Good Food!!

Good Food!!

About Me

I am a retired VA employee who lives in Texas. I consider the characters of the Bible "family" as much as any I know or have known on earth. To be one of the Lord's beloved is the greatest thing I know. What good company!

Monday, January 12, 2015

Bibledoorajar: Last But Certainly Not Least

     After speaking so loftily to Joseph, Jacob turns to his youngest, Benjamin, the son of his right hand. He says:

        "Benjamin is a ravenous wolf; in the evening he divides the spoils"(Gen. 49:27).

People who know wolf behavior will tell you that they seek their prey and divide the spoils in the evening making sure that their pups eat. Jacob was saying that the tribe of Benjamin would perform that function for God's people. Against powerful enemies, this tribe would provide safety and nourishment for Israel. They were not predatory, but were powerful to be reckoned with if right was provoked. Then, the mighty warriors would rise up to "make things right". Israel chose their first king, Saul, from the tribe of Benjamin. He valiantly led triumphant victories over three major enemies usually seeking God's guidance for truth to be found in his powerful attacks. It was only when he did not pursue God's truth in power that he ran into trouble. While in captivity Benjamin elected to stay with Judah in the south. The south and its' protection had always been the goal of Benjamin for there was Jerusalem and the Temple. Two noted Benjamites, Esther and Mordecai, defeated the enemy handily while in captivity and divided the spoils with their fellows (Judah). Later, it was the tribes of Benjamin (who had rejected a chance to join the northern tribes) and Judah who returned to rebuild the Temple of God in Jerusalem.
     In the New Testament, the predatory aspect of wolves is noted by Jesus as a danger to the sheep.
Sheep who could become prey to these wolves would have to be carefully cared for by the leaders of the church. There was perhaps no greater ravenous wolf than the Benjamite Saul whom Jesus asked "why are you persecuting me?" In protection mode, Saul had greatly misunderstood the prey. But God made right Saul and placed his power under control of the Truth. Changing his name to Paul, Christ's Spirit led him to write 14 great epistles that still impact the world. Paul was really beside himself when he went to the northern tribes and preached Jesus as Lord. So few wanted to accept the Great Truth he presented. But Paul wrote that his epistles would in part have an impact on them in the future when he said "all Israel will be saved" (See Romans 11) along with all of the Gentiles who accepted The Truth.
 In the end we are assured that the lambs and the wolves will lie down together because the Mighty One of Judah will return and every iota of the Benjamite Paul's writings, will be fulfilled along with the rest of the Word. Thank God for power under the control of Truth and for Praise(Judah) for through this we live in the Kingdom of Peace.

1 comment:

  1. So glad it is working properly again!! What a blessing!!!!
