Good Food!!

Good Food!!

About Me

I am a retired VA employee who lives in Texas. I consider the characters of the Bible "family" as much as any I know or have known on earth. To be one of the Lord's beloved is the greatest thing I know. What good company!

Sunday, January 29, 2017

Bibledoorajar: Workmanship

     The tabernacle was a safe, stable abode and one suitable for God to dwell among His people. There are especially gifted workmen who are cited for their great contribution to the completion of the building whereby God sought to love His people.  The first one cited is Bezaleel. His name means "in the shadow of God". He was called by God and filled with the spirit of God. He had great wisdom, understanding and knowledge in all manner of workmanship. He was able to devise many intricate types of work. He was the son of Uri which means "light of the Lord" and grandson of Hur which means white or splendid. They were from the tribe of Judah which means praise. Teamed with Bezaleel was a man for the tribe of Dan (God has judged) whose name was Aholiah. His name means "tent or dwelling of my father". He was the son of Ahisamach which means "my brother supports." And to all the men assigned to assist these two gifted men, God gave wisdom enough to carry out all that God required in the building. Their hearts are called wise and willing to do the work.
     In the building of the Church, God sent His Son and the Spirit was upon Him. He did the works of the Father (in His shadow) and was the Light of the World. His being was holy and pure (splendid) and He grew in wisdom and stature with God and man. We are saved by the shedding of His blood and His workmanship which was the living out of complete obedience. Our restless spirits can find rest because of His "Abba Father". We live in Him. We can praise because God has judged through the perfect sacrifice of Jesus. The workmanship complete, He has ascended to the Father and is preparing us a place. May we. too, be referred to in glory as men and women having wise and willing hearts to do the work of God in the Church.

Sunday, January 22, 2017

Bibledoorajar: The Pins and Cords

     The final strengthening of the tabernacle in the desert came from the use of pins and cords. As the structure stood upright thanks to the pillars in their sockets, it was made more secure when cords were pulled down tightly and fastened to brass pins which were hammered into the earth. This protected the tabernacle from being blown asunder by high winds and storms and, more importantly, allowed the priests to still function even though the tempest and billows rolled. Heaven and earth stayed connected through the work of the pins buried deeply in the earth.
     Jesus came to earth and God securely moored Him as a pin between God and man. All the heavenly counsels of God, all of His desires for mankind, were firmly moored in Jesus. Billows may have tossed and dangers may have come His way, but He stayed firmly in place even to the point of dying on the cross. Billows may come to us on our pilgrim way, and they may be alarming, but we can by faith remain firmly moored in Jesus.  Jesus demonstrated to his disciples how much faith can make believers secure but we often let go of it. In Mark, the story is told of how Jesus was asleep in the back part of a boat. His disciples were up front and saw and felt the billows roaring.  The story relates that they became afraid twice. They were afraid once when they thought they were going to die and again when they looked at each other and appropriately acknowledged the One who successfully calmed the waves. The second fear, a godly fear, contributed to their ability to serve the earth even after Jesus was gone from it.
      Just as the cords and the pins worked together, so Jesus, and all of His rich gifts work together to keep the church upright. The two clans who managed the cords for the tabernacle were different in their traits and gifts but they shared the same goal and worked together. Believers may have different traits but God has given gifts so that we might work together and be assured the work will stand.

"Come let us all unite to sing
His promises our spirits cheer"

Sunday, January 15, 2017

Bibledoorajar: Bought With A Price

     In Exodus 30, there is recorded a direction by God that silver money was to be collected from each numbered Israelite so that he might have a ransom for his soul. The amount (and weight) to be collected from each one was the same whether they were rich or poor. They were to understand that the money was for an atonement of their souls and that it was to be used in the construction of the tabernacle. The silver was to be pure and presented at the time the Israelite was counted and his name placed in the book. We find that silver in the sockets and capitals securely held the boards or pillars of the door in place. The strength of this "money" holding up the pillars was a statement that atonement was necessary for the people, who though committed, could not keep the perfections of the law. It reminded them that they needed the strength and security of a coming Messiah to stand in completeness before God. King David knew what it meant to be in the tabernacle and ponder this great truth. He knew he needed that experience to maintain fellowship with God. ("How amiable are Thy tabernacles, O Lord of Hosts! My soul longs, yea even faints for the courts of the Lord: my heart and my flesh cries out for the living God." Psalms. 84)
     The apostle Paul, when he was yet Saul, had to have an experience with the Lord Jesus to really understand this mystery yet reality. Up until the time of the experience, Saul could trace his impressive lineage with the best of them and speak of his stellar training in all things Jewish. However, he came to see that the value in his earthly attributes would only bring death, and that it was not even glorious or a point of pride in the light of the work and glory which Christ had accomplished for him.  After bragging about his status for years, he counted it all for loss in the quest for atonement and righteousness. Seeking Jesus and giving Him all honor and glory in word and deed would be Paul's final and greatest quest. Is the quest you are on correct?

Sunday, January 8, 2017

Bibledoorajar: Strength and Honor

     Pillars. We are all aware of the use of pillars and the strength and power they have in holding important things up. I was recently chided by a friend that I did not save an old pillar taken down from my house in order to place it in my current home as a decorative piece. I pondered that for a while. Where would I have put it to "showcase it"?  What message would it have sent to me and to others, if any? Would it speak importantly if it leaned rather than standing straight up and actually supporting something? In the end, I did not think a leaning pillar would speak any significance to me. But not so with the upright pillars supporting the various coverings and door of the tabernacle. They speak much to me about the strength of my Lord. They were made of shittim wood or acacia wood and that wood would last the Israelites for the entire use of the tabernacle (400 years or so).  Shittim wood is virtually impervious to rot or decay. A hard wood,  it is very strong and can hold up much weight. If the Almighty expected the true Israelites to come before Him (and He did), these pillars would ensure repeated safety that other woods would not. It was not hard for them to find this material as it grows freely in the wilderness.
     Jesus is most definitely the pillar holding up the church. He is impervious to rot or decay and is easily found in the wilderness. He is the everlasting Truth. The Message impervious to decay. When Timothy thought there was a possibility he might be delayed in coming to a church, he wrote that they were to remember and know how to conduct themselves standing uprightly.

"If I am delayed, you will know how people ought to conduct themselves in God’s household, which is the church of the living God, the pillar and foundation of the truth." 1Tim: 3:15

Just as every pillar in the tabernacle spoke in different ways about the strength and honor of Jesus, so each congregation of the Lord's church exists to stand as pillars of truth speaking it in love to the wilderness around us. May each of us always find Jesus accessible as the Jews found the shittim wood in the wilderness. May we build on His strength so that we, too, might be a pillar to those seeking to grow in Him. Not leaning are you?


Sunday, January 1, 2017

Bibledoorajar: This Covering is Mine

     The outer covering of the tabernacle which was laid over the red covering was made of the skin of a badger. This type of skin has marine qualities and the elements are stretched to do it damage. It was a simple, humble covering compared to the glory of the other coverings. According to the book of Leviticus, the skin of burnt offerings was reserved for the offering of the priests themselves. Seeing the skin, the priests, like Adam and Eve, were made to realize that a life was given up for them to stand upright in God's sight. Death, with the shedding of blood, came in to be the measure of acceptance by God.

The outward simplicity and humble nature of Jesus and His ministry on earth was seen by men, however, the inner meaning and significance of His humble death was not completely understood by many at the time. But, we know some uttered this proclamation at the time: "Surely this was the Son of God." His perfect obedience to the Law set aside our inability to do so. He secured righteousness for Himself and for those of us who partake of Him. His covering is now a robe of righteousness as He ministers in the heavenlies on our behalf. ( Hebrews 8: 1ff  ).

"But many were amazed when they saw him. His face was so disfigured he seemed 
hardly human" Isaiah 53: 2

"The guards in charge of Jesus began mocking and beating him. They blindfolded Him
and said, Prophesy for us! Who hit you that time?"  Luke 22:63

" I am overwhelmed with joy in the Lord my God!  For he has dressed  me with the 
clothing of salvation and draped me in a robe of righteousness." Isaiah 61: 10