Good Food!!

Good Food!!

About Me

I am a retired VA employee who lives in Texas. I consider the characters of the Bible "family" as much as any I know or have known on earth. To be one of the Lord's beloved is the greatest thing I know. What good company!

Sunday, April 29, 2018

Elevating Our Own Conceits

In Numbers 16 we find the story of the rebellion led by Korah, Dathan and Abiram. After all the difficulties the people had and with seeing God's reaction to their lack of holy fear and faith, these three still managed to recruit 250 chieftains from the various tribes and to conspire a hostile takeover. They were going to oust Moses and Aaron on the basis that all the children of Israel were holy and therefore Moses and Aaron demanded no less respect than they did. The Bible says that they became insolent. This means their intent was rude and disrespectful. "They came as a group to oppose Moses and Aaron and said to them, 'You have gone too far! The whole community is holy, every one of them, and the LORD is with them. Why then do you set yourselves above the LORD's assembly?" (Numbers 16:3 NIV) Moses did not retort in insolence. Instead he fell to the ground facedown and declared that God would declare who was holy the next morning. And so God did and when the insolent did not repent they and their kin experienced the severity of the Lord. (Read Numbers 16)

The apostle Paul wrote in Romans that we Christians must avoid these jealous insolent feelings. He points out that if God did not spare the natural branches (the children of Israel) then He will surely not spare Christians who elevate their own conceits.  Paul says,  “You stand fast through faith.”. and that faith should be accompanied by awe. It is our only position to avoid the severity of our Father. But from the awe position Paul says we have the privilege of gazing or looking upon the goodness of God, the very Giver of our faith. This gazing or looking can also be thought of as beholding. Or, pay attention!!!  "Behold what manner of love the Father has given unto us" 1st John 3

Sunday, April 22, 2018

Bibledoorajar: Belonging to Him

Even after the children of Israel failed to take the Land as God told them to and even after they failed to take it without His help, He still had plans for a future generation to take the land. In planning for that coming time, He required Moses to institute meal offerings and libations that would be brought before Him voluntarily when they came into the land. He also instituted the wearing of fringes called tzitzit on the corners of some of their clothing. The specifically designed additions were so that they would constantly remember Him and constantly remember that they belonged to Him. The word tzitzit means "LOOKING". Gazing upon the tzitzit would spiritually elevate the Israelite to know that each day with God was a quality day. They would know that they were in the Promised Land, a land separate from the rest of the world, and known as the home of God's people. It would be won with the help of the Lord. If you visit Israel today, you will see the tzitzit being worn by the Orthodox Jews who still live by the Law of Moses and live in the land promised by God.

Christians also live in a separate world having won a victory over the spirit that lives in the world. According to 1 John 4:4:

" But you belong to God, my dear children. You have already won a victory over those people, because the Spirit who lives in you is greater than the spirit who lives in the world."

We have overcome the world through our faith in Jesus Christ and His provision for us. (See 1 John 5). The earnest of the Spirit within makes the natural world less appealing everyday for the true Christian. For many of us, we have lived long enough that we are more than ready to have little to do with the world's ways. The man (E.M. Bartlett) who wrote "Come to Jesus, He will save you" also wrote Camping in Canaan Land",  a land where heartaches are exchanged for pleasure. By faith every day, believers are camping in Canaan and 'LOOKING" at its' rapture. Each day is a quality day!

Monday, April 16, 2018

Bibledoorajar: The Earnest Foretaste

     Two things happened during this period that send a strong message as to God being able to care for His people. First was an important name change. The leader named Hoshea,  the son of Nun, of the tribe of Ephraim, was renamed Joshua  by Moses (Numbers 13:16). Oshea's meaning is a prayer for God to please save; and Joshua's meaning carries a promise of salvation. The spies were now going forth with a man whose name(s) signified first that God hears prayers for salvation and that, more importantly, He will save in answer to that prayer.  Reading through the Word you see this man called by both names from time to time. It tells us how important it is to not just pray for God's help but to believe the promises that He will save and provide. Every spy saw the same things in the land; every spy saw how very fruitful it was. Every spy knew they were with the leader whose names meant Prayer/Promise, Promise/Prayer.
     The second thing that happened is that they brought back a bunch of grapes with them the cluster of which was so big that they had to hang it on a rod and carry it between two men. This grape cluster was an earnest of good things to come.
     In Israel, they make many souvenirs out of olive wood. One of the things I brought back was the men carrying the grape cluster. It is placed in my home to remind me that I, too, have been given an earnest of good things to come. This earnest linked with prayers/promises keeps me focused on the fullness of heaven awaiting me.

"And you also were included in Christ when you heard the message of truth, the gospel of your salvation. When you believed, you were marked in him with a seal, the promised Holy Spirit, who is a deposit guaranteeing our inheritance until the redemption of those who are God’s possession—to the praise of his glory."  Ephesians 1: 13-14

Prayer/Promise; Promise/Prayer: sealed with an earnest---a guarantee. Praise God for the Spirit of Holiness.. I am now going forth with an earnest that God hears my prayers and has promised His provision for kingdom living.

Monday, April 9, 2018

Bibledoorajar: Reluctance to Let the Lord Have the Last Word

     After the failure of faith to believe God to go in and possess the land, the people were dismayed to hear Moses say how upset their God was. Last night I was watching a favorite show on PBS and an elderly character needed to have cataracts removed from her eyes but she was filled with fear at the prospect of surgery. In a conversation with a friend she confessed not her fear but that surely God knew her dilemma and understood her reluctance even though it meant blindness. When gently chided by the friend, the character remarked that she had always spoken with God but she had sometimes been reluctant to quickly let Him have the last word. And, so it was with the people of Israel, they chose not to let the Lord have the last word until....They heard two messages from Moses.  God wanted them to continue their faith walk by  being obedient and that He was not with them at the present time to take the land. However, reluctant to let God have the last word, they made their plans to take the land only to be quickly squashed by the Amorites.
      In Bible class yesterday, we were discussing this very phenomena among Christians today. We were talking specifically about how as a body we are reluctant to quickly follow the guidelines of Christ on handling offenses (Matt. 18). We tend to make a plan for ourselves to deal with it (which is usually not adequate) and our actions usually lead to our getting a swift kick from behind having made matters worse. The teacher of the class pointed out that this was going on in the church at Galatia and the Apostle Paul told them to STOP IT because their view was no longer on eternity. They were choosing to bite and devour the very people they were supposed to love throughout eternity. STOP IT, This is what God wanted (and wants) from Him people. Stop being reluctant to let Him have the last word. He always has our best in mind if we will but yield to Him and His ways. This week I am determined to let God have the last word quickly. It's on my mind.

Monday, April 2, 2018

Bibledoorajar: Surround Us Lord

I just returned from Dallas having taken some of our church youth to the annual Leadership Training for Christ meeting. In today's culture, I am always encouraged by the hundreds of youth who come and participate in various venues to bring glory to God. The theme this year was King of my heart. I loved the theme and I loved this song which was new for me. I hope you identify with the words that follow as much as I did. Listen to the melody on line. It will bless you.

As the mountains surround Jerusalem
so the Lord surrounds his people
as the mountains surround Jerusalem
so the Lord surrounds His people

surround us, Lord
surround us o Lord
we need to be in your presence
surround us Lord

surround us Lord
surround us o Lord
we need to be in your presence
surround us Lord
surround us Lord

  Keith Lancaster and the Acapella Company