Good Food!!

Good Food!!

About Me

I am a retired VA employee who lives in Texas. I consider the characters of the Bible "family" as much as any I know or have known on earth. To be one of the Lord's beloved is the greatest thing I know. What good company!

Sunday, December 3, 2017

Bibledoorajar: Occasions To Remember

     Today's church service was a spiritual occasion to remember. It seemed that the songs were perfectly chosen as if to know that those in attendance would really want to sing out those particular praises to the Godhead. For our little group, we really "raised the roof!" Then, the preacher spoke on occasions to remember, a subject it just so happened the Holy Spirit had led me to blog on today. It was an occasion where it all just came together and was topped off by a fellowship luncheon afterward. So, as I write this blog, how inspired do you think I am???? It was good to be in the household of God.
     In Leviticus 23 God told Moses to speak to the children of Israel about certain occasions which were to be known as His appointed feast times. It seemed that God wanted special times of remembrance and togetherness with His family. They were to all be special and all had their own focus. The one that is on my mind following today's service is the Feast of Tabernacles. The focus of this feast was to be that of celebration. As with our own Thanksgiving, it came at the end of the harvest time. Another name for the feast is Sukkot and it is the last of the High and Holy days of the Jewish calendar year. God listed four species of fruit and vegetation to be brought before Him that symbolized the fruitfulness of the land into which God had led His people. They were told: "Celebrate IN THE PRESENCE of your God for seven days." Lev. 23: 40. They were to dwell those seven days in temporary booths so that they could take their eyes off the cares of work and home and just enter into a time of joyous thanksgiving. Can anyone say THANKFUL? BLESSINGS?
     So gracious a gift of God was Jesus that He brings an occasion to remember each and every day if we would but focus. Paul wrote: In everything give thanks, for this is what God wants from you who have accepted Jesus. (Paraphrased from 1 Thess. 5:18). Any occasion, if pursued in thought and focus, can prove that God has lovingly provided for both our physical and spiritual needs. Or, say it this way, He has provided EVERY need in Jesus. Lest we get too boastful about things we have made, remember it is God's dirt from which all comes. Try making that!
     Today, we sang "Hold to God's Unchanging Hand". It is a Hand that is ever present to bring us to all the occasions for which we can bless His Holy Name. As we enter into a most busy month of the year, I am praying I can see each day as an occasion to have a thankful spirit. It is a challenge for me for I tend to get weary in well doing in December and tend to lose my focus on gratitude. Lord, don't let me let go of your hand. Not this year. Please.

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