Good Food!!

Good Food!!

About Me

I am a retired VA employee who lives in Texas. I consider the characters of the Bible "family" as much as any I know or have known on earth. To be one of the Lord's beloved is the greatest thing I know. What good company!

Monday, February 27, 2012

Bibledoorajar Recognizes the Degree of Hatred Toward One Jew

     Esther had successfully gotten the king to her banquet. She had wisely invited his prime minister even though she knew the sinister deeds he planned for her people. While the king and his prime minister were enjoying the event, the king asked Esther for her petition. She chose not to make it known on this first visit. Rather, she asked him to return for a second banquet in order that she might not presume on the value of his kingdom abruptly. This would give the king time to consider the offer he had made and further cement it in his mind. After all, he had extended the scepter and Esther had touched it in respect for his authority. Unlike Vashti, she had humbled herself before his authority and it had pleased him greatly in light of Vashti's bad behavior.
     Haman, too, enjoyed being the only other Persian invited to the queen's banquet. This was indeed an honor and he left the banquet boasting within himself of the conquest. But, then as things sometimes happen, he saw his mortal enemy Mordecai, sitting at the gate and his gloating bubble burst. He could not continue to pat himself on the back when that one Jew would not acknowledge him and give him honor!
     So it was with the Pharisees and Sadducees. They simply could not continue in their own building up of themselves as long as Jesus, that one Jew,  would not give them the special honor they thought they deserved. It was driving them crazy! And everywhere and on every occasion, His words and strategy or lack thereof seemed to be besting them! But just like Mordecai, Jesus had the favor of God and the end result would be as God decreed.
           " You are my beloved Son,
In Whom I am Well Pleased."
Mark 1:11

Sunday, February 19, 2012

Bibledoorajar Sees Jehovah Honor a Commitment to His HIdden One

"Guide me O Thou Great Jehovah
Pilgrim through this barren land,
I am weak but Thou art mighty.
Hold me with Thy powerful hand..."

     Esther had now been summoned to the inner court. The king was pleased to see her. Esther had been true to her God and now her powerful God had given her power with the king. So impressed was the king with her that he offers her the solution to her problem up to half his kingdom. She could have told him her problem immediately, but a still small voice gave her another thing to say. What she said took place on the third day of the people's fast. This triangle of prayer days formed a solidly complete prayer request before a solidly complete Godhead. Now, He put words into Esther's mouth: "If it please the king, let the king and Haman come today to a banquet I have prepared for the king." The king turned immediately to his attendants and asked them to go and tell Haman to come and come quickly to the banquet just as Esther had requested. There would be three people at the banquet: Esther, the king and Haman. While one of them would be hidden there by God, another would be hidden by the enemy of God and His people. The king knew nothing of these characteristics at that point. One was there to do the will of the Great Jehovah and one was there to do the will of the great counterfeiter. 

      The Bible says that we can come freely before the king, but it also says the accuser of the brethren can come too. But we know that Lucifer was cast out of heaven, so how does he show up? He shows up in personalities like Haman who are devoted to criticism, and other evil desires against people who follow the Three in heaven.  Jesus told a parable about the wheat and tares. He told his disciples that they would remain together until the end and then the tares would be destroyed. We certainly don't want to appear before the king displaying any of these characteristics! That would make us an accuser of the brethren before the king. Let us rather choose to love one another and build each other up! I stand before the king challenged to do better. Recently, I heard a young Christian college student tell that her professor was going to give her a failing grade because the professor said she had missed too many classes. While the student felt this was not true, she did not accuse the professor. Rather she agreed to come to class seven additional times as the professor directed. Interestingly, the professor asked the class members to tell how they had been impacted positively in life. Over and over, the Christian's classmates gave honor to Jesus Christ as to how He had impacted them positively. Our student ended up being blessed. She would have missed out on so much if she had chosen to be a bitter accuser.

"Songs of praises, I will ever give to Thee,
Songs of praises, I will ever give to Thee."

William Williams, 1745

Monday, February 13, 2012

Bibledoorajar watches as Esther Approaches the King

Be strong in the Lord (be empowered
through your union with Him); draw your
strength from Him (that strength which His
boundless might provides).
Ephesians 6:10 Amplified Version

     Esther's attention had been drawn to an evil plot intended to be carried out against her and her people. She had asked the people to fast and pray and she had put on royal clothing befitting an audience with the king. Now she stood in the outer court and waited until she was summoned. This would be completely up to the king, but Esther has been empowered through her union with her God and His people.  Who knows what weighty matters the king was considering at the time, but the scripture says that when he saw his queen, he immediately extended his scepter to her. She approached the king and bowed before him, touching the scepter.
     I am impressed with Esther's humble approach before the king. Some might have come running in not clothed properly and yelled in distress from the outer court. This approach could have, of course, been disastrous. The disciples of Jesus once asked Him how they should approach their heavenly Father. Jesus said start out this way: "Our Father which art in heaven, Hallowed be Thy Name. Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven".  He then went on to advise of their need for a humble position before God making their supplications known.
     By humbly standing in the outer court, Esther drew in the king to her. What was her plight? What did she need? Why was she coming to him now? And, finally, an overwhelming desire to call her to himself overtook the king. This week, I have been challenged to drop my critical spirit of "pointing the finger" at others, particularly our politicians. I am humbly standing in the outer court repenting of this
ungodly trait and instead substituting heartfelt prayer for our leaders (as the scriptures direct). I have every reason to believe that my king has seen me in the outer court, observed my repentance and has extended the scepter to me. I will approach boldly but with great humility acknowledging that His name must be hallowed and my debts (sins) need forgiveness. It is a great blessing to know that this can occur. All we have to do is approach the king with sincerity. I am awed by so great a union.! Praise God for His goodness.

Monday, February 6, 2012

Bibledoorajar Examines Mordecai's Gentle Chastening

"I have decided to follow Jesus,
I have decided to follow Jesus.
I have decided to follow Jesus 
No turning back, no turning back.

If none go with me still I will follow,
If none go with me still I will follow,
If none go with me still I will follow
No turning back, no turning back."

S. Sundar Singh
Esther had no assurance that the king would receive her. He did not know she was a Jew and he had not sent for her in some time. She expressed her concern to Mordecai. Mordecai had gently chastened her: who knows, but what your decision to take action is based on your destiny, that God has hidden you in the palace for just this time. Esther made her decision. She would move forward with the plan and there would be no turning back.

Esther began preparations to go before the king. She washed herself and put on royal apparel made for a queen's presentation before the king. This action provokes us to consider our wardrobe. Is there a royal robe in your "closet"? How clean are you for a immediate presentation before the king? One almost has to address these questions daily, right? For the Bible says that the Father will send Jesus for His bride very suddenly and His bride must be dressed in fine linen, clean and white, for the white linen is the righteousness of the saints. Let's decide together that we will continue to prepare for this time. No turning back, no turning back. Amen.