Good Food!!

Good Food!!

About Me

I am a retired VA employee who lives in Texas. I consider the characters of the Bible "family" as much as any I know or have known on earth. To be one of the Lord's beloved is the greatest thing I know. What good company!

Monday, October 29, 2012

Bibledoorajar Knows the Difference

To Isaac, the man who had always lived in the Promised Land, had come two sons, twins. The announcement of their birth declared their differences from the beginning. At first, it would appear that their differences were just physical, but later we begin to see differences that demonstrate their true nature of character. Esau became a hunter. At this point in the biblical revelation we have met only one other hunter and he, Nimrod, was an evil personality. You can find his story in Genesis 10. He was the grandson of Ham and he established a kingdom after the great Flood. The ancient historian, Josephus said that he encouraged people to not follow God as cities were being rebuilt after the flood, but rather to depend on their own might and the might of leaders like himself. Josephus also recorded that Nimrod told the people that he would build a tower tall enough that even flood waters would not be able to reach the people. Thus we learn from the story of Nimrod that being a hunter has a certain cunning and daring nature to it that confronts God's sovereignty. An evil aspect one might say, but most biblical scholars used the word rebel.  Think about what God says. He never says He will hunt for us. Rather he says he will seek His own. And, He encourages us to seek Him not hunt for Him. God loves those who diligently seek Him and those who avoid a rebellious spirit. He makes it clear that it is in the seeking that He finds us; it is in the seeking that we find Him and His will for our lives.

Seek the Lord, while He is available,
call on Him while He is still nearby.
Let the wicked person abandon his way
and the evil person his thoughts...

Paraphrase of Isaiah 55:6-7

Esau remained a hunter and the Bible records that he relied completely on what he found in the field for his sustenance. And just how did he do? It appears his Daddy was really impressed with his prowess, but I think Mama may have been a little worried about him. Was it the lack of honor? We, who are seeking now, should never forget that Moses recorded the first commandment with a promise: Honor your mother and father that you might live long and do well in the land. And the ultimate honor should be in the seeking of our heavenly Father that we might live long in the Promised Land. Father, don't stop seeking me!

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Bibledoorajar acknowledges the Holy and our condition

     Rebecca had a condition that was growing worse and she was frightened. Her husband could not help her understand the "battle" within her so she appealed to the Holy One. Praise God the situation was not one in which she had lost all understanding of Him and His ability to help her understand. At this point there was a lofty concept of God in the tents of Isaac and he had prayed for this pregnancy. However, only God in His omniscience could "see" what was going on. I am awed that this family had such a high esteem for God and his ability to help. I only wish it were present in more families during our times. People know that there is a battle brewing inside them and, even sometimes, like Rebecca, think the only way out is to become a dead soul. O that more would see that is the exact solution that the Holy One has put in place to end the battle. The war can be ended within when the "old man" is put to death and a "new man" can be born who can live at peace with the Holy One and with his fellowman.  The reader can see more discussion of this in the book of Ephesians, chapter 4 and following where the internal conflict due to the presence of sin is discussed by the apostle Paul. There he explains that the losses sin has inflicted on our old man can only be rectified with God's help which begins with understanding what is going on. If you have internal conflict and are not sure why, don't leave Ephesians 4 sitting on the shelf. Do yourself a great favor. Read it. You will not have to read through hundreds of pages to get the help you desire. It might be the smartest thing you ever did for yourself. A wrong idea about what sin causes in mankind and a wrong idea of what God in his majesty can do about it is a terrible travesty on the grace and mercy He desires to give to all of us.

Just how did God know what was going on with Rebecca's boys? Well, it is best understood by realizing He is not like anybody that is or anything that is. The Spirit of God knows all, but we know Him only in part. A lot of what He tells us about Himself has to be accepted by faith and He even goes on to say that exercising faith to believe what we are yet to see is the only possible way to please Him. So, our matriarch and patriarch accepted by faith what the Holy one told them about Rebecca's condition. At last the boys were born. Esau was first born and the Bible says he came "red and hairy."
Jacob followed and we are told he was holding his brother's heel and was fair of skin. Twins, but nothing alike. And now we have a story unfolding: "Daddy likes you best", "Well, Mama likes you the best." I wonder how many times kids have said that! Family dynamics, one of the reasons God gifted some to be counselors!

"I will wholeheartedly give thanks to the Lord in
the councils of the upright and in the assemblyl
The deeds of the Lord are great, greatly desired
by all all who enjoy the."
Psalm 111: 1ff.

Monday, October 15, 2012

Bibledoorajar wonders with Rebecca and Isaac

God give us Christian homes!
Homes where the Bible is loved and taught,
Homes where the Master's will is sought,
Homes crowned with beauty Thy love hath wrought;
God, give us Christian homes; God give us Christian homes!

Baylus B. McKinney

Our patriarch, Isaac,  and matriarch, Rebecca had been married for some time and were caught up in the destiny promised by God. They had faced childlessness together and had wondered how such a destiny could happen without progeny. Isaac had prayed that God would not let Rebecca's womb whither, but rather that He Himself would make it fruitful. And Adonai Elohim had answered Isaac's prayers. Adonai Elohim---Lord, Master, Owner---had moved and Rebecca was indeed with child.  But now it seemed that something was very wrong with the pregnancy. How could God's future plans and those of Rebecca and Isaac go forward if something was wrong?  So troubling was the fighting going on inside Rebecca that she said, "If it is going to be like this, why go on living?" So she inquired of Adonai and He answered His servant. "There are two nations in your womb. From birth they will be two rival peoples. One of the peoples will be stronger than the other, and the older will serve the younger."

What a deep need it must of been for Rebecca to consider giving up on life. I am reminded of what Jesus said many years later: "Come unto me, all ye that labor and are heavy laden (Matthew 11:28)."
Adonai gave Rebecca information that made her situation make sense. And Adonai drew her heart into the matter. She no longer wanted to be a dead soul, she wanted to be a co-laborer with God in establishing two peoples.  Likewise, Jesus illumines our minds when we have come to that place where we think we cannot go on. And the Spirit draws our hearts into the matter. We embrace faith that we, like Rebecca, can produce something beneficial to the kingdom of God. 

Praise God for His mighty works of illumination and conviction that moves His people to have faith to not only endure but to do mighty works for His glory. The path may not be easy but the Comfort is great. We struggle to define the person we want to be. God helped Rebecca be a mother. Is there something you wish to ask Him to help you to be?

Monday, October 8, 2012

Bibledoorajar speaks of joy and sorrow

     "Something beautiful, something good;
All my confusion He understood..."

 Gloria Gaither

The Bible reports that Isaac loved Rebecca and it was in his marriage arranged by his father that he was comforted in the loss of his mother Sarah. Thank God that Isaac was a man who knew how to receive the good provided by his father. Isaac was lonely and needed comfort, but he did not strike out on his own to meet his needs. He patiently waited for what the father would bring to him. He received this wife from his father as he had received all the rest of his inheritance. And in the receiving, he was comforted. Now, in his tent there was someone to talk to. There was someone to share his sorrows and his joys in an intimate fashion. There was someone who cared enough to present him with a meal and to meet other needs of everyday life that he might have. He did not have to force a future on himself, it had been provided for him and there she was with him. He was forty years old when he took Rebecca to be his. The forty years of waiting for his future were over. The father's grace that had brought him into the fullness of this time was completed and he would now begin a period of revival and renewal. Isaac had a new future that would include increase and so now Abraham busied himself with a new wife (Keturah)  and family of his own.

"In the family lie the seeds of everything
that later sprouts and grows into a
greater family which is called the

Philaret, Bishop of Moscow Russia

Soon, Isaac and Rebecca were expecting their increase. But something strange was going on within Rebecca's womb. Maybe a midwife would have the answer, but Rebecca took her questions straight to the God of Isaac. After all she was a part of Isaac now and her appeal would be made to the God who had now become her God. God had given her this husband; God would give her her answer.

.."It is His doing that you are united with Jesus. He has become
wisdom for us from God, and righteousness and holiness and redemption as
1 Corinthians 1:30

"And to as many as did receive Him, to those who put their
trust in His person and power, He gave the right to become
children of God."
John 1: 12-13

Praise God that because of this wonderful relationship that He has given us with His Son, we can approach the Father with all our questions because we are now His children also. "Ain't" good family grand? Amen!!!!


Monday, October 1, 2012

Bibledoorajar Sees Isaac's Response

      The servant had served both his master and Rebecca well. He had brought her near to the son. He had not veered from the path that would get her there. She stood on that road and looked ahead and saw the son standing, waiting patiently for her. We have spoken of what she knew as she looked. She saw a man with a great inheritance given to him by his father. She saw a man who had asked her to give up her past and join her life to his sharing this inheritance. She no longer needed to seek him. There he was, she could see him with her own eyes.  Soon she would be joined to him. Perhaps her family's blessing was ringing in her ears: "our sister, may you be the mother of millions, and may your descendants possess the cities of those who hate them" (Genesis 24: 60). Isaac had been about his father's business, living in the Negev at Beer-Lahai-roi. The literal meaning of the name of this town is "the well of the Living One who sees me." It is where, years earlier, Hagar, the mother of Ishmael had met the angel of the Lord. Isaac had been with the Living One. What a man! Now Isaac had returned and looked up and saw the camels coming. Rebecca waits, apparently the servant's report would take precedence over her meeting Isaac. What would the servant have reported? You can think of some of the things that would have said in the full report, but I think the most important thing would have been Rebecca's famous "I wills". When the servant's report was completed, Isaac "brought her to his mother Sarah's tent and took Rebecca, and she became his wife, and he loved her" (Genesis 24:67).
     Clearly Rebecca's journey was an act of faith, but she had also seen and understood some things. She understood that she would be sharing in her husband's inheritance and that her future and that of her children would be tied to him. This had been the blessing as she had left her family. In that tent that day, I bet it was ringing in her ears more loudly than ever.