Good Food!!

Good Food!!

About Me

I am a retired VA employee who lives in Texas. I consider the characters of the Bible "family" as much as any I know or have known on earth. To be one of the Lord's beloved is the greatest thing I know. What good company!

Monday, March 10, 2014

Bibledoorajar Looks Again at Life Journeys

     In Acts seven, we find the journey of Stephen recorded. The believers had multiplied and a need for additional leadership emerged. The Word says that Stephen was one of the men selected by the believers for the apostles to appoint to leadership.  He was to cover needs within the growing group that now included Gentiles. He was chosen from among men of whom there was an honest report and whom were full of the Holy Spirit and wisdom. This man started a journey that included being noticed by men in the synagogue. These men were not able to withstand his wisdom and the spirit by which he spoke. They became incensed with Stephen and began to persecute him. Finally, he was brought before them and accused of blasphemy. In his defense, Stephen tried to reorient the Hebrews to the history behind Jesus the Nazarene of whom they were really so envious. At one point in his speech he said:
                     "and Jacob begat the twelve patriarchs. The
                       patriarchs moved with envy, sold Joseph
                       into Egypt: but God was with him."
                                                                          Acts 7: 9 ff.

     We learn from Stephen's  story, that the men of the synagogue were no more able to handle his zealousness than the patriarchs were able to handle that of Joseph. Something about the "journey" of these men was too much for them to accept. I remember going on a mission outing in Virginia one time. The journey included our handing out announcements of a Bible meeting and interacting with people on the street about the meeting. Afterwards a trip to Williamsburg was planned. One brother, full of the Holy Spirit and zeal for the Lord, wanted the group to keep "working" in the area and to make more contacts for the Lord's work. But the majority of the group wanted to seek the recreation and soon the young man was made to look like one gone overboard in his zealousness: a misfit. I am now impressed with how he received this feedback with grace and humility although I must admit I was not mature enough at the time to realize what an ability God had given him.
     So Joseph was sold into slavery and purchased by Potiphar an officer and captain of the guard of the Pharoah of Egypt. Jacob's beloved son has been humiliated and sold into slavery in Egypt.

                "He who was in the form of God, made Himself of
                  no reputation, and took upon
                  Him the form of a servant."
                                                                       Philippians 2:ff.

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