Good Food!!

Good Food!!

About Me

I am a retired VA employee who lives in Texas. I consider the characters of the Bible "family" as much as any I know or have known on earth. To be one of the Lord's beloved is the greatest thing I know. What good company!

Monday, November 7, 2016

Bibledoorajar: A Right Place for His Presence

God had called His people in righteousness and He was now ready to erect a tabernacle where He could be in their midst. His place of abode in the tabernacle on earth was to be designed as His place of abode in Heaven. Moses was given explicit directions for its' erection and its' furnishings including their placement. Every artisan was gifted of God in order that its' completion would be in accord with His will and every Israeli who had any responsibilities with it were given explicit instructions.  Six articles were to be placed in the tabernacle. They were: 1)Ark of the Covenant with the mercy seat atop, 2) Golden Candlestick (Menorah), 3) Altar of Incense, 4)Table of Shewbread, 5) Brazen laver, 6) brazen altar.
     Moses took the Covenant and placed it within the Ark. Poles were placed through rings on the ark and the mercy seat placed on top. He brought the ark into the tabernacle and hung up the veil of the covering to partition off the ark. This placed the ark behind the veil and within the Holy of Holies section of the Tabernacle. To the north side of the tabernacle outside the veil Moses placed the table of shewbread and placed bread upon it. To the south he put the golden candlestick (menorah) and he lit all of its' lamps.  He placed the altar of incense in front of the veil and burned sweet incense on it. This placement completed the Holy Placc of the Tabernacle. At the entrance door just inside the tabernacle Moses placed the altar of burnt offering and offered a burnt offering and a grain offering. And just beyond toward the Holy Place, he placed the laver for washing. Looking down upon the placement of the articles from above one sees the shape of a cross. The law, the festivals, and now the tabernacle were reminders to the sabbath breakers that they served a God who was both holy and merciful. Demands to use these events and articles in the Tabernacle were specific in order that they might be made righteous. It was good, but the joy of it is in the revelation of the truth of the Messiah, the Son of God, who would come and bring full grace and truth. Look at the articles again forming the cross in the tabernacle:
           Brazen altar with its' fire: Judgement of the living and dead will be accomplished by Jesus
Brazen laver with its' cleansing wter: Jesus is the living water that leads to eternal life
Altar of incense: Prayers of saints mediated by Jesus alone
Candlestick with its' light: Jesus is the light of the world
Table of shewbread with its; 12 loaves: Jesus is the Bread of Life
Ark of the Covenant with its' tablets of stone (Law of God):  Jesus is the Word made flesh
Praise God for the plan He gave the Israelites. The ones that sought Him knew of His Goodness and Mercy. Do you?

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