Good Food!!

Good Food!!

About Me

I am a retired VA employee who lives in Texas. I consider the characters of the Bible "family" as much as any I know or have known on earth. To be one of the Lord's beloved is the greatest thing I know. What good company!

Monday, February 15, 2016

Bibledoorajar: Short Memories

     When Pharoah heard that the children were camped in the wilderness with the Red Sea in front of them, He forgot the ten plagues and made ready his armies to pursue the slaves. But readying his armies brought to the front the last strength of Pharaoh with which the Father intended to deal.  His armies would not succeed. Meanwhile the children of Israel became afraid and, they too,  forgot all that the Almighty God of Israel had done for them as He freed them from bondage. Trapped, they became fearful and they cried out to God. They accused Moses of removing them from the steady peace of bondage in Egypt and of bringing them to a hemmed in place to die. They had lost their sense of victory and all peace with God was gone. We see this loss of peace with God played out over and over in the history of Israel and it reminds we Christians of how often we have to be reminded of the peace we have with God no matter our life circumstances. This short memory problem is one of the main reasons that Christians were counseled to not forsake the assembling of themselves together.
We must be together and be reminded of what our faith in Jesus gives us each and every day no matter what our circumstances. The apostle Paul spoke of this spiritual peace. He wrote to the Roman church:

"Therefore since we are justified by faith, we have peace with God."

     It is a true spiritual peace that comes from trusting in God. Without it we do just as the prophet of old said, "we sow the wind and reap the whirlwind." (Hosea 8:7) But seemingly we humans are prone to forget. We forget all the benefits that go along with our faith: salvation, love, grace and mercy.  We may not have temporal peace but we can always have spiritual peace with God. How? Because of the work of Christ on the cross. He made us righteous in Him. He justified us. And therefore, peace can be shed abroad in our hearts. One of my favorite Psalms says it like this:

"Righteousness and peace have kissed." (85:10)

     Think today of how righteousness flourished for you in Christ. Realize that spiritual peace abounds for you. You do not have to fear you are lost. He knows just where you are and what you need. Be sure to keep the thoughts in order. First embrace righteousness and your justification and then your spiritual peace. Living daily in the Spirit carries one right through any troubles into eternity and safely home.  In our text, we will find that the Egyptians in all their arrogance and strength of armies will not have peace. Don't be envious of their prosperity and temporal peace they feel. It will garner them nothing. Think instead on the One who has obtained for righteousness and peace for you with Almighty God. Praise Him today.

"Precious Memories, How They Linger
How they ever feel the Soul"
                                J. Wright

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