Good Food!!

Good Food!!

About Me

I am a retired VA employee who lives in Texas. I consider the characters of the Bible "family" as much as any I know or have known on earth. To be one of the Lord's beloved is the greatest thing I know. What good company!

Monday, July 15, 2013

Bibledoorajar Examines Proper Foundations

     Jacob and his large family left Laban's home. The story gives us one more possibility as to why God wanted them to leave. Laban kept idols. These household items as they were called were used by Laban and his family to discern things. Maybe Rachel took the idol because she did not want her Dad to be able to discern information about their whereabouts. Or, sadly, Rachel may have been an idolator. The story is not clear as to why she took it, but it is clear that she wanted to keep it, for she hid it under the saddle of her camel. God sees to it that Laban searches and finds the idol. So the party got underway with Laban having the ability to seek help from his idol.  Rachel was pregnant with her second child. Pregnancy and riding a camel, Ouch! I rode one of those animals while in Israel and it is not the most comfortable ride around even when you are not pregnant. 
     Once, when frustrated, Rachel had told Jacob to give her children lest she die. Now, she rode a camel carrying her second child. Along the way she gave birth to her second son and when weak and dying she named him Benjamin and commented: he is the son of my sorrow. But her husband took his twelfth son and held him toward God and proclaimed: this is the son of my right hand. With the birth of the 12th, the foundation of the nation Israel was accomplished. God Himself was involved with this earthly endeavor to ensure that there would be twelve tribes of Israel. Twelve was the proper number from God's point of view for this plan to move forward.
    Many years later, the Messiah that Leah, Rachel, Zilpah and Bilhah all wondered about would come to earth as the Son of God's Hand. Before He returned to Glory, he would establish His church with pillars of twelve apostles. How wonderful is God's intent that spiritual foundations be established properly. We can believe the lessons we learn as we follow the twelve tribes each having their distinct role in the Israeli experience. Likewise, we can believe the lessons and instructions left for us by the twelve apostles as we live out the vision God has for the Church of Christ. The apostle Peter declared that we are living stones being added all the time to the structure. Israel was a masterful and colorful nation as they marched out by their tribes each with their distinct images. So, as God looks down surely He has an image of a church built on a proper foundation seeking to do His will. Each stone shines with a gift or gifts to help move the kingdom of God forward, achieving great things for Him. Today, remember your gifting(s). Walk in them. Please God because you are built on the proper foundation and give Him praise that He has graced your life with gifts to help others see and find the life giving words of Christ and His twelve apostles.

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