Good Food!!

Good Food!!

About Me

I am a retired VA employee who lives in Texas. I consider the characters of the Bible "family" as much as any I know or have known on earth. To be one of the Lord's beloved is the greatest thing I know. What good company!

Monday, February 19, 2018

Bibledoorajar: Eldad and Medad

Moses selected the elders and the Bible says the names were all written down. The seventy men were invited to attend a meal with God on Mount Sinai. It was a time when the covenant given by God to His people would be ratified. The seventy were present but not in as close proximity to God as Moses and the  priests. But a portion of the spirit given to Moses was placed on the elders. It turns out that two men whose names had been written were not present. They were back in the camp. However, the spirit also poured out on them and they prophesied as did the others. The diverse group of elders numbered 70, a number that reflects the perfection and completeness of the covenant of God. To exhort the people with its' truth was the goal intended for them.

Joshua got word that Eldad and Medad were also prophesying in the camp. This seems to have upset Joshua greatly for Moses sake. Perhaps he thought they were faking and therefore were an embarrassment to the holiness of the situation and to their great leader. But Moses words to Joshua were:

 “I wish that all the Lord’s people were prophets and that the Lord would put his Spirit on them!”

Moses saw it differently. He wished that the power and might of God might spread throughout the whole nation of Israel. He wished that each Israelite might be given the power and might to exhort and edify another. He wished that all Israelites might reflect higher truth. Moses wanted the glory of God manifested as much as possible. Do you realize Christ made this possible?

Actos 2 shows us that Jesus Christ instituted a New Covenant that made this indeed ability possible. The Spirit was poured out on all believers. We are all to bear the word of God to each other and to be a light to the world. The diversity of the believers ensures that greater edification and exhortation takes place, but at its' core we all share a risen Lord who will restore all things as God intends (Acts 3). The New Testament declares that he who can say to another that Jesus is Lord is a prophet. We should all be glad that now all the Eldads and Medads who believe have been given the power. The apostle Paul said that his desire was for all Christians to prophesy. What a great covenant Jesus has brought to us and I say HE IS LORD! How about you?

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