Free at last, free at last, thank God Almighty, we are free at last."
Martin Luther King
When Martin Luther King made that statement it was a significant part of a dream of deliverance that he had for his people. Many aspects of freedom had occurred for his people but they were determined to advance toward the goal of total freedom. Such was the case with the Israelites. External bondage would end for them because how can anyone or any people be truly free if enslaved in bondage? However, they were still in the country of Egypt and it was still ruled by the sovereign control of the Pharoah. His sovereignty and control would have to be left behind to be truly liberated. Throughout the plagues God had been reorienting his people to His sovereignty and freedom in Him. They are not long away from joining Him at Mt. Sinai. They were instructed to go to their Egyptian neighbors and other Egyptian citizens and ask to borrow items of value. These borrowed items would be freely given by the power of God and would become the basis of necessary items to furnish their place of worship. Israelites were now not only assuming responsibility for themselves, but taking action on behalf of their community. Surely these efforts helped make the Jews feel freer and more human as they took action for themselves and others. Moses was given special abilities by the Spirit of God to act on behalf of His authority to lead the people through all the steps of deliverance.
When Jesus matured and began to preach He declared that He had been given similar authority. He declared that the Spirit of God was on Him to set the captives free and allow the blind to see their newly found freedom in His Sovereignty. The sovereignty of the ruler of this world could indeed be left behind. We can "borrow" from the world to gain necessary items to furnish our places of worship. We can feel freer as we move in community with each other. Praise God for the special abilities of Christ the King. He is able. Thank God for sending Him during this special Christmas season.
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