Good Food!!

Good Food!!

About Me

I am a retired VA employee who lives in Texas. I consider the characters of the Bible "family" as much as any I know or have known on earth. To be one of the Lord's beloved is the greatest thing I know. What good company!

Monday, November 27, 2017

Bibledoorajar: There Ought to Be a Law

     I live in America. We like to call it the land of the free. Did you know that in America there are more laws on the books than anywhere else in the world? We like to say, we may have our problems (as a country), but I would rather live here than anywhere else because "at least I know I'm free." Freedom has come to us because laws have been made to ensure our freedoms. Yesterday, I had the freedom to attend church and share the seed of God's truth (laws) with fellow believers. It is important to separate that truth (law, good seed) from error (lack of law, bad seed) and to determine if I am producing good fruit from a new seed made possible by my new birth. I will be known by my fruit says the Lord God. God help me, I do not want to be a hypocrite, saying one thing but doing another.
     In Leviticus 19, God forbade His chosen people to plant a mixture of seed together in the same field. God said the very soil would be corrupt because corrupted fruit would fall to the ground. In God's world seeds cannot mix for in doing so good and bad become intermingled or as Paul, the apostle said, become corrupt. Paul says that we have been born anew to live uncorrupted lives that began with the catastrophe in the Garden. There were two trees planted in the Garden. One was a Tree of Life (truth) and one was a tree of the knowledge of good and evil. God specifically told Adam and Eve to only eat of the tree of Life(truth) and other trees that were pleasant and good for nourishment. But of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil they were not to eat because they would be mixing two very different seeds. And we know from the story, the evil one, the serpent, that beguiling, cunning one, deceived Eve and her husband was with her. Seeing the deception and the breaking of the law was not enough to keep Adam from accepting the mixed fruit (truth). And so the Bible says that sin entered into the world through one man, Adam.
     Jesus said that it was a bad thing when the evil one sneaked into the field and planted the bad seed. Now we have tares and wheat growing in the same field. In Leviticus, we find law after law provided by God to keep His people safe from the law of sin and death. They were admonished to choose life. Jesus said to keep His commandments for the same reason. Spiritually, to know we are free and not enslaved of another, is the most important truth we can pursue.
     Thank God for sin leaving the world through the second Adam, our Lord and Savior, but until He returns we must stay alert.  Our enemy, the shining slick one, still roams the earth to tempt us with mixtures of all sorts. Compare every message with the law (truth, Word) of God. Choose life.

Sunday, November 19, 2017

Bibledoorajar: Scapecoat?

 Knowing God, acknowledging Him, leads to His wishes and His desires becoming paramount in our hearts and minds. Acknowledging Him is to embrace His desire that we be clean before Him. Not every one can embrace this desire. They rebel against some aspect of the requirements. They say, surely a loving God this or surely a loving God that, but Leviticus 16 shows us to what length God intended the children of Israel to come before Him free of guilt and clean of heart; to come to Him as unworried children. It hearkens back to the proof that God gave His friend Abraham that He would indeed give him a son. What was Abraham to do to get the proof? Prepare animal sacrifices.The revelation of the son followed. Pause and remember that story.

At Yom Kippur, the High Priest would don a special robe and sash and place a turban on his head. He then ceremoniously selected a bull and two goats. The bull and one of the goats would be sacrificed as a substitute offering to absolve the children of Israel of their guilt. That guilt was placed on their innocent heads by the High Priest. Then the scapegoat was brought to the High Priest. It was to be the recipient of all the sins of the nation. The goat bearing the sins would be taken outside the walls of the camp and let loose to carry the sins of the nation far, far away.

On Crucifixion Day, Jesus, like Isaac, carried the wood on His back for the sacrifice. As He neared the cross, He was accused of the very sins of which the priests and High Priest were guilty; they said He was a blasphemer. Unlike Isaac, there would be no substitute worthy to replace Jesus because He was God's ultimate substitute. And there outside the walls of Jerusalem, the city of Shalom, He absolved guilt and carried sins forever and away. And Barabbas, the guilty,  was set free that day. "In all they ways, acknowledge Him and He shall direct thy path." He is worthy; He had done this great thing.

Saturday, November 11, 2017

Bibledoorajar: Laying Hands on the Lamb

     The Jew who was bringing the lamb to the Priest was thoroughly acquainted with it. In some instances it had become a family favorite touched often. The Jew, himself, had to know the lamb was of a certain age and that he had carefully examined it (laid hands on it) to ensure that it was without blemish of any kind. It would not work for the person to be identified with a blemished lamb for God had made clear that such a sacrifice would not be an acceptable representative of the Jew for the atoning of his sins. Before its' death, the priest(s), too, would lay hands on the lamb examining it for deficiencies and so, they too, were identified with the sacrifice.
     Jesus was led into Jerusalem on a donkey. Before his crucifixion he was examined by both the Jewish priests and the Romans. They laid hands on him, pushed and pulled, and tried their best to find a blemish. They may not have realized that they had thus identified with THE perfect sacrifice but they had and did. The Great Lamb of God asked His Father to forgive them for they knew not what they did.
     Many sinful people think that they have found an approved avenue by which they can be reconciled with God. They have not examined their means well enough, for others have pointed out the flaws in it. Read the account of the representative, Jesus, who was willing to be your sin offering, your substitute, carefully. If you are burdened by the lack of reconciliation with God then please identify with Christ, find "no fault in Him"and trust His saving work. "He is willing to aid you, He will carry you through."

"Faith in Christ will save me;
Let me trust that gracious Son,
Trust the work that He has done,
To His arms, Lord, help me run;
Faith in Christ will save me."
Robert Lowry

Monday, November 6, 2017

Bibledoorajar: Intentional Sacrifice

       In the book of Leviticus, we find written all the requirements for the sacrificial system based on God's laws. The requirements were very intentional in nature. You could not "turn to the left if the requirement said turn to the right."  The Jew was to intentionally select a perfect or unblemished sacrifice and the sacrifice was to be brought to the priest for verification that the requirements of perfection had been met. When verification was complete, the process of allowing the sinful Jew to draw closer to God would begin. And all would remain intentional to the very end of the process.
        Jesus intentionally went to where John the Baptist was baptizing in water. John was from the Aaronic line of priests and he was therefore qualified to verify that Jesus met the requirements to be a sacrifice.
This is what John said:
      "Behold the Lamb of God which takes away the sin of the world. This is He of whom I said, 'After me comes a man which is preferred before me for He was before me."
                                                                             John 1: 29ff

John proclaimed that the right sacrifice had been brought to him for verification. He proclaimed that he, an Aaronic priest of God, was not worthy to even unlatch his shoes. But the sinless perfect Lamb allowed John to baptize Him so that the mystery of the remission of sin through being born of water and the Spirit could be made known and believed. Have you intentionally accepted this perfect sacrifice and have you experienced the mystery of the remission of your sin by being baptized and born of water and the Spirit?  Jesus Christ is the Lamb in whom God is well pleased. He is the intentional way to draw closer to Your Father. As the hymn says:
                    "Why not tonight, Oh, why not tonight,
                      Wilt thou be saved, then why not, oh why not tonight?
                                             Elizabeth Reed