Well, as we come to a close in our brief look at the life of Rebecca, we find she has successfully assisted Jacob in deceiving his father. The blessing is secure in the midst of deceit.
"Crime speaks to the wicked. I perceive this in my heart; before his eyes there is no fear of God.
For the way he sees it, crime makes his life easy---that is until his wrongs are discovered. Then he is hated." Psalm 36:1-2
God's plan for Jacob was "slightly" adjusted by he and his Mom. Now when Esau finds out about the deceit, even though guilty himself, he hates his brother. But God will intervene and continue His plan for both brothers.
"Lord, in the heavens is your grace; your faithfulness reaches to the skies. Your righteousness is like the mountains of God, your judgements are like the great deep. You save man and beast, Lord." Psalm 36: 5-6
When God has a specific plan He announces it very clearly as He did with Jacob. Here is another announcement that He clearly made:
"...Don't be afraid, because I am here announcing to you Good News that will bring great joy to all the people. This VERY DAY, in the town of David, there was born to you a Deliverer who is the Messiah, the Lord." Luke 2: 10
Luke 2:14
"May that be truly said of all us, and all of us! And so as Tiny Tim said:
About Me
- Rebecca Pruet
- I am a retired VA employee who lives in Texas. I consider the characters of the Bible "family" as much as any I know or have known on earth. To be one of the Lord's beloved is the greatest thing I know. What good company!
Monday, December 24, 2012
Monday, December 17, 2012
Bibledoorajar Looks at our Deceit
"There is no one righteous, not even one!
No one understands,
no one seeks God,
all have turned away
and at the same time become useless;
there is no one who shows kindness, not a single one!"
Romans 39ff
Sometimes it is hard to read of the failings of the O.T. figures because it forces us to look at our own behavior. But in looking at the failings of our lady, Rebecca, we must realize that ALL OF THE FAMILY deceived in some way, thus underscording what the N.T. tells us, that ALL have fallen short of the glory of God.
Rebecca overheard a conversation between Isaac and his son Esau. From the conversation she realized that it was Isaac's intent to give his blessing to Esau IN THE PRESENCE OF THE LORD before his death. This, even though Esau had shown little regard for God's plans and even though it overrode what God said He would do. Isaac proceeded with tradition instead of going with God's direction. Rebecca loved Jacob and she also knew what God had told her about her sons. She intreated Jacob to deceive his father. She even covered Jacob's concern about a curse falling on them for the deceit. She was willing to take the curse on herself. The main aspect of the father's blessing was that the seed of the chosen son would establish a people to bring a Savior into the world. Rebecca was willing to deceive to "help God" bring this promise about. How tempting it is for us all to "help God out" at times. Not seeing any activity on God's part, we make our own plans. Or we try to help ourselves out as Jacob did by trying to get God's blessing the wrong way. He honored Rebecca but he failed to give the higher honor to God. When his mother said, "just listen to me" that is exactly what Jacob did.
The malevolent nature of the human will is exactly what God was taking the steps necessary for the world and its' residents to receive the good news that we could be reconciled to Him. All of the deceitful seed of Jacob would have to be assisted by God because of their impurity and it was only by His grace that he declared the seed of Jacob (Israel) pure. Today, He saves an evil people through His grace as we accept the righteousness of His son. Now that is something to say Merry Christmas about! What a great gift!
"The Holy Spirit will come over you,
the power of God will cover you.
Therefore the holy child born to you
will be called the Son of God. Luke 1:35
It seems He does not need our deceit to establish His justice and righteousness. Let's adopt Mary's attitude for His plans for us: "My sould magnifies the Lord and my spirit rejoices in God, my Savior, who has taken notice of His servant-girl in her humble position." Luke 1: 47ff
No one understands,
no one seeks God,
all have turned away
and at the same time become useless;
there is no one who shows kindness, not a single one!"
Romans 39ff
Sometimes it is hard to read of the failings of the O.T. figures because it forces us to look at our own behavior. But in looking at the failings of our lady, Rebecca, we must realize that ALL OF THE FAMILY deceived in some way, thus underscording what the N.T. tells us, that ALL have fallen short of the glory of God.
Rebecca overheard a conversation between Isaac and his son Esau. From the conversation she realized that it was Isaac's intent to give his blessing to Esau IN THE PRESENCE OF THE LORD before his death. This, even though Esau had shown little regard for God's plans and even though it overrode what God said He would do. Isaac proceeded with tradition instead of going with God's direction. Rebecca loved Jacob and she also knew what God had told her about her sons. She intreated Jacob to deceive his father. She even covered Jacob's concern about a curse falling on them for the deceit. She was willing to take the curse on herself. The main aspect of the father's blessing was that the seed of the chosen son would establish a people to bring a Savior into the world. Rebecca was willing to deceive to "help God" bring this promise about. How tempting it is for us all to "help God out" at times. Not seeing any activity on God's part, we make our own plans. Or we try to help ourselves out as Jacob did by trying to get God's blessing the wrong way. He honored Rebecca but he failed to give the higher honor to God. When his mother said, "just listen to me" that is exactly what Jacob did.
The malevolent nature of the human will is exactly what God was taking the steps necessary for the world and its' residents to receive the good news that we could be reconciled to Him. All of the deceitful seed of Jacob would have to be assisted by God because of their impurity and it was only by His grace that he declared the seed of Jacob (Israel) pure. Today, He saves an evil people through His grace as we accept the righteousness of His son. Now that is something to say Merry Christmas about! What a great gift!
"The Holy Spirit will come over you,
the power of God will cover you.
Therefore the holy child born to you
will be called the Son of God. Luke 1:35
It seems He does not need our deceit to establish His justice and righteousness. Let's adopt Mary's attitude for His plans for us: "My sould magnifies the Lord and my spirit rejoices in God, my Savior, who has taken notice of His servant-girl in her humble position." Luke 1: 47ff
Monday, December 10, 2012
Bibledoorajar observes Rebecca Get involved inGod's Process
God had established the route of man back to Him. Through Abraham He announced that without faith it would be impossible to please Him. But He was yet to establish the means that His will would be accomplished in the earth. He needed a man to continue the process. Not a man like Abraham whom God had so wonderfully shown his eternal home and given the glorious promises, but a man in need of God to direct his path toward those promises. A man, though not perfect, through whom God would establish a people and start the wonderful process of reconciliation. The selection was prenatal in nature. And the mother wondered about it .God gave her information. One son would be selected over the other for the particular destiny.
"Mrs. Morel instinctively knows that Paul will become famous and known. More importantly, she feels that her destiny will be carried out through Paul."
Book Notes on Sons and Lovers by D.H. Lawrence
Most mothers wonder about the futures of their sons and many do everything in their power to foster that future. We find Rebecca doing the same thing. During this season, she can be contrasted to another mother who gave birth to a son, a very special Son indeed.
"she gave birth to her firstborn son. She wrapped him in cloths and placed him in a manger"
Luke 2:7
"But Mary treasured all these things, pondering them in her heart"
Luke 2:19
Now we are called to treasure Him and ponder His goodness and light.
"Said the NIGHT WIND to the little lamb
Do you see what I see....
Said the LAMB to the shepherd boy
Do you hear what I hear....
Said the SHEPHERD BOY to the mighty king
Do you know what I know?
Said the KING to the people everywhere
Listen to what I say
Pray for peace people every where
Listen to what I say
The child, the child sleeping in the night
He will bring us goodness and light."
Do you Hear What I Hear?
Whatsoever goodness and light you have received this season be sure and pass it on.
"Mrs. Morel instinctively knows that Paul will become famous and known. More importantly, she feels that her destiny will be carried out through Paul."
Book Notes on Sons and Lovers by D.H. Lawrence
Most mothers wonder about the futures of their sons and many do everything in their power to foster that future. We find Rebecca doing the same thing. During this season, she can be contrasted to another mother who gave birth to a son, a very special Son indeed.
"she gave birth to her firstborn son. She wrapped him in cloths and placed him in a manger"
Luke 2:7
"But Mary treasured all these things, pondering them in her heart"
Luke 2:19
Now we are called to treasure Him and ponder His goodness and light.
"Said the NIGHT WIND to the little lamb
Do you see what I see....
Said the LAMB to the shepherd boy
Do you hear what I hear....
Said the SHEPHERD BOY to the mighty king
Do you know what I know?
Said the KING to the people everywhere
Listen to what I say
Pray for peace people every where
Listen to what I say
The child, the child sleeping in the night
He will bring us goodness and light."
Do you Hear What I Hear?
Whatsoever goodness and light you have received this season be sure and pass it on.
Monday, December 3, 2012
Bibledoorajar Looks at Parental Advice and Sin
We last discussed the behavior that led to the lament of Esau. With carelessness of thought he allowed his brother to induce a commitment to give up the portion the father was to give him as the firstborn.
It seems clear from the record that Isaac, now very old, had not understood that this had taken place. It is not as clear what Rebecca may have known. However, we know that sooner or later she would make the decision to further help Jacob secure the blessing from Isaac. We know the parents were talking with Esau about godly behavior because they implored him to not marry among the Canaanite women, but rather to pursue a relationship consistent with God's purposes. However, Esau did not follow his parental advice and married not only outside of the promise ( a step too often taken today) but he married two Hittite women at the same time, Judith and Bashemath. Esau was becoming more and more separated from the morals and values of his parents. The record records that this brought great grief to his parents. To disrespect the wishes of both God and his parents led the Holy Spirit to record this about Rebecca's eldest son in Hebrews:
"Lest there be any fornicator, or profane person, as Esau, who for one morsel of meat sold his birthright." Heb. 12:16
This comment is found in one of the Christian's primary sources of truth on faith in God and a belief in His ways as a major factor in spiritual survivability. Esau is called profane. He ruined the gracious gifts of God for his life by desecration of the principles and values that God was establishing in a future people.
I can hear Isaac and Rebecca imploring with their son. "Please, please." It is an imploring that continues to this day; "son, daughter, do not stray from the principles of God and certainly don't throw off Christianity for a lower life." Indeed, even as we mature, Christians have to help each other remember that even though we have the combination of God's power and His forgiveness, it does not mean that we are immune to major delusions or temptations. Just yesterday, the preacher warned, don't be deluded by this "spirit of hopelessness about our country's current situation." Don't be hopeless which could make you subject to temptations and other delusions." It is a good thing to remember that our hope is in God and our primary thought processes must be to secure our spiritual position. Unlike Esau, we must not let the evil one rule our minds and thoughts. We may have to fight, but in the Lord's might we can win.
It seems clear from the record that Isaac, now very old, had not understood that this had taken place. It is not as clear what Rebecca may have known. However, we know that sooner or later she would make the decision to further help Jacob secure the blessing from Isaac. We know the parents were talking with Esau about godly behavior because they implored him to not marry among the Canaanite women, but rather to pursue a relationship consistent with God's purposes. However, Esau did not follow his parental advice and married not only outside of the promise ( a step too often taken today) but he married two Hittite women at the same time, Judith and Bashemath. Esau was becoming more and more separated from the morals and values of his parents. The record records that this brought great grief to his parents. To disrespect the wishes of both God and his parents led the Holy Spirit to record this about Rebecca's eldest son in Hebrews:
"Lest there be any fornicator, or profane person, as Esau, who for one morsel of meat sold his birthright." Heb. 12:16
This comment is found in one of the Christian's primary sources of truth on faith in God and a belief in His ways as a major factor in spiritual survivability. Esau is called profane. He ruined the gracious gifts of God for his life by desecration of the principles and values that God was establishing in a future people.
I can hear Isaac and Rebecca imploring with their son. "Please, please." It is an imploring that continues to this day; "son, daughter, do not stray from the principles of God and certainly don't throw off Christianity for a lower life." Indeed, even as we mature, Christians have to help each other remember that even though we have the combination of God's power and His forgiveness, it does not mean that we are immune to major delusions or temptations. Just yesterday, the preacher warned, don't be deluded by this "spirit of hopelessness about our country's current situation." Don't be hopeless which could make you subject to temptations and other delusions." It is a good thing to remember that our hope is in God and our primary thought processes must be to secure our spiritual position. Unlike Esau, we must not let the evil one rule our minds and thoughts. We may have to fight, but in the Lord's might we can win.
Monday, November 26, 2012
Bibledoorajar examines "Portions"
"See what love the Father has lavished on us in letting us be called God's children! For
that is what we are. The reason the world does not know us is that it has not known Him.
Dear friends, we are God's children now; and it has not yet been made clear what we will
become. We do know that when he appears, we will be like Him; because we will see him
as he really is."
1 John 3:1-2
"I have been so deprived of peace, I have forgotten what happiness is, and I think,
my strength is gone, and so is my hope in the Lord....But in my mind I keep returning
to something that gives me hope---that the grace of the Lord is not exhausted, that
his compassion has not ended. They are new every morning! How great is Your
faithfulness! The Lord is all I have, I say, therefore I will put my hope in Him."
Lamentations 3: 17-18; 21-24
"Please let me gulp down some of that red stuff--that red stuff-- because I am exhausted!....Jacob
answered first sell me your rights as the firstborn. Look, I am about to die, said Esau. What
use to me are my rights as the firstborn? Jacob said, First swear to me! So he swore to him, thus
selling his birthright to Jacob. Then Jacob gave him bread and lentil stew; he ate and drank, got
up and went on his way. Thus Esau showed how little he valued his birthright."
Gen. 25: 30-34
I once lived and worked in Jackson, Mississippi. On Sunday mornings several ladies from the church we attended would go to the City Jail and share a lesson from the Bible with the inmates. I can recall that after teaching, many of the women would gather around asking for some of the "red stuff" because they were exhausted and felt they (and the children they had left in the world) were "about to die." Usually, it was "pay this" or "please get groceries to my children" but often it was "can you help me get out of jail?" You see, they really were not interested in the "precious portion" that had been discussed and the hope therein, but rather just in their immediate need.
This was Esau's problem too. His birthright, his portion, meant little to him. His hunger actually had so much of his attention that he lost the hope of his inheritance, a part of which he was already enjoying. The "big hunter" had lost his peace. We Christians must avoid such a lamentable place! We are children on the way to a bigger and brighter future. Keep the faith; dare not give it away! Find happiness in the portion you have now!
that is what we are. The reason the world does not know us is that it has not known Him.
Dear friends, we are God's children now; and it has not yet been made clear what we will
become. We do know that when he appears, we will be like Him; because we will see him
as he really is."
1 John 3:1-2
"I have been so deprived of peace, I have forgotten what happiness is, and I think,
my strength is gone, and so is my hope in the Lord....But in my mind I keep returning
to something that gives me hope---that the grace of the Lord is not exhausted, that
his compassion has not ended. They are new every morning! How great is Your
faithfulness! The Lord is all I have, I say, therefore I will put my hope in Him."
Lamentations 3: 17-18; 21-24
"Please let me gulp down some of that red stuff--that red stuff-- because I am exhausted!....Jacob
answered first sell me your rights as the firstborn. Look, I am about to die, said Esau. What
use to me are my rights as the firstborn? Jacob said, First swear to me! So he swore to him, thus
selling his birthright to Jacob. Then Jacob gave him bread and lentil stew; he ate and drank, got
up and went on his way. Thus Esau showed how little he valued his birthright."
Gen. 25: 30-34
I once lived and worked in Jackson, Mississippi. On Sunday mornings several ladies from the church we attended would go to the City Jail and share a lesson from the Bible with the inmates. I can recall that after teaching, many of the women would gather around asking for some of the "red stuff" because they were exhausted and felt they (and the children they had left in the world) were "about to die." Usually, it was "pay this" or "please get groceries to my children" but often it was "can you help me get out of jail?" You see, they really were not interested in the "precious portion" that had been discussed and the hope therein, but rather just in their immediate need.
This was Esau's problem too. His birthright, his portion, meant little to him. His hunger actually had so much of his attention that he lost the hope of his inheritance, a part of which he was already enjoying. The "big hunter" had lost his peace. We Christians must avoid such a lamentable place! We are children on the way to a bigger and brighter future. Keep the faith; dare not give it away! Find happiness in the portion you have now!
Monday, November 19, 2012
Bibledoorajar Observes Misplaced Confidence
"My religion consists of a humble admiration of the illimitable superior spirit who
reveals himself in the slight details we are able to perceive with our frail and feeble
Albert Einstein
"It is better to take refuge in the Lord, than to trust in human beings;
better to take refuge in the Lord than to put trust in princes."
Psalm 118:8-9
"The strongest of all warriors are these two...time and patience."
Leo Tolstoy
Yesterday, our little ones came out of Sunday School with the visual results of their lesson. Our two little guys gave their lessons to the Aunts to "put on the refrigerator." As I looked at the lesson, I wondered what seed the Spirit had planted in their hearts and I silently prayed that He would please make the seed abound in both their hearts. You see, the Bible story was about Esau losing his birthright to Jacob. The main point that they were supposed to learn was that they would do well to be patient. There on the picture were Esau and Jacob and a bowl full of beans that the boys had glued on.
The Sunday School teacher had put the focus on the beans and it made me wonder how many times Rebecca had taught her boys about the comfort and rescue of a "pot of beans." But alas, we find out that Esau spent so much time in the world seeking its' comfort that when famished he did not even know what to call the pot of beans. He just said "give me some of that red." Only Jacob realized the importance of his portion, though simple, was from God. Only Jacob had realized the comfort of being patient and being nourished by the provision of one's own pottage. Only Jacob had allowed time and patience to be a part of his life and only Jacob knew how to "cook" his portion. I don't think the dullest of mothers could have helped but know the difference between the two boys. It must have been very difficult for Rebecca.
For our boys Sunday School lesson, the goal of learning patience was seen as a great race. If they waited in a nice way and didn't get upset if they had to wait, and if they didn't whine while waiting, and if they would be grateful for the food God had provided then they could all win and enjoy their snack together. " So let's not get tired of doing what is good" (Galatians 6:9a) was the final thought. Not a bad final thought for this entry either.
reveals himself in the slight details we are able to perceive with our frail and feeble
Albert Einstein
"It is better to take refuge in the Lord, than to trust in human beings;
better to take refuge in the Lord than to put trust in princes."
Psalm 118:8-9
"The strongest of all warriors are these two...time and patience."
Leo Tolstoy
Yesterday, our little ones came out of Sunday School with the visual results of their lesson. Our two little guys gave their lessons to the Aunts to "put on the refrigerator." As I looked at the lesson, I wondered what seed the Spirit had planted in their hearts and I silently prayed that He would please make the seed abound in both their hearts. You see, the Bible story was about Esau losing his birthright to Jacob. The main point that they were supposed to learn was that they would do well to be patient. There on the picture were Esau and Jacob and a bowl full of beans that the boys had glued on.
The Sunday School teacher had put the focus on the beans and it made me wonder how many times Rebecca had taught her boys about the comfort and rescue of a "pot of beans." But alas, we find out that Esau spent so much time in the world seeking its' comfort that when famished he did not even know what to call the pot of beans. He just said "give me some of that red." Only Jacob realized the importance of his portion, though simple, was from God. Only Jacob had realized the comfort of being patient and being nourished by the provision of one's own pottage. Only Jacob had allowed time and patience to be a part of his life and only Jacob knew how to "cook" his portion. I don't think the dullest of mothers could have helped but know the difference between the two boys. It must have been very difficult for Rebecca.
For our boys Sunday School lesson, the goal of learning patience was seen as a great race. If they waited in a nice way and didn't get upset if they had to wait, and if they didn't whine while waiting, and if they would be grateful for the food God had provided then they could all win and enjoy their snack together. " So let's not get tired of doing what is good" (Galatians 6:9a) was the final thought. Not a bad final thought for this entry either.
Monday, November 12, 2012
Bibledoorajar Looks at Family Favorites
"Every family has favorites, and I think I am my mother's favorite."
Ad for Vonage Phone Service
Turning now to Rebecca's favorite son, Jacob, we find him not in the fields but within the home. The scripture describes him as a "plain man, dwelling in tents." Do not think that this plainness was "less than manliness", however, for in Hebrew the word plainness is translated as upright or undefiled. It is hard for a mother to accept a physical disability of a child, but a moral disability may be worse to accept. Rebecca would mourn the lack of character in Esau, but she was uplifted by Jacob's basic moral nature. Jacob's nature was one of not looking to the world for his future but rather to waiting on God for that which was to come. And his nature had a seeking component. For me, this is probably the trait that God loved the most about Jacob and what led Him to declare from the beginning that Jacob would be the son to be served.
"Seek ye first the kingdom of God, and its righteousness, and all these things shall be added unto you singing Hallelu, Hallelujah. Man shall not live by bread alone but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God singing Hallelu, Hallelujah."
Song based on Matthew 6:33
What a joy it is for a mother when she has a son who gets his priorities right. Our Rebecca was no exception. That Jacob appeared to have a keen human insight into the privilege of birthright cannot be denied. Indeed, he had come from his mother's womb holding tightly to the heel of his brother. We will see him maneuvering to get that very birthright. And we will see that his beloved mother, Rebecca, will aid him in his efforts to do so. The Word does not speak of Jacob complaining about his life position, but we do see that God will begin a series of "lessons" that will help Jacob more adequately assess his future to a better city.
Ad for Vonage Phone Service
Turning now to Rebecca's favorite son, Jacob, we find him not in the fields but within the home. The scripture describes him as a "plain man, dwelling in tents." Do not think that this plainness was "less than manliness", however, for in Hebrew the word plainness is translated as upright or undefiled. It is hard for a mother to accept a physical disability of a child, but a moral disability may be worse to accept. Rebecca would mourn the lack of character in Esau, but she was uplifted by Jacob's basic moral nature. Jacob's nature was one of not looking to the world for his future but rather to waiting on God for that which was to come. And his nature had a seeking component. For me, this is probably the trait that God loved the most about Jacob and what led Him to declare from the beginning that Jacob would be the son to be served.
"Seek ye first the kingdom of God, and its righteousness, and all these things shall be added unto you singing Hallelu, Hallelujah. Man shall not live by bread alone but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God singing Hallelu, Hallelujah."
Song based on Matthew 6:33
What a joy it is for a mother when she has a son who gets his priorities right. Our Rebecca was no exception. That Jacob appeared to have a keen human insight into the privilege of birthright cannot be denied. Indeed, he had come from his mother's womb holding tightly to the heel of his brother. We will see him maneuvering to get that very birthright. And we will see that his beloved mother, Rebecca, will aid him in his efforts to do so. The Word does not speak of Jacob complaining about his life position, but we do see that God will begin a series of "lessons" that will help Jacob more adequately assess his future to a better city.
Monday, November 5, 2012
Bibledoorajar knows the Difference
Be still and know that I am God.
Be still and know that I am God.
Be still and know that I am God.
I am the Lord that strengthens thee.
I am the Lord that strengthens thee.
I am the Lord that strengthens thee.
Esau was the firstborn. That gave him the birthright. Even today, many young Jews from all over the world visit Israel to strengthen their identity with the land of their origins. That should have been the goal of Esau: a man strengthening his identity in the God-given goals of his father and grandfather.
There are few things more important in life than understanding God's priorities. But, for some, these priorities can become far away from hearts and spirits. Oh, people may be ethical in their thoughts but not moral in their actions. What do you mean, you say? Well, I have worked with many professional mental health workers over the years and they could all tell you the ethics called for in any situation. However, it was only the truly moral who carried them out.
Right priorities are essential in carrying out the spiritual life and Esau's story makes it clear that he did not discern this. There is nothing in his story to indicate that he would protect his birthright and destiny at all cost. As a matter of fact, the story reports he had little regard for it when the world had let him down. When that happened, and he came home empty handed and red faced from his own efforts, he had never been so in need of something the world did not provide. He was tired and he was hungry to the point of being famished. He did not even have any thing to give his father, who loved the wild game Esau killed.
The Bible says that the descendants of Esau took on the "redness" of Esau (red all over at birth) and therefore were called Edomites (red). They held the most productive part of early Palestine and were mortal enemies of God's people. They did not seek God's priorities and His people had to war with them often--battling ethics vs. morality. Such is the Christian's fight today. The world (especially the political world) espouses ethics and often writes them down as to what is believed, however it is the truly moral of the world who seek God's heart and His help to do the right thing. They would fight the world to the end to not lose the birthright God has given them. There are always choices to be made. James, the brother of Jesus, cautioned that Christians cannot be double- minded. Many desire to serve the Lord but the world is so alluring to them. How about a foot in both worlds?
"Regard it all as joy, my brethren, when you face various kinds of temptations; for you know that all the testing of your trust produces perseverance. But let perseverance do its complete work; so that you may be complete and whole, lacking in nothing. Now if any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask God, who gives to all generously and without reproach; and it will be given to him. But let him ask in trust, doubting nothing; for the doubter is like a wave in the sea being tossed and driven by the wind. Indeed that person should not think that he will receive anything from the Lord, because he is double-
minded, unstable in all his ways." James 1:2-8
Esau was tempted by his poor circumstances and evidenced no trust. Unwilling to persevere and seek God, he was tossed like a wave. Lesson learned? God help us all.
Monday, October 29, 2012
Bibledoorajar Knows the Difference
To Isaac, the man who had always lived in the Promised Land, had come two sons, twins. The announcement of their birth declared their differences from the beginning. At first, it would appear that their differences were just physical, but later we begin to see differences that demonstrate their true nature of character. Esau became a hunter. At this point in the biblical revelation we have met only one other hunter and he, Nimrod, was an evil personality. You can find his story in Genesis 10. He was the grandson of Ham and he established a kingdom after the great Flood. The ancient historian, Josephus said that he encouraged people to not follow God as cities were being rebuilt after the flood, but rather to depend on their own might and the might of leaders like himself. Josephus also recorded that Nimrod told the people that he would build a tower tall enough that even flood waters would not be able to reach the people. Thus we learn from the story of Nimrod that being a hunter has a certain cunning and daring nature to it that confronts God's sovereignty. An evil aspect one might say, but most biblical scholars used the word rebel. Think about what God says. He never says He will hunt for us. Rather he says he will seek His own. And, He encourages us to seek Him not hunt for Him. God loves those who diligently seek Him and those who avoid a rebellious spirit. He makes it clear that it is in the seeking that He finds us; it is in the seeking that we find Him and His will for our lives.
Seek the Lord, while He is available,
call on Him while He is still nearby.
Let the wicked person abandon his way
and the evil person his thoughts...
Paraphrase of Isaiah 55:6-7
Esau remained a hunter and the Bible records that he relied completely on what he found in the field for his sustenance. And just how did he do? It appears his Daddy was really impressed with his prowess, but I think Mama may have been a little worried about him. Was it the lack of honor? We, who are seeking now, should never forget that Moses recorded the first commandment with a promise: Honor your mother and father that you might live long and do well in the land. And the ultimate honor should be in the seeking of our heavenly Father that we might live long in the Promised Land. Father, don't stop seeking me!
Tuesday, October 23, 2012
Bibledoorajar acknowledges the Holy and our condition
Rebecca had a condition that was growing worse and she was frightened. Her husband could not help her understand the "battle" within her so she appealed to the Holy One. Praise God the situation was not one in which she had lost all understanding of Him and His ability to help her understand. At this point there was a lofty concept of God in the tents of Isaac and he had prayed for this pregnancy. However, only God in His omniscience could "see" what was going on. I am awed that this family had such a high esteem for God and his ability to help. I only wish it were present in more families during our times. People know that there is a battle brewing inside them and, even sometimes, like Rebecca, think the only way out is to become a dead soul. O that more would see that is the exact solution that the Holy One has put in place to end the battle. The war can be ended within when the "old man" is put to death and a "new man" can be born who can live at peace with the Holy One and with his fellowman. The reader can see more discussion of this in the book of Ephesians, chapter 4 and following where the internal conflict due to the presence of sin is discussed by the apostle Paul. There he explains that the losses sin has inflicted on our old man can only be rectified with God's help which begins with understanding what is going on. If you have internal conflict and are not sure why, don't leave Ephesians 4 sitting on the shelf. Do yourself a great favor. Read it. You will not have to read through hundreds of pages to get the help you desire. It might be the smartest thing you ever did for yourself. A wrong idea about what sin causes in mankind and a wrong idea of what God in his majesty can do about it is a terrible travesty on the grace and mercy He desires to give to all of us.
Just how did God know what was going on with Rebecca's boys? Well, it is best understood by realizing He is not like anybody that is or anything that is. The Spirit of God knows all, but we know Him only in part. A lot of what He tells us about Himself has to be accepted by faith and He even goes on to say that exercising faith to believe what we are yet to see is the only possible way to please Him. So, our matriarch and patriarch accepted by faith what the Holy one told them about Rebecca's condition. At last the boys were born. Esau was first born and the Bible says he came "red and hairy."
Jacob followed and we are told he was holding his brother's heel and was fair of skin. Twins, but nothing alike. And now we have a story unfolding: "Daddy likes you best", "Well, Mama likes you the best." I wonder how many times kids have said that! Family dynamics, one of the reasons God gifted some to be counselors!
Just how did God know what was going on with Rebecca's boys? Well, it is best understood by realizing He is not like anybody that is or anything that is. The Spirit of God knows all, but we know Him only in part. A lot of what He tells us about Himself has to be accepted by faith and He even goes on to say that exercising faith to believe what we are yet to see is the only possible way to please Him. So, our matriarch and patriarch accepted by faith what the Holy one told them about Rebecca's condition. At last the boys were born. Esau was first born and the Bible says he came "red and hairy."
Jacob followed and we are told he was holding his brother's heel and was fair of skin. Twins, but nothing alike. And now we have a story unfolding: "Daddy likes you best", "Well, Mama likes you the best." I wonder how many times kids have said that! Family dynamics, one of the reasons God gifted some to be counselors!
"I will wholeheartedly give thanks to the Lord in
the councils of the upright and in the assemblyl
The deeds of the Lord are great, greatly desired
by all all who enjoy the."
Psalm 111: 1ff.
Monday, October 15, 2012
Bibledoorajar wonders with Rebecca and Isaac
God give us Christian homes!
Homes where the Bible is loved and taught,
Homes where the Master's will is sought,
Homes crowned with beauty Thy love hath wrought;
God, give us Christian homes; God give us Christian homes!
Baylus B. McKinney
Our patriarch, Isaac, and matriarch, Rebecca had been married for some time and were caught up in the destiny promised by God. They had faced childlessness together and had wondered how such a destiny could happen without progeny. Isaac had prayed that God would not let Rebecca's womb whither, but rather that He Himself would make it fruitful. And Adonai Elohim had answered Isaac's prayers. Adonai Elohim---Lord, Master, Owner---had moved and Rebecca was indeed with child. But now it seemed that something was very wrong with the pregnancy. How could God's future plans and those of Rebecca and Isaac go forward if something was wrong? So troubling was the fighting going on inside Rebecca that she said, "If it is going to be like this, why go on living?" So she inquired of Adonai and He answered His servant. "There are two nations in your womb. From birth they will be two rival peoples. One of the peoples will be stronger than the other, and the older will serve the younger."
What a deep need it must of been for Rebecca to consider giving up on life. I am reminded of what Jesus said many years later: "Come unto me, all ye that labor and are heavy laden (Matthew 11:28)."
Adonai gave Rebecca information that made her situation make sense. And Adonai drew her heart into the matter. She no longer wanted to be a dead soul, she wanted to be a co-laborer with God in establishing two peoples. Likewise, Jesus illumines our minds when we have come to that place where we think we cannot go on. And the Spirit draws our hearts into the matter. We embrace faith that we, like Rebecca, can produce something beneficial to the kingdom of God.
Praise God for His mighty works of illumination and conviction that moves His people to have faith to not only endure but to do mighty works for His glory. The path may not be easy but the Comfort is great. We struggle to define the person we want to be. God helped Rebecca be a mother. Is there something you wish to ask Him to help you to be?
Monday, October 8, 2012
Bibledoorajar speaks of joy and sorrow
"Something beautiful, something good;
All my confusion He understood..."
Gloria Gaither
The Bible reports that Isaac loved Rebecca and it was in his marriage arranged by his father that he was comforted in the loss of his mother Sarah. Thank God that Isaac was a man who knew how to receive the good provided by his father. Isaac was lonely and needed comfort, but he did not strike out on his own to meet his needs. He patiently waited for what the father would bring to him. He received this wife from his father as he had received all the rest of his inheritance. And in the receiving, he was comforted. Now, in his tent there was someone to talk to. There was someone to share his sorrows and his joys in an intimate fashion. There was someone who cared enough to present him with a meal and to meet other needs of everyday life that he might have. He did not have to force a future on himself, it had been provided for him and there she was with him. He was forty years old when he took Rebecca to be his. The forty years of waiting for his future were over. The father's grace that had brought him into the fullness of this time was completed and he would now begin a period of revival and renewal. Isaac had a new future that would include increase and so now Abraham busied himself with a new wife (Keturah) and family of his own.
"In the family lie the seeds of everything
that later sprouts and grows into a
greater family which is called the
Philaret, Bishop of Moscow Russia
Soon, Isaac and Rebecca were expecting their increase. But something strange was going on within Rebecca's womb. Maybe a midwife would have the answer, but Rebecca took her questions straight to the God of Isaac. After all she was a part of Isaac now and her appeal would be made to the God who had now become her God. God had given her this husband; God would give her her answer.
.."It is His doing that you are united with Jesus. He has become
wisdom for us from God, and righteousness and holiness and redemption as
1 Corinthians 1:30
"And to as many as did receive Him, to those who put their
trust in His person and power, He gave the right to become
children of God."
John 1: 12-13
Praise God that because of this wonderful relationship that He has given us with His Son, we can approach the Father with all our questions because we are now His children also. "Ain't" good family grand? Amen!!!!
Monday, October 1, 2012
Bibledoorajar Sees Isaac's Response
The servant had served both his master and Rebecca well. He had brought her near to the son. He had not veered from the path that would get her there. She stood on that road and looked ahead and saw the son standing, waiting patiently for her. We have spoken of what she knew as she looked. She saw a man with a great inheritance given to him by his father. She saw a man who had asked her to give up her past and join her life to his sharing this inheritance. She no longer needed to seek him. There he was, she could see him with her own eyes. Soon she would be joined to him. Perhaps her family's blessing was ringing in her ears: "our sister, may you be the mother of millions, and may your descendants possess the cities of those who hate them" (Genesis 24: 60). Isaac had been about his father's business, living in the Negev at Beer-Lahai-roi. The literal meaning of the name of this town is "the well of the Living One who sees me." It is where, years earlier, Hagar, the mother of Ishmael had met the angel of the Lord. Isaac had been with the Living One. What a man! Now Isaac had returned and looked up and saw the camels coming. Rebecca waits, apparently the servant's report would take precedence over her meeting Isaac. What would the servant have reported? You can think of some of the things that would have said in the full report, but I think the most important thing would have been Rebecca's famous "I wills". When the servant's report was completed, Isaac "brought her to his mother Sarah's tent and took Rebecca, and she became his wife, and he loved her" (Genesis 24:67).
Clearly Rebecca's journey was an act of faith, but she had also seen and understood some things. She understood that she would be sharing in her husband's inheritance and that her future and that of her children would be tied to him. This had been the blessing as she had left her family. In that tent that day, I bet it was ringing in her ears more loudly than ever.
Clearly Rebecca's journey was an act of faith, but she had also seen and understood some things. She understood that she would be sharing in her husband's inheritance and that her future and that of her children would be tied to him. This had been the blessing as she had left her family. In that tent that day, I bet it was ringing in her ears more loudly than ever.
Monday, September 24, 2012
Bibledoorajar knows how Rebecca Feels
Rebecca, a sculpture by Benzoni
And there he was on the horizon. The man whose father had given him everything he had. This man she was going to marry was born in Canaan and had not had to worry about anything. It had all been given to him by his father. Everything in Isaac's life had been given to him for his enjoyment and pleasure. Now, would he enjoy her, this courageous girl, who had traveled so far to be with him? She took her veil and veiled herself. Was this an act of modesty or something else? Over the years this bridal veil tradition has been linked to modesty and purity and I expect that is what was going on in our story too. Some say the veil was put in place so the marriage could be consummated before the guy saw who he was really getting. But, we will try not to be that cynical(although there is another Bible story...). We have every reason to believe that this man who had received everything from his father would be thrilled with the bride the servant was bringing to him. To date, this had been his secret to a good life--just receiving! Rebecca, along with Isaac, were about to obtain a life together and they had to do nothing but receive it!
There is a mistake that so many of us in the church make. We see the marriage of the Lamb in our future, but we think we must earn it to attain it. We fail to realize that the inheritance from the God of Abraham and Isaac is a gift. God so loved us that He gave. But it is hard to "just receive" a gift isn't it? When someone gives us a nice gift we immediately want to make sure that we have done enough for that person, or have been good enough to that person, to justify the gift. Sometimes we have a very difficult time enjoying the gift because we cannot allow ourselves to believe the gift was simply given out of love.
Rebecca stood in that field with the servant and decided in her heart that Isaac really wanted her and that the father had really gifted him with her. Similarly we must stand in the field of our hearts and realized that the Servant has brought us to the Son because the Father really wanted to gift us to Him and to Himself. If we have to spend time justifying this event we should think of it this way: I have peace to proceed with this relationship because the Father has justified me through the spilled blood of the Son in whom I have placed my trust. It is a gift to be received. Here's the way the Bible says it:
"So, since we have come to be considered righteous by God because of our trust, let us continue to have peace with God through our Lord, Jesus. Also, through Him and on the ground of our trust, we have gained access to this grace in which we stand...." (Jewish Translation of Rom. 5: 1ff). Like Rebecca we have gained access to a wonderful life. It would be a shame not to enjoy it.
And there he was on the horizon. The man whose father had given him everything he had. This man she was going to marry was born in Canaan and had not had to worry about anything. It had all been given to him by his father. Everything in Isaac's life had been given to him for his enjoyment and pleasure. Now, would he enjoy her, this courageous girl, who had traveled so far to be with him? She took her veil and veiled herself. Was this an act of modesty or something else? Over the years this bridal veil tradition has been linked to modesty and purity and I expect that is what was going on in our story too. Some say the veil was put in place so the marriage could be consummated before the guy saw who he was really getting. But, we will try not to be that cynical(although there is another Bible story...). We have every reason to believe that this man who had received everything from his father would be thrilled with the bride the servant was bringing to him. To date, this had been his secret to a good life--just receiving! Rebecca, along with Isaac, were about to obtain a life together and they had to do nothing but receive it!
There is a mistake that so many of us in the church make. We see the marriage of the Lamb in our future, but we think we must earn it to attain it. We fail to realize that the inheritance from the God of Abraham and Isaac is a gift. God so loved us that He gave. But it is hard to "just receive" a gift isn't it? When someone gives us a nice gift we immediately want to make sure that we have done enough for that person, or have been good enough to that person, to justify the gift. Sometimes we have a very difficult time enjoying the gift because we cannot allow ourselves to believe the gift was simply given out of love.
Rebecca stood in that field with the servant and decided in her heart that Isaac really wanted her and that the father had really gifted him with her. Similarly we must stand in the field of our hearts and realized that the Servant has brought us to the Son because the Father really wanted to gift us to Him and to Himself. If we have to spend time justifying this event we should think of it this way: I have peace to proceed with this relationship because the Father has justified me through the spilled blood of the Son in whom I have placed my trust. It is a gift to be received. Here's the way the Bible says it:
"So, since we have come to be considered righteous by God because of our trust, let us continue to have peace with God through our Lord, Jesus. Also, through Him and on the ground of our trust, we have gained access to this grace in which we stand...." (Jewish Translation of Rom. 5: 1ff). Like Rebecca we have gained access to a wonderful life. It would be a shame not to enjoy it.
Father Abraham,
justification by faith,
Monday, September 17, 2012
Bibledoorajar Joins in the travel to Isaac
The servant objected to Rebecca staying another ten days or so with her kindred in her country. Finally the family says well, okay, ask Rebecca. Again comes forth her famous "I will go." It was a brave thing indeed to decide to leave everything she had known before to pursue someone she was just beginning to know a little about. But then, the little she was finding out about this man and his family and his country was very intriguing. A man, Abraham, called to leave his country and kindred just as she was being called. A son born to Abraham and his wife long past regular childbearing years. Had she ever heard of anyone having a baby like that before? The baby had come because of a promise by God and not anything Abraham and Sarah did with their aging bodies. A promise by God to this initiator, Abraham, that through him would come a great nation. But then there came a request that Abraham sacrifice this very son from whom would come that great nation. Amazing. And even more amazing was the report of how the son went willingly with his father without a word of protest. And then, God intervened in the process and Isaac lived. Rebecca did not have to be a "rocket scientist" to ascertain that something very powerful was going on. And the draw to go was "other worldly" too. Must have been a lot of astonishment on the part of Rebecca as she listened and traveled to that far land.
The caravan drew near and Rebecca noticed a man out in the field. She asked the servant who the man was and he declared that he was Isaac the son of his master. Two things Rebecca already knew about this man she was fixing her gaze on and they were very important. This man, one, knew God, and, two, his life experiences had all been with his father doing only what his father did. He was everything to his father and he was helping his father establish a nation. Accepting this was critical to the process.
"The Son is the radiance of the Father, the very expression of God's essence, upholding all that exists by His powerful word; and after He had, through himself, made purification for sins, He sat down at the right hand of God. So He has become much better than angels, and the name God has given Him is superior to theirs. For to which of the angels did God ever say, 'You are my Son; today I have become your Father'?" Hebrews 1:3ff.
"Turn your eyes upon Jesus, look full in that wonderful face...." Helen Limmel
The caravan drew near and Rebecca noticed a man out in the field. She asked the servant who the man was and he declared that he was Isaac the son of his master. Two things Rebecca already knew about this man she was fixing her gaze on and they were very important. This man, one, knew God, and, two, his life experiences had all been with his father doing only what his father did. He was everything to his father and he was helping his father establish a nation. Accepting this was critical to the process.
"The Son is the radiance of the Father, the very expression of God's essence, upholding all that exists by His powerful word; and after He had, through himself, made purification for sins, He sat down at the right hand of God. So He has become much better than angels, and the name God has given Him is superior to theirs. For to which of the angels did God ever say, 'You are my Son; today I have become your Father'?" Hebrews 1:3ff.
"Turn your eyes upon Jesus, look full in that wonderful face...." Helen Limmel
Monday, September 10, 2012
Bibledoorajar Examines the Pull of the Past
The father, Abraham, had made his promise---come and enjoy life with my son, Isaac. The servant had made his appeal on behalf of the two. Rebecca had listened and had accepted the nose-ring and the bracelets. Now the servant faced her family. They listened anew to the servant's story: Rebecca has accepted my master's offer and we must be off as soon as possible!
The family was not mean, but they ask for a delay of about ten days or so. This effort would allow Rebecca to take her eyes off her present and future and concentrate on the glories of her past. The servant recognized the danger of this. Doubts could enter in. She could alter her response. She had said that she would go to Isaac, but her family wished to delay Isaac's taking of her. This, my friends, is an ever present danger for those of us to have accepted the call of a faraway place. The servant could not allow this then and He will not allow it in our lives now. We MUST go with the Servant and allow our "Isaac" to dwell with us and impact our lives. It is more than a call to a great by and by. It is a living relationship. Our being with Christ has to do with living with the attributes of His life and His work, not those worldly, no matter how industrious, works of our past. Jesus put it this way:
"Abide in Me and I in you....He who abides in Me and I in them will produce much fruit." (John 14:4-5). Being the bride of Christ and sharing in His life, places us squarely in the middle of the most glorious work ever. It was time for Rebecca to leave the past and move into her future. The servant implores that they must be off. The father and the son are expecting them. The same is true for us.
"This world is not my home, I'm just a passing thru. My treasures are laid up some where
beyond the blue; The angels beckon me from heaven's open door, And I can't feel at home
in this world any more.
They're all expecting me, and that's one thing I know, My Savior pardoned me and now I
onward go; I know He'll take me thru tho I am weak and poor, And I can't feel at home in
this world anymore.
Oh, Lord You know I have no friend like You. If heaven's not my home then Lord what
will I do; The angels beckon me from heaven's open door, And I can't feel at home in
this world anymore."
The family was not mean, but they ask for a delay of about ten days or so. This effort would allow Rebecca to take her eyes off her present and future and concentrate on the glories of her past. The servant recognized the danger of this. Doubts could enter in. She could alter her response. She had said that she would go to Isaac, but her family wished to delay Isaac's taking of her. This, my friends, is an ever present danger for those of us to have accepted the call of a faraway place. The servant could not allow this then and He will not allow it in our lives now. We MUST go with the Servant and allow our "Isaac" to dwell with us and impact our lives. It is more than a call to a great by and by. It is a living relationship. Our being with Christ has to do with living with the attributes of His life and His work, not those worldly, no matter how industrious, works of our past. Jesus put it this way:
"Abide in Me and I in you....He who abides in Me and I in them will produce much fruit." (John 14:4-5). Being the bride of Christ and sharing in His life, places us squarely in the middle of the most glorious work ever. It was time for Rebecca to leave the past and move into her future. The servant implores that they must be off. The father and the son are expecting them. The same is true for us.
"This world is not my home, I'm just a passing thru. My treasures are laid up some where
beyond the blue; The angels beckon me from heaven's open door, And I can't feel at home
in this world any more.
They're all expecting me, and that's one thing I know, My Savior pardoned me and now I
onward go; I know He'll take me thru tho I am weak and poor, And I can't feel at home in
this world anymore.
Oh, Lord You know I have no friend like You. If heaven's not my home then Lord what
will I do; The angels beckon me from heaven's open door, And I can't feel at home in
this world anymore."
Father Abraham,
heaven as home,
Monday, September 3, 2012
Bibledoorajar examines power from another world at work
"Don't you wanna go to that Land? Don't you wanna go to that Land? Don't you wanna go to that Land where I'm bound, where I'm bound?
Nothing but love in that Land. Nothing but love in that Land. Nothing but love in that Land where I'm bound, where I'm bound.
I've got a Savior in that Land. I've got a Savior in that Land. I've got a Savior in that Land where I'm bound, where I'm bound."
"I'm gonna view that Holy City, Oh, I'm gonna view that Holy City one of these days. I'm gonna view that Holy City. I'm gonna view that Holy City, one of these days, one of these days. I'm gonna meet my loving Jesus. Oh, I'm gonna meet my loving Jesus one of these days. I'm gonna meet my loving Jesus, I'm gonna meet my loving Jesus one of these days, one of these days."
Rebecca has gone home to tell her family that she has been made an offer which she has found irresistible. Somehow her will had been overcome to the point that she was willing to leave her home and go to one unseen, and, though, unseen, she already had a measure of love for him. Her ears had been opened and she had come alive to the thought of living with Isaac in the land of his father. She has gone to tell her family and Laban is the first to encounter the power that has come over his sister. He immediately knows he is in the presence of a major happening.
Jesus said that all that the Father gave Him would come to Him, and whoever came to Him, He would never cast out (John 6:37). Thank you Holy Spirit for opening our ears and counting us in. We will go.
Monday, August 27, 2012
Bibledoorajar Looks at Matters of the Heart
The girl accepted a nose ring and two arm bracelets made of gold!!! Now this, especially the nose ring part, may be a little hard for a 21st century person to understand. It's a little hard for me to understand as I have a tendency to evaluate it in the light of God having forbidden His people to pierce their bodies. However, this event appears to have had great meaning to both Rebecca and her family so it must have been as an accepted sign as our exchanging of rings today. I heard a preacher say one time that one should think of a farmer bringing home his prize cow via a nose ring, and to think of the bracelets as slave manacles when you read this story. I was offended then, but now I can accept this imagery because you find illusions in the Song of the bride of Solomon being like "royal horses under control". And there is that O.T. example where the slave takes an ear piercing to show his lifelong devotion to his master (Exodus 21: 5,6). It is imagery and it obviously is meant to carry a great deal of meaning in regard to relationships. I guess the real question for me becomes, am I willing to outwardly show in my behavior that I am totally submitted to my bridegroom, the Lord Jesus Christ? And to that, I want my answer to be a resounding "yes"!
Isaac's bride was special. She was kind, generous and industrious. These are the traits that the Holy Spirit is seeking in a bride for Christ. The servant spoke only of his master and his son and Rebecca loved them though unseen. Just as the servant was ecstatic with his find, so the Holy Spirit is with those He finds for the Christ, knowing this will please the Father. Rebecca is famous for her two "I wills". Will she go with this man? She will. Will you allow the Holy Spirit to illuminate Jesus in your life to the point that you can only think of going to Him? Will your answer be "I will"?
Isaac's bride was special. She was kind, generous and industrious. These are the traits that the Holy Spirit is seeking in a bride for Christ. The servant spoke only of his master and his son and Rebecca loved them though unseen. Just as the servant was ecstatic with his find, so the Holy Spirit is with those He finds for the Christ, knowing this will please the Father. Rebecca is famous for her two "I wills". Will she go with this man? She will. Will you allow the Holy Spirit to illuminate Jesus in your life to the point that you can only think of going to Him? Will your answer be "I will"?
arm bracelets,
nose rings,
Monday, August 20, 2012
Bibledoorajar Meets the Family
The girl had been living north of Ur. She probably knew everyone that lived there and she probably knew the story of her Uncle Abraham who left the family and started across the terrible desert to reach a land promised by God. But her family, that of Nahor, had not gone on and it is doubtful that this young girl ever expected to live anywhere else. But things have a way of changing if God is involved. Now the servant had inquired about her family and had asked if there was room for he and his entourage where she lived. Yes, her answer had been yes, and we are left to imagine her swift run home ahead of the entourage wearing her newly acquired trophies. Soon she made out the shape of her brother Laban and as soon as he saw the jewelry, and heard her report, he ran to meet the entourage. Laban saw all the riches which laden the backs of the camels. Now Laban may have already been a hospitable guy, but when he saw those camels he became hospitable in deed! Quickly he ordered that the animals be cared for and water be offered to soothe the feet of the weary travelers. And, yes, food must be prepared. But no, stop, the servant said. None of that until the mission can be fully revealed and the purpose of the visit be settled. Now, the question before us is will God's selection of Rebecca for Isaac be accepted by the family?
I once saw a family in counseling. The problem was presented thus: "Ever since our daughter got saved she wants to do nothing else but pursue God. We want her to go to church, but we think she has gone a little overboard with all of this religion. She sits on our patio all the time praying." As I talked with the young eighteen year old it was clear that no mental illness was present. She had just accepted the nose ring and the bracelets. She was absorbed with the idea of being His bride. When I counseled the parents to be patient and to allow the girl the privilege of exploring this new relationship in her own way, they became very angry. They insisted I diagnose some mental illness. But when the girl heard my words, her countenance brightened and she thanked me for understanding. I often wonder what life was like at home afterwards for that girl. But I know if she continued to make room for the Servant to take her to the bridegroom she became the wealthiest member of the family.
I once saw a family in counseling. The problem was presented thus: "Ever since our daughter got saved she wants to do nothing else but pursue God. We want her to go to church, but we think she has gone a little overboard with all of this religion. She sits on our patio all the time praying." As I talked with the young eighteen year old it was clear that no mental illness was present. She had just accepted the nose ring and the bracelets. She was absorbed with the idea of being His bride. When I counseled the parents to be patient and to allow the girl the privilege of exploring this new relationship in her own way, they became very angry. They insisted I diagnose some mental illness. But when the girl heard my words, her countenance brightened and she thanked me for understanding. I often wonder what life was like at home afterwards for that girl. But I know if she continued to make room for the Servant to take her to the bridegroom she became the wealthiest member of the family.
Monday, August 13, 2012
Bibledoorajar Applauds New Beginnings
We are witnessing an arranged marriage in our story. Most would agree that an arranged marriage is only as good as those arranging it. Abraham had been careful to select a faithful third party to make the arrangements. He had considered culture and family values. The faithful third party had been serious about his responsibility in the matter and had asked his master's God for help even to the point of asking for a sign. Today, some say that God does not care about the decision of whom we marry. Others want God involved from the beginning of something as important as marriage. It does seem questionable for a Christian to not involve God in the beginning of the process if they are going to trust Him to help sustain the marriage for the rest of its' duration. At any rate, our servant felt that Divine providence was needed and now he had the girl before him. She was beautiful and the servant gazed at her as she provided water for his entourage and animals. Was this the girl that would make his trip successful? Having the requirements of the sign met, the servant was ready to meet the parents. He takes a gold nose ring and two gold bracelets and asked the girl this question. Who's daughter are you and do your parents have room for us to stay the night?
Proponents of arranged marriages say the system works well within their culture. In some cultures the couple have no choices in the matter. But in our story we will see that the potential bride did have a say in the matter. Rebecca accepted the nose ring and bracelets that the servant offered in the name of his master and ran to the home of her parents. The servant fell to his knees and thanked God for His providence.
Proponents of arranged marriages say the system works well within their culture. In some cultures the couple have no choices in the matter. But in our story we will see that the potential bride did have a say in the matter. Rebecca accepted the nose ring and bracelets that the servant offered in the name of his master and ran to the home of her parents. The servant fell to his knees and thanked God for His providence.
"I thought I'd give you something shiny and new
I tried to find something worthy of you
But I realized when I look inside
There's some things that money cannot buy."
The gift sung by 98 Degrees
Monday, August 6, 2012
Bibledoorajar For The Sample
Bibledoorajar congratulates a special reader on her recent retirement from 38 years of teaching young third graders. She has had the summer to sample life without teaching as has been her long practice, but at the end of the month this sample of life without school will blossom into its fullness. Enjoy the rewards of retirement sweet lady, you deserve it. I know the Lord has great plans for how your gifts will be used in this next phase of your life.
"Furthermore, you who heard the message of truth, the Good News offering you deliverance, and put your trust in the Messiah were sealed by him with the promised Holy Spirit, who guarantees our inheritance until we come into possession of it and thus bring him praise commensurate with His glory." (Paul to the Ephesian Christian Community--1:13ff)
The Servant had talked with Rebecca and had given her a foretaste of what life would be life in the home of his Master. He sealed the foretaste with gifts of silver and gold jewelry, together with clothing now in her possession. He also gave valuable gifts to her brother and mother. These gifts told her that though she had not received all that his Master had for her, they were a sample of what life would be like--a down payment of sorts on a wonderful inheritance to come. The richness of the gifts were a comfort to Rebecca's family. She would be loved with a special love--a wonderful taste of the life that God, Adonai, had planned for her. But what would Rebecca's answer be? What would her family say?
You and I have been given gifts which forecast what our everlasting love life will be like. We are not ordinary people anymore; no longer of this world, but of another of which we have been given a foretaste.
"So if you were raised along with Christ, then seek the things above, where Christ is sitting at the
right hand of God. FOCUS YOUR MINDS ON THE THINGS ABOVE, NOT ON THING HERE ON EARTH." (Paul to the Colosse Christian Community--3: 1ff)
"Furthermore, you who heard the message of truth, the Good News offering you deliverance, and put your trust in the Messiah were sealed by him with the promised Holy Spirit, who guarantees our inheritance until we come into possession of it and thus bring him praise commensurate with His glory." (Paul to the Ephesian Christian Community--1:13ff)
The Servant had talked with Rebecca and had given her a foretaste of what life would be life in the home of his Master. He sealed the foretaste with gifts of silver and gold jewelry, together with clothing now in her possession. He also gave valuable gifts to her brother and mother. These gifts told her that though she had not received all that his Master had for her, they were a sample of what life would be like--a down payment of sorts on a wonderful inheritance to come. The richness of the gifts were a comfort to Rebecca's family. She would be loved with a special love--a wonderful taste of the life that God, Adonai, had planned for her. But what would Rebecca's answer be? What would her family say?
You and I have been given gifts which forecast what our everlasting love life will be like. We are not ordinary people anymore; no longer of this world, but of another of which we have been given a foretaste.
"So if you were raised along with Christ, then seek the things above, where Christ is sitting at the
right hand of God. FOCUS YOUR MINDS ON THE THINGS ABOVE, NOT ON THING HERE ON EARTH." (Paul to the Colosse Christian Community--3: 1ff)
Monday, July 30, 2012
Bibledoorajar Speaks of Signs
The servant prayed for God's grace, but now he has takesn it a step further. He has asked for a sign. He said, "Here I am, standing by the spring, as the daughters of the townsfolk come out to draw water. I will say to one of the girls, Please lower your jug, so that I can drink. If she answers, 'Yes, drink; and I will water your camels as well,' then let her be the one you intend for your servant Isaac. This is how I will know that you have shown grace to my master." (Gen. 24:13ff.)
I remember studying the issue of asking for a sign from God in this modern age a few years back. It seemed there were two schools of thought. The first was that it should not be done as it showed a lack of faith on the part of the one praying. The second was that it could be done if it did not presume on the will of God. If there was already a direction stirring in the heart of the petitioner then asking would not be just to satisfy one's own curiosity. I admit I have not done much of it over the years; hmm. more food for thought.
At any rate it worked for the servant because the Bible says he had hardly got the request out of his mouth when Rebecca showed up carrying a jug on her shoulder. Here the Bible tells us what kind of girl she was. I wonder if the servant got this revelation? Anyway, she was described as beautiful and a virgin. She provoked a response from the servant---he RAN TO MEET HER.
I like to think that the Holy Spirit runs to meet the needs of the holy ones whether we ask for a sign beyond our holding up our relationship with Jesus or not. We should not presume on Him, but we can stir up our faith and believe that He will.
I remember studying the issue of asking for a sign from God in this modern age a few years back. It seemed there were two schools of thought. The first was that it should not be done as it showed a lack of faith on the part of the one praying. The second was that it could be done if it did not presume on the will of God. If there was already a direction stirring in the heart of the petitioner then asking would not be just to satisfy one's own curiosity. I admit I have not done much of it over the years; hmm. more food for thought.
At any rate it worked for the servant because the Bible says he had hardly got the request out of his mouth when Rebecca showed up carrying a jug on her shoulder. Here the Bible tells us what kind of girl she was. I wonder if the servant got this revelation? Anyway, she was described as beautiful and a virgin. She provoked a response from the servant---he RAN TO MEET HER.
I like to think that the Holy Spirit runs to meet the needs of the holy ones whether we ask for a sign beyond our holding up our relationship with Jesus or not. We should not presume on Him, but we can stir up our faith and believe that He will.
Monday, July 23, 2012
Bibledoorajar Looks at Identity
Abraham's servant stands at the well. He has been dispatched to secure a bride for Isaac. The selection is critical. Pick a wicked girl--promote a shameful identity. Pick a righteous girl--promote an identity worthy to be praised. In America we prize our freedom to pursue our lives as individuals. We can go anywhere and do anything to apprehend that which we wish. We tend not to think as much about being fully caring and responsive to a community. The servant seems to know that the girl he selects must bring praise not only to her family of origin for taking on such a great responsibility, but she must also desire to fulfill that responsibility and therefore bring praise to her new family and to their God. It is this commitment that will help influence the budding nation of Israel to understand that they are to be a "light to the nations." Their deeds and their behavior and indeed their character will affect how unbelievers will perceive the true God. So, here we see in this proposed marriage, the root of something very powerful that will lead to a national identify.
As a Christian, I am called to project the highest standards of my faith. I am part and parcel of how the kingdom of God is perceived. If I express contempt for my Christian brothers and sisters I bring shame on my family. If I express contempt for any whom God has created I cease to be a "light to the nations." If I cease to carry out acts of service, I imply that my Father does not care about the community around me.
There are stories in the Old Testament that tell of evil ways of Jewish people. In the these stories, you will often find the name of the parentage of the person and which tribe they were from. It is a testament to the fact that our actions reflect on our parentage and our community. My mother is deceased, but I can still hear her counsel to my brother and I, "Don't bring shame on your Daddy's good name." As I have matured I realize the importance of her counsel. More importantly, I realize the importance of not bringing shame on my Heavenly Father and His good Name. It certainly makes you want to implore Him for His help and even follow the Servant's example and ask for a sign in matters that will affect our future and our community doesn't it?
As a Christian, I am called to project the highest standards of my faith. I am part and parcel of how the kingdom of God is perceived. If I express contempt for my Christian brothers and sisters I bring shame on my family. If I express contempt for any whom God has created I cease to be a "light to the nations." If I cease to carry out acts of service, I imply that my Father does not care about the community around me.
There are stories in the Old Testament that tell of evil ways of Jewish people. In the these stories, you will often find the name of the parentage of the person and which tribe they were from. It is a testament to the fact that our actions reflect on our parentage and our community. My mother is deceased, but I can still hear her counsel to my brother and I, "Don't bring shame on your Daddy's good name." As I have matured I realize the importance of her counsel. More importantly, I realize the importance of not bringing shame on my Heavenly Father and His good Name. It certainly makes you want to implore Him for His help and even follow the Servant's example and ask for a sign in matters that will affect our future and our community doesn't it?
Monday, July 16, 2012
Bibledoorajar Speaks of Those Who Summon
Abraham's faith had looked up to God and because of that faith he was made righteous in God's eyes. This does not mean that he was a perfect man, but he was a man who identified and related to God rightly. In the book of Genesis we have seen Abraham lean on God through ten trials of his faith and now he has come to the ending of his life successfully. The Bible calls such common people who are rightly related to and leaning on God as "holy ones", "saints", or "righteous ones" more than 200 times. These are those whom God summons to be summoners as He Himself is. Over and over these "holy ones" lean on God through their own personal trials of faith and summon others to Him.
Now in our story this summoner has summoned his servant to go and summon a bride for the chosen son. The servant was to go to Haran, the city founded by Abraham's father and the place where Terah had died. Family still lived there and it was to that family that a summons would go but all of this was unbeknownst to them and to the servant until the time it would be revealed. The servant and his band began their long journey with ten heavily gift laden camels. On these ten animals was everything the servant needed to complete his summons successfully. But still the servant addressed God : " Lord, God of my master Abraham, please let me succeed today; and show your grace to my master Abraham." The Bible says that they arrived at even, a time when the women would come to draw water at the wells of Beersheba. The Servant continued in prayer: "Here I am standing by the spring, as the daughters of the townsfolk come out to draw water. I will say to one of the girls, Please lower your jug, so that I can drink. If she answers, 'Yes drink, and I will water your camels as well', then let her be the one you intend for your servant Isaac. This is how I will know that you have shown grace to my Master." (Gen. 23 ff) He asked for a sign and the sign was to be an act of service. How appropriate.
"How beautiful the radiant bride who waits for her groom with his light in her eyes.
How beautiful when humble hearts give the fruit of pure lives so that others my live."
How Beautiful by Twila Paris
Now in our story this summoner has summoned his servant to go and summon a bride for the chosen son. The servant was to go to Haran, the city founded by Abraham's father and the place where Terah had died. Family still lived there and it was to that family that a summons would go but all of this was unbeknownst to them and to the servant until the time it would be revealed. The servant and his band began their long journey with ten heavily gift laden camels. On these ten animals was everything the servant needed to complete his summons successfully. But still the servant addressed God : " Lord, God of my master Abraham, please let me succeed today; and show your grace to my master Abraham." The Bible says that they arrived at even, a time when the women would come to draw water at the wells of Beersheba. The Servant continued in prayer: "Here I am standing by the spring, as the daughters of the townsfolk come out to draw water. I will say to one of the girls, Please lower your jug, so that I can drink. If she answers, 'Yes drink, and I will water your camels as well', then let her be the one you intend for your servant Isaac. This is how I will know that you have shown grace to my Master." (Gen. 23 ff) He asked for a sign and the sign was to be an act of service. How appropriate.
"How beautiful the radiant bride who waits for her groom with his light in her eyes.
How beautiful when humble hearts give the fruit of pure lives so that others my live."
How Beautiful by Twila Paris
faith through trials. Rebecca,
holy ones,
Monday, July 9, 2012
Bibledoorajar Thinks about conversation
I was thinking about the conversation that the servant would have had with Rebecca. Surely he rehearsed all he knew about his master and the chosen son picking and choosing what he would say as he went on his way to the land of Abraham's kin. What he would say to the girl would be very important. How he listened would be even more important. He needed to elicit a positive response from a girl toward people whom she had never seen before. He needed to persuade her to leave her world for another. I think the servant would have told her that Abraham, the father, lived in a Land of Promise (Canaan) as a peculiar and different person. He had come to enjoy great wealth and blessings from God and did not live as the heathens around him. Perhaps he would even have shared the wonderful promise that God had made to Abraham. He would have explained for this great nation to come into fruition meant that Abraham's son of promise would need a bride. He could have told her about the supernatural aspects of Isaac's birth and that his name meant "laughter" because his parents were so pleased at the circumstances of his unexpected birth. He would have spoken about how Isaac had always lived in the land of promise and had always shared in his father's wealth. He would inherit or receive ALL HIS FATHER HAD. And if the young woman asked what Isaac was like, he would tell her that he always made sure his father's wells stayed open so that living water was always available. And, if enemies closed the wells up, he would have them dug again. Though a young man, he meditated in the fields and prayed often to God. Surely this conversation would help him persuade a bride to come to the son. But the servant also had another "ace in the hole". He would take gifts and with all his being he would call out to the girl to join with the son.
Surely this conversation would have peaked interest. Why the servant was talking about being a part of a great dynasty through the chosen son! But even with this information, the girl had NO IDEA about how far reaching this idea would be! Years and years later, in the fullness of time, God sent His Son to earth. Here the Son proclaimed that He would build His church. It would be composed of those He would call out of the world to Himself. The apostles waited in Jerusalem as Jesus told them to do. They were waiting for another Servant to come, the Holy Spirit. This Servant would be very capable and would 1) teach them all things and bring to their remembrance all that Jesus had said to them (John 14:26), and, 2) He would guide them into all truth revealing a message sent from the Father and Son in heaven revealing what was to come (John 16:13). The apostles would be gifted to accomplish what Heaven intended. And so it has been.
Surely this conversation would have peaked interest. Why the servant was talking about being a part of a great dynasty through the chosen son! But even with this information, the girl had NO IDEA about how far reaching this idea would be! Years and years later, in the fullness of time, God sent His Son to earth. Here the Son proclaimed that He would build His church. It would be composed of those He would call out of the world to Himself. The apostles waited in Jerusalem as Jesus told them to do. They were waiting for another Servant to come, the Holy Spirit. This Servant would be very capable and would 1) teach them all things and bring to their remembrance all that Jesus had said to them (John 14:26), and, 2) He would guide them into all truth revealing a message sent from the Father and Son in heaven revealing what was to come (John 16:13). The apostles would be gifted to accomplish what Heaven intended. And so it has been.
Monday, July 2, 2012
Bibledoorajar Observes Hope in New Life
Abraham and Isaac have now left Sarah, wife/mother, as the first to lie in the Cave of Machpelah. After the weeping and mourning they are left with their wonderful memories of her. Now Abraham must focus on newness of life via Isaac. The thought of this new life is a comfort to Abraham. He appeals to the guidance of God in whom he has placed his faith. His heart is assured that, though he is a self-confessed stranger and sojourner in this new land, he will go forward with God. Abraham sends for his oldest servant. The servant, some say Eliezar, was extremely loyal to the father of the chosen son. He was in charge of all that Abraham owned. He had every intent of assisting in assimilating this new lady into the family. He was willing to swear by the Lord God of heaven and God of earth, that he would go where Abraham wanted him to go to find a wife for Isaac. He received his instructions from Abraham and then asked questions to make sure of his assignment: "Suppose the woman isn't willing to follow me to this land. Must I then bring your son back to the land from which you came?" (Gen. 24:5). Abraham answers, "Don't take my son back to that land." Here is the deal: Servant, God has promised to be in charge of this process. He is sending and angel ahead of you to handle this. However, if the woman is unwilling to follow you, you are released of any obligations under the oath. (paraphrase Gen. 25:6 ff.)
God does not enter our realm to make us less human, but to bring newness of life and comfort to our weeping. As we stand before Him weeping for our sinful state, He comforts us with the thought of newness of life. The matter of our grieving hearts can be addressed. The suffering Servant who sojourned among us has the power to make our commonness holy. Christ can be assimilated into us, or as Paul the apostle said, "Christ is us, the hope of glory." So, just as Abraham dreamed of newness of life, so can we, if we be in Christ. And there is another Servant who will help us do just that. The Servant is the Holy Spirit.
"Jesus is the object to be assimilated, the Spirit is the assimilating power. Without the objective revelation given in Jesus, the Spirit would have nothing to fertilize in us; without the Spirit, the revelation granted in Jesus remains outside of us....from one without us, Jesus becomes one within us."
Frederick Godet
The Spirit will take us to the Son if we willingly follow. It's a great plan, God.
God does not enter our realm to make us less human, but to bring newness of life and comfort to our weeping. As we stand before Him weeping for our sinful state, He comforts us with the thought of newness of life. The matter of our grieving hearts can be addressed. The suffering Servant who sojourned among us has the power to make our commonness holy. Christ can be assimilated into us, or as Paul the apostle said, "Christ is us, the hope of glory." So, just as Abraham dreamed of newness of life, so can we, if we be in Christ. And there is another Servant who will help us do just that. The Servant is the Holy Spirit.
"Jesus is the object to be assimilated, the Spirit is the assimilating power. Without the objective revelation given in Jesus, the Spirit would have nothing to fertilize in us; without the Spirit, the revelation granted in Jesus remains outside of us....from one without us, Jesus becomes one within us."
Frederick Godet
The Spirit will take us to the Son if we willingly follow. It's a great plan, God.
hope of glory
Monday, June 25, 2012
Bibledoorajar Examines Matters of the Heart
"Father Abraham had many sons, many sons had father Abraham,
I am one of them and so are you, so let's just praise the Lord!"
Lyrics by Chris Donato
God had placed Abraham in a strategic place with the intent to carry out a mighty mission. Abraham, while not a perfect man, had become a man of great faith and his prayer life and dependence on God is certainly to be admired. He knows that a great kingdom is to come through him via Isaac and his descendants:
"For I have made myself known to him, so that he will give orders to his children and to his household after him to keep the way of Adonai and to do what is right and just, so that Adonai may bring about for Abraham what he has promised him" (Gen. 18:19).
God refers to himself as Adonai which in Hebrew means, Lord or Master or Owner. Clearly from this verse we learn that God had found a man who would respect His Sovereignty. In this instance, His Sovereignty in matters of the heart will affect the human race for generations to come.This progeny, begun with Abraham, will be the righteous ones, walking in a new direction. Changed from their surroundings, they are not blinded to God's sovereignty in their lives. With all their being, they are seeking to live correctly as one of the many sons of Abraham. The admonition today is in the phrase "with all their being". If any have slipped away from this noble position in life, is it not wonderful to know that all we need do is repent and begin walking in the NEW DIRECTION again as God leads?
I am one of them and so are you, so let's just praise the Lord!"
Lyrics by Chris Donato
God had placed Abraham in a strategic place with the intent to carry out a mighty mission. Abraham, while not a perfect man, had become a man of great faith and his prayer life and dependence on God is certainly to be admired. He knows that a great kingdom is to come through him via Isaac and his descendants:
"For I have made myself known to him, so that he will give orders to his children and to his household after him to keep the way of Adonai and to do what is right and just, so that Adonai may bring about for Abraham what he has promised him" (Gen. 18:19).
God refers to himself as Adonai which in Hebrew means, Lord or Master or Owner. Clearly from this verse we learn that God had found a man who would respect His Sovereignty. In this instance, His Sovereignty in matters of the heart will affect the human race for generations to come.This progeny, begun with Abraham, will be the righteous ones, walking in a new direction. Changed from their surroundings, they are not blinded to God's sovereignty in their lives. With all their being, they are seeking to live correctly as one of the many sons of Abraham. The admonition today is in the phrase "with all their being". If any have slipped away from this noble position in life, is it not wonderful to know that all we need do is repent and begin walking in the NEW DIRECTION again as God leads?
Father Abraham,
Sovereignty of God
Monday, June 18, 2012
Bibledoorajar Considers the Disposal of Children
I recently saw a report about families in India who give their daughters, some as young as eight or nine, in marriage to young boys. Some of these girls had be be carried into the wedding ceremony by their fathers as they cried out for their mothers. Needless to say, I was shocked and appalled by this practice. The children's lives were being molded by a social convention that has apparently gone on in India for many years. One mother said that she too had married young and that her crying daughter would adjust. I'm sure that either adjustment or acceptance will be the case since the bride is expected to bear children just as soon as she reaches puberty. The only bright spot was the child couple would continue to live with boy's parents while they grew into their roles. At least I can be assured that they will be fed and clothed and I hope many mature into a happy marriage. This report underscores the importance of how parents dispose of their children. I certainly hope that Christian parents are doing all they can to dispose of their offspring in a way that will increase their furtherance in the kingdom of God.
We begin the story of Rebecca with a father's desire to secure a good wife for his son. Abraham had been called out of his home land by the grace of God. In Canaan, he had achieved old age. He longed for his son Isaac to have a good wife as God had advised him that it would be through Isaac that His purposes would be continued. The future was at stake. He wanted a marriage that would
be open to God and one in which Isaac and his wife would be recipients of God's blessings.
God, the Father, has also acted on behalf of His Son. He is securing and maturing a bride to be a suitable match for Him. She is being called to leave one kingdom for another. The Son prepares "many mansions" while He waits on the timing of the marriage, a decision reached only by the Father. Everyday, somewhere in the world, He calls for someone to agree to this wonderfully arranged relationship. He loves this "faraway bride" so much that He is helping us in our infirmities by giving us traits that we will need in our future life.
"We are one in the bond of love,
We are one in the bond of love,
We have joined our spirits with the Spirit of God
We are one in the bond of love."
Otis Skillings
We begin the story of Rebecca with a father's desire to secure a good wife for his son. Abraham had been called out of his home land by the grace of God. In Canaan, he had achieved old age. He longed for his son Isaac to have a good wife as God had advised him that it would be through Isaac that His purposes would be continued. The future was at stake. He wanted a marriage that would
be open to God and one in which Isaac and his wife would be recipients of God's blessings.
God, the Father, has also acted on behalf of His Son. He is securing and maturing a bride to be a suitable match for Him. She is being called to leave one kingdom for another. The Son prepares "many mansions" while He waits on the timing of the marriage, a decision reached only by the Father. Everyday, somewhere in the world, He calls for someone to agree to this wonderfully arranged relationship. He loves this "faraway bride" so much that He is helping us in our infirmities by giving us traits that we will need in our future life.
"We are one in the bond of love,
We are one in the bond of love,
We have joined our spirits with the Spirit of God
We are one in the bond of love."
Otis Skillings
Sunday, June 10, 2012
Bibledoorajar Bids Thanks Esther For Her Life Hidden in God
"Do not store up for yourselves wealth here on earth,
where moths and rust destroy, and burglars break
in and steal. INSTEAD, store up for yourselves
wealth in heaven, where neither moth nor rust destroys,
and there your heart will be also. The eye is the lamp of
the body. So if you have a 'good eye' your whole body
will be full of light; but if you have and 'evil eye' your
whole body will be full of darkness."
Matthew 6: 19-21
As we leave the book of Esther, I would like to end on the note of her generosity, her "good eye." Some would say that, amazingly, life had placed Esther in the king's palace with all its' riches and they would be right. Others would say that, amazingly, God had hidden her there "for such a time as this" and they, too, would be right. But beyond that, Esther was a person in a palace who chose to live with a "good eye." All the wealth the king made available to her did not supersede her way of living in proper alignment with God's eternal kingdom. Esther became suited to deal with the huge task of saving others because she came to see clearly. She could see far into the future to a place where important treasures can be laid up. She valued her lofty position in the palace and all that it gave her most importantly because it allowed her to serve her God when His people were undergoing the severest of trials. And from that position she drew upon His riches in glory to solve the problem. Yes, she might perish, but that did not diminish the fact that He and His eternal resources were forever entwined in her life. This she believed and she chose God, hidden with Him and for Him, and she accomplished much!
"So if you were raised along with Christ, then seek the things above, where Christ is sitting at the right hand of God. Focus your minds on the things above, not on the things here on earth. For you have died, and your life is HIDDEN with Christ in God. When Christ, who is our life, appears, then you too will appear with Him in glory!"
Colossians 3:1
Long ago people discovered that death was inevitable. Archaeologists have discovered that the Egyptians packed a lot of earthly wealth into their tombs hoping to use it "on the other side." But alas, the archaeologists found it all hidden away in their tombs centuries later. Let us be sure to stay HIDDEN in Christ, living this life with a "good eye" storing up treasures in heaven, so that when the glorious one appears we too will appear sharing in His glory.
Many have discovered Rebecca's Bible Lessons while browsing the web for a good lesson on Rebecca. Therefore, I think it appropriate that we begin a visit with her in our next lessons.
Col. 3:1,
Matt. 6:19-21
Sunday, June 3, 2012
Bibledoorajar Observes Behavior More Closely
Last week we talked about Esther and her willingness to change and to take on new behaviors. She moved forward continuously, carrying out her plan. Because of changes made quietly and on the inside, she was able to act overtly when brave actions counted. Thus, she was prepared to expose the terrible work of Haman and to secure justice for God's people. But only God could move the king's heart and cause him to change his behavior. Only God can illumine truth and give mercy to those who desire to honor it. Good could not have come from the Queen's behavior if she and her uncle had not fully enjoyed God's power to move in the affairs of men. Without such faith, their efforts might have failed. Without such faith it is impossible to please God. But, instead, their behavior seemed to mirror that of God. They moved forward slowly and persistently to accomplish their goal. They did this without panic; they did this without demanding or commanding. And then they waited for God to transform the king's heart.
According to the great prophet, Isaiah, God the Father anointed Jesus with great and gentle persuasion necessary to bring about human change. Many people followed Jesus as a result and He brought about great change in many lives.
"Here is my servant, whom I have chosen,
my beloved, with whom I am well pleased;
I will put my Spirit on him, and he will
announce justice to the Gentiles. He will
not fight or shout, no one will hear his
voice in the streets; he will not snap off a
broken reed or snuff out a smoldering wick
until he has brought justice through to
victory. In him the Gentiles will put their
Matthew 12: 18-21 quotes from Isaiah 42:1-4
Esther allowed herself to slowly be prepared for a great purpose--a purpose larger than herself. Safety of others became greater than her own safety and when she realized it she was ready. Such is God's purpose: He so loved the WORLD that He gave His son. How willing are we to be used in His purposes? Are we seeking to move in great and gentle persuasion learned from God?
According to the great prophet, Isaiah, God the Father anointed Jesus with great and gentle persuasion necessary to bring about human change. Many people followed Jesus as a result and He brought about great change in many lives.
"Here is my servant, whom I have chosen,
my beloved, with whom I am well pleased;
I will put my Spirit on him, and he will
announce justice to the Gentiles. He will
not fight or shout, no one will hear his
voice in the streets; he will not snap off a
broken reed or snuff out a smoldering wick
until he has brought justice through to
victory. In him the Gentiles will put their
Matthew 12: 18-21 quotes from Isaiah 42:1-4
Esther allowed herself to slowly be prepared for a great purpose--a purpose larger than herself. Safety of others became greater than her own safety and when she realized it she was ready. Such is God's purpose: He so loved the WORLD that He gave His son. How willing are we to be used in His purposes? Are we seeking to move in great and gentle persuasion learned from God?
Monday, May 28, 2012
Bibledoorajar Ponders: does what we think really matter?
There is one question that is prominent in Esther's story. Did she know something that the rest of us do not? How was she so very effective in her efforts? It seems to me the main point of her story is that she was willing to be changed. First, she was willing to be changed from a simple Jewish girl into a queen. Then, she was willing to SEE herself as a QUEEN. This involved changing her mind. It was necessary for her to think differently--about herself, her family, her people, her king, her enemy and, most importantly, her God.
As the dynamics of Esther's life unfolded, she realized she had a major calling. She had been placed (hidden) in the king's palace in order to defeat an enemy of God's people. As the enemy advanced, her duty to thwart his advancement became increasingly clear to her. She had to change her perspective and she had to do some serious tactical planning. Would she "choose this day whom she would serve" and would she begin to plan her strategy? Yes, she would!!
When I was in graduate school, I took a course on critical thinking. In this course, I learned that critical thinkers do not start with answers; they start with questions. In order to get the best answer, thinkers are encouraged to "think outside the box." That is, thinkers are encouraged to not just give the first easy answer, but to list as many possible answers that come to mind. This tactic, we learned, was called brainstorming. Of course, no one could force us to think like this, storming our minds, taxing them with possibilities. Some recoiled at the brain taxation, but others could see the advantages.
God placed before Esther (and us) commandments replete with possibilities. These commandments require choice, discipline, desire, and a need for tactical thinking. Right thinking will produce wise and holy possibilities. But not everyone pursues such thinking. Esther could have chosen to allow her people to remain in danger of ultimate annihilation. She was free to do so. She was not being pressured by the king. We can choose to leave the widows and orphans without help. We are free to do so. We are not being pressured by the King. However, our choice won't be without a price. God has set before us both blessings and curses. If we use our critical thinking, if we choose wisely and pursue brave godly strategies, we have blessings. If not, we have curses. Curses imply God's back turned away from us. How sad.
As the dynamics of Esther's life unfolded, she realized she had a major calling. She had been placed (hidden) in the king's palace in order to defeat an enemy of God's people. As the enemy advanced, her duty to thwart his advancement became increasingly clear to her. She had to change her perspective and she had to do some serious tactical planning. Would she "choose this day whom she would serve" and would she begin to plan her strategy? Yes, she would!!
When I was in graduate school, I took a course on critical thinking. In this course, I learned that critical thinkers do not start with answers; they start with questions. In order to get the best answer, thinkers are encouraged to "think outside the box." That is, thinkers are encouraged to not just give the first easy answer, but to list as many possible answers that come to mind. This tactic, we learned, was called brainstorming. Of course, no one could force us to think like this, storming our minds, taxing them with possibilities. Some recoiled at the brain taxation, but others could see the advantages.
God placed before Esther (and us) commandments replete with possibilities. These commandments require choice, discipline, desire, and a need for tactical thinking. Right thinking will produce wise and holy possibilities. But not everyone pursues such thinking. Esther could have chosen to allow her people to remain in danger of ultimate annihilation. She was free to do so. She was not being pressured by the king. We can choose to leave the widows and orphans without help. We are free to do so. We are not being pressured by the King. However, our choice won't be without a price. God has set before us both blessings and curses. If we use our critical thinking, if we choose wisely and pursue brave godly strategies, we have blessings. If not, we have curses. Curses imply God's back turned away from us. How sad.
Monday, May 21, 2012
Bibledoorajar Considers Associates and Conspirators
In our story of Esther, she found herself with a king who was successfully building a kingdom. At the time of the story, his kingdom extended over 127 provinces. Obviously, the king was hoping that many loyal subjects would be found in his kingdom but he had to be on the watch for those who wished to conspire against him and against that for which he stood. He prided himself on having a good kingdom made up of loyal subjects who served him faithfully. For those, he took joy in seeing that they had the best in order to serve him better. Those who could not serve him faithfully like Vashti, his queen, were banished. But conspirators, like Haman, when found out, were dealt the greatest punishment: death.
In the kingdom of God, knowing Him as the Creator is important but it is not enough. The Holy Spirit is transforming us into becoming loyal associates of the King capable of completing many important tasks. The power to do this is that we are being made like Him.
"But we all, with unveiled face beholding as in a mirror the glory of the Lord, are being TRANSFORMED INTO THE SAME IMAGE FROM GLORY TO GLORY." 2 Cor. 3:18
In the Austin Powers movies, A 1/8 size of Dr. Evil was made. He called him "Mini-'Me" and declared that he was breathtaking. Conspirators like Mini-Me like to disrupt good kingdoms. But those of us who are being transformed into loyal subjects filled with the glory of Christ within, must help break the chains of "Mini-Me" within His kingdom. As the preachers say, our Head has no hands or feet but ours. We can take on Mini-Me with the courage of Esther and Mordecai and if we perish, we perish. But like Paul, our death will be our gain, forever with the Lord. Take courage my friend. We can succeed if we do not veer from the commands of Jesus and from continually reading the Book of instructions (Bible).
In the kingdom of God, knowing Him as the Creator is important but it is not enough. The Holy Spirit is transforming us into becoming loyal associates of the King capable of completing many important tasks. The power to do this is that we are being made like Him.
"But we all, with unveiled face beholding as in a mirror the glory of the Lord, are being TRANSFORMED INTO THE SAME IMAGE FROM GLORY TO GLORY." 2 Cor. 3:18
In the Austin Powers movies, A 1/8 size of Dr. Evil was made. He called him "Mini-'Me" and declared that he was breathtaking. Conspirators like Mini-Me like to disrupt good kingdoms. But those of us who are being transformed into loyal subjects filled with the glory of Christ within, must help break the chains of "Mini-Me" within His kingdom. As the preachers say, our Head has no hands or feet but ours. We can take on Mini-Me with the courage of Esther and Mordecai and if we perish, we perish. But like Paul, our death will be our gain, forever with the Lord. Take courage my friend. We can succeed if we do not veer from the commands of Jesus and from continually reading the Book of instructions (Bible).
2 Cor.3:18,
Sunday, May 13, 2012
Bibledoorajar shares thoughts from Esther for the Church
We have learned from the book of Esther that it was necessary for her to move from wonderfully made to beautiful and, therefore, very appealing to the king. For Esther, this meant spending a period of time in which she was washed, perfumed and dressed in fine clothing. She had to become obedient and humble before the king. She reached to touch his extended scepter, asking for the king's favor and mercy.
The church, too, must be washed in the watery grave of baptism and dressed in robes of righteousness. We must smell as a sweet savor before Him. We must humble ourselves and be willing to relinquish our will and the ways of the world in order to please our King.
It is no good for the church to be clean and "all dressed up with no where to go." We are gaining from God that quality of mind that is renewed toward doing brave things for the sake of the kingdom. We can measure our fear level by the standard Esther used: "If I perish, I perish." We drink the King's wine, and it must be poured out in His service. And here is the clincher. The Bible says this level of activity must be done joyfully. We come to Him joyfully, we allow the Holy Spirit to improve us joyfully, and we defend the faith joyfully. In deed, the Bible says that "the joy of the Lord is our strength." The Holy Spirit protects us while we are away from our King and the Spirit weeps if we are hurt defending Christ's values. He speedily gives us a DOUBLE PORTION of gifts to sustain us in purity before the king. He has great ability. He can take both the good and the evil that happen to us and work them together for a good end if we love Jesus. We can't have better assurance to make the journey with Jesus than that! It is a wonderful thought to realize that He is with us every step of the way.
In 1942, C. S. Lewis wrote a book called The Screwtape Letters. In this book the dark force, Uncle Screwtape, comments on the dark forces' arch enemy, God. He writes the following to his nephew:
"...He cannot 'tempt' to virtue as we do to vice. He wants them to learn to walk and therefore must take away his hand... Our cause is never more in danger than when a human, no longer desiring, but still intending, to do our enemy's will, looks round upon a universe from which every trace of him seems to have vanished, and asks why he has been forsaken, and still obeys."
The church, too, must be washed in the watery grave of baptism and dressed in robes of righteousness. We must smell as a sweet savor before Him. We must humble ourselves and be willing to relinquish our will and the ways of the world in order to please our King.
It is no good for the church to be clean and "all dressed up with no where to go." We are gaining from God that quality of mind that is renewed toward doing brave things for the sake of the kingdom. We can measure our fear level by the standard Esther used: "If I perish, I perish." We drink the King's wine, and it must be poured out in His service. And here is the clincher. The Bible says this level of activity must be done joyfully. We come to Him joyfully, we allow the Holy Spirit to improve us joyfully, and we defend the faith joyfully. In deed, the Bible says that "the joy of the Lord is our strength." The Holy Spirit protects us while we are away from our King and the Spirit weeps if we are hurt defending Christ's values. He speedily gives us a DOUBLE PORTION of gifts to sustain us in purity before the king. He has great ability. He can take both the good and the evil that happen to us and work them together for a good end if we love Jesus. We can't have better assurance to make the journey with Jesus than that! It is a wonderful thought to realize that He is with us every step of the way.
In 1942, C. S. Lewis wrote a book called The Screwtape Letters. In this book the dark force, Uncle Screwtape, comments on the dark forces' arch enemy, God. He writes the following to his nephew:
"...He cannot 'tempt' to virtue as we do to vice. He wants them to learn to walk and therefore must take away his hand... Our cause is never more in danger than when a human, no longer desiring, but still intending, to do our enemy's will, looks round upon a universe from which every trace of him seems to have vanished, and asks why he has been forsaken, and still obeys."
Sunday, May 6, 2012
Bibledoorajar rejoices over a new decree
Esther reminded the king about the decree that Haman persuaded him to put in place. Now the king was responsive to Esther's request and he makes a new decree. The new decree would abolish the old and protect the Jews from death. Never was there such a righteous act done in Shushan and the people rejoiced that their King had done right. Many of the gentiles were in such awe of this decree that they believed in the God of the Jews and accepted His ways.
On the 13th day of Adar, instead of Jews being killed, they killed their enemies, including the ten sons of Haman. It was a time of great victory. Mordecai established an annual remembrance of this great salvation and redemption of God's people. It is observed by observant Jews to this day and is called the Purim Feast.
The arch enemy of God declared that all people should be denied a right to live freely and to be delivered from sin. But our heavenly Father has seen to it that he will not succeed. It took a heavenly Mordecai who appeared "for such a time as this" and, at great price, to make a way for us all to find freedom. Many peoples from all nations have been in such awe of this act that they have believed in the God of the Jews and the One whom He sent to free any who would freely come. Our heavenly Mordecai, Jesus, established a weekly remembrance of this great salvation and redemption of God's people and it is observed by observant Christians to this day. It is called the Lord's Supper.
Lord's Supper
Monday, April 30, 2012
Bibledoorajar Looks At Using Resources
Esther has put Mordecai in charge of Haman's house. How Haman's resources will be used is now up to a God fearing man. But using Haman's resources for good will not stop the decree that Haman put in writing. Remember? He persuaded the king to put in writing that Esther's people in all of the king's royal provinces would surely be put to death on a specific date in the future. Esther makes another "If it please the king" statement, this time punctuated with dependent clauses for his consideration. She then reveals the level of concern for her kinsman.
"If it please the king, if I have won his favor, if the matter seem right to the king and if I have his approval, then let an order be written rescinding the letters devised by Haman the son of Hamdata the Agagi, which he wrote to destroy the Jews in all the royal provinces. For how can I bear to see the disaster that will overcome my people? How can I endure seeing the extermination of my kinsman?"
Wisdom, Himself, expressed this thought in Solomon's proverbs:
Do not let grace and truth leave you--bind them around your neck;
write them on the tablet of your heart.
Then you will win FAVOR and ESTEEM
in the sight of God and of people.
Proverbs 3:3-4
Esther's behavior epitomizes this biblical truth. In the face of an extraordinary pending disaster, she never let grace and truth leave her. The result was favor with God and the king.
By the time Jesus was 12, He had won favor with God. In the Garden he suffered greatly but with grace and truth. He won His Father's complete favor and esteem when he said (paraphrasing), this is my request(to live), but if grace and truth calls for my death, then I am willing. For us today, we have this challenge before us: how far removed from grace and truth have we let ourselves get? If it is too far, wisdom is calling us to once again close the gap! We can do this through the strength that He provides. When done, who knows what victory may come through us! Righteous prayer avails much and could prevent a great disaster.
prayer avails much
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