Good Food!!

Good Food!!

About Me

I am a retired VA employee who lives in Texas. I consider the characters of the Bible "family" as much as any I know or have known on earth. To be one of the Lord's beloved is the greatest thing I know. What good company!

Sunday, December 25, 2016

Bibledoorajar: Glory Set Aside

When the seeker (priest) looked up in the tabernacle, he saw he was covered by a red covering made from  slaughtered lambs.Thank you Jesus for providing a blood bought covering for me.

"Mild, He lays His glory by,
Born that man no more may die;
Born to raise the sons of earth, Born to give them second birth...

Come. Desire of nations, come,
Fix in us Thy humble home."

Charles Wesley

Merry Christmas.

Sunday, December 18, 2016

Bibledoorajar: Glory Enhanced

The cherubim weaved beautifully and with great cunning (skill) into the veil woos the seeker (priest) to vault his thinking of celestial greatness. The cherubim are angels of the highest order and service to God. They live and serve in realms of glory and support His Throne. The fact that God included them in the design of the veil reflects their eternal use and importance to Him. It also reflects their great benevolence toward men. They are amazed at God's plan for mankind and desire to understand it more fully (1 Peter 1:12). Perhaps that is because they worship God day and night and mankind  rarely meets that standard. King David blessed the Lord for the way he created and employed His angels.

Gabriel appeared to Zechariah and announced John's birth. He told Zechariah that he (Gabriel) stood in the presence of God. Later, he appeared to Mary also and told her she would give birth. And, at that birth, many angels came from the realms of glory to herald His birth and to give honor to the salvation plan God had for men. Today, the congregation where I worship sang of those Heavenly hosts that were a part of the glory streaming from Heaven.

                                             Silent night, Holy night
                                             Shepherds quake, at the sight
                                           Glories stream from heaven above
                                            Heavenly hosts sing Hallelujah.
                                             Christ the Savior is born,
                                              Christ the Savior is born.

                                                                       Josef Mohr

Certainly makes my Christmas Merry and my greatest hope is that it does yours too.


Sunday, December 11, 2016

Bibledoorajar: About Those Colors

     Where have I seen these colors before? That might be what the Hebrew priest (seeker) said to himself  as he pulled back the blue, scarlet and purple veil and stepped within.  As it turns out he would have had to pay attention to them when he saw the High Priest because the garb of Aaron displayed the same colors. And, the same colors were also on the one and only door where the people entered. The door was a hanging of fine linen wrought with beautiful needlework using the same colors in the same order as the veil. However, there is one interesting difference in the needlework between the two. The veil needlework is described as having been intricately embroidered in such a way that cherubim could be seen, whereas the other was varied only. Clearly, God wanted those colors to make an impression to all, but to particularly draw those set aside to serve within. To enter the tent, all must recognize the Door with its royalty colors, but to be a priest in the tabernacle one must recognize not only the royalty colors but also sense the presence of cherubim. It was the glory of God calling men to be seekers and to come close to him. The priests were dressed in white linen so as to be given a symbolic purity and beauty they did not really possess within themselves.  We can see in the story of later Israel that many of their priests were corrupt and, not impressed with the royalty colors and the cherubim,  were not true seekers. They lacked the desire to live as priests of God on earth. The royalty colors and the cherubim ministry did not impress them while they lived among men.
     However, there was One who would come and live among men. He would never forget His role or true dominion and his followers would number many over time.
"I am the Door"       Jesus (John 10:9)
"... seen by angels..."      Timothy speaking of Jesus (1st book 3:16)
"...Great High Priest..." writer of Hebrews speaking of Jesus (4:14)

Jesus, thank You for coming to earth and making it possible for me to be a part of Your royal priesthood. I confess that God exalted You to the highest place following your resurrection. I see Your royalty colors; I sense Your ministering angels, and, I have gladly received my robes of white to offer you praise! Help me (us) remain strong and always committed to Your service.

Sunday, December 4, 2016

Bibledoorajar: Blue and Scarlet Make Purple

     Son Of Man
Son of Righteousness
King of the earth
For sinners slain…
              Bless the Lord (Son of Man)
              Lyrics by Tye Tribbett

    As the Hebrew seeker continued to look at the vail, he would see a band of purple above a band of scarlet and both below the blue band. Scarlet is a color often associated with the earth. Even now as we humans look just below the blue heavens, we will see scarlet in the earthly terrain. Earthly kings have often been robed in scarlet, but that was not to be the case for the Jewish King. Failing to receive God who became Man, the Jews provided Him with no robes of scarlet. But as the song above reads, the Son of Man was a king. He was a King for sinners slain.
     Scarlet as a description of sin is now considered an archaic definition of the word. Some of us may remember the book, The Scarlet Letter. In that story, a woman was forced to wear a scarlet A on her forehead so that all would know of her particular sin. The Bible is very familiar with this word scarlet and references both earthiness and terrible sin with it. There is a story in the Bible about a birth in the earthly family line of Jesus. The mother was going to have twins. It was imperative that the firstborn and heir be identified. When a baby stuck out his arm from the womb, the midwife tied a scarlet string around the arm. But the baby drew the arm back into the womb and he arrived second in the birth order. In that way the midwife's earthly efforts were thwarted in favor of God's. He ensured that Pharez, the rightful heir, came first. In another passage, Rahab exhibited her faith by letting down the scarlet cord for the Israeli spies. Perhaps the most noted passage about sin and scarlet, is the Isaiah passage that reports.."though your sins be as scarlet, they shall be as white as snow."
    A royal colored robe was  scornfully put on The Son of Man at his crucifixion by the soldiers. Matthew calls it scarlet and Mark calls it purple. God knows blue. God knows scarlet and God knows purple. And, he knows the perceptions of men. No secrets. When the colors of blue and scarlet are mixed together one gets purple. All was planned for us to see our Savior with cleansed hearts and to make Him Lord of All.  One day those soldiers will bow their knee to Him.

"Man of Sorrows, what a name..."
                                                                       P.B. Bliss

Sunday, November 20, 2016

Bibledoorajar: Beyond the Blue

    "There is, beyond the azure blue, a God, concealed from human sight..."
A.W. Dickus, Our God, He is Alive

"Blue skies and rainbows and sunbeams from heaven"
Chorus by Garrett Boon

     When I traveled with a group and did ministry in Israel, some of our group ministered in a church in the desert. Its' floors were covered with colorful rugs and its' spaces were divided by beautiful hanging rugs. Sitting in the open area surrounded by hangings,  one did not have to wonder what was concealed behind all those colorful rugs. Behind them was the most unobstructed view of God's blue heavens I have ever seen (yes, you Texans, even better).
     When the Hebrew seeker entered the tabernacle, he could see that various hangings divided and made the space. As he came in through the one and only entrance he was standing in the Outer Court. He could first see the various vessels which were designed to allow Hebrews to be called in righteousness. But as he looked beyond, he could see a vail. It was made of pure white linen cloth and it partitioned off an area which he understood to be God's space. The pure vail had three bands of color on it. The first was a band of blue, the second purple, and the third was scarlet. This vail with its bands of color is mentioned many times in the book of Exodus but the description and the order of the colors never varies. The blue is always preeminent on the pure linen. It was designed to remind the seeker that beyond his cleansing place was the Preeminent One From Above who had taken steps so that he might be able to be near to Him.
     When the apostle John was old, he had a vision and got to see beyond the blue. He is a witness of its' glory and one day we will see it too along with all the events John says will take place.

"There is a God, He is Alive
in Him we live and we survive;
From dust our God created man,
He is our God, the great I AM."
A.W. Dicus

"Jesus is well and alive today
He makes His home in my heart"
Chorus by Garrett Boon

   "After this I looked, and, behold, a door was opened in heaven..."
                                                                                         Revelation 4:1

Sunday, November 13, 2016

Bibledoorajar: What's Your Privileged Responsibility?

  1. " and you shall be to me a kingdom of priests and a holy nation.' These are the words that you shall speak to the people of Israel.” Exodus 19:6  

    2. "But you are a chosen race who serve as priests for the Kingdom."  1 Peter 2:92.

       3. "Better is one day in your courts than a thousand elsewhere; I would rather be a doorkeeper in the house of my God than dwell in the tents of wickedness."  Psalms 84:10

         4. "For as in one body we have many members, and the members do not all have the same function, so we, though many, are one body in Christ, and individually members one of another. Having gifts that differ according to the grace given to us, let us use them...." Romans 12: 4-7

    There was and always will be two things for priests to remember. The first is to realize how privileged it is to be chosen for His purposes. The second is that kings and priests have privileged position but with purpose. Priests offer up sacrifices and proclaim the praises of God. It is a way of life. According to Romans, New Testament priests serve Him from our hearts by offering our lives as a living sacrifice. Old Testament priests had to strive to accomplish a lack of defilement by making sure they visited all the vessels in the tabernacle in order to be ceremoniously clean, but New Testament priests have been made holy in the sight of the Father once and for all through the shed blood of Jesus. We are privileged; we are chosen to live holy lives. 

    The question before every Christian is how am I carrying out my privileged responsibilities in the kingdom? In the Old Testament, the tribe of Levi supplied the tabernacle. They were responsible for making sure the people had an appropriate place to bring their offerings and sacrifices. Levi had three sons that divided the tribe. They were Gershon, Kohath, and Merari. Each family was committed to a charge and burden. The Merarites watched over and carried all the framework of the building, raising pillars up with sockets of silver and brass. The framework for we Christians can be found in Jesus. Because of Him, our word and work can be spread abroad just as in the days of Merari.  The Gershonites were responsible for the care of the curtains, hangings and coverings while the Kohathites were responsible for the holy vessels.  The coverings were a royally pleasing display for the eyes leading the Israelite to think of the Father and their relationship to Him.  As New Testament priests look fully on the face of Jesus, the things of God and our relationship become clear. As the Kohathites carefully placed the different vessels so that Israel might have access to God, so the glories of the work and sacrifice of Jesus bring us close to God.  The ministries of each of us is distinct and may look different from another, but the privilege and the chosen aspect is something they we all have in common. And, the commitment to our charge is ever present so that praise for the wonderful love of God and His Son can go forth.

    Is commitment to spiritual privilege still your choice?

Monday, November 7, 2016

Bibledoorajar: A Right Place for His Presence

God had called His people in righteousness and He was now ready to erect a tabernacle where He could be in their midst. His place of abode in the tabernacle on earth was to be designed as His place of abode in Heaven. Moses was given explicit directions for its' erection and its' furnishings including their placement. Every artisan was gifted of God in order that its' completion would be in accord with His will and every Israeli who had any responsibilities with it were given explicit instructions.  Six articles were to be placed in the tabernacle. They were: 1)Ark of the Covenant with the mercy seat atop, 2) Golden Candlestick (Menorah), 3) Altar of Incense, 4)Table of Shewbread, 5) Brazen laver, 6) brazen altar.
     Moses took the Covenant and placed it within the Ark. Poles were placed through rings on the ark and the mercy seat placed on top. He brought the ark into the tabernacle and hung up the veil of the covering to partition off the ark. This placed the ark behind the veil and within the Holy of Holies section of the Tabernacle. To the north side of the tabernacle outside the veil Moses placed the table of shewbread and placed bread upon it. To the south he put the golden candlestick (menorah) and he lit all of its' lamps.  He placed the altar of incense in front of the veil and burned sweet incense on it. This placement completed the Holy Placc of the Tabernacle. At the entrance door just inside the tabernacle Moses placed the altar of burnt offering and offered a burnt offering and a grain offering. And just beyond toward the Holy Place, he placed the laver for washing. Looking down upon the placement of the articles from above one sees the shape of a cross. The law, the festivals, and now the tabernacle were reminders to the sabbath breakers that they served a God who was both holy and merciful. Demands to use these events and articles in the Tabernacle were specific in order that they might be made righteous. It was good, but the joy of it is in the revelation of the truth of the Messiah, the Son of God, who would come and bring full grace and truth. Look at the articles again forming the cross in the tabernacle:
           Brazen altar with its' fire: Judgement of the living and dead will be accomplished by Jesus
Brazen laver with its' cleansing wter: Jesus is the living water that leads to eternal life
Altar of incense: Prayers of saints mediated by Jesus alone
Candlestick with its' light: Jesus is the light of the world
Table of shewbread with its; 12 loaves: Jesus is the Bread of Life
Ark of the Covenant with its' tablets of stone (Law of God):  Jesus is the Word made flesh
Praise God for the plan He gave the Israelites. The ones that sought Him knew of His Goodness and Mercy. Do you?

Saturday, October 29, 2016

Bibledoorajar: No work, nada!!!!!

     The Lord's feasts were not to be celebrated in a way that intermingled with work. The whole thrust was to be on the full gifting of God and its' completeness for each. All eyes were to be fixed on Him during these times and that is why servile work was especially forbidden. Servile work is that work carried out, often with much physical exertion, in order to please another human. How can one fix their eyes on all that God has done for him if he is absorbed with being in a subservient position in an attempt to please a fellow human with his work? So, God instituted the Sabbath rest as a part of feasting. Observe the times, observe the seasons; look at the harvests, check out goodness provided by His hand. They were to honor Him with the sacrifices that spoke of redemption and salvation. Then their minds would be free to be glad about all the deeds of the Lord and they could sing for joy at all His works.
     Jesus invited the one who was weary and laden down with work to come to Him and He would give them rest. He told the Jews that the Sabbath was made for man, not the man for the Sabbath (Mark 2:27). Again, Jesus was saying if men would free their minds of work at appointed times and focus on the one who was the Lord of the Sabbath, the Creator, then they would find times and seasons of refreshment. When I was in Israel I noticed the word Shalom on lots of souvenirs. I even saw one labeled for me. It said "Shalom Y'all". This old Alabamian smiled because I just took it to mean Jesus was my personal Shalom. He had completed the whole of the work for me and I could relax and accept that great season of refreshment in the Holy Land. I wanted to hold one of the gifts up and shout to every Jew in the shops "Sar Shalom", my "Prince of Peace"!
     The writer of Hebrews propels this challenge into our hearts:
          "Let us, therefore, make every effort to enter that rest..."
Hebrews 4:11
Whew, that takes a load off!!
Perfect Sar Shalom, Bruce Moore

Sunday, October 23, 2016

Bibledoorajar: Relationship Event(s)

     God pursued a relationship further with Israel, the church in the wilderness (Acts 7:38), much beyond the moral and civil laws that were put in place. He knew people were constituted with memory and feelings and so He instituted three appointed feast times that were to be shared in His presence.These feasts were solemn in that they were carried out in God's presence, but they were to be times to nurture great joy and gladness which culminated in praising God. Don't get this wrong, they were not times of acting stupidly, but there was even a joy that approached a type of giddiness at them.
     Jesus embodied this and saw it in the children when they approached Him with similar joy and gladness. They must have been showing a bit of giddiness, because the disciples tried to shoo them away. But Jesus said to leave them alone and let them enjoy building their memories and feelings about Him and the Father. This same event the Jews experienced literally, Jesus brought into a personal reality.  He experienced with great joy being in the presence of His Father and He had memories and feelings about what they experienced.
     The church of Christ is to experience this great joy and gladness too and to make memories in our appointed assemblies. The apostle challenged us to not forsake the assemblies as some do! And, remember, Jesus said, if two or three of us gathered in His name, there He would be also. Many of us have had some wonderfully appointed times with brothers and sisters over the years. The memories and feelings warm our hearts and embellish the realities of the Father that we have in Christ and each other. Recently, I read this entry on Facebook from a young brother:
"LET YOUR LIGHT SHINE" My friend/coworker saw this message sent to her, and she was EXTREMELY happy of it that God confirmed her answers. I love working with people I work with. They"ll all so full of God's love. Really helps me on days I can't attend church. I've seen so many good things beyond words I can't say, I just love it and I know God's real!" Now, I don't know about you, but I can feel the giddiness in his voice; I am in touch with how much he loves the Father. It's a veritable feast spread before us and it's ready for each of us to partake and be nourished. What a masterful stroke of God's creative genius when He established feasts.

Sunday, October 16, 2016

Bibledoorajar: Preparing the Way

     Today in our assembly we sang "Mine eyes have seen the glory of the coming of the Lord, He is trampling out the vintage where the grapes of wrath are stored. He has loosed the fateful lightning of His terrible swift sword, His truth is marching on. Glory, Glory, Hallelujah, Glory, Glory, Hallelujah, Glory, Glory, Hallelujah, His truth is marching on." As we completed the song, you could hear an Amen here and then there. Your mind immediately said: "Our mighty Leader, the Word, our Jesus, is leading us on! He is able to square things by His truth and prepare our way to our Promised Land.
     God concluded the delivery of the law portion in two ways. First, He assured the people that they would have a messenger (angel) out ahead of them if they obeyed. This angel spoke completely for God the Father. He would guard them along their way and bring them all the way to the Promised Land IF they PAID ATTENTION to Him and listened to what He said. I am sure all the teachers in our reading group have told their students something similar along the way: "You will pass, If you pay attention and listen to what I teach you." They were not to rebel against this Messenger because God's Name was(is) in Him. What followed was a long I WILL list of things He would do if they listened, did not rebel, and obeyed and worshiped God. The list was liberating and a platform for complete trust. Moses reported all of this to the people and they responded in one voice: "Everything the Lord has said we will do." Moses put it in writing.
     Second, He confirmed the Covenant on the basis of the holy Commandments with the leaders. The designated men went so far with Moses up on the mountain, but then Moses required them to wait at a certain level while he and Joshua went further up. Finally, the cloud covered the mountain and the glory of the Lord settled on the mountain. The people were looking up and seeing what looked like a consuming fire on top of the mountain. On the seventh day God called Moses before Him. He basked there forty days and forty nights. This Old Testament transfiguration reminds us of a greater One where three men witnessed Glory coming from Jesus. According to the Battle Hymn, it is that "glory in His bosom that transfigures you and me" and is the most glorious of all for believers. Glory, Glory, Hallelujah! Teach this!

Sunday, October 9, 2016

Bibledoorajar: The Biggest Mistake of All

      On Saturday afternoon I sat in a beautiful clearing filled with grape arbors and surrounded by peach tree orchards. We were waiting for an outdoor wedding to begin and I was sitting by my eleven year old great nephew who is autistic. He loves characters of all kinds including clowns. He looked out toward those massed peach trees and said:
Clay: Aunt Beck
Me: Yes, Clay
Clay: We saw on the news where people dressed like clowns and hid in the woods and scared people. People are SO MEAN.
Me: It is sad, Clay, but some people do mean things. They have made one of your favorite things,  clowns, a happy thing, seem mean.
Clay: Yeah
Me: But you can still enjoy happy clowns, but I am sorry you will also have to watch out for people who want to be mean. You must run away from them. That is why we like to go places with family and good friends. Sad!
       And, that is exactly why God loved His people enough to help Moses further amplify the Ten Commandments. Areas addressed included personal injury, protection of property, and social responsibility. Lastly, He helped him with the law of justice and mercy. Part of the law of justice and mercy entailed the following statement:

"Have nothing to do with a false charge and
do not put an innocent or honest person
to death, for I will not acquit the guilty"
Exodus 23: 7

     Jesus preached on some of the same themes (Matthew 5 and 6) and even asked his apostles how Satan could drive out Satan? God the Father and Jesus the Son both knew a kingdom divided against itself could not stand. And yet, people divided God's kingdom. Judas betrayed Jesus for money and the religious leaders bore a false charge against Him even to the point of persuading the crowd to ask for a guilty man to be freed instead of Him. Mean, Clay. Just mean. They did not see the love behind the law. They did not see the love behind the Man. They heard the false report and gave credit to it. But thank God He took that horrible event and turned it for good. But that does not mean that justice did not prevail. God says He administers justice in His own way and time. Thanks be to God that we now have the Spirit who will muster our conscience and strengthen our resolve to not mistreat another. While Henry Wadsworth Longfellow spent 1864 translating Dante's Divine Comedy about the afterlife with friends (the Dante Club), his brother, Samuel wrote these words that lead to a perfect afterlife:

 "Holy Spirit, truth Divine,
dawn upon this soul of mine;
Voice of God and inward light,
wake my spirit, clear my sight.

 Holy Spirit, law Divine,
reign within this soul of mine.
Be my law, and I shall be
firmly bound, forever free."
                           Samuel Longfellow 

Sunday, October 2, 2016

Bibledoorajar: Reasonable Service

       God helped Moses to further develop some of the parameters of the Ten Commandments.  In Exodus 21, we find guidance for what would be reasonable service for a Hebrew slave. It would be reasonable for him to serve for six years of careful service completed according to the master's wishes. After that, however, he must be set free UNLESS, HE, OUT OF LOVE, AND, OF HIS OWN ACCORD, chose to remain in service. If he so chose, the master would take him before God, have him stand at the doorpost and an awl would be driven through his ear. This would signify that he had elected lifetime service freely before God and man.
       The New Testament declares that Christians have a reasonable service to God. It declares that if we choose it freely, out of love, it is doable. We can come to the Door, participate in His piercing, and He will help us serve God for life. The apostle to the Gentiles says:

"Therefore I exhort you, brothers, through the compassions of God, to present your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy to God, well-pleasing, which is your reasonable service."    Romans 12:1, Berean Literal Bible

     And, this freely sought for and freely given reasonable service will look something like this:

"Therefore, my beloved brothers, be steadfast and immovable. Always excel in the work of the Lord, because you know that your labor in the Lord is not in vain."  1
Corinthians 15:58, Berean Literal Bible

     Our reasonable service springs from the actions of the Holy Spirit speaking God's truth to us through the compassions of God ( as the preacher said this morning, grace upon grace). Our works may not seem reasonable to the world especially if they feel we are too steadfast and too immovable. But if you read the book of Mark you will find our Servant Leader steadfast and immovable in His service to His Father and fellow man. Often, when I do not find something I am called on to do as reasonable and I feel it will be unappreciated, I have a friend who gently reminds me to consider it a doable service. I try to think back on the book of Mark. The Servant just went about and did. Some times he was appreciated and sometimes He was not. But He always did what He could. It was doable through prayer and through a desire to excel in service. And, it was not in vain. 

                                       "Door of my heart I hasten 
                                         Thee will I open wide. 
                                 Though He rebuke and chasten 
                                         He will with me abide."  
                                                                      M.B. Slade

Sunday, September 25, 2016

Bibledoorajar: The Man

In which time Moses was born, and was exceeding fair to God” ( Acts 7:20). 

     Meet David Brantley. David played Moses in the Ragtown Gospel Theater presentation of Paradise in Post, Texas on September 24th. As an elderly statesman in Paradise, I found him irresistible. He presented a Moses who seemed to be so happy to have served God in spite of all the difficulties--a man exceeding fair to God. How happy he was to meet with the Savior on the Mount of Transfiguration with Elijah.
     True to Acts 7: 25, Moses was able to see his role in “how that God by his hand would deliver them” long before the actual work began. He was an Israelite adopted by an Egyptian princess who called him her son. He was raised to experience wealth and position but decided at age forty to go and visit with his brethren and reject his royal mother. How God would use him was about to begin as he resolved to choose affliction with the people of God.
     True to Philippians 2, Christ, The Man,  saw His role also before the actual work began. “Who, being in the form of God, thought it not robbery to be equal with God; But made Himself of no reputation, and took upon Him the form of a servant” ( Philippians 2:6,7). He was a Son in whom the God was well pleased and who had all God's creation at hand. He had no mother but took on the poverty of the virgin who would deliver Him. The will of God would prevail through Him in spite of afflictions. The redemption and deliverance of God's people would be finished once and for all through the greatest of all God's covenants.
    Thanks David, for helping the audience have such a wonderful experience.

Monday, September 19, 2016

Bibledoorajar: The Altar of Fellowship

Oft We Come Together; Oft we sing and pray
Here we bring our offering on this holy day.
Help us Lord, Thy love to see, 
May we all in truth and spirit Worship Thee.
T.S. Teddlie
God had given His Law in the form of Ten Commandments. They were not the law of Moses (although Moses would include them in the moral portions of his law) that would come later and be designed to provide order and justice within the Jewish community. But after frightening the people near to death with the Ten, God immediately provided an opportunity for them to erect an altar. It was to be simple. Nothing elaborate like the infidels built and to which they gave themselves the credit. Nothing on that altar was to say my skill did this. Just an earthen altar that was built even before the tabernacle was constructed.
     It was the breaking of God's law that would rupture and hinder the people's relationship with God. But it was that simple altar that would provide a means that they could once again have fellowship with Him. That fellowship encouraged leaving behind the sins that so easily beset. Burnt offerings and peace offerings were voluntarily brought. Blood and fire proceeded. The shedding of the blood was to satisfy God and the fire was to show His acceptance of the sacrifice and the coming of His help. It was that simple altar, and it alone, that would provide a means that they could once again have fellowship with God.
     At Pentecost, Jesus, who had ascended to the Father, asked the believers to wait together. It was in that place of fellowship with its' memory of the Sacrifice, that God sent fire showing His acceptance and provision of help in the form of the Holy Spirit. This Comforter would help believers spread the good news of being able to come together with God for all the generations to come. When my believing parents were awaiting my birth in 1944, T.S. Teddlie had the above song in his heart. We sang it often in the congregation where I grew up in the deep south just before partaking of the Lord's Supper. Congregations still sing it today. As a matter of fact, my fellowship sang it yesterday. Memories of all kinds flooded in. God making a way for fellowship. Jesus meeting God's expectations in every way. My believing parents including me in the Oft We Come Together aspect of Christianity. The Holy Spirit falling afresh as God helps us remember His love and grace. This blessing of fellowship has a long history and an eternity to come. Someday the "Oft" will be forever.

Sunday, September 11, 2016

Bibledoorajar: In Word Thought and Deed

      By giving Ten Commandments to His people, it is clear that God was not interested in having a careless, thoughtless people. Certainly not with Him and certainly not with others. When they heard what God said, they recognized how extensive God's rules were in countering the problem of sin. So profound was the strength of His Commanding Voice, the needy sinful people asked Moses if he would be the go between for them with God.  Their exact words were “Speak thou with us, and we will hear: but let not God speak with us lest we die” ( Exodus 20:19). So Moses went into the darkness to speak with God because the people were afraid and kept their distance.

     God responded by making sure the people understood fully their duty to honor Him and no other. In the Law they could see how much they needed Him. But He also gave them a way to practice that duty by requiring them to build an altar. “An altar of earth shall thou make unto Me, and shalt sacrifice thereon thy burnt offerings, and they peace offerings, thy sheep and thine oxen”. Legislation and spirituality would be intertwined. Men are sinners. We need the law to show us just how much and we need the altar to go before our One True God who promises to help us. As we please Him by making efforts to live holy lives and worship Him, He will shower us with blessings. God told Moses to tell the people He liked what they said about needing a Mediator. He promised He would raise One up from their people.
     That Mediator started living for His Father at an early age. The "lost" child was pursuing duty in a spiritual environment (temple). Later, He put it this way:
                            “I must work the works of Him that sent Me” ( John 9:4).

We are given grace to do those things pleasing to Him and those things that He has set in motion to have done. They are eternally decreed and must take place before man cannot work any more. In church today we sang:
"He wills that I should holy be, in word, in thought, in deed. Then I His Holy Face may see..."
Fred Filmore
It's going to be worth it!

Sunday, September 4, 2016

Bibledoorajar: God Rules/ God's rules

Don't Give God Instructions: Just Show Up For Duty
Church Sign, Texas

     A few days ago, I had to run to the local store. As I left home, I told myself I had to hurry because it looked like rain was imminent. As I arrived at the store and got out of my vehicle, a black cloud hovered, thunder clapped, and lightning spread the sky. It was to my back and was so loud that I felt the lightning might strike me. In reality it struck a tower on top of a school about a mile away. But it was so awesome and its' magnitude so great that it produced fear in me. Afraid, I missed my step and stumbled into the storefront. Whew, I wasn't hurt, but I sure was glad the God behind that lightning loved me!
     It seems that when God spoke His Ten Commandments, He wanted to do it in a similar awesome fashion. The Word says a boundary was set at the Mount and no one dare cross. Darkness came over them and lightning spread the skies. Thunder roared. Trumpets sounded. If God wanted to make it clear that He was Superior and that His people had a duty to Him, could there have been a more dreadful way? Can you hear the words of God in that desert? Does it all scare you a bit? We would be wise to remember how God starts out reminding them that He is their Lord who loved them enough to deliver them from bondage. What follows is His desire to have a people who love and and respect Him. The Ten Commandments tell us what God thought that love and respect should entail.
     After God drew near and gave the earth His only begotten Son, the Son's disciples had a conversation with the Son as to how they should pray. How should they speak with their awesome God and Father. To this request, Jesus replied saying start it like this: 
 "Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be Thy Name, Thy Kingdom come on earth as it is in Heaven"
Christ was saying we can never forget God rules and God has rules. But beneath this is a foundation of love that will give us our daily bread and forgive our trespasses. Keeping rules may be hard and sometimes we may want to be in control, but having the One who rules as Father is definitely worth keeping rules. He makes it clearer and, yes, easier as the days go by.


Sunday, August 28, 2016

Drawing Near

"I am thine O Lord, I have heard Thy voice....consecrate me now...."
  Fannie Crosby

 “Let us draw near with a true heart in full assurance of faith, having our hearts sprinkled from an evil conscience, and our bodies washed with pure water.”  Hebrews 10:20

  Following Moses, the people of Israel had experienced redemption and salvation from the bondage of Egypt. They had personally observed the judgement of God against sin. They had learned with Amalek that God would fight for them. Now, they were brought close to the mountain, the mountain of Sinai.  Sinai, by nature, was the highest mountain in the mountain range standing before the people. It is called Sinai because it is covered with thorny bushes. Now was the time for them to look up and see further into the character of the God who had delivered them. Now was the time for the children of Israel to experience God's glory and to catch a glimpse of living on earth as His people. See them there in that desert, at the foot of a mountain.? God has commanded that Moses consecrate the people. That is, they were to understand they were set apart for God. When they came before Him they were to maintain silence and decorum. Looking up to God, understanding they were His, they would worship and hear His voice. It was their destiny(and hopefully yours too) to know the God of Glory and to understand Him. Moses had to make sure the people were ready to be in His presence. They were to understand their part in the covenant meeting with their God. They were His people, bought with a price. They had experienced, redemption, deliverance and Passover. Now, three months after leaving Egypt, remembering all that God had done, they were to "see" His glory.
      Look up today. See Jesus, high and lifted up. See the thorny crown? He has done all for you. Be challenged to consecrate yourself anew. You are His.

Sunday, August 7, 2016

Bibledoorajar: Location, Location, Location

     When Moses and Jethro had their famous conversation about how to handle the people's difficulties, it is important to note where it took place. Jethro found Moses at the foot of Mt. Sinai. Sinai was God's covenant mountain. It was where His authority dwelt. The story does not say that Moses told Jethro that they should appeal the matter before them to God, since after all they were sitting right there at the foot of His mountain. Nor, when their conversation was over, does the Bible say Jethro recognized enough of the importance of Mt. Sinai that he was willing to leave his people and go on with Moses and the others to the Promised Land. He went home to his own people. Perhaps he liked making his suggestions to Moses as to how to lead, but he did not want to be involved in the service of making it come about. We all know how easily it is to tell another how to lead.  However, we often leave out the more difficult service part of leading others. Perhaps Jethro had no interest in serving or honoring the God of the Mountain. At any rate, He went home.

     It is interesting to note that when the disciples of Jesus were still trying to figure out everything, that is, how they should serve and lead like Jesus, that He sent them to a mountain (Matthew 28). He was there on that covenant mountain and when they saw Him the majority worshiped Him although some doubted. It was on that mountain that Jesus told them that He had all authority in heaven and earth. They were to go about their serving and potentially leading because of that very fact. Jesus had all authority. If He was honored and worshiped, He would see that their service and leadership would bring people into the Kingdom. Mountains, heaven and earth. Ultimate authority. A call to resist going back to our own people and to keep on serving Jesus. Matthew does not say what happened to the ones who doubted. Maybe they went home back to their own people.

Monday, August 1, 2016

Bibledoorajar: Good Decision or No?

     A sister in the Lord tells the story of the time her father planted a strawberry patch as a means to make money. At the end of the season and the profit versus the work was tallied, her father commented on the situation to a fellow farmer. The fellow listened and then said, "well, Jesse, you will just have to make your own "incision" about that." And that is where I am with the next part of the story of Moses. He was definitely called to not only be a deliverer but also a lawgiver and mediator. When Jethro, his father-in-law showed up, Moses greeted him magnanimously. Jethro had heard of all the wonderful things that God had done for His people and how He had used Moses mightily. He exalted God as the One True God. Looks to some like he became a "believer" at that point even to the point of sacrificing with Moses. and thus he had the privilege as a Midianite of giving Moses counsel on how to problem solve the disputes of the people. Others say no, that the people should have been allowed direct access to Moses himself and that God did not intend a system of judges as a layer between the Lawgiver and Himself.  Or, Moses should have gotten his advice from Aaron rather than a Midianite.
      Today, Christians have access to our Lawgiver and Mediator directly through prayer and supplication, but we are also called to receive help from each other and many are said by the apostle Paul to have the gift of helps (I Cor. 12) . Scholars define this gift as giving relief, succor and support.  The appellation of "father-in-law" in reference to Jethro is mentioned 13 times in the story. Hmn. Good or bad? Clearly it is a reference to an earthly status (some even say evil 13). At any rate, it does reflect that God will be involved to bring about His desires as men try to problem solve how to best handle earthly situations . It might have been a mistake to go with Jethro's solution, but God is ever able to bring about His desired outcome. So on this one, think and pray and reach your own "incision". God bless your thoughts.

Monday, July 25, 2016

Bibledoorajar: Disobedience to the Max

At this point in the story of the march to freedom, the father-in-law of Moses shows up with the leader's wife and children. He had been caring for them for a long time and it was all because of disobedience on several levels. It seems that the wife, Zipporah, did not think much of God's circumcision requirement for the boys. Moses did not insist so it was not done. But God's requirements should not be overlooked. Following the disobedient acts, God struck Moses with what most scholars believe was a debilitating disease. It must have been clear to Zipporah as to what was the cause of his husband's serious weakness, because she picked up a flint and proceeded to circumcise the child. But there was no humbleness before God and Moses about the matter. She screamed throwing the foreskin at Moses feet, "Surely you are a  bridegroom of blood to me." And there they split company over the issue. Zipporah could not sing of the goodness of obedience to God and the ways of His provision. Zipporah and the boys went to her father's and Moses met Aaron in the desert to start the walk to freedom. It was a sad split.

There are many today who reject the bridegroom of blood whom the Father has given. The shedding of blood is a repulsion to them or, at a minimum, not important. But accepting the bloody Bridegroom and being obedient to Him and His Father is of ultimate importance. He will be the only One who can bring us along on the walk to freedom. Only by accepting the blood, do we get the wonderful help of The Spirit. To try to walk to freedom alone, in our own good works, will avail nothing.  We might as well go on back to our earthly father's house.

"Why did He drink the bitter cup, of sorrow, pain and woe?
Why on the cross be lifted up, because He loved me so."
J.G. Dailey

"In answer to the call of love, He loved me with a cross"
Larnelle Harris

Monday, July 4, 2016

Bibledoorajar: Walk to Freedom

     As Americans stop today to remember the events that led to our independence and freedom from England, it is a good thing for Bibledoorajar to pause and remember that God has engineered a walk to freedom for His people. In our current story, God is, over time, demonstrating His great love and mercy for His people by leading them through the wilderness to freedom. There may be battles, but a Promised Land awaits. Nations may have their problems but those which fight for freedom for their citizens to be free of tyranny is a wonderful thing. Here in America we can sing God bless America without fear of reprisal. And, more importantly, we can stand up and say we hear the Voice of the Lord calling us onward on a specially designed path into the ultimate freedom.
     The apostle Paul writing to the Galatians wanted to make sure they understood the freedom that God had provided to them through the work of Jesus Christ. Many were unclear as to just how to complete the walk to freedom. They were adding a great deal of works to what God had done through Jesus. Paul said that there may be people who were doing that and that that was they choice (freedom), but that it would not pay off for God's people. Jesus was the One and Only Way! There was only one Gospel pleasing to God and it could not be perverted.  He declared that they were included in the gospel of Jesus Christ. It was the gospel that sought to honor God for His provision, not man's attempt to provide many other means of providing freedom that in reality just provided more bondage. Paul had "been there and done that" in Judaism and God had authorized him to declare the Gospel of Christ to be very different. He said the perverted way might please men, but not God. Even an angel from heaven could not preach the perverted gospel in a way that would please God!
     So today, Christians can thank God for the freedom we have in Christ. It is a freedom to seek Him for glory and honor and immortality in Heaven. Paul says the glory we experience now in praising God for our freedom to be near Him is just the beginning. We are moving from glory to glory if we are open to the provision. All true messages about our Gospel should deepen our love for Christ's provision  and for our brothers and sisters. Reject all perversions! Happy Celebration of July 4th, yes for Americans, but greater, Happy Celebration of the Gospel of Jesus Christ!!

Sunday, June 26, 2016

Bibledoorajar: Fighting Technique

     The Bible says that Amalek picked the fight. It was over water that he wanted. Israel had never picked a fight or fought a battle, not in Egypt and not on their journey thus far. But now battle had arrived. Moses commanded that men be selected to fight Amalek. Joshua was to lead. The way to approach the battle was to trust the efforts of Moses and Aaron and Hur who would hold his arms up if he tired. As long as the arms were up, the Israelites would prevail. The Bible says that Amalek was not totally defeated. The Word says that he was discomfited. He was routed and forced to flee by the edge of the sword. Amalek would be a constant source of trouble for generations of Israel, but God made a promise that he would ultimately be defeated.
     Our preacher this morning spoke of the last verses of Romans 11. In that passage, Paul writes that God recognized that ALL men were disobedient, but His plan to save them would bring Him much glory and praise. The Bible says that the flesh picks the fights. Usually when we are feeling blessed and at peace, it attacks us. Galatians 5 says the the flesh lusts after the spirit and the spirit lusts after the flesh. The question becomes which technique will be used to "discomfit" the flesh?  Christ said that He would send a Comforter to help us. He has given us the Word to read and implement in our lives and He, himself, intercedes with groanings that we cannot understand. Isn't it wonderful to know that He is helping our shortsighted pleas to be full and complete? Meanwhile in Heaven, Jesus takes that effort made complete and intercedes as our High Priest before the Father. If we worry that our prayers are heard, we should be assured that this technique works. Grace and mercy will flow to help us because as the song says, standing on the promises cannot fail. This method of resisting evil will put the flesh on the run if that is what we really desire. The challenge for us is to admit we are in the battle and use the edge of our sword (Word of God) and declare that we have every ability to rout the enemy through Christ. He is trustworthy.

O God, our help in ages past,
our hope of years to come, 
Our shelter from the stormy blast. 
And our eternal home!
Isaac Watts