Good Food!!

Good Food!!

About Me

I am a retired VA employee who lives in Texas. I consider the characters of the Bible "family" as much as any I know or have known on earth. To be one of the Lord's beloved is the greatest thing I know. What good company!

Sunday, March 25, 2018

Bibledoorajar: Provoking lack of faith in Others

It was a bad situation all round for the children of Israel and their faith in their God, but it was the worst for the ten spies who returned with such a negative report. Not only did they lack faith in God to take the land, but they maliciously provoked the people of God to buy into their report. While Moses was once again able to save the lives of the Israelites with whom God had lost patience, it was immediate death by plague for the ten spies. Distinguished when they left for their foray into the land and dead within hours of promoting their report. For The two spies that believed for and gave a good report would receive wonderful rewards from God. For the people, forty years of wandering in the wilderness; one year for every day of the spying foray. The children of the ten spies lived that time period well aware of their father's sin. And the children of Israel once again had a chance to ponder how God might be their God and mighty help without performing a miracle at every turn.

I have been reflecting on the sin of the ten: PROVOKING LACK OF FAITH IN OTHERS. As I think about this, I have had to make sure of two things. How often do I lack faith in Jesus and do I then provoke others to that same lack? Over time is my faith in Christ in me a source of hope for me and others or do I rob myself and others of hope? At times like this a good worship song usually gets me back on course. And so, let me lift our faith in our God with the lyrics of the following song and remember He is. Always.

        “You’re the God of this city,
         You’re the King of this people,
         You’re the Lord of this nation, You are,
         You’re the light in this darkness,
         You’re the hope to the hopeless,
         You’re the peace to the restless, You are”
                       God of This City by Chris Tomlin

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