Good Food!!

Good Food!!

About Me

I am a retired VA employee who lives in Texas. I consider the characters of the Bible "family" as much as any I know or have known on earth. To be one of the Lord's beloved is the greatest thing I know. What good company!

Wednesday, April 17, 2019

Bibledoorajar: About That Name

When the new generation was complete and the old had passed away God looked to Joshua, Mose's attendant to complete the job of leading the unique and now self- contained people into Canaan. It begins the most distinctive part of their life to date----a new generation, out of Egypt entering a completely new realm under new leadership. They have been through the wilderness of sin and trembled at the demands of the Law and have now put their trust in Joshua. This was God's provision--Joshua would lead them in. But first, back up and remember a few things about Joshua before we start that process. The first thing we learn about Joshua was that his name of origin was Hoshea which means salvation. Remember, this is the man who went up to the mountain with Moses to receive the Law and who stayed in position for 40 days and nights without wavering. And when he came down from the mountain with Moses he did not speak badly about the noise he heard with the calf debacle. He expected the best.  Further, he was one of the two spies who believed the land could not only be taken but was excellent and for which they should be striving. This man was going for God! Salvation is a great name but it could lead to the belief that a man could accomplish salvation alone. At any rate, God had Moses change the name to Joshua which, though similar in how it is written in Hebrew, denotes a great difference;  GOD is salvation. If I had been Joshua even though I had believed in strength coming from God I would have felt truly blessed and encouraged by that name change. Moses could already see that Joshua trusted God and now his name would reflect it ever more clearly.
      I once went to a Bible study in a private home in another state. The only people I knew were the hostess and the two sisters with whom I had attended. The brother who was teaching had never met me. At the second meeting the brother referred to me by an attribute that he had sensed. I smiled politely not exactly knowing what to do when just then the two friends spoke up and said that is exactly right---you have her pegged! It was a nice thing to be blessed and encouraged to know that the body has such giftings and that God graces us to share them as He wills. Here's the lesson: if we Christians are going to call names lets at least use the ones that express what God plans to give the body through another rather than concentrate on the weaknesses we all have.

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