Good Food!!

Good Food!!

About Me

I am a retired VA employee who lives in Texas. I consider the characters of the Bible "family" as much as any I know or have known on earth. To be one of the Lord's beloved is the greatest thing I know. What good company!

Sunday, June 2, 2019

Bibledoorajar: Reading and Singing

Two aspects of Joshua's leadership were assured by God through Moses. Those aspects were the reading of the law that Moses had written down and that was housed with the Ark and the singing the song that Moses (with Joshua) wrote just before his death. God declared that these two aspects would be a witness for Him in the land. Each aspect when heard would serve to move the hearts of the people to continue their trust in God and to make sure their youth heard the witness too.
     Listening closely to the witness (word or song) is important to keep the trust. Paul discussed the Word at length with the church in Rome. He pointed out that the law points to the Good News of the Messiah. It calls for belief (commitment) and trust. Of course, he said there was a problem if it is not paid attention to and obeyed. The law has consequences whether it is known or not known. But if attention is paid to it, God will write it on hearts so that trust can continue. The law remains a witness.
     Jesus repeatedly said "It is written" and, though the due recipient of worship ,He  also sang hymns with His disciples. Singing just after the institution of the Lord's Supper is one recorded incident. The hymn was a witness of the Father's goodness and provision and contributed to trust.
     The song that Moses wrote includes verses about future failures that the people would make but it also underscores the beauty of repentance and returning to God. It was and is a witness. Though all did not receive the witness, there remained a remnant which did. Today it is the same. Not all appreciate the witness in the earth through the hearing of the Word and songs, but there remains a remnant which does.

"Sing on, ye joyful pilgrims. 
While here on earth we stay. 
Let songs of home and Jesus
 Beguile each fleeting day. 
Sing on the grand old story
Of His redeeming love. 
The every\lasting chorus
That fills the realms above."
Fannie Crosby

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