.
     In Leviticus 23 God told Moses to speak to the children of Israel about certain occasions which were to be known as His appointed feast times. It seemed that God wanted special times of remembrance and togetherness with His family. They were to all be special and all had their own focus. The one that is on my mind following today's service is the Feast of Tabernacles. The focus of this feast was to be that of celebration. As with our own Thanksgiving, it came at the end of the harvest time. Another name for the feast is Sukkot and it is the last of the High and Holy days of the Jewish calendar year. God listed four species of fruit and vegetation to be brought before Him that symbolized the fruitfulness of the land into which God had led His people. They were told: "Celebrate IN THE PRESENCE of your God for seven days." Lev. 23: 40. They were to dwell those seven days in temporary booths so that they could take their eyes off the cares of work and home and just enter into a time of joyous thanksgiving. Can anyone say THANKFUL? BLESSINGS?
     So gracious a gift of God was Jesus that He brings an occasion to remember each and every day if we would but focus. Paul wrote: In everything give thanks, for this is what God wants from you who have accepted Jesus. (Paraphrased from 1 Thess. 5:18). Any occasion, if pursued in thought and focus, can prove that God has lovingly provided for both our physical and spiritual needs. Or, say it this way, He has provided EVERY need in Jesus. Lest we get too boastful about things we have made, remember it is God's dirt from which all comes. Try making that!
     Today, we sang "Hold to God's Unchanging Hand". It is a Hand that is ever present to bring us to all the occasions for which we can bless His Holy Name. As we enter into a most busy month of the year, I am praying I can see each day as an occasion to have a thankful spirit. It is a challenge for me for I tend to get weary in well doing in December and tend to lose my focus on gratitude. Lord, don't let me let go of your hand. Not this year. Please.

Monday, November 27, 2017

Bibledoorajar: There Ought to Be a Law

     I live in America. We like to call it the land of the free. Did you know that in America there are more laws on the books than anywhere else in the world? We like to say, we may have our problems (as a country), but I would rather live here than anywhere else because "at least I know I'm free." Freedom has come to us because laws have been made to ensure our freedoms. Yesterday, I had the freedom to attend church and share the seed of God's truth (laws) with fellow believers. It is important to separate that truth (law, good seed) from error (lack of law, bad seed) and to determine if I am producing good fruit from a new seed made possible by my new birth. I will be known by my fruit says the Lord God. God help me, I do not want to be a hypocrite, saying one thing but doing another.
     In Leviticus 19, God forbade His chosen people to plant a mixture of seed together in the same field. God said the very soil would be corrupt because corrupted fruit would fall to the ground. In God's world seeds cannot mix for in doing so good and bad become intermingled or as Paul, the apostle said, become corrupt. Paul says that we have been born anew to live uncorrupted lives that began with the catastrophe in the Garden. There were two trees planted in the Garden. One was a Tree of Life (truth) and one was a tree of the knowledge of good and evil. God specifically told Adam and Eve to only eat of the tree of Life(truth) and other trees that were pleasant and good for nourishment. But of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil they were not to eat because they would be mixing two very different seeds. And we know from the story, the evil one, the serpent, that beguiling, cunning one, deceived Eve and her husband was with her. Seeing the deception and the breaking of the law was not enough to keep Adam from accepting the mixed fruit (truth). And so the Bible says that sin entered into the world through one man, Adam.
     Jesus said that it was a bad thing when the evil one sneaked into the field and planted the bad seed. Now we have tares and wheat growing in the same field. In Leviticus, we find law after law provided by God to keep His people safe from the law of sin and death. They were admonished to choose life. Jesus said to keep His commandments for the same reason. Spiritually, to know we are free and not enslaved of another, is the most important truth we can pursue.
     Thank God for sin leaving the world through the second Adam, our Lord and Savior, but until He returns we must stay alert.  Our enemy, the shining slick one, still roams the earth to tempt us with mixtures of all sorts. Compare every message with the law (truth, Word) of God. Choose life.

Sunday, November 19, 2017

Bibledoorajar: Scapecoat?

 Knowing God, acknowledging Him, leads to His wishes and His desires becoming paramount in our hearts and minds. Acknowledging Him is to embrace His desire that we be clean before Him. Not every one can embrace this desire. They rebel against some aspect of the requirements. They say, surely a loving God this or surely a loving God that, but Leviticus 16 shows us to what length God intended the children of Israel to come before Him free of guilt and clean of heart; to come to Him as unworried children. It hearkens back to the proof that God gave His friend Abraham that He would indeed give him a son. What was Abraham to do to get the proof? Prepare animal sacrifices.The revelation of the son followed. Pause and remember that story.

At Yom Kippur, the High Priest would don a special robe and sash and place a turban on his head. He then ceremoniously selected a bull and two goats. The bull and one of the goats would be sacrificed as a substitute offering to absolve the children of Israel of their guilt. That guilt was placed on their innocent heads by the High Priest. Then the scapegoat was brought to the High Priest. It was to be the recipient of all the sins of the nation. The goat bearing the sins would be taken outside the walls of the camp and let loose to carry the sins of the nation far, far away.

On Crucifixion Day, Jesus, like Isaac, carried the wood on His back for the sacrifice. As He neared the cross, He was accused of the very sins of which the priests and High Priest were guilty; they said He was a blasphemer. Unlike Isaac, there would be no substitute worthy to replace Jesus because He was God's ultimate substitute. And there outside the walls of Jerusalem, the city of Shalom, He absolved guilt and carried sins forever and away. And Barabbas, the guilty,  was set free that day. "In all they ways, acknowledge Him and He shall direct thy path." He is worthy; He had done this great thing.

Saturday, November 11, 2017

Bibledoorajar: Laying Hands on the Lamb

     The Jew who was bringing the lamb to the Priest was thoroughly acquainted with it. In some instances it had become a family favorite touched often. The Jew, himself, had to know the lamb was of a certain age and that he had carefully examined it (laid hands on it) to ensure that it was without blemish of any kind. It would not work for the person to be identified with a blemished lamb for God had made clear that such a sacrifice would not be an acceptable representative of the Jew for the atoning of his sins. Before its' death, the priest(s), too, would lay hands on the lamb examining it for deficiencies and so, they too, were identified with the sacrifice.
     Jesus was led into Jerusalem on a donkey. Before his crucifixion he was examined by both the Jewish priests and the Romans. They laid hands on him, pushed and pulled, and tried their best to find a blemish. They may not have realized that they had thus identified with THE perfect sacrifice but they had and did. The Great Lamb of God asked His Father to forgive them for they knew not what they did.
     Many sinful people think that they have found an approved avenue by which they can be reconciled with God. They have not examined their means well enough, for others have pointed out the flaws in it. Read the account of the representative, Jesus, who was willing to be your sin offering, your substitute, carefully. If you are burdened by the lack of reconciliation with God then please identify with Christ, find "no fault in Him"and trust His saving work. "He is willing to aid you, He will carry you through."

"Faith in Christ will save me;
Let me trust that gracious Son,
Trust the work that He has done,
To His arms, Lord, help me run;
Faith in Christ will save me."
Robert Lowry

Monday, November 6, 2017

Bibledoorajar: Intentional Sacrifice

       In the book of Leviticus, we find written all the requirements for the sacrificial system based on God's laws. The requirements were very intentional in nature. You could not "turn to the left if the requirement said turn to the right."  The Jew was to intentionally select a perfect or unblemished sacrifice and the sacrifice was to be brought to the priest for verification that the requirements of perfection had been met. When verification was complete, the process of allowing the sinful Jew to draw closer to God would begin. And all would remain intentional to the very end of the process.
        Jesus intentionally went to where John the Baptist was baptizing in water. John was from the Aaronic line of priests and he was therefore qualified to verify that Jesus met the requirements to be a sacrifice.
This is what John said:
      "Behold the Lamb of God which takes away the sin of the world. This is He of whom I said, 'After me comes a man which is preferred before me for He was before me."
                                                                             John 1: 29ff

John proclaimed that the right sacrifice had been brought to him for verification. He proclaimed that he, an Aaronic priest of God, was not worthy to even unlatch his shoes. But the sinless perfect Lamb allowed John to baptize Him so that the mystery of the remission of sin through being born of water and the Spirit could be made known and believed. Have you intentionally accepted this perfect sacrifice and have you experienced the mystery of the remission of your sin by being baptized and born of water and the Spirit?  Jesus Christ is the Lamb in whom God is well pleased. He is the intentional way to draw closer to Your Father. As the hymn says:
                    "Why not tonight, Oh, why not tonight,
                      Wilt thou be saved, then why not, oh why not tonight?
                                             Elizabeth Reed

Monday, October 30, 2017

Bibledoorajar: What Moses Wanted

     Moses went up Mt. Sinai twice. The first time as he came down, he was filled with anger at what he saw the people doing (golden calf incident),  and he threw down the tablets of stone. I  personally think Moses had become fully aware that the laws given by God totally revealed man's inability to keep them.  He decided more of God was what was needed. On his second trip up Sinai his emphasis was entirely different. Basically, he said to God that He(God) knew all about him (Moses) and he asked if he could know more of Him (see God's glory). What had God shown Moses up there before? He had revealed His Name. He had revealed His Law. He had revealed His character. These were to be the proof of His holiness and worthiness. But these also brought judgement and death.  But this time, Moses asked if he could see more of the God of the Name, the Law, and Pristine Character. God told Moses that no one could look on His perfection and live. But He would do a great thing to help Moses know Him nevertheless. He told Moses that there was a place nearby God where He would put Moses. He was to be nestled IN the cleft of the ROCK and be covered by God's hand as He passed by. Talk about a different RESULT!!! Moses came down the mountain with the tablets and his face shone gloriously. His aim for the tablets was different. His intent was to place them in the ark in the Most Holy Place. Interestingly enough, Moses did not even realize that his face was glowing, but the people saw it and knew. Their "view" of God was also elevated by this event!!! And so it is, even today, that when we can see the glory on the faces of Christians hidden in the Rock our faith is elevated. It is not so much what these Christians do for God, but the solace and peace they seem to have gained from being hidden with Him.
      This week our minister said that he wanted us to focus on elevating our worship during these next months even as the world elevates its worldly approach to the holidays. Perhaps one way to do that would be to meditate on the safety from the death of the law that we have been given as God has placed us in the cleft of the Rock. Let's see if anyone can see our shining faces and thus honor and worship our God. Meditate of John 14: 9ff. and let your heart sing. Have a great week.

Monday, October 23, 2017

Bibledoorajar: Love Never Fails

This week has been a week of the Father renewing within me the principle that love never fails. It did not fail Aaron when he did not meet the challenge of being a bridge builder to God for the people at the golden calf incident. But the love of God shown brightly as Moses reminded Him that Aaron and the people were His and that they needed Him. God's love swelled toward them and the Holy Spirit led Moses to record this about the high priest who had failures. It is referred to as the Aaronic blessing and can be found in Numbers 6.

The LORD bless you and keep you: The LORD make his face to shine upon you, and be gracious to you: The LORD lift up his countenance upon you, and give you peace. (Numbers 6:24-26 RSV) 

In this prayer we see an Aaron who is much more in tune with the God of Israel than before. He asked the Lord to see the people with respect and give them blessings. He asked Him to guard the people and keep them safe. He asked the Lord to let the people sense his loving expressions on His face for them and to illuminate their lives with His presence. He asked Him to give them a protection that they would not want to run from. And lastly to set them in a place where they would feel totally safe.
     Yesterday in Bible class the teacher shared a film about how one evolutionist found the Creator God by studying some of the marvelous intricacies He has provided for particular species. These provisions spoke of how intentional and specific God is with His creation. The Holy Spirit overwhelmed me with God's goodness and spoke to my heart: "never again question that 'love never fails'. Thank you Father for all you do for us. Today may we see your many facets of love shining on us and see how much you love us and bless us. May the loving work of our High Priest of our confession shine brightly within as we find the power to share love even as He.

Sunday, October 15, 2017

Bibledoorajar: Are You Being Served?

Aaron was High Priest of Israel but oh how he failed Israel when the talk of the calf erupted. Where was the sacred influence he could have had on the misled people? Could he have not called them back to the system of worship that God had placed with he and the Levites? Could he have not reminded them of the awesomeness of their God and the benefits they enjoyed? Could he not have acted from the dignified position of his office? But maybe that was the trouble, his dignity was from an office and was not personal. The writer of Hebrews makes it plain that our Redeemer's mediation and His person is so great that the glory of the most noble angels wains in comparison. Set your heart on these verses:

  "Being so much better than the angels inasmuch as he hath inherited a more excellent name than they"   Hebrews 1: 4

" For unto which of the angels said He ever, Thou art my Son, this day have I begotten thee?" Hebrews 1: 5

"and let all the angels of God worship him."  Hebrews 1:6      AMEN

Sunday, October 1, 2017

Bibledoorajar: WRATH

The Fathet got really mad; He was so mad He told Moses that the people were not worth it. He
planned to start a new line that descended from Moses. No grace for those who had no interest in His
It is good to remember that God 's grace goes with His will. The blessings fall on the cup held
up open and the one up side down, but only oneis filled.

  "Here's my cup Lord, I lift it up Lord.
   Come and fill this longing in my soul"
                              CeCe Winans

Sunday, September 17, 2017

Bibledoorajar: The Wages of Sin are Death

      Moses came down from being with the Father and he was shocked at what he saw. Down went the tablets that were imprinted with the finger of God only to be broken in two. So rampant was the revelry associated with the idol worship that the high priest Aaron was unable to come up with a good explanation of what happened,  But the Bible indicates he had something to do with the nakedness of the people. About 3000 people did not seem to care what Moses thought. But then they heard this: Who is on Elohim's side? All who are, come to me. And praise God the Levites, set aside by God, came forward. But the 3000 remained callous. Moses told the Levites, every man, to put a sword by his side and go from gate to gate slaying brothers, companions and neighbors. This was possible because the Levites had chosen to follow Moses' instructions to consecrate themselves to Elohim over relatives and friends that day.
      In Revelation Jesus tells the church at Thyatira this: "And he who overcomes, and keeps My will until the end, to him I will give power over the nations 'He shall rule them with a rod of iron; they shall be dashed to pieces like the potter's vessels'--as I also have received from My Father." Rev. 2:26 ff.  A time is coming when the church who has remained consecrated and has enjoyed moving in grace and the fruits of the Spirit will no longer turn the other cheek. They will rule with rods of iron with Jesus among the nations. Grace will be supplanted with justice. Now is the time to spread the Good News to all we know. Pray that many will take you seriously.

Monday, September 11, 2017

Bibledoorajar: Slippery Slopes

785: The number of years between the 1232 canonization of Saint Anthony of Padua and the day a great-grandmother in Brazil learned that the Anthony statue she had been praying to was, in fact, an action figure version of Elrond, a half-elvven character from The Lord of    the Rings.
                      That's Outrageous! By the Numbers, Reader's Digest, May, 2017

"When the people saw that Moses was so long in coming down from the mountain,,,"(Exodus 32)

There are blessings that are immediate and for which we humans can be immediately grateful. However, when the blessings are slow to come and demand patience, faithfulness and self-control, it is harder for we humans to take. Most scholars do not think the Israelites were wanting to replace God; they wanted to replace their mediator. He was just too slow. Thus began their journey down the slippery slope of ill advised behavior: loss of self-control and mob thinking. It's outrageous that a golden calf "just popped out" but it happened. That's the trouble with slippery slopes and the human  need for immediacy. When the disciples could not even stay awake to pray for their Lord who was soon going to have to give his life for them, we got a taste of our weaknesses even under grace. And yet, the Father gave us the Holy Spirit who humbly says he can help us produce wonderful fruit as we wait for present and long-term blessings. Shall we not honor Him more?

"Patience is greater than power; and he who rules his own spirit is greater than one who captures a city."(Proverbs 16:32)

"The fruit of the spirit is love, joy, peace, PATIENCE, generosity, goodness, FAITHFULNESS, humility and SELF-CONTROL..." (Galatians 5)

For the blessings of the Bible which mean TOTAL increase, physically, spiritually and mentally, it seems worth a wait to me. How about you?

Monday, September 4, 2017

Bibledoorajar: Perfection Interrupted

"... so that we may present every person perfect in Christ Jesus" (Colossians 1:28).

"Therefore, be perfect, even as your Father in heaven is perfect!" (Matthew 5:48)

     The Israelites had started on the pathway of what God calls perfection. That is, they had agreed to follow in God's heart steps. They agreed to look far off into the future and complete their obedience with good results. They would stay true to God. But the story of the golden calf revealed that their desire to stay on the pathway was short-lived. To stray so far off the pathway leads to what God calls His wrath. For a person or people who do not love God and honor His ways must sooner or later have that drawn to their attention. His love leads to a wrath that sends a clear message that the pathway has been abandoned and that trouble is in the future. Perfect is not 100 percent in behavior, but it is 100 percent in heart attitude. When convicted, we scurry back to the path. We resume pursuit of the goal.
     The Israelites abandoned God and His Man, Moses, less than five months after they sang God's praises. Their pathway was obscured with thoughts of Egypt and her gods. But Moses.... Thank God for Moses. When God had to honor His wrath, Moses was not afraid to talk to Him about the situation even though he, too, had been so seriously wronged.
When God said to Moses, "now therefore let Me alone, that My wrath may wax hot against them, and that I may consume them." The moment was solemn.  God no longer called them His people but referred to them as thy people to Moses. The heart of God and the heart of the people were completely out of sync. For God, to get off the pathway once on it was a form of rebellion. Yielding to God was completely gone; they now yielded to sin. This is what they had to say just five months before...
"The Lord is my strength and song, and He is become my salvation: He is my god, and I will prepare Him an habitation: my father is God and I will exalt Him(Ex. 15)". Now they seemed to not know where God or Moses was. But Moses. Thank God for Moses. His heart interceded.
     Thank God that Jesus intercedes for us. He has provided the work of apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors and teachers to equip the saints and build up the body. We live in perilous times. We need to be listening closely. Is our heart telling us we are still on the right pathway? Are we in danger of God's wrath? Every minute of every day is a choice.

Monday, August 28, 2017

Bibledoorajar: Deliberate

Deliberate. That is what is recorded in regard to the golden calf episode. It cannot be denied. The people of God deliberately chose to go against God and all their promises of fidelity to Him. As it was, it shall ever be. Men deliberately choose to select the ungodly. They like to say there was no choice, that nature propelled them in a certain direction, but the truth is free will and choice always existed. We choose everyday what or whom we will serve.

 If you follow the story long enough you will find what the real trouble was at the golden calf fiasco.
In Deuteronomy 32 we learn that the vast portion of the children of Israel possessed no FAITH in God.  They knew the choice of idolatry in Egypt and they liked the choice of idolatry of Egypt. There were no tablets of laws associated with that worship but there was a great deal of carnality.

There is a reason why years later the apostle Paul wrote to the carnal Corinthians to flee idolatry. He urged them to make a choice. He urged them to walk in pure faith of the living God and to seek blessings associated with Him. At this time there is great pressure on Christian leaders to not dwell on the problems of pursuing forms of idolatry and sin. These are to be ignored, but the problem with that is that statistics prove that such pursuits as the object of choice do not bode well for humans. Many are dying young from disease and/or suicide as a result of life choices. Many who call themselves Christians possess no living faith in Jesus. They embrace their life choices rather than cast them on the Lord at the cross.

I used to have a handyman of Mexican origin. He would come to work and he would always try to teach us a bit of Spanish. He never failed to come without saying this, "Fe es La Victoria"---Faith is the Victory. It was and always will be the way to overcome the world.

"For Thou, O Lord, are high above the earth
Thou art exalted far above all gods"
                                           Lyrics by Pete Sanchez

Monday, August 21, 2017

Bibledoorajar: The Great Shift

When I was in Graduate School, we were taught theories about how we humans wind up doing what we do to cope with our neediness.  We learned about projection, the phenomena where we project our needs and difficulties on to someone else in order to get relief. And, we also learned about the theory of introjection wherein we adopt the ideas or attitudes of others in order to gain relief.

While God was in their midst the people projected all their needs on Him and said they would always follow Moses their deliverer. Remember, Moses wrote it down? And then Moses disappeared to Mt. Sinai for some personal time with the Lord and the people got antsy. Yesterday they saw Moses and today they did not. Thus, began the process of introjection. They began to look around for someone or something that would bring them relief. For them it was the memory of the gods of Egypt.

     "This is that Moses who told the Israelites, God
       will send you a prophet like me from your own
       people. He was in the church in the wilderness,
       and the angel spoke to him on Mount Sinai, and
       with our fathers; and he received living words to
      pass on to us. But our fathers refused to obey him.
      They told Aaron, ' make us gods who will go before
      us---we don't know what has happened to him!"

The martyr Stephen's address to the Jews in the Narrated Bible, Acts. 7

Tuesday, August 15, 2017

Bibledoorajar: The finger of God

Earlier in Exodus we read of the magicians of Egypt advising Pharaoh that he was being called out by the finger of God. Now we find the finger of God writing commandments on two slabs of stone. From the words of Jesus in Luke 11:20 we learn that if He (Jesus) cast out demons with the finger of God then no doubt the kingdom of God had arrived through Him. God wrote the commandments with His own finger to show His all encompassing authority. Jesus healed and ministered only via God's authority. His authority is the basis for all communities established in His Name. His is the creative power to establish viable God/man loving communities and human interaction. King David said God fashioned his hands and fingers for battle with His authority.

Alfred Lord Tennyson mentioned that the finger of God moved over the one he was memorializing and that afterward he slept in death. Thus it was and always will be with the finger of God. Creation is His and He has declared what a kingdom established by Him should look like.

Tuesday, August 8, 2017

Bibledoorajar: The Forever Sign

     After all the furnishings of the tabernacle were completed by the artisans of God's own choosing, Moses is instructed to tell the people that the Sabbath day was always to be kept holy. Six days were they to work, but the seventh day of rest was a sign of the relationship the people had ,and would always have, with their God. They were to be advised that no one should ever do any work in the tabernacle on their own lest they die. Everything about the tabernacle was and would always be God's doing. Oh, how much God wanted the people to realize how much He, their God, had done and was continuing to do for them.! The children of Israel were to keep guard about this relationship for it was a perpetual or eternal covenant. It was a covenant based of obedience and that proved to be a terrible problem for the Israelites.
     We know how often the children of Israel broke covenant with their God through their disobedience. Indeed, for the church and eternity, that was the main thing that would have to be addressed by God. There was little doubt that people would not be able to maintain obedience on their own. Israel demonstrated that. And thus, the marvelous grace of Jesus completing all obedience for us came as a wonderful gift. Christ would do the work of obedience and the Holy Spirit would be ever present and prevailing to maintain our faithfulness to Christ. Mercy and grace would be free!!! Help was always one prayer away. And, most importantly, there would be a place of rest for us in this weary place with Jesus.

               "Safe in the arms of Jesus, Safe on His gentle breast,
                There by His love o'er-shadowed, Sweetly my soul shall rest."

So penned Fanny Crosby in 1870. And so we claim for ourselves today. Our faithfulness is worth eternity and reflects the superlative covenant God established with the death of Jesus. Praise Him.

Sunday, July 30, 2017

Bibledoorjar: The Ransom Money

     God had been moving His people closer and closer to Him through all the requirements He made in regard to the tabernacle and the priests. All the holy furnishings had to be redeemed because sinful men employed their use. At last God is satisfied with the redemption process in all but one way. He desired a ransom of 10 gerah be made for each person that would be numbered as He required. This atonement money was to be used in the service of the tabernacle and reflected again the preciousness of its' presence among the people. It also sent the message that the people had been redeemed (saved) but that they are also were redeemed to be His (do His will). They were ransomed to do many things in service to Him such as soldier, king, prophet, artist, parent, etc. Every person was ransomed with the same amount of money and each understood the value of 10 gerah and had, at least some idea, of the contribution it made to the important aspect of the tabernacle. It was not that God needed the money, but He did have to have a way for the people to know they were His and served at His will. Letting go of money was a good way because of its' value. Remember when Jesus told the parable about a woman who had 10 pieces of silver but lost one. She lit a candle and hunted and hunted until she once again had the full amount.
     We learn from the light of the Word that our ransom was not with corruptible silver but with the incorruptible life of our Savior. It is good that we keep our light shining on that.

Monday, July 24, 2017

Bibledoorajar: Holy Furnishings

Yesterday my congregation met for fellowship with God following a rather involved class discussion about what happens to us at death. That is, if we are asleep (comatose) in Jesus, is there another part of us, say our spirit, that is alive and with the Lord and functioning among the many witnesses who urge us to finish the course?  For some, this discussion seemed "complicated" while others seemed to be more at peace with their view. Anyway, later as we came to that part of the worship where we share the emblems. I looked up and noticed that one server was concerned that the other had overlooked a believer and gone on to the next row. He signaled that we cannot leave even one out. (Really, the brother did not intend to leave her out, he just thought his dispensing method would be more efficient). It made me think of this study and how important the Most holy furnishings were and how much thought God put into them so not one would have to feel left out.
 It was with these furnishings that God said where He would meet with His people as opposed to other furnishings in the other parts of the tabernacle which prepared the people to meet with Him. God said He would meet with the people from the Mercy seat which was a solid sheet of pure gold. It sat above the Ark and had a crown of gold that formed the top and sides. It was the most costly item in the Most Holy Place( divine)  and the blood that was sprinkled there for the propitiation of sins was foremost in preciousness. For our sister to whom it looked like she may be left out, it meant that the preciousness of her Propitiatory was overlooked. She, a chosen one, must be included as Christs' (her sins satisfied) in order for the Father to be thoroughly satisfied with the fellowship.
God had also had Moses have a table made. On this table were twelve loaves of "pierced" bread in rows of six. Once again we see that all of God's chosen (the twelve tribes) were represented and therefore none were to be left out. The bread sweetened by frankincense stayed before the Lord for seven days and then was eaten by the High priest and his sons in the holy place. Each loaf was to be the same size indicating all of God's chosen were in view.  How could the sister enjoy this wonderful communion if overlooked? How could I feel complete if she were? But I am glad to say, the communication between the servers was cleared and the one server stepped back to her and saw that she was served. Whew! I now felt we were all one in Him.  And it was wonderful. I pray for all God's chosen who chose to miss this wonderful communion yesterday that they may be imbued by God (as my petition is presented by the Propitiatory and accepted) with a strong desire for this most holy and often fellowship.
          "O Master, through these symbols shared,
          Thine own dear self impart,
          That in our daily life may flame
          The passion of Thy heart."
            From Beneath The Forms of Outward Rite by James Blaisdell

Saturday, July 15, 2017

Bibledoorajar: Unfailing Sacrifice

The Lord required that a burnt offering of a live animal be made morning and evening at the time of prayers. This animal sacrifice with its' shedding of blood and slow burn savor going up to God was foundational to all other sacrifices. That is, there were other sacrifices that did not call for spilled blood which could be offered but they only were acceptable within the context of the continual burnt offering. Done morning and evening, it was to be unfailing and carried out under the auspices of the priests.

Jesus died once and for all, and God has declared His sacrifice unfailing. His blood sacrifice is ever pleasing  before God. Paul spoke of being a sacrifice (poured out) via his work for other Christians on the basis of the foundational and unfailing work of Jesus. Sometimes we refer to people willing to do this as martyrs and there have been many. For the most of us, we should think of pouring out a sacrifice of prayer and praise morning and evening. We pour out because of the foundational work of Jesus and our offerings are a sweet savor before the Lord. Our prayers and praise are varied and specific but are always made in the light of sacrificial work of our marvelous Lamb, Jesus.  We may not be unfailing as we serve but praise God His mercy and grace are great. There is always the offering of "Thank you" to be made.

Sunday, July 9, 2017

Bibledoorajar: Established by God (His Spirit Working)

"stay at the door of the tabernacle for seven days day and night" 
Exodus and Leviticus

The candidates for the priesthood were commanded to do the above in order that God might complete their consecration. Failure to complete this process meant death. The death talk may sound tough but God had in mind a working of His Spirit that would establish a union between He and the priests that would be a result of them having exercised faith to complete the act and His working on their hearts through His grace and mercy. During this process they would be so impacted supernaturally that they would be persuaded in their hearts to carry out the exercise of being a priest of God. Their hands were "filled".

We tend to speak a lot to each other about being saved by faith. This is true, but if we are not speaking of a faith so impacted supernaturally as to propel us to carry out spiritual functions, the fact that Christ is the very life of faith may have been ignored by the candidate. Mental assent to God's truth is not that different from accepting any other established and believed truths. But to "remain in one place" (See Acts 2) and allow the Spirit to complete our consecration is something much much different. It is about union. It is the formation of a like mindedness. It is the granting of the gift of saving faith with the power to serve. It is faith coming alive. It is realizing that we may have come to God for help but Jesus had already knocked at the door of our hearts and that He alone sends the Comforter (Teacher) in order to complete this wonderful union. In the fullness of time our hands are "filled".  Our hearts rejoice.
            "I'll shout it while eternity rolls." 
He Touched Me

Monday, July 3, 2017

Bibledoorajar: All that He Did

I hope by now, we all realize that no one from the tribe of Levi would have ever been a consecrated priest if it were not for the work God did through Moses. It was Moses who received the commands as to what was to be appropriately done and it was through the hands of Moses that most of the work was accomplished. While Aaron and his sons stood passive, Moses saw that they were "taken" from the rest of the children of Israel, that they were "brought" to the door of the tabernacle, that they were "washed" and made clean, that they were "clothed" appropriately, that they were "anointed" and that their hands were "filled" and lastly that they were sanctified. This was  all accomplished through the works of Moses. It was even Moses who brought the animal sacrifices to them that they all "touched".

Reading this and remembering verses like " For Christ also hath suffered once for sins, the Just for the unjust, that He might bring us to God" 1 Peter 3:18). Why? That we, once anointed and filled with the Spirit, might proclaim what we have seen and heard in our own lives and have fellowship with each other as we have fellowship with the Trinity. Thank You, thank You. As Sister Sledge says "get up everybody and sing!!!!

I have a good friend who reminds me that we serve an awesome God when I share something praise worthy with her. Indeed. If you are wondering about our anointing so that our hands can be filled, join our discussion next week and never forget all that has been done for you by the One who loves you.

Monday, June 26, 2017

Bibledoorajar: Extraordinary Living

     When those Old Testament priests were consecrated it was necessary for each to touch the sacrifice. It was an extraordinary and eternally significant event. When Jesus walked with His disciples, many who would later become apostles, John says that they not only saw Him but that they touched Him. It was a witness that was broader than that of an eye witness--they actually touched Him. To touch a sacrifice provided by God and given for a spiritual purpose is an extraordinary thing. It could not be more real. Luke concludes in his writings that all the witnesses that have gone before lays a strong basis for the continued testimony about Jesus being given by God.
     In church yesterday, our preacher was calling attention to living an extraordinary life in the midst of the ordinary (and sometimes difficult) things of earth. Once again we were encouraged to consider Jesus our High Priest. Though some things are yet to come, He is present with us. Sometimes Christians think they just live "plain ole ordinary lives" but we are not remembering just how extraordinary our lives are. Not everyone living is living the extraordinary in a God given way.
In church I just wanted to say, can we please sing We Gather Together? This hymn was first written at a time of great oppression when the king of Spain forbade Protestants to gather together for spiritual purposes. The song came to America as the Dutch migrated to this country. By the time of World War I, the song was resonating with many people in America as our nation faced extraordinary times of difficulty. But now it seems the hymn is sung mostly at Thanksgiving in most congregations. However,  it is a hymn that restores our faith in His ability to allow us to spiritually live extraordinary lives even in the midst of woes every day of the year and can be especially helpful to congregations striving for mutual faith.

            "We gather together to ask the Lord's blessings;
              He chastens and hastens His will to make known;
              The wicked oppressing, now cease from distressing;
              Sing praises to His Name, He forgets not His own.

              Beside us to guide us, our God with us joining,
              Ordaining, maintaining, His kingdom divine;
               So from the beginning, the fight we are winning;
               Thou Lord, were at our side, all glory be Thine!

               We do extol Thee, Thou Leader triumphant,
                And pray that Thou still our Defender will be;
                 Let Thy congregation escape tribulation;
                 Thy Name be ever praised! O Lord, make us free!
                                                                       Dutch Hymn

Monday, June 19, 2017

Bibledoorajar: Do the clothes make the man?

We have spent a good deal of time thinking about the clothing which God commanded for the priests of  Israel to wear. It was all designed to make the family of Aaron realize yet again the significance of their birth into the family who had been privileged to serve. Their dress brought glory and honor to the Lord. However, each and every one born to that privilege had to be consecrated before he could serve. Seven days of ceremonies that included sacrifices were required to complete the consecration of Israel's priests. The ceremony involved carefully washing the priests elect with water in order that they might be sanctified. Next, every priest-elect laid hands on the animals who would shed their blood (a bullock and two rams) so that all of them would identify with the importance of the shed blood (justification).
Aaron and his sons were also anointed with a spiced oil that was fragrant to smell and a wonderful reminder of the Lord and His goodness. Have you experienced Jesus in this way?  Have you been born again and are you enjoying "His Name is as ointment poured forth". The writer of Hebrews asks you to consider Him, the oil poured forth, and accept that you are partakers in the heavenly calling of being a priest unto God fully sanctified and justified. All because we have confessed the Lordship and High Priest calling of Christ who gave his precious blood for us.

                     "Thy Name is As Ointment Poured Forth
                     Jesus, Jesus, Jesus, Jesus
                     Thy Name is As Ointment Poured Forth
                     Thy Name is As Ointment Poured Forth

                     We love Thee With All of Our Heart
                      Jesus, Jesus, Jesus, Jesus
                      We love Thee With All of Our Heart
                      We love Thee With All of Our  Heart"
                                                     Joel Erikson

"pleasing is the fragrance of your perfumes"   Song of Solomon

Monday, June 5, 2017

Bibledoorajar: The Wonder of His Righteousness

     The last item of priests' clothing mentioned in Exodus is their breeches. These breeches were to fit from the loins to the calves of the priest and had to be worn anytime they were ministering in anyway to God Himself.  They were made of two kinds of white linen and were adequate to cover the priest's nakedness and sinful nature.  If not worn, the priests could meet an untimely death in the tabernacle.
     Sometimes we take the righteousness of Christ for granted. We sometimes forget to approach the Father through Him. This is really a dangerous practice since God can only be approached in righteousness for He is righteous.  It is never too early to train your children to say their prayers in Jesus name and to give them an idea that Jesus is busy in Heaven for our sake.

    " God's Christ who is my righteousness
     My beauty is, my glorious dress;
     Midst flaming worlds in this arrayed,
     With joy shall I lift up my head."
                                 Count Zinzendorf

Today would be a good day to review Jude 1:24. It will make you feel confident and bold for the Lord.

Monday, May 29, 2017

Bibledoorajar: Elevated

     Today is Memorial Day. At 3:00 p.m. Americans are urged to stop what they are doing and honor the men and women who were willing to give their lives in order that we might be free. This is the day that, no matter their shortcomings in life, they are to be elevated in our thoughts.
     God wanted the sons of Aaron (priests) to be elevated too. He had Moses make them bonnets (turbans) that sat tightly and loftily on their heads. The word bonnet comes from the Hebrew word that means elevated. God does not want proud sons (haughty, better than thou) but he does want us to know He elevates those who are on the journey to be His forever.
     The law said that we were to love our neighbor as ourselves, but Jesus told His followers to love as He had loved them. He was involved in every care of their daily existence, but always encouraged them to strive to look for that elevation of sons wherein the sought first the kingdom knowing that daily existence was a given for God's sons. Seek Him that gave the ultimate gift---- that is freedom indeed! Let that be your daily memorial and pattern.

Monday, May 22, 2017

Bibledoorajar: All the Way Pure

     In our discussion of the preciseness with which God has instructed Moses to dress the High Priest and his sons (priests) we have found a pattern of holy presentation before the Lord God Almighty. Today we see that even the simplest of their garments worn next to the body and under the other was to be made of the pure white linen. If the garb of the High Priest was stripped down to the bare essentials, he still stood in pure white linen simple garments of glory and beauty. These included his coat (tunic) and his girdle.
     There is a story of our High Priest, Jesus, who stripped away His outer robes, took a towel and girded it around Himself and proceeded to wash the feet of His disciples. His simple dress was a symbol of glory and beauty in service to God and His disciples.  Jesus talked to his disciples about the need for them to do the same for others. One time during a visit of two missionaries in our home, a discussion of how Jesus demonstrated this service to His disciples came up. As we discussed that this activity was to be shared with others, we determined to strip away our outer facade and do this for each other. What followed that was to be an experiment, a loving serving spiritual occasion as we ministered in this way to each other. Caught up in our thought processes were thoughts of love according to God. Love is patient, kind, long suffering, protective and trusting. While we have never carried out this experiment with any others, it did show us the importance of stripping away our facade and being of service. Perhaps the most meaningful way we can be of service like this is to strip away our wants and desires for a time and pray and intercede for someone. In today's busy climate, we have to lean on the Holy Spirit to lead us in this direction but we must not ignore it.
           "I won't lie, it feels alright to see your name in lights
             We all need  an 'Atta Boy' or 'Atta Girl'
             But in the end I'd like to hang my hat on more besides
             The temporary trappings of this world."

                           Nichole Nordeman---'words and music to be sung with honesty"

Sunday, May 14, 2017

Bibledoorajar: Ultimate Wisdom

fron·tal lobe
noun: frontal lobe; plural noun: frontal lobes each of the paired lobes of the brain lying immediately behind the forehead, including areas concerned with behavior, learning, personality, and voluntary movement.
     Mounted on the mitre of the High Priest fronting the forehead, was a golden plate. The plate was inscribed "HOLINESS TO THE LORD". In other words, God's creation, His High Priest, had to come before Him with all his behavior, learning,  and personality subdued to the truth of God. This was ultimate wisdom. In the truth of God, the forehead of men is described as negative or positive in light of His truth.  Those who are not faithful to Him are described as having the forehead of a whore. The self indulgent are said to have leprosy of the forehead. 
     The golden plate was held in place by a blue riband and the plate had crown written on it. The word used for crown is associated with the rite of the Nazarite. This is another indication of the High Priest being separated unto God. It also spoke of a coming High Priest who would not only be High
Priest but also a King forever. In every capacity he was, and forever is, committed to God. 
     Now it falls to all believers to use our frontal lobes in such a way as to bring holiness to the Lord. Follow and obey the Lord, He will show us how to make holy choices as we live our dedicated lives. Through Him, our minds can be renewed and God can have His loving family back.
     Reginald Heber was an English bishop but he also enjoyed writing hymns. After his death, his wife found the following words among his effects:

"Holy, Holy, Holy, Lord God Almighty
Early in the morning, our song shall rise to Thee
All Thy works shall praise Thy name in earth and shy and sea." 

Years later, the words were rediscovered. A tune was added and now believers everywhere sing 
HOLINESS TO THE LORD. Way to put those frontal lobes to their best employ!!!!!

Monday, May 8, 2017

Bibledoorajar: The High Priest's Head Covering

      The mitre or head covering of the High Priest reflects a huge battle between Jesus Christ and the Antichrist. The High Priest was to always serve in the tabernacle before God and to be completely submitted to knowing and carrying out God's will. His white head covering had an eternal meaning for God described Himself as having hair white as wool. It speaks of His eternal wisdom from the beginning and that which demands submission.
     Jesus is described as having been known by God from the beginning. In John's revelation, we see Jesus standing among the candlesticks dispensing wisdom to the churches and demanding submission. He has hair white as wool. The wisdom dispensed is eternal and is played out in the N.T. as it was in the O.T. He is the Head of the Church and we who serve are to be completely submitted to knowing and carrying out His will. He is the Pattern Son, having submitted Himself fully even to death. We honor Him as Perfect Wisdom from eternity. He is to be obeyed.
     The Bible speaks of another who seeks to rule and reign as Wisdom Himself does. Some feel He exerts his force now via an Antichrist spirit that will ultimately be overcome. Others believe this spirit exists, but also believe that Satan himself will manifest personally in the end of time to attempt to wrest Christ's eternal position before God in an ultimate battle. However it is, God has said that the war ends with Satan being completely and finally overcome. He just never has gotten the meaning of the head covering. And he never will. He doesn't have the hair for the job!

    "My gracious Master and my God, Assist me to proclaim
     To spread through all the earth abroad, The honors of Thy name.

     Hear Him, ye deaf; His praise, ye dumb, Your loosened tongues employ;
     Ye blind, behold your Savior come; And leap, ye lame, for joy! Amen"
                O for a Thousand Tongues to Sing by Charles Wesley


Tuesday, May 2, 2017

Bibledoorajar: Entering Before God

     The Bible says that when Aaron went into the temple God was pleased with his ascent because pomegranates and bells adorned the hem of his robe. From this report onward, the pomegranate is used as a symbol of righteousness in the Old Testament. They had a prominent place on the temple columns and King Solomon is said to have designed his crown based on the crown of the pomegranate. The pomegranate is one of seven species of fruits and grains that are special products of the Land of Israel to this day. It is still customary for Jews to eat pomegranates on Rosh Hashanah, the Jewish New Year and their time of reflection. Some Jewish scholars say the fruit represents fruitfulness, knowledge and wisdom. Today, health gurus tell us of the wonderful life saving antioxidants found in the seed of the pomegranate and they tell us it would be wise to eat them and drink their juice. 
      So we can imagine the High Priest walking across the earth into the tabernacle with bells tinkling and pomegranates shining. It was a scene of a man dedicated to the praise and glory of the God of the earth and the Jewish people. God would hear him coming even as the people heard him going because of the golden tinkle of the bells. The symbolism was sufficient for Aaron to remain alive in the presence of God and to send a holy message to those of the world. 
      Jesus, our High Priest, is a Man dedicated to the praise and glory of His Father and He stands alive in the presence of the Holy God. The world may refuse to hear the holy sounds and see the holiness of His wisdom and fruitfulness, but for those whose eyes have been opened it is a blessed event. In spirit, we are there with Him. Our praise and godly wisdom shine out and our Father is pleased. What a wonderful High Priest!
For it was fitting for us to have such a high priest, holy, innocent, undefiled, separated from sinners and exalted above the heavens..."  Hebrews 7:26

Monday, April 24, 2017

Bibledoorajar: A royal heart

     The High Priest of Israel wore a robe that is mentioned as the work of a weaver and that it was all blue, the color of the heavens. It was designed to give the High Priest special glory before God. Standing there before God in royal blue, bearing both the light and judgement of God (Urim and Thumin on the breastplate)  and bearing the names of the tribes who were called especially to ministry by Him, He was the shepherd of God's people. He was called to stand before God for them and no other. His robe covered him completely from top to bottom. His role was complete and through him, the iniquity of the people was ablated year after year. Life was worth living because of that act.
      There is a psalm that speaks of the "robe "smelling" of myrrh, aloes and cassia. While the robe of the High Priest may not have literally smelled, the odors mentioned do underscore priestly aspects. Prophetically, there is the Lord, the Great King and Priest of God's church. He is the High Priest of today and tomorrow and forever. He is our Great Shepherd. Through Him and all His suffering, we are seen as holy and blameless in His sight. In spite of the continually fight with the enemy, it is a great hope: a final scene when we are all home because of Him.
              "Because of Him, I can face tomorrow, because of Him all fear is gone.
               And because I know, He holds the future
               Life is worth the living, just because He lives."
                                               Bill Gaither

Monday, April 17, 2017

Bibledoorajar: Wanting to Make Him Known

     I just got in from Dallas. We had taken the kids who wanted to go from our church to Leadership Training for Christ. There were thousands gathered there. The theme was to Make Him Known and the participants read scriptures, gave speeches, did drama and puppet shows, art and photography and posters. Others led singing or participated in chorales. Some even read Christian poetry. It was all designed to Make Him Known. It made me think of previous blog entries. God went to great lengths to train the Israelites to worship Him and to recognize what the High Priest was accomplishing for them within the Holy of Holies. One wonders how many of them were so moved that they wanted to make Him known. God had hoped they would make Him known to each other and to strangers.
     The writer of Hebrews was anxious for the Christians he was writing to. They were not so filled with Him that they a)knew how to make Him known, and, b)wanted to. He had many deep things he wanted to say to them about the High Priest but they had become dull of hearing and were not interested in learning new depths in Christ. At a time when they should have been prepared to make Him known, they were not. They, themselves, had need to be taught even the "basics" again!
     I was happy to take children who were willing to share with others what they had been fed. It was a great delight. It was also a delight to be among the many adults who had fed them and participated with them in bringing their thoughts to the rest of us. On Sunday morning, tired, but very anxious to share, over 3000 of us gathered in a ballroom to make it known to Him that we knew Him and loved Him. It was a glorious worship. As we sang "ring it out, merrily ring" I was moved to think: " Lord may this please You tremendously." To ring it out merrily. What could be better than that?

Monday, April 10, 2017

Bibledoorajar: Perfect Design

     I have recently been shopping on the internet for timers for lawn sprinklers. I want the ones that are seen as having the best design that will give the most quality for the price. When I read the reviews on the various products it seems that inevitably someone will report a problem with the design that have caused them grief. I am still looking, still hoping to find the best.
     For the Israelite, the robes of the High Priest with the Urim and Thumin inside were perfectly designed so that Israel could experience peace through the counsels of God. Whatever situation they were in, the counsels of God were there to see that their peace was uninterrupted. Even an enemy attack would end in the Israelites having peace. Whatever the issue, God could insure that peace would attend. There on the breast of the High Priest were the mysterious counsels of God. He was with His people. The Bible tells of some times when the Urim and the Thumin were misused by those in authority and their actions warranted disasterous results. But, when approached in the proper manner, God ensured peaceful endings.
     John leaned on the breast of Jesus. Perhaps he not only heard the heartbeat of a man, but perhaps he found the peace of the counsels of God. Surely God wanted Jesus to be known as the Prince of Peace. Peace be with you was one of the first things He told His disciples. It was His peace that He left with them. The peace that passes all understanding; GOD LOVES YOU! The power to overcome lies within His glory. There, He  sits on His throne robed in both royalty and priesthood. God rests about you because He rests in His Son. You can rest in God because His Son rests in Him.  It is the ultimate perfect design! Here some churches say, "Peace to You" and hear the response, "And to You". For believers, it will ever be. Your proper approach? Love and worship Him!

Monday, March 27, 2017

Bibledoorajar: Light and Perfection

      There was something added to the breastplate of the High Priest which gave both he and the people more confidence.  In a pouch of sorts was placed what the Word calls the Urim and the Thumin. Urim means light and Thumin means perfection. When the High Priest needed a word from God he used the Urim and Thumin to seek Him. In return he received light and perfection from God about things that mattered. One might say that the High Priest had "perfect light shed on the matter" at hand. It was a system that worked only if heavenly knowledge was sought and if the process was used. God was always near to the heart of the High Priest.
     Jesus has said He only does what the Father does. He carries Him in His heart and we know that through Him, our High Priest,  we have the Father's perfect light and perfection available to us at all times.  God wants us all to be saved and come into a knowledge of the truth. Jesus is the erfect light to show the way. We can ask Him to lead us into all truth and He has promised to do so. It is the Father's will.
     The High Priest of old would roll the Urim and the Thumin and through that process would know the Father's will. But Jesus had given us a much better way. If we don't have, it may because we we have not asked.
     As the old hymn says:
                          "Tis the grandest theme, let the tidings roll, to the guilty heart to the sinful soul.
                          Look to God in faith, He will make thee whole, Our God is able to deliver thee."
                                           William Ogden
     If you are not sure about who can rescue you, consider the words of Jesus. "I am the Way, the Truth and the Life." Light and Perfection.

Monday, March 20, 2017

Bibledoorajar: Bonds of Love

                            " There is never space between us for a separation
                             We are put together in the tightest way
                             And the Holy fusion causes this almagamation
                             Woh, we are held together in the brightest way"
                                        We Are Bonded, Twilah Paris

     We now have a view of the High Priest bearing stones on his shoulders and on a breastplate.  Each stone in its' placement is reflecting the glories God had given to the tribes of Israel. Now God instructs Moses to have specially prepared chains made that would be used to connect the stones on the shoulders with that of the breastplate. They were to be bonded together and nseparable in God's view. When the High Priest came before Him in the tabernacle the stones reflecting the children of Israel would show brightly and differently in the light of the candlestick and the glory which came from the cherubim over the mercy-seat.  The glory of the tribes as gifted by God would shine always because God had declared that the light would shine continually in the tabernacle. The shewbread was to set before God continually. Continually. Continually. Continually.
     Jesus has ascended to the Father. His priestly ministrations before God on behalf of we His people are continual. He ever lives to make intercession for us. Continually. Continually As the song says, Woh, we are held together in the brightest way. Woh, indeed! Thank you Fathe!

Monday, March 13, 2017

Bibledoorajar: Functioning in Place

     I think all Bible class participants want to avoid conflict during class discussions. I further think that that may be why many never speak up and share their views. Humanly, rejection is not easily received nor dealt with. After a particularly rejecting episode, I accompanied a sister to a retreat to seek a freshness in the Lord. Being away, we worshiped with a different congregation. What we heard during the praise portion was a reminder that only He is holy and that we only serve one Master. And the sermon? Well, it was on Jesus' admonition to not worry for He has all things covered. Just as those stones on the High Priest shoulders, He will carry each and every one of His to the very "steps" of glory. He knows when each of us was born to the Father and He WILL GET US HOME!
     But now we must consider further. The High Priest also wore before the ark and mercy seat a breastplate. It, too, was composed of twelve stones representing the 12 sons (tribes),  but the precious stones were not placed upon it in birth order. Rather, they were laid out in an order that reflected their diversity. Reuben may have been the first born, but he was not first on the breastplate. The first was Judah( praise).  From there, each stone (tribe) mentioned shone forth with a brilliance of its' own without rivaling the others for glory or beauty. Each had an appointed place that was entirely different from the birth order. No stone was the same as another. One might be extremely bold in color where another flashed it's own peculiar glory and beauty. The stones on the breastplate were unified, but very diverse. The glory seen in each was not intruded on by another, each having its' own place.
     The Father has gifted the living stones of the church in a diverse way, each of us giving forth a brilliance that is different but not defective. It might be defective if it was up to us to maintain it, but it cannot be broken because of the great faithfulness of our High Priest, Jesus. That is why we do not need to worry. Even if another "stone" seeks to conflict with us, Jesus will continue to help us exhibit our peculiar beauty and glory upon which the other cannot intrude. How great is that? What a comfort in times of differences among our brethren. The Bible does not tell us everything about every stone on the breastplate and we in the church will not know each other fully until we are all home where there will be no conflict. And just as now, Praise will have the first place. So praise the Lord, don't worry and shine on. Enjoy the diversity and always remember you have been intentionally placed in the church!

                     "Surely the presence of the Lord is in this place,
                       I can feel God's mighty power and His grace.
                       I can feel the brush of angel's wings,
                       I see glory on each face,
                       Surely the presence of the Lord is in this place."
                                                                    Lanny Wolfe

Sunday, March 5, 2017

Bibledoorajar: What We Know and How to Go

     The scripture says that on each shoulder of the ephod worn by the High Priest were two opals encased in gold. Don't think about the pale opals that one sees today and that are not considered precious. The word from which this opal comes reflects a precious stone that was fiery and lustrous. These stones added to the necessary vestments that Aaron needed to wear in order to be High Priest. Each item reflected the relatedness Aaron had with the people of Israel and his responsibilities toward them.  Wearing the vestments helped him realize his compassion and mercy toward each one of the tribes. The vestments transformed him, so to speak, making him more attuned to the God/man relationship and his role in that relationship. It gave him power with the people and a virtue not earned. These stones were to shine forth as a memorial to the tribes, six being represented on each shoulder. When Aaron came before God, the tribes came with him. All the natures and characteristics we have learned about the tribes, the meaning of their names, prophecies over them, etc. shone forth to their God from the oldest to the youngest. However, one wonders about the closeness the average person felt toward God under that system.
     When Jesus changed the Aaronic priesthood to that of Melchizodek, the need for memorial stones and proper vestments was no longer necessary. The disanullment of all that law and requirements brought us a new and better hope that each believer is assured the closest of fellowship to our God.  Jesus gives us robes of righteousness that help us experience that closeness and each of us can envision ourselves as living stones that belong to God. It is what we know and therefore we know how to go.

Monday, February 27, 2017

Bibledoorajar: How secure is your belt?

     The garments crafted for the priests were to bring honor and glory to their position. This was necessary as they were but mere human beings called to serve God. Of particular interest to me is the ephod and its' girdle or belt that was crafted for the high priest. It was exquisitely made of royal colors and gold was actually hammered into thread to piece the colors together. It hung kind of like a jumper over the shoulders of the high priest. But it was not to stay loose. It was to be bound very securely to the body of the priest by the girdle or belt. Thus, the garment could not fall away. 
     Jesus manifests many characteristics that we are to "put on". These are attributes of His honor and glory as the Son of God and are not some outward adornment. The Christian wears robes of righteousness as they daily follow Jesus. If smart, they will secure the robes with the belt of truth which speaks of Him and His righteousness extended to all who live by faith. That way, our robes will not fall away and will be our attire each and every day.  It is a sad thing to see a half-dressed brother or sister who is wearing a garment not secured with the belt of truth. When I was a kid I liked for my father to cut down one of his old belts for me to wear with my jeans. The story goes that I would cinch that belt so tight that they wondered if I would be able to breathe! That's is the way I  like to wear my belt of truth. I hope to be striking as I wear my garments of praise for the One who gave all for me and I desperately need that belt to stay in place!

Sunday, February 19, 2017

Bibledoorajar: Mutual Tasking

     We have now come far enough in our study to realize that different aspects were necessary to bring the tabernacle and its' work to completeness. When the Holy Spirit recorded this effort in Exodus, He intertwined the efforts of the subjects at hand. One will be reading about an aspect of the work, only to find the Holy Spirit telling you about another aspect. There is, therefore, a great proximity and relatedness of all to each other and to the overall success of the tabernacle. We read of structure, we read of coverings, we read of special offerings, we read of talented workmen, we read of tabernacle contents and we read of Aaron and his sons serving as priests. It is interesting that the Holy Spirit tells us that Aaron was to bring his sons with him as priests in order that he might do his work as High Priest.
     There is a great proximity and relatedness in the church to each other and to our High Priest. He brings the sons of God with Him in order that He might do His work. At times the Holy Spirit has us focus on structure and speaks to us of elders and deacons and teachers. Then He will make it clear that we all function under the covering of the Lord. He tells us that among us will be those with special gifts and that at times special offerings will be necessary for dedicated works. This past Sunday, my home congregation focused on our special offering for an ongoing missionary work in Thailand. Several brothers and sisters that were pioneers of this work were visiting with us. They shared success stories and stories of talented workmen and stories of people with special gifts such as music. One talented Thai musician that was there lead us in a Thai rendition of It Is Well With My Soul. It was a great reminder of how the Lord brings His sons with Him to accomplish the great work of the church. The pioneers knew much more than we did about the work, but as their leader said repeatedly to us, "and you have a part in that." And, so we do. Praise the Lord who makes all things possible because He knows what love is: 
"This is love: not that we loved God, but that He
loved us and sent His Son as an atoning
sacrifice for our sins." 1 John 4:10