Jesus came to earth and God securely moored Him as a pin between God and man. All the heavenly counsels of God, all of His desires for mankind, were firmly moored in Jesus. Billows may have tossed and dangers may have come His way, but He stayed firmly in place even to the point of dying on the cross. Billows may come to us on our pilgrim way, and they may be alarming, but we can by faith remain firmly moored in Jesus. Jesus demonstrated to his disciples how much faith can make believers secure but we often let go of it. In Mark, the story is told of how Jesus was asleep in the back part of a boat. His disciples were up front and saw and felt the billows roaring. The story relates that they became afraid twice. They were afraid once when they thought they were going to die and again when they looked at each other and appropriately acknowledged the One who successfully calmed the waves. The second fear, a godly fear, contributed to their ability to serve the earth even after Jesus was gone from it.
Just as the cords and the pins worked together, so Jesus, and all of His rich gifts work together to keep the church upright. The two clans who managed the cords for the tabernacle were different in their traits and gifts but they shared the same goal and worked together. Believers may have different traits but God has given gifts so that we might work together and be assured the work will stand.
"Come let us all unite to sing
His promises our spirits cheer"
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