Be strong in the Lord (be empowered
through your union with Him); draw your
strength from Him (that strength which His
boundless might provides).
Ephesians 6:10 Amplified Version
Esther's attention had been drawn to an evil plot intended to be carried out against her and her people. She had asked the people to fast and pray and she had put on royal clothing befitting an audience with the king. Now she stood in the outer court and waited until she was summoned. This would be completely up to the king, but Esther has been empowered through her union with her God and His people. Who knows what weighty matters the king was considering at the time, but the scripture says that when he saw his queen, he immediately extended his scepter to her. She approached the king and bowed before him, touching the scepter.
I am impressed with Esther's humble approach before the king. Some might have come running in not clothed properly and yelled in distress from the outer court. This approach could have, of course, been disastrous. The disciples of Jesus once asked Him how they should approach their heavenly Father. Jesus said start out this way: "Our Father which art in heaven, Hallowed be Thy Name. Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven". He then went on to advise of their need for a humble position before God making their supplications known.
By humbly standing in the outer court, Esther drew in the king to her. What was her plight? What did she need? Why was she coming to him now? And, finally, an overwhelming desire to call her to himself overtook the king. This week, I have been challenged to drop my critical spirit of "pointing the finger" at others, particularly our politicians. I am humbly standing in the outer court repenting of this
ungodly trait and instead substituting heartfelt prayer for our leaders (as the scriptures direct). I have every reason to believe that my king has seen me in the outer court, observed my repentance and has extended the scepter to me. I will approach boldly but with great humility acknowledging that His name must be hallowed and my debts (sins) need forgiveness. It is a great blessing to know that this can occur. All we have to do is approach the king with sincerity. I am awed by so great a union.! Praise God for His goodness.