Good Food!!

Good Food!!

About Me

I am a retired VA employee who lives in Texas. I consider the characters of the Bible "family" as much as any I know or have known on earth. To be one of the Lord's beloved is the greatest thing I know. What good company!

Monday, July 7, 2014

Bibledoorajar Follows Joseph's Continued Rise

     Pharoah gave Joseph a wife.  She was the daughter of Potiphar whose wife had insisted that Joseph be imprisoned for allegedly assaulting her. To this union God gave two sons. Their names,  Ephraim and Manasseh,  reflect Joseph's God given ability to overcome his feelings of abandonment by his family and his recognition of God's power in his rise to prominence in a land that was not his home.
    The process that went on within Joseph's heart did not mean that he had forgotten his father and brothers, but that he was enabled to yield to God's greater good in the matter. A greater good that required him sacrificing the life he had known at home.
     Yielding. This concept seems to have been on Joseph's mind a lot. When the years of abundance were over and the people's stored food started to rot, they appealed to Pharoah for food. He referred them to Joseph who required them to be circumcised. As was learned in Genesis 17, circumcision was to be an external sign of an internal process which involved yielding to God. All the hungry men who were in search of food were required to take this step. The heart had to humble itself for the Egyptians were a carnal sinful people.
     We are all hungry for truth and good food for sustenance to combat our carnal natures.  Jesus said there would be an abundance of fruitfulness after His death. Have you taken the steps to enjoy the fruitfulness available in Him? Can you believe the words of Jesus? Egypt has long been used as a spiritual metaphor for a sinful world. Paul says if we believe in the Christ, allowing Him to circumcise our hearts, we can live on a higher plane. Does not everyone want that? Can you sing a song of praise to Your Maker for His Great Supply?

     "I've found the way that leads to heaven in the love of God,
      This holy way His loved and own thru ages long have trod;
      'This only by the blood of Christ that I may walk this way,
      I want to camp a little higher, nearer home each day."

                             Words to a song by  Rupert Cravens
"Worship the Lord with gladness; come before Him with joyful songs!
                                                                   Psalm 100:2


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