I live in a state where many people love to line dance. These " boot and scoot" lines attempt to dance synchronized steps in a straight line. Contact or relating to the person next to you is not required to have fun. The goal is to synchronize. I learned in Israel that the line dance would never work among the religious Jews. There, they link arms and dance in an unbroken circle. This unbroken circle recognizes the fact that Supernatural Power comes from within the circle just as it did with the Ark within the emcampment formation. The Jewish dancers we watched found joy in the Lord and in one another as they danced in unity before Him. As we Christians joined them in the dance there was a great joy and a sense of the miraculousness of it all.
God works best through encircled people who sense the Power within that ensures justice for all. Those in the circle are challenged by God's laws, the keeping of which leads to blessings and supernatural protection. It was the duty of the Children of Israel to move in unity and when they did it well it brought them delight. And nothing is more delightful today than to come together with other Christians doing what is required but knowing it is what we want to do. It is both good and pleasant!
" Behold, how good and pleasant it is when brothers dwell in unity!
David--Psalms 133
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