Good Food!!

Good Food!!

About Me

I am a retired VA employee who lives in Texas. I consider the characters of the Bible "family" as much as any I know or have known on earth. To be one of the Lord's beloved is the greatest thing I know. What good company!

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Bibledoorajar acknowledges the Holy and our condition

     Rebecca had a condition that was growing worse and she was frightened. Her husband could not help her understand the "battle" within her so she appealed to the Holy One. Praise God the situation was not one in which she had lost all understanding of Him and His ability to help her understand. At this point there was a lofty concept of God in the tents of Isaac and he had prayed for this pregnancy. However, only God in His omniscience could "see" what was going on. I am awed that this family had such a high esteem for God and his ability to help. I only wish it were present in more families during our times. People know that there is a battle brewing inside them and, even sometimes, like Rebecca, think the only way out is to become a dead soul. O that more would see that is the exact solution that the Holy One has put in place to end the battle. The war can be ended within when the "old man" is put to death and a "new man" can be born who can live at peace with the Holy One and with his fellowman.  The reader can see more discussion of this in the book of Ephesians, chapter 4 and following where the internal conflict due to the presence of sin is discussed by the apostle Paul. There he explains that the losses sin has inflicted on our old man can only be rectified with God's help which begins with understanding what is going on. If you have internal conflict and are not sure why, don't leave Ephesians 4 sitting on the shelf. Do yourself a great favor. Read it. You will not have to read through hundreds of pages to get the help you desire. It might be the smartest thing you ever did for yourself. A wrong idea about what sin causes in mankind and a wrong idea of what God in his majesty can do about it is a terrible travesty on the grace and mercy He desires to give to all of us.

Just how did God know what was going on with Rebecca's boys? Well, it is best understood by realizing He is not like anybody that is or anything that is. The Spirit of God knows all, but we know Him only in part. A lot of what He tells us about Himself has to be accepted by faith and He even goes on to say that exercising faith to believe what we are yet to see is the only possible way to please Him. So, our matriarch and patriarch accepted by faith what the Holy one told them about Rebecca's condition. At last the boys were born. Esau was first born and the Bible says he came "red and hairy."
Jacob followed and we are told he was holding his brother's heel and was fair of skin. Twins, but nothing alike. And now we have a story unfolding: "Daddy likes you best", "Well, Mama likes you the best." I wonder how many times kids have said that! Family dynamics, one of the reasons God gifted some to be counselors!

"I will wholeheartedly give thanks to the Lord in
the councils of the upright and in the assemblyl
The deeds of the Lord are great, greatly desired
by all all who enjoy the."
Psalm 111: 1ff.

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