Good Food!!

Good Food!!

About Me

I am a retired VA employee who lives in Texas. I consider the characters of the Bible "family" as much as any I know or have known on earth. To be one of the Lord's beloved is the greatest thing I know. What good company!

Monday, December 14, 2015

Bibledoorajar: Trusting in God's Lamb

It would be wrong to conclude that things were so much better for the Israelites even though their freedom process had begun. Actually, many of them still worshipped the gods of Egypt. And, when Pharoah learned that Moses did indeed plan to lead them out of his land, he increased their work burdens. They were a miserable lot, many of them, complaining about their misery. God, of course, heard all their miserableness. The Word does not say they cried out to Him for help, but nevertheless, He heard. And He remembered an important thing. He remembered the covenant He had made with Abraham. His covenant would be honored no matter the poor response of the sinners in Egypt, both Israelites and Egyptians. Justice and mercy would be served in and at the same time. Thus, we are introduced again to the unblemished lamb (first to Abraham) that was to be selected unto God. The lamb was unto God first and then to the people who put their trust forward and obeyed God's command of process. The unblemished lamb was to be killed and its' blood placed on the doorposts of every Israelite household. This unblemished lamb would provide a difference between those people and the Egyptians and thus God would extend mercy and justice at the same time. Thank God He had a plan for the lamb because the sinful Israelites had certainly done nothing to demonstrate moral superiority over the Egyptians!

Today, some men and women cannot understand how God can be merciful and carry out justice of a severe nature at the same time. They do not grasp the role of the Lamb that God said was chosen first unto Him and then to those who believe. They refuse to believe that God has established a difference. But He has. He did it before the foundation of the world when He established that His own Son would be the Lamb unto God given for all who believe.  God chose the Lamb and He chose us (See Ephesians 1: 4). We owe everything we have if we are believers to God who regarded our sinful state.

We are in that season of the year, when we acknowledge the first earthly step that Lamb made for us. He left His heavenly estate and was born a human being of a virgin unto God. And He grew up in the wisdom and stature of the Lord unto us. He is the perfect Teacher and example. He is the Lamb provided for us. When you look on that nativity scene this year, think---provided by my God first for Himself and then for me. From God's point of view--a perfect process for total freedom.

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