Good Food!!

Good Food!!

About Me

I am a retired VA employee who lives in Texas. I consider the characters of the Bible "family" as much as any I know or have known on earth. To be one of the Lord's beloved is the greatest thing I know. What good company!

Saturday, November 11, 2017

Bibledoorajar: Laying Hands on the Lamb

     The Jew who was bringing the lamb to the Priest was thoroughly acquainted with it. In some instances it had become a family favorite touched often. The Jew, himself, had to know the lamb was of a certain age and that he had carefully examined it (laid hands on it) to ensure that it was without blemish of any kind. It would not work for the person to be identified with a blemished lamb for God had made clear that such a sacrifice would not be an acceptable representative of the Jew for the atoning of his sins. Before its' death, the priest(s), too, would lay hands on the lamb examining it for deficiencies and so, they too, were identified with the sacrifice.
     Jesus was led into Jerusalem on a donkey. Before his crucifixion he was examined by both the Jewish priests and the Romans. They laid hands on him, pushed and pulled, and tried their best to find a blemish. They may not have realized that they had thus identified with THE perfect sacrifice but they had and did. The Great Lamb of God asked His Father to forgive them for they knew not what they did.
     Many sinful people think that they have found an approved avenue by which they can be reconciled with God. They have not examined their means well enough, for others have pointed out the flaws in it. Read the account of the representative, Jesus, who was willing to be your sin offering, your substitute, carefully. If you are burdened by the lack of reconciliation with God then please identify with Christ, find "no fault in Him"and trust His saving work. "He is willing to aid you, He will carry you through."

"Faith in Christ will save me;
Let me trust that gracious Son,
Trust the work that He has done,
To His arms, Lord, help me run;
Faith in Christ will save me."
Robert Lowry

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