Good Food!!

Good Food!!

About Me

I am a retired VA employee who lives in Texas. I consider the characters of the Bible "family" as much as any I know or have known on earth. To be one of the Lord's beloved is the greatest thing I know. What good company!

Sunday, February 28, 2016

Bibledoorajar: No Wishing For Elsewhere

     When the Israelites faced the wilderness, the Sea and Pharoah and his chariots, many of them wished to be elsewhere. Specifically, they wanted to return to what they knew: Egypt. This was further complicated by the fact that a mixed multitude had left Egypt with them. They were a problem then and we will see that they were a problem for Israel later. It was really hard to look at that Sea and, one) believe God could somehow get them through it and, two) that what was on the other side was really going to be better. But after Moses told them to be still and see the miracle that God could work they really got a Wow! can you believe that! moment. No God person would want to be elsewhere and miss that. God caused a strong wind to come from the East and the waters were divided. Within was dry land with a wall of water on the left and right. The armies of Pharoah pursued. You have to admire the courage all around. But Pharoah underestimated God. In the last watch of the night (early morning), God looked down from the pillar of fire and cloud and threw the armies into confusion. The wheels of the chariots came off and the driving capabilities of the armies ceased. They declared that God was fighting for the Israelites and they had better get away. But about that time God told Moses to stretch out his hand over the sea. And well, we all know the Sunday School story. The last Egyptian stronghold ceased in the Red Sea.
     The time will come when God will tell Jesus to return to bring his children home. The last strongholds will cease and we will no longer have thoughts of elsewhere being better for us. 

"We read of place that's called heaven, It's made for the pure and the free;
How beautiful heaven must be."
Mrs. A.S. Bridgewater

     Heaven is on the other side. Stay free. When the last strongholds cease we will be safely at home.

"Eternal Father strong to save, Whose arm hath bound the restless wave,
Who bidd'st the mighty ocean deep It own appointed time to keep."
William Whiting

     When Christians were wanting to be somewhere other than oppressive Jerusalem, Paul encouraged them to focus on the eternal. They were not redeemed with silver and gold but by the Eternal. Neither are we.

Monday, February 22, 2016

Bibledoorajar: Ear to Hear

Don't let them win
(Hey now, hey now, hey now, hey now)
Hey now, hey now
Don't let them win
(They come, they come)
Don't let them win
(Hey now, hey now, hey now, hey now)
 Lyrics from Don't Stop the Dream by Finn

When the children of God heard Pharoah and all his chariots and soldiers coming they became very afraid. But their leader, Moses, had assurances from God that Pharoah would not win. The last exodus miracle would be to stop the armies of Pharoah in their tracks literally. Moses encouraged the people to quieten down and watch their God do a miracle on behalf of their salvation. In preparation for the parting of the sea, the Cloud moved from in the front to behind the children in order that they be fully protected until the miracle was completed. The Egyptians were still there in their might but they were in total darkness and rendered helpless.

It is interesting to me that one of the hardest things for we Christians to grasp and fully live is that the Spirit is not only in front leading us but He also has our back. We spend hours trying to figure things out, when God has only said to trust Him. He has the front and the back of His own. It is His intent to make Israel his peculiar treasure as will be seen later in Exodus 19. The apostle Peter says to the Church that God has the same intent for us. We are a people totally removed from darkness and a royal priesthood, a holy nation. Don't let Satan and his minions convince you that you are still alone in darkness. Be quiet and let your Father complete His exodus miracle for you.

Monday, February 15, 2016

Bibledoorajar: Short Memories

     When Pharoah heard that the children were camped in the wilderness with the Red Sea in front of them, He forgot the ten plagues and made ready his armies to pursue the slaves. But readying his armies brought to the front the last strength of Pharaoh with which the Father intended to deal.  His armies would not succeed. Meanwhile the children of Israel became afraid and, they too,  forgot all that the Almighty God of Israel had done for them as He freed them from bondage. Trapped, they became fearful and they cried out to God. They accused Moses of removing them from the steady peace of bondage in Egypt and of bringing them to a hemmed in place to die. They had lost their sense of victory and all peace with God was gone. We see this loss of peace with God played out over and over in the history of Israel and it reminds we Christians of how often we have to be reminded of the peace we have with God no matter our life circumstances. This short memory problem is one of the main reasons that Christians were counseled to not forsake the assembling of themselves together.
We must be together and be reminded of what our faith in Jesus gives us each and every day no matter what our circumstances. The apostle Paul spoke of this spiritual peace. He wrote to the Roman church:

"Therefore since we are justified by faith, we have peace with God."

     It is a true spiritual peace that comes from trusting in God. Without it we do just as the prophet of old said, "we sow the wind and reap the whirlwind." (Hosea 8:7) But seemingly we humans are prone to forget. We forget all the benefits that go along with our faith: salvation, love, grace and mercy.  We may not have temporal peace but we can always have spiritual peace with God. How? Because of the work of Christ on the cross. He made us righteous in Him. He justified us. And therefore, peace can be shed abroad in our hearts. One of my favorite Psalms says it like this:

"Righteousness and peace have kissed." (85:10)

     Think today of how righteousness flourished for you in Christ. Realize that spiritual peace abounds for you. You do not have to fear you are lost. He knows just where you are and what you need. Be sure to keep the thoughts in order. First embrace righteousness and your justification and then your spiritual peace. Living daily in the Spirit carries one right through any troubles into eternity and safely home.  In our text, we will find that the Egyptians in all their arrogance and strength of armies will not have peace. Don't be envious of their prosperity and temporal peace they feel. It will garner them nothing. Think instead on the One who has obtained for righteousness and peace for you with Almighty God. Praise Him today.

"Precious Memories, How They Linger
How they ever feel the Soul"
                                J. Wright

Monday, February 8, 2016

Bibledoorajar: The Keeper

"I am a seeker, a poor sinful creature
There is no weaker than I am
I am a seeker, you are a teacher
You are a reacher, so reach down
Won't you reach out and lead me
Guide me and keep me
In the shelter of your care each day
'Cause I am a seeker, you are a keeper
You are the leader, won't you show me the way?"
                                                         Dolly Parton

"Lead On, Kindly Light"
                                John Newman

The Israelites were making progress being led as they were by the Light, day and night. From the Cloud, God would tell them which way to go. As soon as God was revealing things to them via the Light, He was concealing things from the Egyptians. The Word says that the Light brought darkness to the Egyptians. When God led His people into a place to camp that was called Pihahiroth ("Place of Liberty"--Ritchie), it was perceived by Pharoah to be a place of defeat. There the slaves were--- surrounded by wilderness on all sides and the Red Sea looming before them. But hidden from Pharoah and his armies were the vast abilities of the God of the Israelites. Unknown to them, were all the promises and covenants that God had with His people.  For Pharoah, it appeared to be a perfect time to attack. Nearby was Migdol which means Fortress, but Pharoah saw entrapment.

All of us have felt (or been) hemmed in by life's circumstances at some time or the other and have realized that the enemy was engaged to attack. It is a challenging time for Christians and we sometimes struggle in prayer until we realize that we are still camping in a "Place of Liberty".  Harder still is to realize and believe with all our hearts that our God is a mighty fortress. In the end it is faith, grace, and mercy that sees us through and renders the enemy helpless to engage us. As Martin Luther said, we have "A Man of God's on Choosing" on our side. And, all the promises and covenants made by God with Him before the foundation of the world still stand. Praise be to our God our Father, to Jesus Christ our Savior and to the Holy Spirit Who is our guide into all truth.

Monday, February 1, 2016

Bibledoorajar: The Right Guide

     "Guide me O Thou Great Jehovah
       Pilgrim through this barren land."
John Hughes

     When Moses and the children of Israel moved out, the Bible says they were dressed for war. But God did not think they were ready for war and He guided them around the Philistines thus taking a longer route. There is nothing in this story that says the Israelites prayed to God and asked for a guide. But God knew exactly what His people needed after their redemption. It was a guide. God had told Moses years earlier that Moses and His people would worship Him at the mountain of Horeb. And so the guide came to assure that this would take place. How did it come? It came in the form of a pillar of cloud and fire. It ranged from the heavens down over the Israeli encampment. The pillar was present  day and night, every day and night as long as the people of God honored Him and sought to worship Him.

     When God's children accept the blood of the Lamb, He sends a guide so that we can make our way through this worldly wilderness. The Bible says the Holy Spirit descends from above. It is a good thing to "see" Him thus in our lives. Always present day and night, every day and night as long as we honor Him and seek to worship Him.  One has to admit that such a guide is a great comfort to one who may not be as ready for war as he thinks. One has to admit that each day being protected as we trust and obey is also a marvelous gift of comfort. Jesus told His disciples that after He went to heaven He would send them a Comforter. In John 14: 15 ff we read:

"If you love me, you will obey what I command. And I will ask the Father, and He will give you another Comforter to be with you forever--the Spirit of Truth. The world cannot accept Him, because it neither sees Him not know Him."

The Israeli's were on their way to places of worship. The Pillar would see that they made it. We also have a great assurance. Never forget, you are not alone, child of God. As the song says, His is a powerful Hand.