Good Food!!

Good Food!!

About Me

I am a retired VA employee who lives in Texas. I consider the characters of the Bible "family" as much as any I know or have known on earth. To be one of the Lord's beloved is the greatest thing I know. What good company!

Monday, July 8, 2013

Bibledoorajar says "When God Remembers..."

     Jacob now had 10 sons. Leah and her maid servant had been the most productive. Rachel, although her maid had given sons, had remained unproductive no matter how often Jacob "put his shoes under her bed".  But now, now something other worldly would happen. God would remember and a baby was coming because of His remembrance of her. Jacob's eleventh son would be very special with a God ordained destiny and he would at last be born to Rachel. Although all of Jacob's wives presented him with sons, each to be a part of the 12 tribes, this son, the eleventh son, was destined to show forth an example of what God intended to do in the fullness of time with  his own Son. When he was born, Rachel named him Joseph which means God will add or increaser. Rachel  said, "God will add to her another son". The Bible does not record a comment from Jacob at this son's birth, but later in the story we will see just how beloved he was by his father. But for now Jacob had a lot on his mind.
     For a long time, he had watched his father-in-law treat him unfairly in their business arrangements. Even amidst this unfairness, Laban had had to admit that he was only being blessed because of Jacob. This was true because every time Laban changed the plan in order to get the upper hand, God remembered his servant Jacob and gave him increase opposite of Laban's plans. Although Jacob had asked Laban once to let him leave, God had not told him to do so. Laban plotted again. Jacob had been patient during all Laban's maneuverings to get and keep the upper hand, but now Laban's sons were also adding to Jacob's misery.  Now, God told Jacob to leave Laban's home and to return to the promised land and to live out his destiny there.  Now, there was a future savior of God's people to think about in the mix. It was God's time for Jacob to take his wives and his children and leave.  Jacob called his wives out to the field where he was at work and shared the reasoning for leaving. No doubt as they listened, each woman wondered if one of the children before them would be the promised Messiah. Yes, Laban was their Dad, but a future king must be protected at all costs.
     Laban had been blessed because of another. You too, have been blessed because of another.  "For God so loved the world, that He gave His only son (John 3:16)". One day He will come and take us to the Promised Land because God will remember. You can count on it. Hallelujah!

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