Good Food!!

Good Food!!

About Me

I am a retired VA employee who lives in Texas. I consider the characters of the Bible "family" as much as any I know or have known on earth. To be one of the Lord's beloved is the greatest thing I know. What good company!

Monday, April 8, 2013

Bibledoorajar looks at Home

Christian experts have said that to have a happy home at least four things need to be present: 1)Affection must be high, 2) marriage must be in the Lord, 3)marriages should be established with the good will of parents and close friends, and 4) a man should see how he can make a livelihood. If you were fortunate to have been brought up in such a home as this you have been truly blessed. For those who grew up in homes that were established on lessor grounds have felt the pain in so many ways.

Let's take a look at how Jacob was doing. We know he truly loved Rachel for the text tells us so. He served seven years for her as if it was but a few days. We know his parents wanted him to seek a wife from godly stock and that he did. He did not take his wife as he could have from the peoples from which Esau did. When it was time for Jacob to leave his parents his father, out of good will, called him to him and blessed him as he sent him away. Jacob's best interest was his parent's goal. When Jacob sought Rachel, he consulted with her father. Lastly, Jacob found himself in a wealthy land and there seemed to be reason to feel he could support a family.

Jacob had met every criteria that Christian experts have agreed upon. In the love relationship between Jacob and Rachel we can see reflected the great love relationship that Jesus has for His bride. Affection runs high, for He gave Himself in death for us. Ours marriage with the Lord will be one made in Heaven planned for and directed by the Father. All the resources of the Father's realm will be at Christ's disposal to care for His bride.  For Jesus, the wait will seem like a few days for He loves us so. Is that how you feel about the time you are now spending waiting for Him to return and sweep you into that beautifully prepared wedding feast?

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