Good Food!!

Good Food!!

About Me

I am a retired VA employee who lives in Texas. I consider the characters of the Bible "family" as much as any I know or have known on earth. To be one of the Lord's beloved is the greatest thing I know. What good company!

Monday, June 13, 2016

Bibledoorajar: Who's in front?

     God commanded the people to move out as He directed under the leadership of Moses.  They moved forward as a people and together they came to a place and were thirsty. But there was a big problem: there was no water to drink. That is, they found no water when looking on their own. And in their looking they became more and more frustrated. Angry, they forgot who was out front, that is, who was doing the leading.
     Yesterday  I listened to an interview with actor Sean Hayes who is playing God in a hit Broadway show. Hayes said the message of the play was that "people can believe in God or not, but before they appeal to a higher power they should do everything in their own power to solve their problems." There you go again world--anything but God first. But praise the Lord, the Israelites had a leader who sought the Lord and put Him first. Moses' behavior was admirable for he did not complain to God about their criticisms, but simply asked God for help on what to do with them. Unlike Hayes advice, Moses sought the Lord early when no water was found and he sought Him with great earnestness (he cried unto the Lord). And as can expected, the Lord answered.
     Moses was to go in front of the people with elders (witnesses) and with the staff (His God given authority) that smote the Nile. God said He would be standing before them at the rock in Horeb. Moses was to smite the rock. As he did as commanded, water came forth. I wonder how quickly word spread from the elders through the ranks of the Israelites as to yet another miracle wrought by God through the intercession of Moses? How quickly did they realize the importance of who was going in front of them? Why did their ever distrust God? Why do we? Why do we wait so long to ask? Why lean on fluff when we can lean on the Rock? Why do we esteem the Rock who was smitten so lightly? Today, our challenge is to put the Rock out front and keep Him there. Doing this makes moving forward so much better. I can feel the peace already.

"Rock of Ages, cleft for me,
Let me hide myself in Thee.
Let the water and the blood,
From thy riven side which flowed,
Be of sin the double cure, Cleanse me
from its guilt and power"
  A.M. Toplady

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