Good Food!!

Good Food!!

About Me

I am a retired VA employee who lives in Texas. I consider the characters of the Bible "family" as much as any I know or have known on earth. To be one of the Lord's beloved is the greatest thing I know. What good company!

Monday, September 28, 2015

Bibledoorajar: Presumptions that Are Made

 “A presumption becomes a self-refuting assertion".   ~R. Alan Woods

After hordes of flies of various types hit just the Egyptians, Pharoah paid more attention. God had separated the Hebrews from the Egyptians. Oops! What was it God had said? Oh, yeah, it was something about letting His people go and worship and sacrifice in the land. O.K. Moses, you can take the people into the land and sacrifice. This assertion by Pharoah looked as if he has seen the light. But really it revealed that he had not taken the commands of God seriously. The commands were " that they be allowed to go THREE days hence from the place of burden to worship the God of the HEBREWS where they would hold a feast unto God in the WILDERNESS." No, Pharoah, your presumption about God was wrong. He does not "settle." His priorities remain constant. His people will not worship Him as part of the world. One cannot presume that the Lord no longer cares about His commands. He watches and waits for obedience and the reckoning continues.

Our God speaks of blessing and curses being set before people. To help avoid the curses, He gives commands, exhortations and admonitions. His word is full of them and when we hear or read of one that condemns we must accept these precepts as well as His grace-filled promises. Yesterday, our preacher made the comment that he does not talk about Hell much, but that surely Hell is living outside the parameters of His total provision. Yes, we have the promise of grace, but we cannot presume upon it. He still calls for wise living based on His commands. The house will fall that is built upon the sand when the floods come. Today would be a good day to make sure our presumptions are based upon the Rock. Hearing Him and striving to do what we hear can insure that our presumptions will not reflect negatively upon us.

           "With love and strength for each new day,
           He will make a way.
           He will make a way."
                            From the song, God Will Make a Way

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