Good Food!!

Good Food!!

About Me

I am a retired VA employee who lives in Texas. I consider the characters of the Bible "family" as much as any I know or have known on earth. To be one of the Lord's beloved is the greatest thing I know. What good company!

Sunday, February 12, 2017

Bibledoorajar: Immeasurable Privilege

     The Lord selected the tribe of Levi to provide those who would function as priests. Aaron, the brother of Moses, and his sons were the first priests and Aaron was the first High Priest. They were given the great privilege of doing service in the tabernacle and also among the people of Israel, but their privilege extended only to their nation.  It is an interesting thing that the tribe of Levi was chosen for this auspicious privilege because years before Levi had received a somewhat ominous prophecy from his father Jacob. The prophecy can be found in Genesis 49 and it implies that they might not be too safe to be around because of their great anger and cruelty. It ends by saying that their plight would be to be scattered among Israel.
     But praise God for His wonderful redeeming ways. He did indeed scatter the Levites among the nation by giving them no land. However their privilege was greater than having land. They got to be close to God in the tabernacle. And God provided for them from the abundance of all the other tribes.  However, they were mere men and they had to offer sacrifices repeatedly for themselves as well as the people of Israel. It took many of them to serve over time repeating the necessary actions. The individual's service could be interrupted by corruption or death and there was a need for the function to carry on. Josephus tells of how sometimes in an effort to get the position brides were made for the office. It wasn't what God wanted but it happened. There is, however, another privileged priesthood discussed in the Old Covenant. It was a priesthood not to the nation of Israel but to the Most High God the possessor of all the heavens and earth. It exists into perpetuity--endless in nature. The book of Hebrews declares that Jesus is a high priest after this order. As such, He has the immeasurable privilege of serving all of mankind and without corruption. He provided one complete sacrifice for all and He lives forever and serves forever, always interceding. He is involved in our worship, our community and serves as our High Priest in the Godhead. Will you commit to His cause? Are you a seeker? Will you go anywhere with Him to serve the mankind created by the Most High God?

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