Good Food!!

Good Food!!

About Me

I am a retired VA employee who lives in Texas. I consider the characters of the Bible "family" as much as any I know or have known on earth. To be one of the Lord's beloved is the greatest thing I know. What good company!

Monday, June 16, 2014

Bibledoorajar Says: Heads Up!

Pharoah had been used to having control over his environment. He had amassed much and had come to a place of peace on the basis of his control of the physical elements of his world. But now, Joseph was telling him that for seven years he would have no control over the physical elements because of an all encompassing famine. This message  had to be alarming to Pharoah, but there stood before him a man seemingly in perfect peace assuring him that God in His grace and mercy was giving Pharoah a heads up. Joseph even was able to give Pharoah advice as to how to handle the environment to prepare for the terrible famine. Pharoah should locate the most wise man in his kingdom and depend on him to adequately manage for the terrible coming difficulties--a time when sustenance would become the most important factor in the lives of the world. If this man, whomever he chose, prepared and gave his all, the world as they knew it could be saved. Before Pharoah stood such a magnificent servant, even Joseph. Surely he could find no other better man qualified to take on the responsibility. Pharoah quickly puts Joseph in charge of all the preparations and Joseph gladly takes on the monumental task.

After the Corinthian church had accepted Jesus, they were still having trouble controlling the spiritual elements of their world. The forces of adultery, fornication, etc. were rampant and they were being robbed of their peace and seemingly the ability to manage these forces. The apostle Paul, from a place of inner peace, was sent by God to give them assurances and knowledge of how to gain control over the dark spiritual forces. He reminded them that their inner man was the object of all these forces but was not part of them. It was key for them to  remember that they had been chosen and sealed by God to carry on for Him and that He had put them in the church,  a place of perpetual sustenance. Believing that their inner man was stronger than the outside forces was like living in a fortress.
 How well are you doing at tackling the forces of the world from a place of inner peace? Heads
Up!---; believe that the preparations made by your Most Magnificent Servant are adequate for the tasks ahead.

"Now is the time for faith and determination
  Don't lose the vision here carried away by the motion
  Hold on to all you hide in your heart ...
  We believe that His children will not be forsaken
God is in control
We will choose to remember and never be shaken
There is no power above or beside Him, we know
Oh, God is in control, oh God is in control."

 Twila Paris - God Is In Control

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