Good Food!!

Good Food!!

About Me

I am a retired VA employee who lives in Texas. I consider the characters of the Bible "family" as much as any I know or have known on earth. To be one of the Lord's beloved is the greatest thing I know. What good company!

Monday, August 28, 2017

Bibledoorajar: Deliberate

Deliberate. That is what is recorded in regard to the golden calf episode. It cannot be denied. The people of God deliberately chose to go against God and all their promises of fidelity to Him. As it was, it shall ever be. Men deliberately choose to select the ungodly. They like to say there was no choice, that nature propelled them in a certain direction, but the truth is free will and choice always existed. We choose everyday what or whom we will serve.

 If you follow the story long enough you will find what the real trouble was at the golden calf fiasco.
In Deuteronomy 32 we learn that the vast portion of the children of Israel possessed no FAITH in God.  They knew the choice of idolatry in Egypt and they liked the choice of idolatry of Egypt. There were no tablets of laws associated with that worship but there was a great deal of carnality.

There is a reason why years later the apostle Paul wrote to the carnal Corinthians to flee idolatry. He urged them to make a choice. He urged them to walk in pure faith of the living God and to seek blessings associated with Him. At this time there is great pressure on Christian leaders to not dwell on the problems of pursuing forms of idolatry and sin. These are to be ignored, but the problem with that is that statistics prove that such pursuits as the object of choice do not bode well for humans. Many are dying young from disease and/or suicide as a result of life choices. Many who call themselves Christians possess no living faith in Jesus. They embrace their life choices rather than cast them on the Lord at the cross.

I used to have a handyman of Mexican origin. He would come to work and he would always try to teach us a bit of Spanish. He never failed to come without saying this, "Fe es La Victoria"---Faith is the Victory. It was and always will be the way to overcome the world.

"For Thou, O Lord, are high above the earth
Thou art exalted far above all gods"
                                           Lyrics by Pete Sanchez


  1. Great post!!! We need reminding: choices are ours, therefore choose carefully!!!

  2. God is good though, good choices lead to blessings, bad can lead to curses. Makes choosing according to Him worth it!
