Oft We Come Together; Oft we sing and pray
Here we bring our offering on this holy day.
Help us Lord, Thy love to see,
May we all in truth and spirit Worship Thee.
T.S. Teddlie
God had given His Law in the form of Ten Commandments. They were not the law of Moses (although Moses would include them in the moral portions of his law) that would come later and be designed to provide order and justice within the Jewish community. But after frightening the people near to death with the Ten, God immediately provided an opportunity for them to erect an altar. It was to be simple. Nothing elaborate like the infidels built and to which they gave themselves the credit. Nothing on that altar was to say my skill did this. Just an earthen altar that was built even before the tabernacle was constructed.
It was the breaking of God's law that would rupture and hinder the people's relationship with God. But it was that simple altar that would provide a means that they could once again have fellowship with Him. That fellowship encouraged leaving behind the sins that so easily beset. Burnt offerings and peace offerings were voluntarily brought. Blood and fire proceeded. The shedding of the blood was to satisfy God and the fire was to show His acceptance of the sacrifice and the coming of His help. It was that simple altar, and it alone, that would provide a means that they could once again have fellowship with God. God had given His Law in the form of Ten Commandments. They were not the law of Moses (although Moses would include them in the moral portions of his law) that would come later and be designed to provide order and justice within the Jewish community. But after frightening the people near to death with the Ten, God immediately provided an opportunity for them to erect an altar. It was to be simple. Nothing elaborate like the infidels built and to which they gave themselves the credit. Nothing on that altar was to say my skill did this. Just an earthen altar that was built even before the tabernacle was constructed.
At Pentecost, Jesus, who had ascended to the Father, asked the believers to wait together. It was in that place of fellowship with its' memory of the Sacrifice, that God sent fire showing His acceptance and provision of help in the form of the Holy Spirit. This Comforter would help believers spread the good news of being able to come together with God for all the generations to come. When my believing parents were awaiting my birth in 1944, T.S. Teddlie had the above song in his heart. We sang it often in the congregation where I grew up in the deep south just before partaking of the Lord's Supper. Congregations still sing it today. As a matter of fact, my fellowship sang it yesterday. Memories of all kinds flooded in. God making a way for fellowship. Jesus meeting God's expectations in every way. My believing parents including me in the Oft We Come Together aspect of Christianity. The Holy Spirit falling afresh as God helps us remember His love and grace. This blessing of fellowship has a long history and an eternity to come. Someday the "Oft" will be forever.
I have been having computer issues off and on for a few weeks now so I have to read the blog when I can; this was another good one, as they all are!