Good Food!!

Good Food!!

About Me

I am a retired VA employee who lives in Texas. I consider the characters of the Bible "family" as much as any I know or have known on earth. To be one of the Lord's beloved is the greatest thing I know. What good company!

Monday, February 27, 2012

Bibledoorajar Recognizes the Degree of Hatred Toward One Jew

     Esther had successfully gotten the king to her banquet. She had wisely invited his prime minister even though she knew the sinister deeds he planned for her people. While the king and his prime minister were enjoying the event, the king asked Esther for her petition. She chose not to make it known on this first visit. Rather, she asked him to return for a second banquet in order that she might not presume on the value of his kingdom abruptly. This would give the king time to consider the offer he had made and further cement it in his mind. After all, he had extended the scepter and Esther had touched it in respect for his authority. Unlike Vashti, she had humbled herself before his authority and it had pleased him greatly in light of Vashti's bad behavior.
     Haman, too, enjoyed being the only other Persian invited to the queen's banquet. This was indeed an honor and he left the banquet boasting within himself of the conquest. But, then as things sometimes happen, he saw his mortal enemy Mordecai, sitting at the gate and his gloating bubble burst. He could not continue to pat himself on the back when that one Jew would not acknowledge him and give him honor!
     So it was with the Pharisees and Sadducees. They simply could not continue in their own building up of themselves as long as Jesus, that one Jew,  would not give them the special honor they thought they deserved. It was driving them crazy! And everywhere and on every occasion, His words and strategy or lack thereof seemed to be besting them! But just like Mordecai, Jesus had the favor of God and the end result would be as God decreed.
           " You are my beloved Son,
In Whom I am Well Pleased."
Mark 1:11

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