Good Food!!

Good Food!!

About Me

I am a retired VA employee who lives in Texas. I consider the characters of the Bible "family" as much as any I know or have known on earth. To be one of the Lord's beloved is the greatest thing I know. What good company!

Sunday, November 15, 2015

Bibledoorajar: Worthless II

    When Isaac Watts wrote At the Cross one of the things he included was a question. Did the Savior devote his sacred head and bleed and die for such a worm as I? Later, the lyrics were changed by some from worm to sinner--a humiliating term but not so much as worm. Sinner is demeaning but some would find worm downright harsh. Why did Watts use that term instead of sinner? Perhaps it was because he was in touch with just how much he differed from the Savior and just how far the Savior bent down to save him. Or maybe Watts had a celestial light experience like Fanny Crosby did when she heard the lyrics for the first time.

     PhaRAoah could not grasp his own worminess or the need that God had to redeem people for his own. For those who were being redeemed--- they were getting a real picture about the consequences of obstinancy before God being played out before them. After all, they had celestial light in the land of Goshen while PhaRAoah and his kingdom were in total darkness when the wrath of God was displayed.

About the only thing I can think that a worm is good for is breaking down rotting compost and earth and catching a fish. But, ah, if we could be a redeemed worm, we could catch the right kind of fish and have the lofty role of being fishers of men. Jesus said we would have to forsake ourselves, that is, see our worth only in His redemption of us. It is His light shining in us that makes us more than worthless. It is a celestial light and we should ever let it lead us through the dark.

               "Lead kindly light amid the encircling gloom. Lean Thou me on."
                                     John Henry Newman

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