Good Food!!

Good Food!!

About Me

I am a retired VA employee who lives in Texas. I consider the characters of the Bible "family" as much as any I know or have known on earth. To be one of the Lord's beloved is the greatest thing I know. What good company!

Sunday, December 11, 2016

Bibledoorajar: About Those Colors

     Where have I seen these colors before? That might be what the Hebrew priest (seeker) said to himself  as he pulled back the blue, scarlet and purple veil and stepped within.  As it turns out he would have had to pay attention to them when he saw the High Priest because the garb of Aaron displayed the same colors. And, the same colors were also on the one and only door where the people entered. The door was a hanging of fine linen wrought with beautiful needlework using the same colors in the same order as the veil. However, there is one interesting difference in the needlework between the two. The veil needlework is described as having been intricately embroidered in such a way that cherubim could be seen, whereas the other was varied only. Clearly, God wanted those colors to make an impression to all, but to particularly draw those set aside to serve within. To enter the tent, all must recognize the Door with its royalty colors, but to be a priest in the tabernacle one must recognize not only the royalty colors but also sense the presence of cherubim. It was the glory of God calling men to be seekers and to come close to him. The priests were dressed in white linen so as to be given a symbolic purity and beauty they did not really possess within themselves.  We can see in the story of later Israel that many of their priests were corrupt and, not impressed with the royalty colors and the cherubim,  were not true seekers. They lacked the desire to live as priests of God on earth. The royalty colors and the cherubim ministry did not impress them while they lived among men.
     However, there was One who would come and live among men. He would never forget His role or true dominion and his followers would number many over time.
"I am the Door"       Jesus (John 10:9)
"... seen by angels..."      Timothy speaking of Jesus (1st book 3:16)
"...Great High Priest..." writer of Hebrews speaking of Jesus (4:14)

Jesus, thank You for coming to earth and making it possible for me to be a part of Your royal priesthood. I confess that God exalted You to the highest place following your resurrection. I see Your royalty colors; I sense Your ministering angels, and, I have gladly received my robes of white to offer you praise! Help me (us) remain strong and always committed to Your service.

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