Our preacher this morning spoke of the last verses of Romans 11. In that passage, Paul writes that God recognized that ALL men were disobedient, but His plan to save them would bring Him much glory and praise. The Bible says that the flesh picks the fights. Usually when we are feeling blessed and at peace, it attacks us. Galatians 5 says the the flesh lusts after the spirit and the spirit lusts after the flesh. The question becomes which technique will be used to "discomfit" the flesh? Christ said that He would send a Comforter to help us. He has given us the Word to read and implement in our lives and He, himself, intercedes with groanings that we cannot understand. Isn't it wonderful to know that He is helping our shortsighted pleas to be full and complete? Meanwhile in Heaven, Jesus takes that effort made complete and intercedes as our High Priest before the Father. If we worry that our prayers are heard, we should be assured that this technique works. Grace and mercy will flow to help us because as the song says, standing on the promises cannot fail. This method of resisting evil will put the flesh on the run if that is what we really desire. The challenge for us is to admit we are in the battle and use the edge of our sword (Word of God) and declare that we have every ability to rout the enemy through Christ. He is trustworthy.
O God, our help in ages past,
our hope of years to come,
Our shelter from the stormy blast.
And our eternal home!
Isaac Watts
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