Good Food!!

Good Food!!

About Me

I am a retired VA employee who lives in Texas. I consider the characters of the Bible "family" as much as any I know or have known on earth. To be one of the Lord's beloved is the greatest thing I know. What good company!

Monday, February 8, 2016

Bibledoorajar: The Keeper

"I am a seeker, a poor sinful creature
There is no weaker than I am
I am a seeker, you are a teacher
You are a reacher, so reach down
Won't you reach out and lead me
Guide me and keep me
In the shelter of your care each day
'Cause I am a seeker, you are a keeper
You are the leader, won't you show me the way?"
                                                         Dolly Parton

"Lead On, Kindly Light"
                                John Newman

The Israelites were making progress being led as they were by the Light, day and night. From the Cloud, God would tell them which way to go. As soon as God was revealing things to them via the Light, He was concealing things from the Egyptians. The Word says that the Light brought darkness to the Egyptians. When God led His people into a place to camp that was called Pihahiroth ("Place of Liberty"--Ritchie), it was perceived by Pharoah to be a place of defeat. There the slaves were--- surrounded by wilderness on all sides and the Red Sea looming before them. But hidden from Pharoah and his armies were the vast abilities of the God of the Israelites. Unknown to them, were all the promises and covenants that God had with His people.  For Pharoah, it appeared to be a perfect time to attack. Nearby was Migdol which means Fortress, but Pharoah saw entrapment.

All of us have felt (or been) hemmed in by life's circumstances at some time or the other and have realized that the enemy was engaged to attack. It is a challenging time for Christians and we sometimes struggle in prayer until we realize that we are still camping in a "Place of Liberty".  Harder still is to realize and believe with all our hearts that our God is a mighty fortress. In the end it is faith, grace, and mercy that sees us through and renders the enemy helpless to engage us. As Martin Luther said, we have "A Man of God's on Choosing" on our side. And, all the promises and covenants made by God with Him before the foundation of the world still stand. Praise be to our God our Father, to Jesus Christ our Savior and to the Holy Spirit Who is our guide into all truth.

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