Good Food!!

Good Food!!

About Me

I am a retired VA employee who lives in Texas. I consider the characters of the Bible "family" as much as any I know or have known on earth. To be one of the Lord's beloved is the greatest thing I know. What good company!

Monday, July 23, 2012

Bibledoorajar Looks at Identity

     Abraham's servant stands at the well. He has been dispatched to secure a bride for Isaac. The selection is critical. Pick a wicked girl--promote a shameful identity. Pick a righteous girl--promote an identity worthy to be praised. In America we prize our freedom to pursue our lives as individuals. We can go anywhere and do anything to apprehend that which we wish. We tend not to think as much about being fully caring and responsive to a community. The servant seems to know that the girl he selects must bring praise not only to her family of origin for taking on such a great responsibility, but she must also desire to fulfill that responsibility and therefore bring praise to her new family and to their God. It is this commitment that will help influence the budding nation of Israel to understand that they are to be a "light to the nations." Their deeds and their behavior and indeed their character will affect how unbelievers will perceive the true God. So, here we see in this proposed marriage, the root of something very powerful that will lead to a national identify.
     As a Christian, I am called to project the highest standards of my faith. I am part and parcel of how the kingdom of God is perceived. If I express contempt for my Christian brothers and sisters I bring shame on my family. If I express contempt for any whom God has created I cease to be a "light to the nations." If I cease to carry out acts of service, I imply that my Father does not care about the community around me.
     There are stories in the Old Testament that tell of evil ways of Jewish people. In the these stories, you will often find the name of the parentage of the person and which tribe they were from. It is a testament to the fact that our actions reflect on our parentage and our community. My mother is deceased, but I can still hear her counsel to my brother and I, "Don't bring shame on your Daddy's good name."  As I have matured I realize the importance of her counsel. More importantly, I realize the importance of not bringing shame on my Heavenly Father and His good Name. It certainly makes you want to implore Him for His help and even follow the Servant's example and ask for a sign in matters that will affect our future and our community doesn't it?

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