Good Food!!

Good Food!!

About Me

I am a retired VA employee who lives in Texas. I consider the characters of the Bible "family" as much as any I know or have known on earth. To be one of the Lord's beloved is the greatest thing I know. What good company!

Monday, December 22, 2014

Bibledoorajar: Physical Appearance And......?

  Next, Israel brought his son Napthali forward to hear about his future. Israel said this:
  "Naphtali is a doe set free that gives beautiful words."
It is almost like Israel was saying to him that his clan was going to be mighty pretty and artsy too. And then you wait for the rest of their contribution like mightiness or boldness or... But nothing else was forthcoming. Just beautiful people who in the main would be artsy. Some of this tribe were used to supply the pretty parts of the temple but there is no mention of their ongoing commitment. As a matter of fact, artisans from Tyre had to be sent for to accomplish the major artistic accomplishments that God himself required. Beauty and artsiness can lean to vanity and perhaps Israel had a notion about Napthali's crowd. They never succeeded in capturing the land they were given in the Promised Land and they lived among pagan Gentiles. Their habitation ranged from the north down to the Sea of Galilee.  When Deborah sent for Barak who was from this tribe to come and conquer the enemy, he would only go if she went into the battle with him. He was pretty; she got the honor. He is an example of how the tribe had their ups and downs with courage. Sound familiar?
Years later, Jesus started his ministry with disciples from this area and He preached and worked miracles there often. He got a little perturbed with their attitude despite their artfulness and beauty. He told them that if what He was saying had been said to the artisans of Tyre they would have surely repented. Exactly He said, "It will be bad for you Chorazin. It will be bad for you Bethsaida. I did many miracles in you. If those same miracles had happened in Tyre and Sidon, then those people in Tyre and Sidon would have changed their lives a long time ago. Those people would have worn sackcloth and put ashes on themselves to show that they were sorry for their sins"(Matthew 11). It's not all about beauty and flowery words. Here is what Isaiah said about the coming Messiah who would be born in that parched land.

"He was despised and forsaken of men, A man of sorrows, and acquainted with grief; And like one from whom men hide their face, He was despised, and we did not esteem Him"(Isaiah 53). 

By the time the little babe born in that parched land (not much light) was grown his physical appearance was one of a beaten, whipped and bloody man. He wore no beautiful adornments, but He gave the ultimate gift of light through His wounds and bruises.. And with the eyes of faith we see the true beauty revealed there today. Thank you Father for Your wonderful gift of Love.
We have a beautiful little 20 month old spending the Holidays with us. My prayer for him is that he will by faith find the Beautiful One of God one day. Happy Holidays to all!

Monday, December 15, 2014

Bibledoorajar: What is Luxury to You?

 Jacob had told his sons to listen carefully to what their futures held. For Asher, he said this:

       "Asher's food will be rich;
       he will provide delicacies fit for a king."

Then Leah, Asher's legal mother,  said, "How happy I am! The women will call me happy." So she named him Asher. Oh how happy Leah would have been to hear Israel say that her son and his clan would be called happy by others and that their bread would be rich and highly favored by his brothers. So good would it be that it would yield royal dainties beyond the everyday necessities. In Deuteronomy 33 Moses declared that Asher's foot should be allowed to be dipped in oil and his "feet" would become strong as metal. To have their foot dipped in oil implied that their worth would include the ordination of spiritual duties. At best, we know that virgin olive oil was used with various scents or balms for the consecration of spiritual objects.

The myrrh brought by the kings to the Nativity was oil mixed with balm or scent. The Babe was anointed and consecrated forever to be Christ, the Anointed One. Though a babe, His feet would become as strong as metal and He would be able to provide consecrated bread for all who would believe. This bread remains highly favored among Christians to this very day providing not only everyday necessities but also dainties beyond description.  For the Lord Jesus Christ is the living bread of eternal life, able to give health to body and soul.

"Break Thou the bread of life, dear Lord, to me,
As Thou didst break the loaves beside the sea;
Beyond the sacred page I seek Thee, Lord;
My spirit pants for Thee, O living Word!

Thou art the bread of life, O Lord, to me,
Thy holy Word the truth that saveth me;
Give me to eat and live with Thee above;
Teach me to love Thy truth, for Thou art love."
                                          Mary Lathbury

Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Bibledoorajar: "Until the victory is won"

Last week we spoke of the tribe of Dan. They could not get what God said they needed so they took what they could find. But Israel prophesied that Gad would do well in attaining the victory over the Canaanites. They would be able to move about in the land unharmed and repeatedly protect the other tribes from their enemies. They were indeed a great asset to the fledgling kingdom when the "troops came."

     Merida: "I want my freedom."
     Queen Elinor: But are you brave enough to fight for it?"

                                                 From the movie, Brave

Gad was the son of Zilpah, the maid servant of Leah and was born before the children of Jacob's beloved Rachel. He would have known how much Israel loved Joseph and Benjamin and it must have been heartening to him when his father cemented his brave nature that he would carry into the future. Can't you just see Gad when he learned he was going to be brave enough lead his people against the onslaught of troops for the sake of freedom? The apostle Paul told his son in the faith,Timothy, the same thing and said that he had not been given a spirit of fear but of great might.

     "....I give you this instruction in keeping with the prophecies once made about you so that by following them you may fight the good fight holding on to the faith and a good conscience."
                                                                                                     1 Timothy 1: 18ff

This is the bravery challenge for us all. We have been given the strength through the work of the Holy Spirit, but we have to be willing to fight the good fight. Imagine taking the victory and then moving about the kingdom saving others from the enemy. Now, can we make our imagination real?

Monday, December 1, 2014

Bibledoorajar Speaks of Dan

When Huck Finn asked Tom Sawyer who Robin Hood was, Tom replied, "Why he's one of the greatest men that was ever in England. And the best. He was a robber." Huck asked who did he rob? Tom said, "only sheriff's and bishops and rich people and kings, but he never bothered the poor. He loved 'em. He always divided up with 'em perfectly square." This was the Robin Hood I watched on T.V. as a girl, but years later I had a hard time finding him in the reputable classic edition of Robin Hood that I read. Trying to figure out Israel's tribe of Dan is a bit like that. Stories aboud about their destiny, many based on very extensive research. When Bilhah delivered him, Rachel, his legal mother, named him Dan because God had judged in her situation.  But he was born from a jealous act no matter how "legal" and he seemed to have trouble from the beginning. When Israel blessed him he said he would judge the people and be a serpent along the way.  His tribe was the smallest and never did completely subdue the land intended for them. So they, like Huck's Robin Hood, raided and robbed a northern idolatrous city (Lacish) and demanded that their idolatrous priest become their spiritual leader. So, they had a great hand in muddying the spiritual waters of the northern part of Israel. However, the tribe did produce many judges perhaps the most renown being Samson. Probably many of the tensions he had to judge stemmed from the muddied waters brought about by his own people  intermarrying with the idolatrous people of the area. Later, when the nation of Israel frought with civil and spiritual tensions and divided into north and south it was the ten northern tribes who seceded. Remember, the kings always came from the tribe of Judah in the south and sometimes the behavior of those kings toward the northern tribes was disastrous. Remember, Jereboam taxed them so much for the care of the Temple that the result was the building of an alternative place of worship in Dan. This less than noble spirituality trailed along just about everywhere the people of Dan migrated and they emphasized it by renaming places with the name of Dan (as they did with Lacish). Because of the ungodly aspects of the "trail" they left, some scholars say that the AntiChrist will come from this tribe. But I will leave that up to the Writer of The Standard Edition. However, this we can learn, once you open the door to idolatry and introduce alternative worship, it means trouble with the Writer and Judge. As we begin the Advent Season we should all work hard to not leave a trail or join a trail with an antichrist spirit. Look to Bethlehem. Follow that trail.



Monday, November 24, 2014

Bibledoorajar Applauds the Stouthearted And Warns Beasts of Burden

Jacob/Israel continues to focus on the futures of the seed of the women in his life. To continue his focus on Leah, he calls forth Zebulon and Issachar and speaks with them. For the tribe of Zebulon, Jacob says they will become a haven for ships. They indeed settled between the Mediterranean and the Sea of Galilee. If they looked at the east they saw sea. If they looked to the west they saw sea. Thus, Zebulon's tribe became a haven for ships. The birth of this sixth son to Leah established in her mind a more glorious dwelling place with Jacob. And indeed Jacob did give her a place of honor when he buried her near his final dwelling place. Zebulon and his people would also be given a place of honor and they became known for their industry and faithfulness in times of trouble. When David's army needed recruits Zebulon sent more soldiers than all of the other tribes. And the Bible says they were stouthearted and courageous not falling out of rank (See 1 Chron. 12:33). Later, Jesus would also settle near the Sea of Galilee. There He remained the most stouthearted and courageous of them all. May we all follow our King as did Zebulon theirs.

                     Truehearted, wholehearted, faithful and loyal
                     King of our lives, by Thy grace we will be
                     Under the standard exalted and royal
                     Strong in Thy strength we will battle for Thee.
                                             George Stebbins

Now Issachar was to be a strong donkey. There were lots of them. According to a census in Numbers, they were third in size of all the tribes at that time of numbering. Jacob had said that this "donkey" would shoulder burden, but unlike Zebulon, they would have a tendency to quit when the going got tough. They were for hire, but if things got too tough they could get pretty "donkey like" and refuse to go on preferring the "rest that was good and the land that was pleasant." Most of the time the donkey is used to shoulder a burden and becomes enslaved to the will of its' master. The tribe of Issachar was strong and had a good land assigned to them but they did not like to fight for it. When I feel like a burdened down donkey, I try to envision Christ triumphantly riding with me. He will provide strength to complete the task if I will but yield to Him. With Him, I can go all they way for a triumphal entry into Glory!

Monday, November 10, 2014

Bibledoorajar: Strong and Courageous and Highly Productive

 We have been eavesdropping on Jacob/Israel blessing each of his sons. When Israel came to Leah's fourth son, Judah(praise), he bestowed a wonderful blessing. Jacob/Israel declared that this Judah would be a lion, powerful and strong to lead and to destroy enemies. Also the tribe would be a productive and fruitful one, greatly admired by the other tribes. From this tribe would come Israel's kings and Israel further said that this authority would never leave the tribe until Shiloh(the Man of Rest) came. The tribe of Judah went on to produce many kings that led and called for obedience by the strength of the sword. They had vineyards planted and their produce from the land was paramount. But when Shiloh came from this tribe, war and blood as a part of Judah's authority would end. At that time kingship, productivity and fruitfulness would take on spiritual dimensions. Shiloh would be the Lion of Judah according to Israel but He would come in like a cub lion. His authority would go forth by His words and it would be heard and obeyed throughout the lands as others spread the words. Obedience would come as a result of preaching not physical power. When Peter attempted to gain authority in the Garden through the power of the sword Jesus put a stop to it. Shiloh's kingdom was to be distinguished from the other kingdoms of this world. At first it would appear that the "cub lion" was weak and would be conquered by his enemies. But Israel said NO! He would descend into seeming defeat but the blessing of his death would be declared over and over by the preachers and the reality of the Coming King in Glory would be believed and the promises would be accepted and obeyed throughout eternity. What a wonderful blessing Jacob/Israel gave to "Praise." Maybe you need to praise the Father for preachers today who share these words with you. Where would the Kingdom be without them?

"For the preaching of the cross is to them that perish foolishness; but unto us which are saved it is the power of God." 1 Corinthians 1:18

"And he gave some, apostles; and some, prophets; and some, evangelists; and some, pastors and teachers...."  Ephesians 4:11

Monday, November 3, 2014

Bibledoor Celebrates Blessings

While we are in the midst of reviewing Israel's predictions about the clans his sons would generate, Bibledoorajar is on the road celebrating Rebecca's 70th with family and friends. This morning I awoke high up in a tower located in a Bed and Breakfast in East Texas. Today, I am grateful for a good friend who arranged this wonderful blessing and to the Father who has granted me these 70 years. I feel good and with His grace hope to keep on sharing about Him and His wonderful ways for some time to come. Like Jacob/Israel my travels will come to an end one day though and I will share the same promise Joseph gave Israel: "Yes, I will take you to the Land of Promise." How could I not feel blessed and be happy about that Greater Promise from the Son even as I look out and down on the piney woods of East Texas? I trust you share that Promise with me. If not, why not now? It was a great blessing of God that Joseph was able to go into the foreign land of Egypt and maintain his allegiance to the God of his fathers and expose the Gentiles to Him. And further, how great for him to realize that he was being used for God's purposes. But greater still is the blessing of the Holy Son being willing to give up royal rights and come to earth to expose His Father to us. Because of the Father....because of the Father....because of the Father. Thank you Father.

Monday, October 27, 2014

Bibledoorajar Observes the Power to Bless

      What did Israel/Jacob see in the future of his second and third born sons? They received the same blessing for the same evil deed. They had been instruments of cruelty. They had wiped out all the men of Shechem in retaliation for the rape of their sister Dinah (Genesis 34:25-29). This did not seem to be that big of a deal at the time. Jacob really said very little about it, but obviously moved by the Spirit, he remembered the event wrapped in its' spiritual significance. I guess it is true that our past can come back to haunt us. Though forgiven, the consequences of behavior live on. And oh, what ramifications it can have!
       It seemed that one of the biggest problems with Simeon and Levi's  behavior had been the degree of their anger. Apparently there is a fierceness of anger than is rooted in self-will rather than in godly, righteous anger. "Be angry and do not sin"(Ephesians 4:26). "Let all bitterness, wrath, anger…be put away from you" "Ephesians 4:31). God's people simply cannot have their way with anger; godliness must be the pursuit at all costs. As a result of the two brothers committing this great sin which stemmed from ungodly anger, they were to be divided in the new nation. This was particularly true of Simeon. His tribe became smaller and smaller and finally became the smallest of all the tribes. For Levi, the prophecy of being divided and scattered became a blessing. Because of demonstrating paramount faithfulness during the golden calf episode (See Exodus 32: 26ff), the tribe was scattered throughout the whole nation of Israel. Their inheritance was the Lord, not land. And from this tribe we see the evolution of Israel's priests living among the people.
     In the sphere of counseling, it is said that people do not improve their lot in life because they do not fix. That is, they refuse to handle their feelings within their families or communities correctly. Perhaps the story of Simeon and Levi helps underscore that observation. Anything need fixing?

Monday, October 20, 2014

Bibledoorajar Examines The First Shall Be Last

 Isaac had met with the Pharoah and knowing he would not live much longer he prepares to give each of his sons a blessing. We might think of these statements as prophecies also because he told them what would befall them in the last days. Each son would be patriarch of a tribe or here called a nation, but each would have a different place in the future land of Israel. Such telling of these great secrets concerning the end of time was very significant as to how the various tribes would experience Israel. Just think of God allowing Jacob in his status as Israel(spiritual leader) to know what would occur to his children who were sons of both Jacob/ Israel(knew of their physical and spiritual identity and destiny). God had given Israel a place of spiritual maturity but it was a constant battle against Jacob to maintain it.  So it was for his sons. 

For his first son, Reuben,  there was stark news that though he had claim to the inheritance rights of the firstborn he forfeited the excellent spiritual and social position through pride and immorality.  Reuben’s immorality with his father’s concubine Bilhah (the mother of his brothers Dan and Naphtali) is recorded in Genesis 35:22. Now, Israel says that the rights of blessing, priesthood and ruling authority will be divided rather than centralized in his firstborn.
The tribe of Reuben never did excel. No prophet, no judge, or no king came from the tribe of Reuben. Reuben is an example of how the first can be last. Listen to what God the Father's firstborn said:

 ..."When the priests heard this they were utterly amazed. "Then who, they asked, 'can be saved?' Jesus looked at them and said, 'humanly this is impossible, but with God everything is possible, Peter replied, 'look, we have left everything and followed you. So what will we have?' Jesus said to them, 'Yes, I tell you that in the REGENERATED world, when the Son of Man sits on his glorious throne, you who have followed me will also sit on twelve thrones and judge the twelve tribes of Israel. Everyone who has left houses, brothers, sisters, father, mother, children or fields for my sake will receive a hundred times more, and he will obtain eternal life. But many who are FIRST SHALL BE LAST, AND MANY WHO ARE LAST WILL BE FIRST. Matthew 18:
 (Matthew 19:25-30).

   God looks for stable character in those who will lead His people. Reuben just didn't have it. As it is said in our culture, character counts and so do blessing. Best be counting them and remaining true.

Monday, October 13, 2014

Bibledoorajar Travels

     Bibledoorajar has traveled to Houston today to be with a nephew who needs hand surgery. We have come here for him to have the surgery done by one of the best. The best. The best is so important when you have a great need, is it not?
      Jacob had moved a family of seventy to be with the best because they all had a great need. He had met his son Joseph, known in Egypt as Zaphenath-paneah. He learned that Pharoah gave him the name when he elevated him to his high position because Pharoah had felt that Joseph was surely Divinely blessed having many god-like characteristics. This observation was not new to Jacob for he had indeed seen God-like characteristics in his son before. But now, there was great power associated with Joseph's Egyptian name and, further, Pharoah himself expressed an interest in meeting and talking with Jacob. The elevation of his favorite son was amazing to the father. To meet with the Pharoah himself because of his son was even more amazing. As they sat and talked Jacob told the Pharoah all about his earthly journey and told the Pharoah he was now able to die because he had seen his special son and experienced all of his provision. Jacob had also lived to see the ones who had been so cruel to Joseph rejoice in him and acknowledge his greatness.
      One day the Greater Son will take those who know him to meet the Father, the Possessor of Heaven and Earth. There the Father will be most interested in talking with the Faithful. Can you envision yourself having a conversation with the Most High God? If you know the Son, the conversation(s) will indeed take place. If you haven't met and acknowledged the power of the Son to bring you to the Father, perhaps now would be the time to do just that.

" Behold, he cometh with clouds; and every eye shall see him, and they also which pierced him: and all kindreds of the earth shall wail because of him. Even so, Amen."  Rev. 1:7

All, even those who were so cruel to Him, will see Him.  It will surely happen.

Monday, October 6, 2014

Bibledoorajar: What's Goshen like?

So, all of Joseph's family came to Egypt. But with conditions. By Joseph's decree and with the Pharoah's blessing they were to live in but one part of the land: Goshen.  Joseph placed his family in a separate part of Egypt so that all would realize that their existence was distinctive from others living in Egypt. And there Joseph would meet his family's needs and they would prosper.

Growing up, I can remember being exposed to church groups whose name started with Goshen. I did not realize then that the goals of those church leaders included their members being distinctive from the world around them.  But later I understood their desire;  the flock would understand that they were set apart, saved, and would be helped and loved to the end in a Goshen like community.

Goshen is in the world but not of it. Sometimes it is difficult to remember where home is. But if we ease away from it and choose to live somewhere else, we usually find the taste of living elsewhere bitter indeed.

The Goshen of Egypt prepares us for the Prodigal Son story. Best to get on home now.

Hallelujah! what a Savior!
Hallelujah! what a Friend!
Saving, helping, keeping, loving,
He is with me to the end.
                      J. Wilbur Chapman

Monday, September 29, 2014

Bibledoorajar For The Best Part

     Imagine Jacob looking into the distance and seeing his sons return to him safely. Imagine him hearing the best part--Joseph was alive! Imagine him receiving this news from men who were filled with joy to report it. Imagine being 130 years old and trying to digest such news by such changed sons. Rocked on his heels for a bit, he finally looked at all the wagons and equipment sent to get them to Egypt and to Joseph and Jacob accepted the wonderful miracle provided for his family. Imagine all the activity that it took to prepare 70 family members to make their way to a new home. But Jacob stopped first at Beersheba ,the place of God's oaths to his grandfather, to his father, and to him. He sacrificed and waited before God. There God assured him that it was right to go to the son that lived even in Egypt a godless country. God told the pilgrim it would be a place of provision for years of famine, but that his clan would be returned home at a future time. Jacob moved his clan onward to Egypt. Now, for the best part. Imagine Jacob looking up and seeing Joseph appearing in his chariot-- all the dazzling splendor and kingship. Imagine Joseph coming first to Judah (praise) and then to all the clan of Israel.
     Yesterday in worship, we sang two songs. Here is a taste:

"Rejoice, rejoice, O Christian,  lift up your voice and sing (praise-rap)
Eternal hallelujahs to Jesus Christ the King. The hope of all who SEEK Him,
the help of all who FIND, None other is so loving, so Good and Kind.
He lives, He lives, Christ Jesus lives today. He walks with me and talks with me
along life's narrow way. He lives, He lives, salvation to impart! You ask me how
I know He lives? He lives within my heart."(A.H. Ackley)

".... For what I received I passed on to you as of first importance:
that Christ died for our sins according to the Scriptures, that he was
buried, that he was raised on the third day according to the Scriptures,
and that he appeared to Peter, and then to the Twelve. After that, he appeared
to more than five hundred of the brothers at the same time...."
                                      1st Corinthians 15: 1ff.

      Have you made the journey to Jesus. He will appear one day, first to Judah(praise)
and then to all mankind. Get ready, get ready..... Are you in the praise group?

"For behold the Lord will come with fire, and with his chariots like a whirlwind" Isaiah 66:15

"Nearer still nearer, while life shall last, Till safe in glory My anchor is cast.."(Leila Morris)

Monday, September 22, 2014

Bibledoorajar: The Great Shift

Joseph, having revealed himself to his brothers, now asked them to return to their father and all their clan and reveal his marvelous glory to them. He further admonished his brothers to not argue along the way, but to go quickly and say this:

"Hurry, and go to my father and say: 'Thus saith thy son Joseph. God has set me lord of all Egypt, come to me and settle in the land of Goshen."

As Joseph wept and kissed his brothers, Pharoah heard and was well pleased. So powerful was Joseph in the land of Egypt that Pharoah gladly allowed him to send heavily gift laden wagons back to his family for their journey(not allowed by Egyptian law). And the brothers were to reassure all the family that what they couldn't take with them would be wonderfully provided in the land of Egypt.

Imagine if you will, these brothers who had so maligned Joseph, being asked to return to Jacob with a bounce in their step! They were cautioned to not give in to old behaviors and argue along the way, but to go all the way with a glad heart rejoicing in the provision of God through Joseph.

Years later, Paul, the apostle to we Gentiles, cautioned:

"Don't shuffle along, eyes to the ground, absorbed with the things right in front of you. Look up, and be alert to the things going on around Christ---that's where the action is. See things from His perspective." Colossians 3;1-2 from The Message translation.

This perspective---don't worry about tomorrow, be joyful, share My Glory--that's today and every day's position for the child of God. Where's your bounce?  Do you need to make the great shift today?
After all:

         "He's alive, He's alive
         He's alive and I'm forgiven,
         Heaven's gates are open wide."
                                       Don Francisco

Monday, September 15, 2014

Bibledoorajar: God Meant it for Good

As Joseph wept and revealed himself to his brothers he declared that all that had happened to bring him to Egypt had been the plan of God and that God had meant it all for good. He had placed Joseph in Egypt ahead of them to ASSURE salvation in a time of severe famine. He told his brothers that there would be yet five more years of famine and he asked that they bring his father and the rest of the family to him so that they could be safe, fed and at rest. He would be enough for them. Such news of such a good life was glorious for the brothers who had once so wronged their brother.

Years later, God allowed His only begotten Son to be brutalized and crucified with all the world's dark sins upon Him. As hard as it was, it was enough to ASSURE that all who believed and accepted His Son's provision would be safe, fed and at rest. Such news is glorious and is still being shared today giving untold persons a good life.

In 1820 a poor Puritan girl gave birth to a daughter. She named her Frances Jane Crosby but the family called her Fannie. Soon it became apparent that the child would never see and her plight did not look good as her father soon died and it was necessary that her mother take work as a maid in a nearby home. But God planned to use this little girl for His glory and had placed her in a very religious family. Fanny credited her grandmother with spending hours with her helping her understand her world and her place in it. Fannie would say of her blindness, "what can't be cured can be endured." In 1873 the blind woman penned these words:

"Blessed ASSURANCE, Jesus is mine! Visions of rapture now burst on my sight. Angels descending bring from above echoes of mercy, whispers of love.----THIS is my story." May we all see as Fannie saw.

Monday, September 8, 2014

Bibledoorajar: Tears of Compassion

     Our story tells us that Joseph wept seven times over the course of saving his brothers. Thus, he was revealed as a compassionate man. He wept as his brothers confessed their guilt (Gen. 42:24). He wept when he saw Benjamin (Gen. 43:30). He wept when he made himself known to his brothers (Gen. 45:1-2).. He wept when his brothers were reconciled to him (Gen. 45:15). He wept over his father Jacob. (Gen. 46:29). He wept at the death of his father (Gen. 50:1). And he wept when, later, his brothers questioned his love for them (Gen. 50:15-17). Joseph revealed himself first to Judah(Praise) and his brethren, before he was made known to the rest of Jacob's household. It is very interesting that Joseph revealed himself first to Judah (Praise)  because we are told in Zechariah 12:7, "The Lord also shall save the tents of Judah (Praise)  first. However, all the sons Of Jacob would (will) come to understand who both Joseph and their Messiah really were (are).

 Jesus Christ, was also a tenderhearted man. In the New Testament one can read of how He was moved with compassion.  He wept at the graveside of Lazarus, and later over Jerusalem.  The apostle Paul also anguished over the growing rift between Israel and the young church. In the 9th chapter of Romans,  He authoritatively speaks of God's first and eternal covenant with the Jews. Eternal covenants do not go away and by faith we accept that their blindness will one day be removed and they will see the Lord for whom He really is. Pray for the peace of Jerusalem and the safety of Israel and believing Jews everywhere. One day you just might be sharing eternity.

"O Trinity of love and pow'r
Our brethren shield in danger's hour;
From rock and tempest, fire and foe,
Protect them wheresoe'er they go;
Thus evermore shall rise to Thee
Glad praise from air and land and sea. Amen"
                                                     William Whiting (1860) 

Sunday, August 31, 2014

Bibledoorajar: "How can we clear ourselves?"

Jacob's sons began the return to Jacob bringing Benjamin with them. But little did they know that Joseph had one final test of them. In Benjamin's bag was not only the returned money but Joseph's silver cup. They were followed by Joseph's official and when found they were confronted. Astounded, they realized the situation was such that no matter how much they explained, they could not escape guilt. Finally, they were taken back into the presence of Joseph who confronted them again for taking his cup of divination. He asked them how did they think he would not know the cup was stolen given its use in his ability to divine things. Whether or not Joseph really used the cup in this way is not clear from the text, but what is clear is that the sons would have known of its' use in pagan lands. It is doubtful that Joseph used a cup of this sort given that God had gifted him with special knowledge. At any rate the men were distraught. They were so distraught that “they tore their clothes” (Genesis 44:13). Judah asked the viceroy how they could possibly clear themselves. This is what Judah said: "God has found out the guilt of your servants; behold, we are my lord's servants” (Genesis 44:16). Joseph’s test had worked. His brothers were immediately convicted of their sin and attributed their current misfortune to God’s hand of justice in the mistreatment of their brother. The brother's journey of accepting The Divine and their guilt had terminated with them tearing their clothes in anguish and asking the question: How can we clear ourselves?

This position is what the preachers call "godly sorrow," the result of frequent defeat. Jesus compared a Pharisee and a Publican. The pharisee prayed to God thanking Him that he was not as other men while the Publican asked God's grace on him, a sinful man. Jesus implied that this realization on the part of the Publican was an important one, a sure sign that the Spirit was at work convicting the Publican of his sin and at the same time revealing the goodness of God. Only through this work can one's sinful soul be quieted. Jesus says the same thing as Joseph: "Did you think I would not know considering my position as Lord of all?

          "Be Still and Know that I am God
           Be still and know that I am God
           Be still and know that I am God."  A song taken from Psalm 46

This is where the brothers found themselves. What is your self-assessment? Only He is deserving to be exalted. Only He can quiet the sinful soul. Jesus asks, did you think I would not know?

Monday, August 25, 2014

Bibledoorajar Looks at Giving Up Self-Deception

     Jacob's ten sons have been on a journey of enlightenment. Slowly and patiently Joseph led them through events that highlighted within them their great guilt in disposing of Joseph and bringing pain to their father. In a conversation among themselves, Joseph overhears them admit their guilt. Joseph provided atonement for their great sin by returning their money in their sacks as they left Egypt. They may be forgiven, but it would not be a forgiveness bought with money. Rather, it would be a free gift to men who had given up their self-deception and admitted their sinful nature. Now, Joseph has asked them to bring Benjamin to him. He desired to see how Benjamin had been treated by them. Had they mistreated him as they did Joseph? Was the negativity that led them into temptation lessened? Had their vision of themselves and their world been impacted by what Joseph had asked of them? In short, were they humbled and ready to call Joseph their friend and brother?

     Years later the Greater Son had many conversations with His disciples. He called them His friends, but had many serious conversations about the perils of temptation and the problems of self deception. He asked them to view the peril as if a millstone were around their neck pulling them and others under. Such a condition does not leave one in a position to live freely or to be in a position to freely help others. Jesus told them that He would send a Friend, A Wonderful Counselor, after He was gone. Like Joseph to his brothers, this Holy Spirit would not leave us alone in our difficulties. But rather He, too,  sees us through even as He convicts us of our sin. What a wonderful provision, rescue and Gift.

Sunday, August 17, 2014

Bibledoorajar Speaks of Jacob and El Shaddai

                       El Shaddai: God Almighty; The All- Sufficient One

     Reuben, Jacob's eldest son, tells his father that if he will release Benjamin to go back to Egypt with the brothers, then he (Reuben) would pledge to protect and return both Benjamin and Simeon who was being held in prison. Further, if he did not do so, then he (Reuben) would gladly give up his own sons. Jacob said no to this plan. After all, Reuben's sons were his sons (grandsons) and Jacob did not want to lose --any part of the future of the clan. But then Judah ("praise"--the son from whom Jesus the man was descended) said that he would take the responsibility. To this Jacob agreed. Jacob gave the sons twice the necessary money to give the Viceroy and told them to freely carry it to him in their hands. He also sent a costly gift. And then the Bible says the head of the clan said to Judah ("praise"):

"And El Shaddai give you Judah ("praise") mercy before the man (Viceroy, RAP), that he may send away your other brother and Benjamin. If I be bereaved of my children then I am bereaved." Gen. 43:14

There was a chance that Israel (Jacob) might lose his children and thus be bereaved, but his appeal was to the Almighty with whom he had a merciful relationship. This is the fourth time that Israel's merciful relationship with El Shaddai has been referenced. His appeal for blessing was based on merciful promises from El Shaddai, The Almighty One. This is where his hope lay as he sent his sons back to Egypt. This is the nature of God that Israel, the spiritual head of the clan, had come to rest in.

Years later Jesus, the Son of the Most High God (his nature) came also bringing the opportunity for a merciful relationship with His Father. He praised Him for His mercy and encouraged all to come to Him. The name Most High God reflects the nature of Him who is being presented to us. His powerful nature is greater than any other gods and yet He extends mercy through His Son. How great is that? Now is the time to come to Him, trusting Him even to the point of possible bereavement. Have you taken that step?


Monday, August 11, 2014

Bibledoorajar Attests that God's Thinking is the Best

We have seen a clear difference between Jacob's sons. The ones that sold Joseph into slavery have been living disguised lives of a true son. Their quick thoughts of how to cruelly deal with a beloved son and their fleeting thoughts of remorse since that time belie their fallen nature. Joseph, on the other hand, seems to have truly assimilated a higher mode of existence in accordance to what the brothers had been taught of God. Even in a strange land, he honored his God. And so, the guilty brothers stood before Joseph having been found guilty of spying. Joseph had to wonder if the brothers had rid themselves of him because of the exaltation of himself in his dreams or did they also despise both the brothers (Benjamin ) of Rachel, Jacob's beloved? And so, he devised a plan to insure Benjamin's safety and also for the brothers to prove their innocence. He told the brothers that he would not keep their families from starving while they were imprisioned. He made it clear to the brothers that he was only interested in fairness and justice so therefore he would hold a brother in prison for security. I am sure the guilty brothers were crestfallen at the thought of trying to explain that to Jacob!

The brothers went home and stood before their father with food and returned money. They insisted that the Pharaoah's Viceroy demanded that Benjamin be brought before him in order for Simeon (interestingly, the brother who plead for the pit for Joseph instead of death) to be released. At least, now, the brothers were telling their father the truth. However, they were also scared because the returned money could be a pretext of Joseph to enslave them for thievery.  Jacob was struck with grief. The situation with his children seemed to be going from bad to worse. First the loss of Joseph, then Simeon, and now, potentially, the loss of Benjamin.  It was almost more than Jacob could contain. The distraught father thought. On the one hand, he had nine sons standing before him with gifts of food (the money had been returned) including enough for Simeon's family. On the other, he had assurance of more sustenance if the Viceroy was speaking the truth.

In Romans 12, Paul says that a believer has to have his thinking transformed in order to really see his situation clearly. We cannot be like Jacob's sons living our lives by the ways of the world. Just as Joseph's dreams would have to come true according to God's will, so must our thinking be changed to follow the Son and His commands. This transformation leads to true reality and life. It's a better choice. Give it some thought.

Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Monday, July 28, 2014

Bibledoorajar Looks at the Far Reaches of Love

     Jacob's sons have been sitting in a jail cell accused of being spies. Now, Joseph has set them free and brought them before him in the royal rooms of Egypt's viceroy. Free, but in the presence of the most powerful person save the Pharoah. Joseph could do more than simply jail them. He could call for their death. They stood before him trying to convince him that they were all sons of one man whose only goal was to buy grain for their families. They were not thieves either. They had no idea how that silver goblet got into their things.  The viceroy called for them to bring their younger brother to him so that he might be convinced they were not spies and thieves. He would keep one of them in jail while they made the trip to get Benjamin as a surety. As they discussed the situation among themselves in Hebrew they did not realize that the viceroy was understanding everything they said. How could they ever tell their father that a son had to stay behind and the only way to free him was to risk taking Benjamin to Egypt? Soon Joseph realized that the brothers understood the enormity of their guilt and the huge grief they had caused their father as the old "I told you so" was declared among them. Joseph became emotional and had to leave the room at that point. But upon his return he held to his declaration that Benjamin ( his full brother) must be produced in Egypt. Joseph takes Simeon and places him in jail and the brothers began the journey home. They had no idea of the good things Joseph had planned for the entire family that he intended to save and reunite in a land flowing with plenty.

      Sometimes we forget what all Jesus planned for us. Check out this paraphrase of Ephesians 2:8-

"For when we all were dead in all our sin, we were saved and we have been raised up together. He has made it where we can, and do, sit with him in heavenly places. All of this so that in coming ages He can show the exceeding riches of His grace and kindness toward us."

This is truly a wonder we should never forget!


Monday, July 21, 2014

Bibledoorajar Looks at Peaceful Relationships

"Never pay back evil for evil to anyone. Respect what is right in the sight of all men. If possible, so far as it depends on you, be at peace with all men. Never take your own revenge, beloved, but leave room for the wrath of God, for it is written, "VENGEANCE IS MINE, I WILL REPAY," says the Lord.…"    Romans 12:17ff.

Joseph's brothers entered Egypt through ten separate gates as their father suggested. Jacob wanted each son to be able to gain grain for the family as there were amount restrictions placed by Joseph so that a man could only get enough for his immediate family. But there was a secondary thought that the sons had. Perhaps as they streamed through the separate gates they might find their brother Joseph and redeem him and assuage their guilt of not having treated him right in the eyes of the Lord. As they came before Egypt's viceroy to buy grain they did not realize that they had indeed found their brother. But he certainly knew them and, although he did not take revenge, he did make them squirm a little. He accused them of being spies and had them thrown in jail. Robbed of their peace, they wondered what would happen to them and how torn their father would be once again.

Sometimes we run from a peaceful relationship with Jesus and with others.  Why is that I wonder? Especially, when the Word says that God declares vengeance is His and that He will repay. Ever wonder why you are squirming in a "jail" of sorts. Perhaps God is trying to get your attention. The Jewish people have been through all kinds of wrath following their rejection of Jesus. Now is the time to take the necessary steps to be at peace with God by not rejecting your Brother. What follows will be eternal peace started in the here and now. Observe:

"Then I saw a new heaven and a new earth, for the first heaven and the first earth had passed away, and the sea was no more. And I saw the holy city, new Jerusalem, coming down out of heaven from God, prepared as a bride adorned for her husband. And I heard a loud voice from the throne saying, “Behold, the dwelling place of God is with man. He will dwell with them, and they will be his people, and God himself will be with them as their God. He will wipe away every tear from their eyes, and death shall be no more, neither shall there be mourning, nor crying, nor pain anymore, for the former things have passed away.” And he who was seated on the throne said, “Behold, I am making all things new.” Also he said, “Write this down, for these words are trustworthy and true.”
                                                              From the Revelation

Monday, July 14, 2014

Bibledoorajar Underscores the Only

     When the people of Egypt became hungry and what little food they possessed had decayed, they turned to Pharoah with a plea for help. Pharoah said to his people: "Go to Joseph and do what he tells you to do." And Joseph met their need. As time passed it became clear that the famine was not just a phenomenon in Egypt but indeed the entire known world at that time. People heard that there was food to be had in Egypt. "And all countries came into Egypt to Joseph for to buy corn; because the famine was so sore in all lands." (Genesis 41:57) Through Joseph, God made supply available to all the hungry and peoples from all the dearth filled lands could eat and could enjoy the relief of their need having been supplied. Jacob sent his son out from home to be a blessing to his brethren but they would have none of it and thus a trend of rejection intensified. Only in time would Jacob's sons find out that salvation could only come through the rejected brother who would extend grace and mercy.

Truly today, we are in a wonderful period where grace abounds because God turned the Jewish rejection of Christ into a wonderful period of grace. There has never been such a long period in God's dealings with the earth when grace abounded so freely. There is no place to go when a soul is burdened with sin and need other than to the Only Son. We must go to Jesus and do what He says. But the Bible does declare that this period of wonderful abundant grace will cease and a terrible time will come on the earth because the Holy Spirit will have left the earth. No one knows the time and hour when the abundant grace will cease. Clearly, now is the time to have your needs met in Jesus. Have you traveled to Him; have you had your needs met? Are you satisfied with the soul food you have? If not, the Savior has what you need. As the hymn says, "Why not now? Why not come to Jesus now?

Only in Thee, when days are drear,
When neither sun nor stars appear,
Still I can trust and feel no fear,
Sing when I cannot see.
Only in Thee, whatever betide,
All of my need is freely supplied;
There is no help nor helper beside,
Only, dear Lord, in Thee!
                           Thomas O.  Chisolm

Monday, July 7, 2014

Bibledoorajar Follows Joseph's Continued Rise

     Pharoah gave Joseph a wife.  She was the daughter of Potiphar whose wife had insisted that Joseph be imprisoned for allegedly assaulting her. To this union God gave two sons. Their names,  Ephraim and Manasseh,  reflect Joseph's God given ability to overcome his feelings of abandonment by his family and his recognition of God's power in his rise to prominence in a land that was not his home.
    The process that went on within Joseph's heart did not mean that he had forgotten his father and brothers, but that he was enabled to yield to God's greater good in the matter. A greater good that required him sacrificing the life he had known at home.
     Yielding. This concept seems to have been on Joseph's mind a lot. When the years of abundance were over and the people's stored food started to rot, they appealed to Pharoah for food. He referred them to Joseph who required them to be circumcised. As was learned in Genesis 17, circumcision was to be an external sign of an internal process which involved yielding to God. All the hungry men who were in search of food were required to take this step. The heart had to humble itself for the Egyptians were a carnal sinful people.
     We are all hungry for truth and good food for sustenance to combat our carnal natures.  Jesus said there would be an abundance of fruitfulness after His death. Have you taken the steps to enjoy the fruitfulness available in Him? Can you believe the words of Jesus? Egypt has long been used as a spiritual metaphor for a sinful world. Paul says if we believe in the Christ, allowing Him to circumcise our hearts, we can live on a higher plane. Does not everyone want that? Can you sing a song of praise to Your Maker for His Great Supply?

     "I've found the way that leads to heaven in the love of God,
      This holy way His loved and own thru ages long have trod;
      'This only by the blood of Christ that I may walk this way,
      I want to camp a little higher, nearer home each day."

                             Words to a song by  Rupert Cravens
"Worship the Lord with gladness; come before Him with joyful songs!
                                                                   Psalm 100:2


Monday, June 30, 2014

Bibledoorajar Speaks of Authority in the Highest

There was no doubt about it. Pharoah decided to give preference to Joseph,  exalting the revealer of secrets to a position in his land second only to the king. He was robed and given a golden chain and rode in a chariot next to the king. Everyone was made to understand that Joseph's rule was to be obeyed as decreed by the King. The people were instructed to bow their knee to him. What a change from all that innocent suffering Joseph had endured in prison. His new Egyptian name “Zaphenath-paneah” reflected his ability to know hidden secrets and an ability to heal and save. The brightest glories of Egypt were upon him. Joseph was thirty years of age when he received his special authority and left the presence of Pharoah to accomplish gathering, keeping and disposing of the nation's food supplies.

Years later a more Magnificent Servant left the presence of His father to carry out His special authority in the earth.  All power was given to Him in both heaven and earth. His authority extends as  gatherer, keeper, and disposer of all the stores of divine grace among men. He began His ministry at age thirty and he went all through the lands demonstrating his authority. Most importantly, He was demonstrating who He was to His disciples to whom He would also extend great authority.

 "Jesus and his disciples went on to the villages around Caesarea Philippi. On the way he asked them, “Who do people say I am?”  They replied, “Some say John the Baptist; others say Elijah; and still others, one of the prophets.” “But what about you?” he asked. “Who do you say I am?” Peter answered, “You are the Messiah.  Jesus warned them not to tell anyone about him."
                                                                   Quoted from the gospel of Matthew

If the then known world wanted food they would need to recognize the authority given to Joseph. Today if the world wants spiritual food they must recognize the authority given to Jesus by the Father.
As Peter said, He is the Messiah. All must bow to Him. Have you taken such a step yet?

Monday, June 23, 2014

Bibledoorajar Emphasizes The Matter at Hand

Joseph told Pharoah that his dream was repeated twice because the matter was at hand. God was going to move swiftly to accomplish it. Therefore it would behoove Pharoah to proceed. There was no time to waste. Pharoah should proceed quickly to find a wise and discerning man who would prepare for a severe time of drought by taking larger amounts of grain from every farmer and storing it for future use. So important was this step that Joseph recommended that the collection of grain be gathered as a levy against the farmers. This plan was accepted and the slave and prisoner was named viceroy of the land, an exception to the law of Egypt. But this exception was made because Pharoah saw the wisdom in moving quickly. Under Joseph, magistrates established royal granaries in every city so that grain would not have to be transported and held in only one location. This meant that large portions of the winnowed and sifted grain would be safely held for future use.

Years later, another wise and discerning man named John the Baptist came on the scene in the Holy Land. He spoke to the Pharisees and Sadducees and told them how they must proceed and advised them to move quickly. They had no time to waste.

"The voice of one crying in the wilderness, prepare ye the way of the Lord. And this same John....
saw many of the Pharisees and Sadducees come to his baptism. He said to them, O generation of vipers who has warned you to flee from the wrath to come? Therefore produce fruits worthy for repentance. And think not to say within yourselves, We have Abraham as our father for I say unto you that God is able to from these stones raise up children to Abraham. And now the axe is laid unto the root of the trees, therefore everything that produces not good fruit is hewn down and cast into the fire. I indeed baptize with water unto repentance, but He that comes after me is mightier than I whose shoes I am not adequate to bear. He shall baptize you with the Holy Spirit and with fire. Whose winnowing fan is in his hand and he will throughly purge His threshing floor and gather his wheat grain into the granary, but He will burn up the chaff with unquenchable fire."
                                                                                                   Quoted from Matthew 3

The mightier Magnificent Servant has all knowing power to carry out the desires of His Father. Even now, He is at work storing His grain in His church. Pharoah heard his dream twice for emphasis. God has now spoken twice through both His Old and New Testament. Emphasis on separating the chaff (evil) from the wheat (those he loves) has been put in place. Have you submitted to the winnowing process? Life's assurances are greater that way.

Monday, June 16, 2014

Bibledoorajar Says: Heads Up!

Pharoah had been used to having control over his environment. He had amassed much and had come to a place of peace on the basis of his control of the physical elements of his world. But now, Joseph was telling him that for seven years he would have no control over the physical elements because of an all encompassing famine. This message  had to be alarming to Pharoah, but there stood before him a man seemingly in perfect peace assuring him that God in His grace and mercy was giving Pharoah a heads up. Joseph even was able to give Pharoah advice as to how to handle the environment to prepare for the terrible famine. Pharoah should locate the most wise man in his kingdom and depend on him to adequately manage for the terrible coming difficulties--a time when sustenance would become the most important factor in the lives of the world. If this man, whomever he chose, prepared and gave his all, the world as they knew it could be saved. Before Pharoah stood such a magnificent servant, even Joseph. Surely he could find no other better man qualified to take on the responsibility. Pharoah quickly puts Joseph in charge of all the preparations and Joseph gladly takes on the monumental task.

After the Corinthian church had accepted Jesus, they were still having trouble controlling the spiritual elements of their world. The forces of adultery, fornication, etc. were rampant and they were being robbed of their peace and seemingly the ability to manage these forces. The apostle Paul, from a place of inner peace, was sent by God to give them assurances and knowledge of how to gain control over the dark spiritual forces. He reminded them that their inner man was the object of all these forces but was not part of them. It was key for them to  remember that they had been chosen and sealed by God to carry on for Him and that He had put them in the church,  a place of perpetual sustenance. Believing that their inner man was stronger than the outside forces was like living in a fortress.
 How well are you doing at tackling the forces of the world from a place of inner peace? Heads
Up!---; believe that the preparations made by your Most Magnificent Servant are adequate for the tasks ahead.

"Now is the time for faith and determination
  Don't lose the vision here carried away by the motion
  Hold on to all you hide in your heart ...
  We believe that His children will not be forsaken
God is in control
We will choose to remember and never be shaken
There is no power above or beside Him, we know
Oh, God is in control, oh God is in control."

 Twila Paris - God Is In Control

Monday, June 9, 2014

Bibledoorajar Follows Joseph Into the Palace

The magnificent servant, also known by some as simply a slave, was rushed to the palace of Pharoah. The challenge before him: to reveal the meaning of Pharoah's dreams. Simply put Pharoah had dreamed of seven very healthy cattle being ravaged by seven very emaciated and pitiful cattle. Again, he dreamed of seven healthy ears of grain being consumed by seven very unhealthy ears of grain. What in the world did the most powerful man on earth need to know? The servant was soon seen to be a revealer of secrets from God about the things that troubled Pharoah. Joseph, ever the humble servant, said he could not reveal the message, but God could through him and Pharoah could have peace. Could Joseph share a serious but hopeful message?  Joseph began to reveal a master plan of salvation to Pharoah.

Years later a More Wonderful Servant , also known by some as a simple carpenter, was rushed from the confines of the grave to reveal that the ultimate secret of eternal life with the Father was real and would come to all whom believed. For God's servants, death would be overcome. We can have peace. For three years Jesus revealed things about this great plan of salvation. Truly the best is yet to come. Be happy and....

"Sing that sweet sweet song of salvation
let your laughter fill the air
Sing that sweet sweet song of salvation
and tell the people everywhere"

 Performed by Larry Norman and an inspiration to many a Christian in the 70's and 80's including me!

Monday, June 2, 2014

Bibledoorajar looks at the Miracle of Joseph's Dream Interpretations

“You can't throw too much style into a miracle.”
― Mark Twain, A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court

Pharoah's wise men had disappointed, but the best was yet to come. When Joseph was remembered by the cupbearer he was remembered as the man who had both served him and told him that when Pharoah counted on his servants he would once again be counted among them. Now, he served Pharoah again and had his complete trust. So, the cupbearer had every reason to believe that his newly replaced prominence would carry weight with Pharoah and so he told him of Joseph's abilities. This is how much trust Joseph had in God--that he said all the cupbearer would have to do was mention his name and his ability to serve. As the above quote says, you can't throw too much style into a miracle and we are about to see Joseph give a miraculous interpretation of Pharoah's dreams. So anxious was Pharoah that he had Joseph RUSHED to his palace from the dungeon. Joseph shaved and changed his clothes and came into Pharoah ready to serve him. By shaving, Joseph would look more like an Egyptian thus he honored the culture in which God had placed him to serve.

I remember being in Muslim countries on missions and forsaking my American custom of dress for their custom in order to not be offensive to the local people. Paul, the apostle told of how
important such an effort could be:

"Though I am free and belong to no one, I have made myself a slave to everyone, to win as many as possible.  To the Jews I became like a Jew, to win the Jews. To those under the law I became like one under the law (though I myself am not under the law), so as to win those under the law.  To those not having the law I became like one not having the law (though I am not free from God’s law but am under Christ’s law), so as to win those not having the law.  To the weak I became weak, to win the weak. I have become all things to all people so that by all possible means I might save some.  I do all this for the sake of the gospel, that I may share in its blessings.
                                          1 Corinthians 9: 19-23

And all such efforts lead to sharing in the best yet to come. It is a relatively long passage but if you want to remember the best yet to come read Revelations 21 through 22:9. Have a great week serving that you might share in the wonderful blessings of the gospel.

Monday, May 26, 2014

Bibledoorajar thanks God for freedom

Happy Memorial Day. Bibledoorajar will return next week. God bless America.

Monday, May 19, 2014

Bibledoorajar looks at Misplaced Hope

 "Hope that has no guarantee of fulfillment is a false friend that comforts us a while with flattery and leaves us to our enemies. Expectation of a bright tomorrow when no such tomorrow can be ours will be bitterness compounded by despair in the day of the great reckoning."
                                                                                                         A.W. Tozer

Last week we looked at Pharoah's misplaced hope in his wise men and magicians. His expectation was that the meaning of his dreams would be declared and he could rest assured that his tomorrows would be brighter. His troubled soul would be quieted.  But a hope misplaced in the world and it's ways can only lead to disappointment and/or bitterness and anger. Yesterday in Bible class we were talking about that very issue. Looking to the world and its' thought can only be a one way street. Consider this Hindu proverb: "There is no disease like hope." The proverb rightly points out the error of worldly hope or hope misplaced. It has no guarantee even though over and over men and women seek its' comfort. Paul says to be in the world and drawing on its' wisdom is to be without hope and without God. So, what was so powerful about the hope Joseph put in God?  The main point of it was that it was based on a covenant--an agreement between God and Abraham that was passed down through the patriarchs. It was not some loosely based report that was merely misplaced flimflams that can come from any direction leading to confusion and chaos. For Joseph, he held the covenant in his heart and his destiny was in the hands of God. Where are you placing yours? Is it based on a covenant given by God?

"Remember that at that time you were separate from Christ, excluded from citizenship in Israel and foreigners to the covenants of the promise, without hope and without God in the world. "
                                      Ephesians 2:12

Jesus gives us new birth based on a new covenant that gives us complete hope in Christ. Give it some consideration today. If you have it, praise God. If you need it, seek it. It can be found.

Monday, May 12, 2014

Bibledoorajar Says Look, God Limited Pharoah's Wise Men!

"As a magician I promise never to reveal the secret of any illusion to a non-magician, unless that one swears to uphold the Magician's Oath in turn. I promise never to perform any illusion for any non-magician without first practicing the effect until I can perform it well enough to maintain the illusion of magic."
                                        Magicians Oath for Professional Organization Membership

"Then that lawless one will be revealed whom the Lord will slay with the breath of His mouth and bring to an end by the appearance of His coming; that is, the one whose coming is in accord with the activity of Satan, with all power and signs and false wonders,…" 2 Thessalonians 2:8,9

Pharoah's butler was alive and well and serving in the palace thanks to Joseph. But he had all but forgotten the one who asked to be remembered. But in the fulness of time, God moved in powerful ways to have Joseph emancipated from slavery. He did this by giving Pharoah dreams that he himself could not interpret. But never fear, Pharoah had all kinds of wise men dedicated to help him in situations such as this. And so they were summoned. Some scholars say that these men were magicians capable of sophisticated magic that makes people say, "how did they do that?" Others say that these men were connected to the occult and got they power from Satan and demons. It appears that both groups are right as clearly the passage quoted above indicates that Satan and his demons have the power to complete sighs and false wonders and that through practice men can create unbelievable illusions.  But, we must never forget that God can use the most likely and the most unlikely events to bring about His will. "The King's heart is in the hand of the Lord....He turns it wheresoever he will. Proverbs 21:1" Under these circumstances: prison, a pharoah's psychological distress, magicians and wise men, Joseph is to not only be delivered from prison but exalted to a high position in Pharoah's court. Pharoah's dreams? An instrument in the hands of God. Pharoah's magicians? Instruments in the hand of God. Pharoah's butler? An instrument in the hands of God.
Egypt, the center of all then known culture and learning? An instrument in the hands of God. The Egyptians may have known many secrets about the world and things in it, but the one who would bring true light to Pharoah's dreams was to be a man who feared God. Something to think about.

Monday, May 5, 2014

Bibledoorajar and Dreams

Joseph was bound in prison for something he did not do. In there with him were two miserable men. Both had had very vivid dreams the night before. And both of the men did not know what such a vivid dream meant. They were very tense and sad about not knowing the meaning. This was the first thing Joseph said to them: the interpretations will come from God and I will ask Him what they mean if you tell me about your dreams. Pharoah's butler started. His dream involved three grape vines entwined about his head and he took the grapes and squeezed them into a cup. Pharoah's baker then said he dreamed of having three baskets on his head and the top one was filled with baked goods. In the dreams, the butler was able to press the wine, fill the cup and place it into Pharoah's hand. But the birds came and ate the baker's baked goods and they never reached Pharoah's hand. To the butler, Joseph said the 3 vines symbolized three days and that at the end of that time period, the butler would be restored to full standing before the Pharoah. For this good report, Joseph asked to be remembered. However, to the baker, Joseph said that the three baskets were three days and at the end of the time period, his full standing before Pharoah would be forever cut off cursed by death.

It is said that if you want to see if someone's predictions are true, wait to see if they come true. Well, in this story the interpretations made by Joseph with God's help were spot on. Within three days the butler was back in good standing, but the baker reaped the curse of death. The butler was happy, but unfortunately he forgot to remember the one who gave him peace. Yesterday I took the Lord's Supper with fellow congregants. Thank God for the opportunity to remember the One who shed the blood that was pressed into the cup and that we symbolically drank. Our faith extended to the time at which He would bring us into full standing with the Father to be with Him always. But for those like the baker, who stand with their human works in their hands, expecting full restoration, beware, for human works will never fully restore. He that believes his own works will fully restore will be subject to damnation. Such a solemn reminder.  Don't forget to remember the One who alone gives peace.

"Peace, Perfect Peace, in this dark world of sin, the blood of Jesus whispers peace within."
                           Edward Bickersteth, 1875

Monday, April 28, 2014

Bibledoorajar: False Witness to False Imprisonment

Many of us grew up being taught or told the story of Joseph and his ill fortunes. In those children's stories, we knew Joseph was being mistreated but most of us did not grasp just how far the mistreatment went nor how great was his response in the midst of it. But Stephen made it clear during the time of trouble and persecution of the early church. Full of power, he reported on the source of the power of Joseph that allowed him to successfully endure even unto false imprisonment.

    "And the patriarchs, moved with envy, sold Joseph into Egypt; but God was with him, and released him out of all of his tribulations." (Acts 7). Stephen was experiencing significant trouble, but the one thing he remembered was God's promise to be with and deliver obedient ones (Deuteronomy 4:30). And, so, he likened his troubles to that of Joseph. We all seem to chafe at times in the midst of trouble telling our friends how troubling the events were. It is remarkable when one quietly, and in faith, endures without complaint. Nevertheless, troubles have a remarkable effect and have to be endured.
Joseph impressed folks like the official who ran the prison with his endurance and trust in God. Some were also impressed with the God who helped him. Two people were in prison with Joseph and both were watching him. It seems a butler and a baker had offended Pharoah and wound up in the same place as Joseph. We will see that Joseph was able to help one but not the other.

Jesus impressed many during His time of tribulations. One was a Roman official. At the cross, Jesus' greatest tribulation, He, too, was able to help one believing offender but not the other. How important is our continuing belief and obedience in the face of trouble? It is the root of our very salvation. Father, give us the strength to always be obedient ones even in the face of trouble--to NEVER forget that you are with us even unto the end.

Monday, April 21, 2014

Bibledoorajar Observes The Chase and Challenge

      "Challenge, and not desire, lies at the heart of seduction."
                                                   Jean Baudrillard    

Scholars tell us that sexual promiscuity was fairly common in Egypt. They also tell us that many of the Court officials were made eunuchs in order to ensure greater loyalty to the Pharoah and his purposes. So, we do not really know what all of the issues may have been that contributed to Potiphar's marital state nor what drove his wife to pursue Joseph. We do know that Joseph was one of the men that the Bible describes as handsome and that it was apparently necessary for him to work within the house of Potiphar. But this handsome fellow was always busy at work and never seemed to give Potiphar's wife the time of day! The challenge was on. Could she snare him?

Apparently she tried and tried but Joseph was having none of it. Finally, she was willing to grab him by his clothes to pull him in; Joseph was fast and he slipped out of his outer garment and fled in his undergarments. The challenge was foiled and now explanations and cover-ups had to occur. What she needed was some witnesses, even if they be false, so she called to other men working nearby. She enhanced her argument by not referring to Joseph by his name, but by calling him the Hebrew her husband had brought in to work. He was but a lowly Hebrew servant and who was he to get away with such an attempt made upon her? Could she find witnesses ruthless enough to bear false witness? Whatever she was able to pull off was apparently enough for her husband's anger to be kindled. But against whom? Joseph's name was not mentioned as the focus of the anger, but Potiphar obviously felt he must take some action anyway.  Attempted rape would have meant death usually, but Potiphar put Joseph in prison. Joseph offered no defense.

When the Greater Servant had thoroughly withstood all of the Hebrew officials attempts to discredit Him, they looked for witnesses whose testimony would end their chase and His life.

"Now the chief priests and the whole Council kept trying to obtain testimony against Jesus to put Him to death, and they were not finding any. For many were giving false testimony against Him, but their testimony was not consistent. Some stood up and began to give false testimony against Him.."  (Mark 14. He offered no defense.

Even, today, there are many who are willing to bear false witness against the Greater Servant and those who serve Him. Those willing to bear false witness have long existed and this kind of human failing led God to make bearing false witness a severe problem (find it listed as the 9th Commandment in Deuteronomy) even among His own people.  Ah, Lord, a word to the wise; help us remember.

Monday, April 14, 2014

Bibledoorajar Views Temptation X 3

                                                 Photo by NewLife

“The road to success is dotted with many tempting parking spaces.”
                                           Will Rogers

The wonderfully magnificent servant of Potiphar was all about his mission. His magnificence may not have been acknowledged by his brothers in Canaan, but Egypt was all about taking advantage of him and his abilities. As he worked, Potiphar's wife watched the "goodly man" (Genesis 39). She began to conceive a plan to have a sexual fling. After all, he was a slave/servant was he not? At her bidding, was he not? The more she looked, the more she realized how "well-favored" he was!  Her obsession had began.

"Lie with me"  :  Joseph refuses  39:7

Day by day she spoke to him about lying with her:  Joseph refused  vs. 10

And she caught him by his garment and said lie with me:  Joseph refused and fled:  vs. 12

Joseph's reasoning? To do so would be a great wickedness and a sin against God.

The Greater Magnificent Servant was also unacknowledged by his brothers and was a goodly man in a fallen world. The world was reaping benefits from His Work. But the Prince of the world was obsessed with getting Him to sin.

"If You are the Son of God command.." : "Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every world that proceeds for the mouth of God."

"If You are the Son of God cast..." : "You shall not tempt the Lord thy God."

"All these things I will give you..."  : "Get thee hence, Satan..."

This reminds me of Paul's writing to Timothy about dealing with youthful lusts. His suggestion? RUN!  There is probably not a better suggestion.

Sunday, April 6, 2014

Bibledoorajar Follows the Magnificent Servant As he Works

Joseph was bought by Potiphar and immediately put into service. The Bible does not record what Potiphar put Joseph to doing at first. Perhaps in the fields because he was a shepherd boy. What Joseph started doing was not as important as this: God was with Joseph, and He blessed him. While being with his brothers he may have been on a downward route, but now Joseph is on the way up!

Everything Joseph did for his master turned out well. Magnificently well really.  So, Potiphar saw and said to himself: "Why don't I just let Joseph run everything--- all my operations?" And that's just what he did. He put him in charge of ALL that he owned and he was a rich man with many irons in the fire.
And God was with Joseph and God blessed Potiphar's house. Soon the Word says that all
Potiphar had to worry about was what he was going to eat! Now that's confidence in someone's ability and a growing respect for the God whom the young man said he served.

God sent a Greater Magnificent Servant who, as Joseph did in Egypt, gained authority in the earth through His work on the cross. How far would He be able to go with God's blessing? Could He handle the whole work of God?

Matthew 5:17-18 “Do not think that I have come to abolish the Law or the Prophets; I have not come to abolish them but to fulfill them.  I tell you the truth, until heaven and earth disappear, not the smallest letter, not the least stroke of a pen, will by any means disappear from the Law until everything is accomplished…”   Jesus Christ    Italics and underline mine.

Not the least thing! We can confidently set about our work for Him knowing that He will accomplish all. Yes, it might include fiery trials and that is something with which we have to come to grips using our greatest gift--- faith in the Magnificent Servant and the One who sent Him. He will be with us as we go anywhere to serve and give Him glory!

"Anywhere with Jesus I am not alone
Other friends may fail me, He is still my own
Though His hand may lead me over
dreariest ways
Anywhere with Jesus is a house of praise.

Anywhere, anywhere, any little fear
I'll never know
Anywhere with Jesus I can safely go"

                    Jessie Pounds and Helen Alexander

Monday, March 24, 2014

Bibledoorajar is in Egypt with Joseph

 Joseph's brothers sold Joseph to the Ishmaelites, then the Ishmaelites sold him to the Midianite traders, then the Midianite traders traded him to the Medanites, and the Medanites took him into Egypt. Now Potiphar has him. There is no record of any complaint of all these maneuvers on this noble servant's part. He was destined to save the then known world. But before that he would be mistreated and jailed wrongly.

Jesus was "sold out" by Judas and the Hebrew leaders and then moved from secular ruler to ruler on His way to the cross with no complaints. Finally He stood side by side with Barabbas whose life was overcome by temptation, his temptation overtaken by sin that demanded death by the law. However, the law was conquered. Its demand was satisfied by Jesus! Jesus became the Substitute, to die in the sinner's place.

You and I live in Egypt far away for the kingdom of God where temptation is overtaken by sin and we are condemned to death. Thank God we have a Noble Servant who stands in our stead only thinking loving thoughts of us.  Praise Him!

Monday, March 17, 2014

Bibledoorajar Speaks of a Magnificent Servant

Joseph, the slave who did not resist his enslavement, arrived in Egypt. The plan was for him to be of service to his master, Potiphar, who himself served at the pleasure of the Pharoah. Soon it became clear that Potiphar had gotten himself a wonderful young man. There seemed to be no ill will within Joseph about his new status in life. He served in Egypt with pleasure. Potiphar realized that Joseph feared God and that God was with him. God prospered Joseph in all that he did and he became somewhat of a special man whose vitality could not go unnoticed.

"Blessed is the man who walks not in the counsel of the ungodly, nor stands in the way of sinners, nor sits in the seat of the scornful. But his delight is in the law of the Lord and in his law doth he meditate day and night. And he shall be like a tree planted by the rivers of water that brings forth fruit in his season and will not wither; and whatsoever he does shall PROSPER." (Psalms 1: 1ff)

It pleasures God to have such a servant. As an example we have Joseph, but, of course, our ultimate example is the One who served completely at the pleasure of His God and Father. Joseph is a good role model, but of Jesus, God said He was the Way, the Truth and the Life. Is it not wonderful that God was willing to share Him?
"...This is My beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased; hear ye Him." Matthew 17: 5 When the disciples heard this they were awe stricken. Are we in awe of Jesus today? Should we repent and agree again to serve the Most Magnificent Servant and pursue the ultimate good life?

Jesus is Life yet we sometimes resist the journey of seeking His truth which will lead us to a wonderful life of service. As we grow, He leads us to places where we can serve at His pleasure. He can give us fullness of life just as He did Joseph if we are willing to go on in service.  Abundance is heaven's plan, not neediness. God gives us directions on the path of life (following Jesus) if we are interested in service to Him. Prosperity without withering. That's a noble goal. 

Monday, March 10, 2014

Bibledoorajar Looks Again at Life Journeys

     In Acts seven, we find the journey of Stephen recorded. The believers had multiplied and a need for additional leadership emerged. The Word says that Stephen was one of the men selected by the believers for the apostles to appoint to leadership.  He was to cover needs within the growing group that now included Gentiles. He was chosen from among men of whom there was an honest report and whom were full of the Holy Spirit and wisdom. This man started a journey that included being noticed by men in the synagogue. These men were not able to withstand his wisdom and the spirit by which he spoke. They became incensed with Stephen and began to persecute him. Finally, he was brought before them and accused of blasphemy. In his defense, Stephen tried to reorient the Hebrews to the history behind Jesus the Nazarene of whom they were really so envious. At one point in his speech he said:
                     "and Jacob begat the twelve patriarchs. The
                       patriarchs moved with envy, sold Joseph
                       into Egypt: but God was with him."
                                                                          Acts 7: 9 ff.

     We learn from Stephen's  story, that the men of the synagogue were no more able to handle his zealousness than the patriarchs were able to handle that of Joseph. Something about the "journey" of these men was too much for them to accept. I remember going on a mission outing in Virginia one time. The journey included our handing out announcements of a Bible meeting and interacting with people on the street about the meeting. Afterwards a trip to Williamsburg was planned. One brother, full of the Holy Spirit and zeal for the Lord, wanted the group to keep "working" in the area and to make more contacts for the Lord's work. But the majority of the group wanted to seek the recreation and soon the young man was made to look like one gone overboard in his zealousness: a misfit. I am now impressed with how he received this feedback with grace and humility although I must admit I was not mature enough at the time to realize what an ability God had given him.
     So Joseph was sold into slavery and purchased by Potiphar an officer and captain of the guard of the Pharoah of Egypt. Jacob's beloved son has been humiliated and sold into slavery in Egypt.

                "He who was in the form of God, made Himself of
                  no reputation, and took upon
                  Him the form of a servant."
                                                                       Philippians 2:ff.

Monday, March 3, 2014

Bibledoorajar Asks: Where Has All the Purity Gone?

        " Where have all the good men gone
         and where are all the gods?
         Where's the streetwise Hercules to fight the rising odds?
        Isn't there a white knight upon a fiery steed?
        Late at night I toss
        and I turn
        and I dream of what I need.
        I need a hero. I'm holding out for a hero
       'til the end of the night.
       He's gotta be strong
       and he's gotta be fast"
                                           Bonnie Tyler

As Chapter 37 of Genesis ends, we see the sweet pure and wronged Joseph a captive and on his way to Egypt. We see a grieving father and we see the remainder of his sons return and carry on their lives while Joseph is away. So graphic is the picture of sons unwilling to establish a righteous nation. Judah takes a wife from among the heathens. They produce three sons. The first is so evil that God has to take his life. The second is so evil that he refuses to carry on his brother's family line. The father is so scared that he refuses to give the widow (Tamar) his third son for fear he too will be taken. Then there is that whole scene of Tamar seducing Judah after his worldly friends finish their sheep shearing and are looking for a little pleasure. The trap is set. Tamar becomes pregnant by the patriarch of the family and secures the truth of it, by taking important pieces of Judah's head of family presentation. Judah thinks he can end this evil accomplished wrongly by burning the harlot. However, she has the goods to expose him. The wicked webs have been weaved and we see no hero in sight. Our hero is gone. However, the Hero of the Heavens is watching and He alone has seen why this nation, Israel, will need a savior. He alone has the power to influence and grow the character of the one who will eventually save the needy mass of protoplasm represented here.
Thank God that He loves us so even as when this graphic picture presented here, shows the depth of sin in mankind. Thank God that He is always thinking and always turning evil for good. He is the Strong One and He may seem slow and hidden but He cannot be denied. "O glorious Victory that overcomes the world."