Good Food!!

Good Food!!

About Me

I am a retired VA employee who lives in Texas. I consider the characters of the Bible "family" as much as any I know or have known on earth. To be one of the Lord's beloved is the greatest thing I know. What good company!

Sunday, March 5, 2017

Bibledoorajar: What We Know and How to Go

     The scripture says that on each shoulder of the ephod worn by the High Priest were two opals encased in gold. Don't think about the pale opals that one sees today and that are not considered precious. The word from which this opal comes reflects a precious stone that was fiery and lustrous. These stones added to the necessary vestments that Aaron needed to wear in order to be High Priest. Each item reflected the relatedness Aaron had with the people of Israel and his responsibilities toward them.  Wearing the vestments helped him realize his compassion and mercy toward each one of the tribes. The vestments transformed him, so to speak, making him more attuned to the God/man relationship and his role in that relationship. It gave him power with the people and a virtue not earned. These stones were to shine forth as a memorial to the tribes, six being represented on each shoulder. When Aaron came before God, the tribes came with him. All the natures and characteristics we have learned about the tribes, the meaning of their names, prophecies over them, etc. shone forth to their God from the oldest to the youngest. However, one wonders about the closeness the average person felt toward God under that system.
     When Jesus changed the Aaronic priesthood to that of Melchizodek, the need for memorial stones and proper vestments was no longer necessary. The disanullment of all that law and requirements brought us a new and better hope that each believer is assured the closest of fellowship to our God.  Jesus gives us robes of righteousness that help us experience that closeness and each of us can envision ourselves as living stones that belong to God. It is what we know and therefore we know how to go.

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