"I'm Happy today, oh yes I'm happy today
In Jesus Christ I'm happy today
Because He's taken all my sins away
And that's why I'm happy today."
Zilpah's second son with Jacob is linked to her first. Leah named him Asher because she said she was "happy". Asher was the eighth son of Jacob. This made perfect sense to Leah because happiness depends on good fortune, something that she thought she possessed through the birth of her Zilpah's sons. Happiness in one's life depends on chance and with the coming of two sons through Zilpah Leah thought she had found happiness. If I chance to find a buried treasure, it will indeed make me happy. But my happiness is not dependent on finding buried treasure. Rather, I look to Jesus who never assured me of happiness unless I made sure I was bouncing off His term--blessedness. It is far different because He does not promise good fortune, He promises a condition within that has peace of soul no matter what our life fortune is. Good or bad fortune matters not if Jesus lives in my heart even though it is human nature to want only good fortune. You might take a moment to read the Beatitudes of Jesus again this week. They can be found In Matthew 5 and Luke 6. Jesus consistently uses the term blessed. So, our little song above is accurate if, and only if, we know our happiness does not come by chance, but by the wonderful involvement of our Heavenly Father in our lives. Are you including Him? Can you be assured of a happy (blessed) week?
"Blessed are the hearts that can bend
They will never be broken."
Today we have an opportunity to be at peace within, able to bend with what life brings because He lives. Could there be a greater blessing? Have a great week walking in peace and happiness.
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