Good Food!!

Good Food!!

About Me

I am a retired VA employee who lives in Texas. I consider the characters of the Bible "family" as much as any I know or have known on earth. To be one of the Lord's beloved is the greatest thing I know. What good company!

Sunday, July 9, 2017

Bibledoorajar: Established by God (His Spirit Working)

"stay at the door of the tabernacle for seven days day and night" 
Exodus and Leviticus

The candidates for the priesthood were commanded to do the above in order that God might complete their consecration. Failure to complete this process meant death. The death talk may sound tough but God had in mind a working of His Spirit that would establish a union between He and the priests that would be a result of them having exercised faith to complete the act and His working on their hearts through His grace and mercy. During this process they would be so impacted supernaturally that they would be persuaded in their hearts to carry out the exercise of being a priest of God. Their hands were "filled".

We tend to speak a lot to each other about being saved by faith. This is true, but if we are not speaking of a faith so impacted supernaturally as to propel us to carry out spiritual functions, the fact that Christ is the very life of faith may have been ignored by the candidate. Mental assent to God's truth is not that different from accepting any other established and believed truths. But to "remain in one place" (See Acts 2) and allow the Spirit to complete our consecration is something much much different. It is about union. It is the formation of a like mindedness. It is the granting of the gift of saving faith with the power to serve. It is faith coming alive. It is realizing that we may have come to God for help but Jesus had already knocked at the door of our hearts and that He alone sends the Comforter (Teacher) in order to complete this wonderful union. In the fullness of time our hands are "filled".  Our hearts rejoice.
            "I'll shout it while eternity rolls." 
He Touched Me

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